YUTTA YOGA : Peaceful Moment in yoga, Bagan, Myanmar.
YUTTA YOGA : Pleasant Yoga in beautiful garden, Bagan, Myanmar.
Temple Yoga in Bagan Myanmar
The solitude of Myanmar's tourist destination in historic Bagan, known for 1000's of ancient Buddhist temples, creates a lust for yoga practice and meditation on the steeple tops overlooking the temple peaks. Amazing Burma! Safe and tranquil when you walk the footsteps of the past. Om Shanti from Geko Treker.
Sunset Yoga Bagan Myanmar
Moje hodiny na písečném ostrově v Baganu začínám představením sebe a cesty, která mě k józe přivedla:-). Mnoho těch, co se józe věnují nebo ji předcvičují mají velice chytlavé příběhy, většinou to byly úrazy, nemoci či mentální neshody, jež je k této starověké moudrosti cvičení přivedly.
Po úrazu ramene v roce 2011 jsem byla několik měsíců nehybná a levou ruku jsem od těla natáhla jen pár cetimetrů a doktoři mě uzemnili, že už nikdy nebudu mít 100% pohyb. Ale já se zabejčila, beranka tvrdohlavá… Přece mi nikdo nebude povídat, že budu doživotně pohybově omezená! Já!!! Extrémistka, sportovkyně, neposedná střela!!! Jediné, počem jsem toužila, bylo hodit si bágl na záda a bát zase volná a svobodná, absolutně zdravá. Vždyť je ještě tolik vrcholů, které jsem nezdolala, řek, které jsem nepřeplavala a golfových turnajů, které jsem nevyhrála:-))). A tak jsem se rozhodla, že mi nikdo v mé štrece života překážky tak velké, abych je nezvládla, nenadělá:-). Já je vždy přelezu, nikoli podlezu:-). Motivace byla velká a právě jóga hrála docela zásadní roli na cestě k absolutnímu uzdravení. Díky ní, jsem všechny bolesti vydýchala a psychicky posilnila.
Pár let mi trvalo, než jsem si uvědomila, že bych mohla být někomu prospěšná a teď je ze mně mimo jiné i jogínská učitelka:-))). A je to velká paráda, když vidíte, jak neznámé lidi obohacujete a jak se snaží pro sebe udělat to nejlepší.
V dobách dávno minulých jsme měli “Cvičme v rytme” a nyní máme: “Cvičme při západu slunce”:-)))))
Autortsví vide a velké poděkování za zhmotnění jedné mé lekce patří Yonathanovi z Izraele @yonatan_h14 #yonatan_h14
Na jógu přišli mladí baťůžkáři a on i jeho maminka dělali stoje na rukách a ti mladí netrénovaní, jen nevěřícně zírali:-))). Všechny miluji, protože se snaží a ti, co druhým ukazují, že vše je možné, jsou pro mě Warriors, těm se klaním až k zemi❣❣❣
Video credit #yonatan_h14
【Record】 My First Experience as a Travel Yoga Teacher in Bagan, Myanmar
This video serves as a record / memory for my first experience as a travel yoga teacher in Bagan, Myanmar from mid-August to early-October 2019.
In this video, I briefly introduced:
- how I found this opportunity
- general information (50 days stay, our apartment, the food money and etc.)
- the class schedule
- about magic Bagan
- the highlights of this experience
- some suggestion if you enjoy quietude as I do
- and my general summary
This is the original post in Yoga Trade (but you need the membership to view details) :
Thank you for watching and Namaste.
Myanmar - Rejseblog fra Bagan
Fantastiske rejseoplevelser fra Myanmar 2017. Find Cathrines kommende yogarejser til Zanzibar, Bali, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Marokko og Thailand:
E: info@cathrineyoga.dk
W: cathrineyoga.dk
F: facebook.com/cathrineyoga
I: instagram.com/cathrineyoga
J&D in Myanmar Invest in your physical and spiritual health!
Music: Awake My Soul by Mumford & Sons - Fade Away by Yungchen Lhamo.
Myanmar is very conducive to good physical, mental and spiritual health from the warm climate, fresh fruits and vegetables to the abundance of pagodas and state of meditation that they encourage. We found a wonderful place for Shiatsu massages where an intelligent group of young deaf students have learned the art and are even more sensitive to one's individual problems because they listen more deeply - all for about $4.00 an hour! The second part of the film was shot in Bagan - the valley of 1000 pagodas. Biking from one pagoda to another, meditating as you feel, stopping for a fresh sugar cane juice and continuing can truly give you a gift of life, way beyond tourism.
Yoga helps fix constipation
online magazine for Myanmar women
Bagan , Myanmar, 2012
One Day in Bagan, Myanmar.
what a wonderful country, people.
more than two thousands Stupas, temples lying on the land of Bagan, Myanmar.
Waiting for u to discover.
Music originally for India Yoga music, if the owner does not allowe me to use as a backgroud music, please let me know. I will delete the video.
thanks a lot
Bagan, is still Beautiful !!!
Bagan is as beautiful as before and a great tourist destination in Myanmar even after earthquake hit on 24th August 2016. Most of the temples and attractions in Bagan are not affected by earthquake. The Land’s overwhelming natural scenery of huge temples and magnificent view of Ancient City is anyone’s attention.
Amata Hotel Group and Oriental Ballooning are warmly welcoming to you all.
Myanmar ~ Bagan & Mount Popa
Myanmar ~ Bagan & Mount Popa
Music by
Myanmar Mandalay to Bagan by Boat HD
Myanmar: Mandalay to Bagan by Boat
Join me in Sicily: Food, Fun, and Wine Adventure
You don't want to take the bus to Bagan from Mandalay - its 10 hours. I took the boat and for $40 met kind people, ate good food, and had a relaxing day on a luxury boat watching the world float by. There was just the simple matter of commandeering chairs from the gray panthers.
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All aboard with Samuel Erha and Kevin Wiyarnanda as they embark on a 9-day journey to Southeast Asia's hidden gem, Myanmar!
Home to more than 100 ethnic groups, the country is blessed with some of the warmest people in the region, spectacular landascapes, delicious cuisine, and so much more despite of the tension happening in the Rakhine state.
Our second destination in Myanmar was the city of Bagan, which was such an enchanting and magnificent experience.
Follow their journey by subscribing to the KAMIKITA Agency channel.
Traditional Music from Bagan Era
Epic Sunrise in Bagan - Myanmar
Taken on top of Lowka Ou Shaung.
YUTTA YOGA : What a beautiful Headstand Yoga in Myanmar !
Burma / Myanmar - Bagan - Pagodas and Temples Part. 1
1. Dhammayazika Pagoda - 2. Minglazedi Pagoda - 3. Gubyaukgyi Temple - 4. Ananada Phaya Temple
Bagan é uma cidade que tem mais de 2 mil templos em apenas 100 km quadrados. Essa preciosidade do Myanmar é sem duvida algum um dos lugares que eu mais gostei do Sudeste Ásiatico. Só de lembrar de tudo o que eu vivi em Bagan já abro um sorriso: Teve nascer do sol com direito a balões no céu, passeio pelos templos com a minha super bike elétrica, almoço típico e até pôr do sol na água..Que mais eu quero? Só a sua curtida e a sua inscrição aqui no canal. Espero que você goste de Bagan tanto quando eu gostei. Beijos, Pamela Domingues
Bagan Lacquerware - Pride of Myanmar
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Myanmar famous celebrity singer Ah Moon dancing Zumba at Beyond Boundaries Yoga studio.