Yanacocha Bird Reserve Quito Ecuador
Mountain Biking Ecuador
Yanacocha: Fantastic bird-filled Cloud Forest mere miles from Quito, Ecuador. Hummingbirds and more!
I take students from the University of Arizona around Yanacocha reserve, which is just northwest of Quito, Ecuador as part of their summer study-abroad tropical biology class. See some of the different bird species that live in the reserve. I only took them down the main trail, but there is a expansive trail network connected to the main trail, including one the takes you up into the vast vast paramo also protected by the reserve. This reserve is run and protected by the Jocotoco. Foundation and was created for the Black-breasted Puffleg... Hopefully, i can bring that bird to viewers in a future video! Anyone who wants to visit Yanacocha please feel free to contact me through the comments on here or at vickers.randy@gmail.com. This is often the first stop on Choco itineraries and is an easy day-trip out of Quito.
Quito Wilderness: Yanacocha Reserve
Quito Wilderness: Yanacocha Reserve.
Altitude: 3200 mt - 10500 ft
Habitat: Andean Temperate Forest
Activity: Birding ~ Nature Walks ~ Photo
Durations: 8 hours
Current size: 1,200 hectares - 2,965 acres
Home of a Pumas, Spectacled Bear and
a Critically Endangered Hummingbird
Black-breasted Puffleg
Yanacocha preserve near Quito, Ecuador
What happens when you hang a hummingbird feeder in the Andes mountains at 11,000 feet above sea level! Amazing hiking here
Caminando por la Reserva Yanacocha
Esta vez fui junto a mi familia a visitar un hermoso sitio: la Reserva Ecológica Yanacocha, ubicada a 45 minutos de Quito, tomando la vía hacia Nono. Es un lugar privilegiado para el avistamiento de aves y tiene un paisaje espectacular. Es ideal para quienes quieran conectarse con la naturaleza, para caminar, para descansar un poco del ruido de la ciudad.
No se olviden de seguir mis aventuras en todas las redes como @gondycita. Gracias por compartir.
Flowerpiercers drink sugar water at Yanacocha Reserve feeders near Quito, Ecuador
filmed 13 August 2013, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, 3500masl
Shining Sunbeam at Yanacocha Reserve, NW slope Ecuador
Aglaeactis = splendoured sunbeam... The 19th century saw the blossoming of trochilidomania, the passion for collecting and describing new species of hummingbirds. In the years 1830-1860 over 50% of all hummingbird species were described, as specialist collectors like John Gould et al. vied to have the largest collection of specimens, regardless of cost. Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names.Description
Ruta a la reserva de Yanacocha - Bicirutas Ecuador
En el vídeo se describe la ruta a la reserva ecológica Yanacocha, un excelente trayecto para los principiantes en MTB y también se encuentra muy cerca de Quito.
Ecuador, Yanacocha.
Visita al Centro de Rescate de Fauna Silvestre, Yana Cocha, a la Comunidad indígena Kotococha y a la entrada del Amazonas en la parte ecuatoriana.
Centro de Interpretación - Reserva Yanacocha
El Centro de Interpretación Yanacocha constituye un espacio de educación ambiental para las visitantes de la Reserva Yanacocha. Este espacio resume el trabajo de la Fundación Jocotoco por ecosistemas amenazados y biodiversidad asociada. Además se destaca la importancia del bosque andino de Yanacocha ubicado a solo 40 minutos de Quito.
Visitanos ¡Te esperamos!
Quito, Yanacocha, Tandayapa, Ecuador
birding in Ecuador is superb, especially with Tropical Birding Tours
Shining Sunbeam, Yanacocha Reserve, Ecuador
West Slope Tour with Edna Alvarez, Jan 2018.
Glossy Flowerpiercer at Yanacocha Reserve | WILD ECUADOR ADVENTURES
Glossy Flowerpiercer is one of the 3 Flowerpiercer species you will find at Yanacocha Reserve.
Video recorded by Hans Heinz for Wild Ecuador Adventures at Yanacocha Reserve.
Yanacocha: Paraíso de Aves
El Pahuma Orchid Reserve: One Landowner 's Story of Protecting Forest in Ecuador
In 2000, the Ceiba Foundation for Tropical Conservation signed the first conservation easement in Ecuador with a private landowner to protect a hyper-diverse cloud forest near Quito, named El Pahuma Orchid Reserve. We interviewed the landowner to obtain his story his transition from logger to conservationist. This video was created for a course offered by Catherine Woodward at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Yanacocha #elsecretodeQuito
Yanacocha es una reserva de diversidad ecológica y bioclimática muy cercana a la ciudad de Quito, pero que se ha mantenido como un secreto. En este escondite se encuentran aves endémicas de la ciudad y que ademas no se encuentran en cualquier lugar.
Síguenos si quieres conocer #elsecretodequito
Yanacocha Cloud Forest Reserve Ecuador
San Jorge Eco-lodges tour of this amazing cloud forest. Wanted to go back for a second time.
P1000567 Hummers Yanacocha
Hummingbirds visiting a feeding station at Yanacocha Reserve near Quito, Ecuador
Black-chested Mountain-Tanager at Yanacocha Reserve, Ecuador