Yacht Russia Sailing Academy. Training
Тренировка учеников академии парусного спорта в Сочи Yacht Russia Sailing Academy. 28.04.2016
Регата «Красной Поляны» на Sochi Yacht Show 2019
«Раскинулось море широко, и волны бушуют вдали…», а наша регата «Красная Поляна» не боится морской стихии и смело плывет навстречу приключениям!
4 мая в Сочи, состоялась регата от «Yacht Russia Sailing Academy». В ней приняли участие 2 судна от игорной зоны «Красная Поляна». Команда одной из яхт состояла из наших подписчиков, победителей розыгрышей!
И хотя море в тот день было спокойное, волны не били о корму, а паруса наполнял легкий бриз – адреналин и эмоции зашкаливали! Команда наших подписчиков, под руководством опытного шкипера, дружными усилиями завоевала 2-е место!!!
Смотрите наш отчет, ставьте лайки и наслаждайтесь морскими пейзажами. Фотоочет уже доступен в наших группах в «Вконтакте» и «Facebook».
Участвуйте в наших розыгрышах и выигрывайте. Сочи – город возможностей, просто верьте в свои силы!
#краснаяполяна #sochiyachtshow #сочи #регата #яхта #yachting #черноеморе
В Сочи прошла третья выставка яхт и катеров на воде Sochi Yacht Show 2017. За девять дней выставку посетило более 34 000 человек. В 2017 году тематика выставки была значительно расширена: теперь это не только катера и яхты, эксклюзивное оборудование для водных видов спорта и морской чартерный туризм, но и гоночные автомобили, элитная недвижимость, отели и многое другое.
У понтонов выстроились в ряд белоснежные яхты Galeon 380 Fly от компании Smart Yachts, Windy 58, Majesty 44, Bavaria Virtess 420, парусный монофлот Elan 210 от Yacht Russia Sailing Academy, буксировщики Four Winns H 210 и Malibu, катера Princecraft, Chris-Craft Corsair 28 и скоростной катер Cigarette 46 XP Rider.
Впервые в выставке приняла участие севастопольская верфь Popilov Yachts, представившая первый корпус водоизмещающей стальной моторной яхты Popilov 1999. В ближайших планах Popilov – второй корпус и запуск работы над третьим.
Жемчужиной экспозиции на воде стала яхта Mangusta 105 от известной итальянской верфи Overmarine Group. Белоснежная красавица впервые зашла в Sochi Grand Marina специально для участия в выставке. На причале у Mangusta 105 разместилась персональная выставка скульптур из бронзы Андрея Осташова «Море внутри». Завораживающая грация замерших в бронзе образов идеально сочеталась с плавными линиями Mangusta 105 – никто из посетителей не смог пройти мимо.
На суше разместился внушительный флот катеров от яхтенного холдинга Burevestnik Group: круизер Crownline 264 CR, спортивный катер с каютой из серии Sport Cuddy – Crownline 266SC, Crownline E6, Crownline 185 SS и Crownline 195 SS. Американская верфь Chris-Craft продемонстрировала роскошный катер выходного дня Capri 25. Марка Cobalt Boats выступила с катером R7 и Cobalt 24-SD. Поклонникам вейкбординга представили новый профессиональный буксировщик MasterCraft NXT 22. Между катерами разместились подводные буксировщики SEABOB F5 S и F5 SR. Яркие, динамичные, а главное, компактные аппараты SEABOB позволяют погрузиться с аквалангом к рифам, поплавать с дельфинами и устроить водную прогулку вокруг островов.
В выставке приняли участие логистическая компания “АТП Невское”, сервисный центр “Морские инженеры”, Городской риэлторский центр, агентство недвижимости Родина, яхтенная школа Captain Polo, Coffee Jazz, Helen Ocean, Magic Float, West Istanbul Marina, Yacht Russia Sailing Academy, Arctic Energy и др.
Организатор выставки: независимое агентство MyExpo Creative Bureau, реализующее мероприятия яхтенного направления с 2009 года.
Информационные партнеры выставки: Европа Плюс, Gazeta.ru, Рамблер, журнал Yachting, журнал Yachts, журнал Yacht Russia, журнал Капитан Клуб, ItBoat, RuYachts.ru, Parusniki.info.
Официальный отель выставки – Sochi Marriott Krasnaya Polyana.
Ювелирный партнер выставки – ювелирная группа «Смоленские бриллианты».
England to Russia in a handmade 16ft wooden sailboat
Finn and Tereza from Brockwood Park School in Hampshire, UK, have built a 16ft wooden, double-ended, clinker sailboat.
In July, they will be sailing it from the UK to Sochi in Russia, through 10 countries, over 3000km, over three months.
Tereza is from Sochi, and the journey will allow her to get home with the lowest carbon footprint as possible. A flight home would create 786kg of carbon.
The pair are taking this trip as a call for action against climate change.
They do need donations to help fund the trip. The boat is also for sale as a way to raise funds. For full details on donating and the project, visit:
Permaculture Magazine will also be sharing regular updates from their trip at
For information on Brockwood Park School visit
Sochi Yacht Show-2018
На территории Sochi Grand Marina прошла очередная международная яхтенная выставка Sochi Yacht Show 2018
Парусная академия Yacht Russia NeProRace
Гонка среди непрофессионалов. 220717
Russia: Yacht and crew detained by North Korea arrive home
The Russian yacht 'the Elfin' docked safely in Vladivostok on Tuesday after it was detained on May 13 by unidentified North Korean sailors before being handed over to that country's coast guard. The incident happened in the Sea of Japan where, according to the crew members, two ships without markings or flags surrounded the Elfin.
SOT, Sergei Domovidov, crew member (Russian): They [the North Koreans] began to squeeze us on both sides. They acted aggressively right up to the point where the boat hull was cracking and damaged the boat. Then stones, wood, debris, benches, pieces of coal began to fall off the deck. Then a man from the North Korean ship jumped onto the deck, he interfered with the steering of the boat, grabbed our wheel. People from the ships started to attach grappling hooks and ropes to our yacht. They acted very aggressively. It became obvious that they could have thrown us overboard or tied us up. We had to stop.
SOT, Sergei Domovidov, crew member (Russian): This was piracy, because it is difficult to call such an action a civilised one. They were not the military, and their markings were difficult to discern.
SOT, Sergei Domovidov, crew member (Russian): I think we were saved only because of satellite communications. Our liberation was effected by calls to the emergency services of Vladivostok, calls to friends, and the activation of a rescue buoy that tracked our location.
SOT, Alexander Filipenko, crew member (Russian): It was a boarding, it was an attack. They did not have flags or markings. They did not want to contact us by radio, although they had the chance. There were no negotiations. We showed them our flag, showed that we are Russians. It was an attack!
Video ID: 20160517 046
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Russia: Legendary Kruzenshtern tall ship docks at Sochi
Russia's legendary Kruzenshtern, the tall ship given to the country by Germany in 1946 as a war reparation, arrived at Sochi for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics on Thursday. The ship left Kaliningrad on December 25 and trainees aboard the ship are to serve as volunteers during the Games.
The ship is 114.4 metres (375 ft) long with a height of 51.3 metres (168 ft), and holds the world record for sailing from Germany to Australia via Chile in eight months and 23 days.
The Kruzenshtern also visited Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics.
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Sustainable travel to Russia, North Sea to Black Sea
currently we are building a 16ft , wooden, double-ended, clinker sailboat.
In July, we will be sailing and rowing this boat from the North Sea to the Black Sea. We will be rowing and sailing over 3000 kms of inland waterways through thirteen different countries. We will enter the Black Sea from The Danube river and will voyage around the coast to Sochi - our final destination.
The environment we live in is changing fast. Our journey is a sustainable challenge for Tereza to travel from school in England, to her home in Russia, with the smallest footprint possible. We will be documenting our adventure with an online series. if you are interested in supporting the project, click the link below.
Finn and Tereza
If you want to donate to the project, here is a link to Paypal pool.
Tall Ships Regatta | Barque Kruzenshtern (Russia)
Kruzenshtern from Kaliningrad (Russia)
The ships has e.g. orthodox chapel.
2012 GCBSR Parade of Sail HD720p
Shot from the crows nest on sailing vessel Heron, this video presents an interesting perspective as the schooners participating in the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race 2012 parade through the inner harbor of Baltimore.
Alexander III Russian Museum 3 Руски музей
The State Russian Museum (formerly the Russian Museum of His Imperial Majesty Alexander III) is the largest depository of Russian fine art in St Petersburg.
The museum was established on April 13, 1895, upon enthronement of Nicholas II to commemorate his father, Alexander III. Its original collection was composed of artworks taken from the Hermitage Museum, Alexander Palace, and the Imperial Academy of Arts. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, many private collections were nationalized and relocated to the Russian Museum. These included Kazimir Malevich's Black Square.
The main building of the museum is the Mikhailovsky Palace, a splendid Neoclassical residence of Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich, erected in 1819-25 to a design by Carlo Rossi on Square of Arts in St Petersburg. Upon the death of the Grand Duke the residence was named after his wife as the Palace of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, and became famous for its many theatrical presentations and balls.
Some of the halls of the palace retain the Italianate opulent interiors[1] of the former imperial residence. Other buildings assigned to the Russian museum include the Summer Palace of Peter I (1710--14), the Marble Palace of Count Orlov (1768--85), St Michael's Castle of Emperor Paul (1797-1801), and the Rastrelliesque Stroganov Palace on the Nevsky Prospekt (1752--54).The Ethnographic Department was originally set up in a building specially designed by Vladimir Svinyin in 1902[2]. The museum soon housed gifts received by Emperor's family from representatives of peoples inhabiting various regions of the Russian Empire. Further exhibits were purchased by Nicholas II and other members of his family as State financing was not enough to purchase new exhibits. In 1934, the Ethnographic Department was given the status of an independent museum: the Russian Museum of Ethnography.
Руският музей (рус. Русский музей /до 1917 г. «Русский Музей Императора Александра III»/) е най-големият музей в света на руското изкуство.
Намира се в Санкт Петербург, в сградата на Михайловския дворец. Филиали на музеят са Михайловския замък и Мраморния дворец, ведно с Михайловската и Лятната градина.
Пред и в двореца са снимани сцени от известния филм на руския кинорежисьор Никита Михалков Сибирския бръснар.
Tall ship Khersones/ SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016
Cadets of Moscow State Academy Water Transport had shipboard training on board tall ship Khersones.
Russian explorer finishes 154 day solo voyage across the South Pacific
Russian explorer Fyodor #Konyukhov finished his solo boat #voyage across the #SouthPacific and arrived at the harbour in Puerto Williams, Chile, as seen in footage filmed on Friday.
Konyukhov crossed in a kayak from New Zealand to Chile in 154 days 13 hours and 37 minutes. It's the first of three stages of his journey as he intends to circumnavigate the Southern Hemisphere.
For most of the journey, the explorer faced tough weather conditions. Konyukhov said he was very glad to enter the Chilean waters and make contact with the navy.
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Sochi Sailing Photography by Nikita Starodubtsev Using Outex Underwater Housing
Professional Photographer Nikita Starodubtsev Using Outex Underwater Housing to document sailing event in Sochi, Russia. @_starodubtsev uses the #Outex waterproof housing in his dinghy zodiac boat and underwater swimming with the sailboats in the water in Sochi. He's using a Pro Kit with flat front lens glass for his Canon 6D camera.
Russia: Sailing into new business
M/S Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel walk towards a boat and enter carriage
M/S Putin shakes hands with people aboard boat
M/S Woman looks out of boat window onto a view across water
M/S Business representatives at meeting
M/S Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at meeting table
M/S Business representatives at meeting
W/S Business representatives at meeting, view out of boat in background
M/S Chancellor Angela Merkel
M/S Back view of the business representatives at meeting, view out of boat in background
Russia: Sailing into new business
Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a press conference on Friday, having spent the day at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The pair then met aboard a boat with business representatives from both Germany and Russia to hold bilateral trade discussions.
september 2014, Black sea
cockpit view of the playground
2 День. X-Russian Sailing Cup 2013.
2 День. X-Russian Sailing Cup 2013.