Y-40 Deep Joy pool Montegrotto Terme Padova - ITALY
Y-40 Deep Joy - самый глубокий бассейн в мире заполненный термальной водой.
Y-40 The Deep Joy / Marcopolo TV Weekend a Montegrotto Terme
Tra le attrazioni delle Thermae Abano Montegrotto, Erika Mariniello con la trasmissione Weekend su Marcopolo TV andata in onda nell'ottobre 2018, è stata in visita a Y-40® The Deep Joy, la piscina più profonda del mondo.
A raccontarle questa piscina unica al mondo non solo per profondità, ma soprattutto per le caratteristiche dell'acqua termale salsobromoiodica che la riempie, è Giovanni Boaretto, executive manager della struttura.
Y-40 The Deep Joy (Montegrotto Terme, Italy) - The World's Deepest Thermal Water Swimming Pool
The Deep Joy pool is just outside the small Italian commune of Montegrotto Terme, about 28 miles west of Venice. It holds the world record for thermal water filled pool with depths of more than 131ft (40m) at its deepest point. As well as dives of various depths, visitors can learn to swim like a mermaid or have your photo taken under water.
You might think that you have to travel to the Caribbean to experience incredible dives in luxuriously warm waters.
But just outside the small Italian commune of Montegrotto Terme, just 28 miles west of Venice, there's a swimming pool that's extends to depths of over 131ft (40 metres).
The Deep Joy, dubbed Y-40, currently holds the Guinness World Record for the deepest pool ever filled with thermal water.
On the surface, the swimming pool is like any other. But below the surface, the pool features a variety of depths as well as four underwater caves that divers can explore.
Its deepest point is in the circular dive tunnel, which measures 131ft from the surface of the water - the equivalent of a 14 storey building.
There's also a horizontal tunnel that runs the length of the pool, allowing visitors to walk through the water like they're at an aquarium.
Adventurous underwater photographer Rino Sgorbani, 65, decided to tackle the tricky dive and plunge down to the depths of the pool.
Indeed the pool water is kept at a balmy 32 degrees Celsius by the thermal water. The project was designed by architect Emanuele Boaretto and the Boaretto Hotel Group and opened in June 2014.
It offers a range of underwater activities - as well as scuba dives, the property also offers underwater photography sessions and dive training.
The pool has also previously hosted underwater performances from 'mermaids' and offers lessons where children can learn to swim like the mythical creatures.
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Y-40 'The Deep Joy' Italy, Montegrotto Terme.
Y-40 The Deep Joy / TV2000 Borghi d'Italia
La trasmissione andata in onda il 16 e 17 dicembre 2017 racconta la piscina più profonda del mondo tra le eccellenze della città di Montegrotto Terme.
Italian Tv Show tells about the world's deepest pool between the beauties of Montegrotto Terme City.
y-40 The deep Joy Montegrotto Terme
La piscina più profonda al mondo
The deepest pool in the world is made by Florim, with a depth of 40 metres.
Y-40 The Deep Joy / Underwater Barber Shop at -42 meters
Underwater Barber Shop at -42 meters!
Marco Iop cuts hair and beard at the bottom of the world's deepest pool, Y-40 The Deep Joy, at Montegrotto Terme, Italy.
Y-40 The Deep Joy / 365 Days to Build the Record / Short Version
VIDEO UFFICIALE - 365 giorni per costruire il record di Y-40, la piscina più profonda al mondo, l'unica con acqua termale.
OFFICIAL VIDEO - 365 days to build the Guinness record of Y-40, the world deepest pool, the only one with thermal water.
Y-40 The Deep Joy / Scuba Dive Safety briefing
Questo è il video del briefing di sicurezza valido in Y-40® The Deep Joy per le immersioni scubacquee. (Versione 2019_02)
This is the Safety video that is currently playing on Y-40® The Deep Joy Scuba Dive. (Versione 2019_02)
Y-40 The Deep Joy - Montegrotto Terme (Padova) (13-12-2014) La piscina più profonda al mondo
Un'immersione nella piscina più profonda del mondo con i suoi -42.15 mt, l'unica con acqua termale a 34° di temperatura costante.
Y-40 The Deep Joy (HD)
ProScuba's first dives at this new dive facility in Italy. At 42m deep this unique facility offers an ideal training and development venue. Andy and Steve visited 11th June 2014 and according to Antonio we are the first UK divers to visit and dive. This video was taken with a GoPro 3+
Deep Haze Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Y-40 The Deep Joy / RAI 2 Costume e Società con Ilaria Molinari
Servizio su Costume e Società, Rai2 andato in onda il 12/04/2016 a cura di Doriana La Raia con immagini di Fabio Ferioli, Fred di Girolamo e Marco Mancini.
VIDEO UFFICIALE - Intervista alla campionessa italiana di apnea profonda, Ilaria Molinari, Sirena ufficiale di Y-40 The Deep Joy, la piscina più profonda del mondo, l'unica con acqua termale, ad Abano Montegrotto Terme.
OFFICIAL VIDEO - Italian tv interviews Ilaria Molinari, Italian freediving champion and official Mermaid of Y-40 The Deep Joy, The World's Deepest Pool, the only one with thermal water, in Abano Montegrotto Terme.
Y-40 THE DEEP JOY - Deepest Pool in the World!
Y-40 THE DEEP JOY is the deepest swimming pool in the world. Martin Helmers of SeaStar.TV was one of the first who have sidled into the swimming pool. What he found there, he had never seen before. The rumors are piling up. Only he knows what´s hidden in the depths. If you want to convince yourself, you should come to the opening at Montegrotto Terme, Italy at the 5th of June
Y-40 THE DEEP JOY ist mit 40 Metern der tiefste Tauchturm Europas. Hier können apnoe Taucher Freitauch Übung machen wie nirgendwo anders. Martin Helmers von SeaStar.TV war einer der ersten, der schon im Thermalbecken abgetaucht ist. Nur er kennt zurzeit das Geheimnis um die Tiefe. Wenn Du Dich selber überzeugen willst, komm am 05. Juni zur Eröffnung nach Montegrotto Terme in Italien.
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Y-40 Deep Joy Final cut
Alpin & Dyksport besökte världens djupaste pool Y-40 tillsammans med Padi.
Y40 - DEEPEST POOL IN THE WORLD - Dream or Nightmare?
Erster Besuch im tiefsten Pool der Welt.
Das Mekka aller Freitaucher. Bei 33°C durchgehend warmen Thermalwasser in Montegrotto (Padua / Italien) perfekte Bedingungen um Freitauchen zu üben und das Tieftauchen zu lernen. Der Besuch lohnt sich! Nirgends sonst kann man mit so wenig Ausrüstung ohne Sprungschichten so entspannt und frei tauchen und die Tiefe genießen. Maximal gehts auf 42 m runter. Für mich hat es nur auf 35m gereicht. Man muss sich ja noch Ziele lassen :-)
Man muss zwingend ein Freitauch Brevet vorweisen. 1,5 Std. kosten 32-36 €. Anmeldung ist zwingend erforderlich. Der Besuch lohnt sich und kann wärmstens empfohlen werden.
Silent Partner, New Tires und Hands Way Up von Gunnar Olsen.
The Deep Joy - Montegrotto Terme
Si è inaugurata il 24-25 Maggio la piscina più profonda al mondo: Y-40 ospitando le gare di apnea della G.I.A.
Noi di Creativa Web in collaborazione con Freestyle Bijoux vi regaliamo un'anteprima... Amanti dell'apnea, della subacquea e dell'acqua in generale: andateci!
Editing by: Greta De Nardo
Y-40 Deep Joy Pool is located in Italy and it is the world's deepest pool.
Y-40 Deep Joy Pool is located in Italy and it is the world's deepest pool. The water temperature is 32-34 degrees C so divers can swim in it without a wetsuit
Impresionante ,este hombre desciende sin oxigeno hasta el fondo de la piscina mas profunda del mundo
Y-40 The Deep Joy / RETE 4 Ricette all'italiana
Emanuele Boaretto, titolare dell'Hotel Terme Millepini e architetto di Y-40 The Deep Joy, la piscina più profonda del mondo, racconta ad Annabruna Di Iorio, su Ricette all'Italiana di Rete 4, le qualità ed i benefici delle acque salsobromoiodiche e dei fanghi termali euganei.
Y-40 The Deep Joy / Petrarca Rugby Padova in Y-40®
Si sono dedicati due ore in acqua termale i 40 atleti e lo staff del Petrarca Rugby Padova, in una prima esperienza di apnea utile ad imparare il rilassamento, la respirazione e le tecniche compensatorie basilari per raggiungere i primi metri di profondità, con lo staff di istruttori di Y-40® The Deep Joy, la piscina più profonda del mondo.