Beimenkou Shizisijiao, Weicheng District, Xianyang 712000, China
Square dancing in Dali, Yunnan, China
In the People's Republic of China, square dancing or plaza dancing (simplified Chinese: 广场舞; pinyin: guǎngchǎng wǔ; literally: public square dance), is an exercise routine performed to music in squares, plazas or parks of the nation's cities.
It is popular with middle-aged and retired women who have been referred to as dancing grannies in the English-language media. Due to its low cost and ease of participation, it has been estimated to have over 100 million practitioners, according to CCTV, the country's official television network.
The practice has roots in both ancient and modern Chinese history. Dancing for exercise has been recorded as developed millennia ago in Emperor Yao's China, and during the Song Dynasty the public spaces of cities were noted for their use in performance. Most of the women who square dance came of age during the Cultural Revolution, when folk dances such as yangge were widely performed, often as propaganda. Some have confirmed that this nostalgia is one of their reasons for taking part, although the benefits of the exercise and socialization opportunities also play a role.
Square dancers dance to a variety of music, mostly Chinese popular songs, both contemporary and historic. The hobby began in the mid-1990s, as middle-aged women who had been forced into retirement began doing it to keep themselves occupied. Its popularity notwithstanding, square dancing has been the subject of considerable controversy in the 2010s China due to complaints of noise pollution in the evening or morning hours. Dancers in China's increasingly populous cities congregate in public areas because there are few dedicated facilities where they could go. Residents of nearby apartment complexes who have been disturbed by the high volume of multiple dance groups' musical accompaniment, especially late in the evening and early in the morning when they are trying to sleep, have sometimes reacted violently.
In 2015 the Chinese government reacted to these complaints and incidents by prescribing a set of standardized routines for all dancers to follow, claiming they would be culturally unifying and healthier. The move was met with widespread criticism. Some Chinese complained that it did nothing to address the noise issues; others said the dancers should be free to choose their own routines. The real problem, yet others said, was not only the lack of better places for the dancing but the lack of other social opportunities for the women.[5] The government soon clarified that the routines it created and promoted were only meant to be healthy alternatives to existing ones and were not required
[Retrieved November 2017]
Dali Old Town (大理古城), 2009
Square dancing added to China’s National Games
Square dancing has been added to the 13th National Games as an online event, Chinese media outlet The Paper reported this morning.
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Shanghai Mini Report
Hi, Cooking Lovers all over the world!
Thank you for watching YUCa's Japanese Cooking channel!!
Vlog continutes!
This Vlog starts from Haneda Airport in Tokyo
and finish at the Pudong Airport in Shanghai etc.
My husband had already entered the country a few days ago,
so Kengo and I took the flight to follow him.
During the video. I will briefly show you the city of Shanghai.
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China Eastern Mu523 Take Off from Shanghai Pudong to Narita Airport
Dragonair Take Off At Shanghai Pudong Airport
✈✈香港國際空港Sky Deck Airbus A340×2機Hong Kong Airport 香港國際機場 Take off!! RWY07R
Hong Kong International Airport
Chek Lap Kok International Airport
香港国際空港 香港國際機場
チャイナエアライン (China Airlines)
Airbus A340-313X
(Cathay Pacific Airways)
Airbus A340-313X
Rencanakan Liburanmu, Ini 5 Tujuan Wisata Terbaik Bulan November 2019
TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM - Rekomendasi tempat wisata terbaik yang menarik dikunjungi saat bulan November 2019.
Dibulan November selain untuk merayakan Thanksgiving hingga liburan Natal, kamu juga menciptakan momen liburan yang mengesankan.
Dilansir TribunTravel dari CNN Travel, Senin (7/10/2019) ada beberapa tujuan wisata seru untuk menghabiskan momen liburan pada bulan November 2019, mendatang.
Setidaknya kamu bisa mempersiapkan dijauh-jauh hari untuk menikmati momen liburan dibulan November.
Berikut ini lima tempat yang menarik bisa dipertimbangkan masuk dalam list liburan kamu pada bulan November.
1. Phoenix, Arizona
Pada bulan November di Amerika Serikat sedang baru mulai memasuki musim panas.
Baru memasuki musim panas, di Amerika Serikat ada beberapa acara perayaan atau festival yang banyak digelar.
Mulai dari festival Arizona International Auto Show yang memamerkan berbagai motor hingga mobil dari puluhan produsen.
Acara ini berlangsung dari 28 November - 1 Desember 2019.
Selain itu ada juga festival Azcentral Wine & Food Experience, Fountain Festival Seni Rupa dan Kerajinan, hingga Desert Botanical Garden.
Liburan ke Phoenix, Arizona saat bulan November kamu bisa mencoba mendaki di Gunung Camelback.
Lokasinya hanya sekitar 20 menit dari pusat kota Phoenix.
Bagi kamu yang tidak terlalu suka mendaki, ada rekomendasi tempat wisata lain yang bisa kamu kunjungi, yakni di Kota hantu Goldfield.
Phoenix juga memiliki beberapa museum yang bagus, termasuk Museum Heard yang memamerkan beberapa karya-karya yang dikhususkan dan budaya suku-suku asli Amerika.
2. Roma, Italia
Liburan bulan November di Roma menjadi waktu yang mengesankan.
Selama liburan di Roma bulan November kamu bisa mengunjungi Pantheon dan Museum Ara Pacis.
Jangan lewatkan juga momen berbelanja di Nuovo Mercato Esquilino, di sana kamu bisa membeli banyak pakaian hingga buah-buahan segar.
Ditempat ini selalu ramai dan penuh dengan orang-orang yang berlalu-lalang, cocok bagi kamu yang menyukai suasana keramaian.
Ingin menikmati suasana sunset di Roma, kamu bisa datang ke Bukit Gianicolo.
Pemandangan sunset di Bukit Gianicolo tidak boleh kamu lewatkan selama berlibur ke Roma.
3. Melbourne, Australia
Liburan ke Melbourne pada bulan November bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat.
Cuaca di Melbourne yang cerah akan membuat momen liburanmu semakin berkesan.
Selain itu, datang ke Melbourne di bulan November kamu bisa sekaligus menyaksikan Melbourne Cup.
Melbourne Cup digelar pada 5 November 2019 di Flemington Racecourse dan merupakan salah satu pacuan kuda paling terkenal di dunia.
November juga menjadi waktu yang tepat untuk berkunjung ke Great Ocean Road.
4. Denver, Colorado
Bulan November di Denver, Colorado sedang memasuki musim dingin.
Ini tandanya banyak resor ski yang dibuka.
Selama di Denver, kamu bisa menikmati suasana di Winter Park.
Lokasi Winter Park tidak jauh dari Denver, yakni hanya satu jam perjalanan saja.
Winter Park merupakan resor ski terpanjang yang beroperasi di Colorado.
Pilihan resor lain yang tidak jauh dari Denver adalah Keystone Resort.
Keystone Resort berlokasi di Hutan Nasional Pegunungan Putih, Pegunungan Rocky.
Ada juga beberapa acara tahunan yang digelar pada bulan November di sana.
Mulai dari Denver Arts Week berlangsung pada 1-9 November 2019 dan Denver Film Festival yang berlangsung pada 31 Oktober - 11 November 2019.
5. Beijing, Cina
Rekomendasi tujuan wisata terbaik di Bulan November terakhir adalah Beijing, Cina.
Bulan November di Beijing, Cina menandai akhir musim gugur dan akan memasuki musim dingin.
Namun di awal November kamu masih bisa melihat dedaunan yang berguguran.
Harga hotel di China mengalami menurunan pada pertengahan November.
Di bulan ini menjadi waktu yang pas untuk datang ke Tembok Besar China.
Kamu juga bisa berkunjung dan menikmati suasana alam di Fragrant Hills Park dan Taman Hutan Gunung Baiwang.
( Ayumiftakhul)
Editor: Arif Setyabudi Santoso
Sumber: Tribun Travel
Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul Rencanakan Liburanmu, Ini 5 Tujuan Wisata Terbaik Bulan November 2019,
Hong Kong International Airport
International Airport Hong Kong.