Elizabeth and Roberta Asmar, WMYF2015 - Brazil
Elizabeth: Hi everyone, I'm Elizabeth
Roberta: Good afternoon my name is Roberta
Elizabeth: We are Brazilians from Rio de Janeiro, we represented Brazil in Lebanon at WMYD2015, and it was a magnificent experience.
Roberta: This is an event where we can meet Maronite people from around the world, get to know a little more about the Maronite Church and about a diversity of cultures, take tours in Lebanon and be together in prayer.
Elizabeth: This opportunity for us all together in Lebanon was very gratifying because we gathered for one goal: prayer. It was really great to visit the religious sights of Lebanon.
Roberta: It was very gratifying to have been received by a Lebanese family that made me feel like I was in my own family. It was also important for me to learn a little more about the roots of the Maronite Church.
Elizabeth: We would like to thank the Maronite Church for giving us the chance to meet in Lebanon and especially to Father Toufic for the great opportunity.
Elizabeth and Roberta: We are waiting for you on July 15, 2017 in Lebanon. We will be there.
YogaFX Yoga Teacher Training Bali 5 Star Reviews Positive Vibes n Energy Manila
YogaFX Yoga Class Dialogue is Important, Find Out Why Good Class Dialogue Will Transform Your Yoga Class ?
By YogaFX
48 other people reading now
YogaFX RYT 200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Bali
The Importance of Class Dialogue
Dialogues are the cornerstone of a great class. A confident, clear, precise instruction provides the class with structure.
Competent yoga class dialogue provides clear yoga pose TECHNIQUES and clear posture corrections
All of which lead to better posture form and outcomes, which prevent injuries.
Without CORRECT INSTRUCTION your student is lost, and will practice incorrect form, leading to injury.
YogaFX RYT 200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training BaliUp until today, there are NO RYS 200 Yoga Teacher Training’s anywhere in the world that our team has visited, including India, Australia, China, Asia, that provides such a comprehensive yoga class dialogue training.
At YogaFX International Yoga Teacher Training Academy, we are very proud of our dialogue coaching and we are extremely happy with the results and confidence that our students achieve.????
At YogaFX RYT 200 hours Hatha Yoga Teacher training course here in Ubud Bali we understand the importance of good, clear, strong, precise Astana instruction. We will teach you a very strong hatha yoga series class dialogue.
This instructional dialogue will fill you with supreme confidence and inspiration. This in turn will connect to your students, who will become more comfortable placing their confidence and trust in you, their teacher.
YogaFX Yoga Alliance RYS 200 Hour Teacher Training Studio Canggu Bali
We have all been in a yoga class where the teacher has a very limited instructional dialogue, endless repeating the same words, leaving you to look around a see what everyone else is doing.????
How many times would you go back and take a class with this teacher?
We will teach you how to avoid this, how to make your class engaging, instructional, informative, educational and most importantly motivational and fun.????
Fun for you to teach, and most enjoyable for your students.
We want your students coming back for more every day!????
We will also support and encourage you to develop your own voice and instructional skills, so as to help you develop your own teaching personality.
Our YogaFX RYT 200 hour’s Yoga Teacher Training will result in you developing varying class deliveries and distinct teaching styles. As your yoga dialogue techniques become more define you will be teaching a 60, 90 minute yoga class effortlessly and your dialogue will actually flow as a meditative yoga mantra. Perfect !
A yoga teacher takes a hand, Opens a heart, and relaxes the mind.
Follow us@YogaFX
Vietato pensare ad altro se non a te.
Pensa solo a quando avrai raggiunto il tuo obiettivo, a quando ti godrai i fantastici risultati che ti sei meritato!
In molti hanno il timore di intraprenderlo, ma è da saggi abbracciarlo.
Quindi perché non farlo in meglio?
Il motore all'azione è proprio il MOTIVO che ti spinge a fare quella determinata AZIONE.
Ora puoi fare due cose:
1. Iniziare un percorso insieme e raggiungere il tuo obiettivo una volta per tutte.
2. Dopo aver letto ed esserti informato su chi è questo matto ( perché lo sono ), puoi chiudere la pagina e pensarci su.
Pensa se ti vuoi accontentare o se vuoi migliorare.
Dentro di te lo so benissimo che qualcosa vuoi cambiarla, che sia per un fattore estetico o funzionale però, c’è.
Non raccontiamoci le bugie!!
Potrai dire: “Ma che ne vuole sapere questo?!”
Forse! Forse hai ragione e in questo caso, puoi chiudere la pagina, puoi sempre tornarci quando vuoi.
Ma forse, la pigrizia e l’ansia di affrontare un cambiamento sono quei tremendi compagni che ci rompono le scatole quando dobbiamo prendere una decisione importante!
Ecco perché ci sono io, per chiudere la porta in faccia a questi due soggettini tanto antipatici!!
Molte delle cose che faccio le puoi vedere su Instagram o Facebook, informati pure da chi mi conosce bene, e scegli liberamente.
Ti piaccio? Sei sicura/o? Guarda che sono un fetente!
Sono molto pignolo e voglio che tu raggiunga quello che è l’obiettivo, pertanto le regole da rispettare, sono da rispettare se vuoi ottenere successo.
Non ti piaccio e pensi che sia un chiacchierone come dicono alcuni colleghii?
Beh, ormai dopo tanti anni in questo mondo potresti avere ragione!!
Non sono quello che si svende per avere clienti, mi spiace!
Sui social trovi quello che sono realmente, nei miei video non troverai dei tagli dove urlo o “insulto” i miei calciatori perché io sono così, li pesto anche se serve.
Certo con chi non ha a che fare con il pallone sono un pochino più tranquillo anche se...
Tutto quello che leggi, che scrivo, è perché lo penso, quindi devi fare solo una cosa a questo punto:
CLEACC, ACME, ASK 10 Years After - 2014
See english below.
Il primo laureato CLEACC risale all'anno 2003. In occasione del suo decimo anniversario il corso di laurea in Economia e Management per l'Arte, la Cultura e la Comunicazione si racconta, attraverso le voci di alcuni dei docenti e degli alumni.
In 2003 the first CLEACC student graduated. 10 years after the bachelor in Economics and Management for Art, Culture and Communication tells its story through the voices of faculty and alumni.
Una produzione: ViVa Production.
In collaborazione con: UNVISIBLE e ASK.me - Università Bocconi.
Realizzato da: Alessandro Valbonesi, Maria Luigia Vinciguerra
e Andrea Quartarone.
Con la supervisione di: Stefano Baia Curioni e Paola Dubini.
Si ringrazia: Roberto Scalmana.
Music credits: Skunk-Anansie, Squander (Acquista il brano su iTunes:
Moon Dance -- dub.chill out.party - 23.06.12
A Moon Dance convidou a Cymatic Lab e realizaram no Gam Yoga em São Paulo um encontro de arte, cultura e música downtempo/chillout. A decoração oriental e de muito bom gosto foi agregada com a projeção mapeada, criando um ambiente imerssivo único para aquela noite de lua cheia.
Moon Dance -- dub.chill out.party - 23.06.12
Line Up
Allix (Dj set) Cymatic Lab
Fada (Dj Set) Cymatic Lab
Sallum (Dj Set) Pedra Branca
Salvinorin (Live) Cymatic Lab
Video Arte
Solid State Visual vs Salvinorin (Cymatic Lab / Inductive Visuals)
Pedro Guedes - Tupã Malabares
Invisibl Skratch Piklz se apresenta pela primeira vez no Brasil
Formado em 1989, o coletivo californiano de DJs Invisibl Skratch Piklz
se tornou referência no hip-hop e encerrou as atividades em 2000. O
grupo, que se apresenta pela primeira vez no Brasil, nesta sexta (14),
no Cine Joia, traz três integrantes da formação original: Shortkut, D-
Styles e Qbert - esse último, um dos principais integrantes do
conjunto, que lançou sete álbuns. A apresentação marcará o aniversário
de 10 anos da festa Chocolate, idealizada por Guigo Lima.
Reality show de moda atrai vários estudantes do Brasil
O projeto tem como objetivo preparar os alunos e estimular a criatividade de cada um deles. O competidores vêm de todo o país e o concurso dura uma semana.
As Mulheres Empreendem - Entrevista com a Fabiana
O primeiro Café com Gato do Brazil abriu em Sorocaba, uma ideia em qual a Fabiana acreditou muito! A história dela e emocionante e inspiradora. Nesse video ela conta sobre como tudo começou, como se tornou realidade e sobre o futuro do Café com Gato como franquia.
ॐ Intensive Yoga Course 2010 Coimbra, Portugal ::: teacher training with Bruno Bartulitch 2012
Thank you for like our facebook page: Namaste!
Recorded in august 2010 during the intensive yoga course in Coimbra, Portugal.
In 2012 the course it will be on July and August to know more about it: yogasp.com
»»»Salut Bruno, Merci à toi pour la formation. Je trouve que tu es un professeur et un homme exceptionnel. Tu m'as fait comprendre, que le yoga pouvais être un instrument afin de changer le monde.
En fait, je le savais déjà pour moi, mais je n'avais pas pris conscience de l'influence qu'il pouvait avoir pour les autres. Cela donne à ma pratique encore plus de sens, et envie de pouvoir l'enseigner.
Comme toi, j'ai longtemps cherché comment améliorer ou changer les choses, et le yoga est une voie qui peut m'offrir l'opportunité de donner comme le colibri une infime mais importante contribution afin d'aider les autres.. C'est idée, me donnera je pense les jours de pratique difficile, la force de continuer.. Merci
Mathieu Bayol
»»»...Quanto mais o tempo passa, mais compreendemos os acontecimentos que se passaram. 2008 foi para mim um ano completamente influenciado por tudo o que vivi tão intensamente naqueles meses do curso de formação. Hoje compreendo que são tantos os cursos de formação que tem por ai. Mas eu estava no lugar certo, na hora certa, e você foi o canal certo para que o conhecimento chegasse a mim da maneira que eu estava precisando. Sou uma nova pessoa depois daquela experiência, e agradeço muito à você por estar lá, aberto, confiante e dedicado. Obrigado por permitir, criar a oportunidade e o terreno para a experiência acontecer...
Daniela Cunha, Recife - PE (participante da segunda edição do curso, em 2008).
»»»It was great! I wish that we have you in Zagreb, so that I could practice for longer time. In yoga practice, what was important for me, that I really understand, what an asana should be, and I think you have this gift to show it through practice and explanation. This was also my impression when I was practicing with you in Zagreb, which was very good because I was a beginner at that time, and I think I have avoided some mistakes.I also like that you stress so much importance of proper postures. Of course, this is also easier to do when the group is not so big, and I also enjoyed practicing with our group. I used to do a lot of sports, and basically I started to practice yoga because of my spine and back problems, however than I concluded that I am really under stress, although I did not feel it before, and yoga helps me to gain some distance and take things in life in a more relaxed way. After some yoga classes I feel really not only concentrated, but really in some kind of almost ideal state. Still it doesn't remain like that, but this feeling (or state of the mind & body) goes away. I think I have developed some kind of yoga dependence in a positive way, but it is still difficult to practice every day. I made a break again because in Madrid was around 40, and I tried but it was really hard to practice. What else? I enjoyed Portugal as well, and think that the people are very similar to Croatians. I think I have saudade do Portugal. Best regards to you!
Sandra Hutter, Zagreb, 27/08/2009 (after an intensive yoga course in Portugal).
»»»I came on intensive yoga course in Portugal, Coimbra, with Bruno Bartulić without any expectation. I didn't know Bruno well because I only practiced with him one week here in Zagreb, in Divya studio. But, for me that was enough and I made decision to arrive in Coimbra for the whole month. I wanted improve my daily yoga practice and felt that with him I could move my inside borders easier. After these 4 weeks of practicing asanas, mantras and listening about traditional yoga knowledge my heart is full and I have no words to express my feelings, senses. I am really, really grateful, with all my heart, because I had opportunity to be in Coimbra, to found new colleagues, new friends. I am grateful because I had opportunity to be with Bruno and feel his energy and completely devotion to yoga and yoga teaching. He gave 200% of himself to us. He shared own experience without any delay. He tried to transmit on us the traditional yoga knowledge through the explanation of Bhagavadgita and Yoga Sutras. He has shown us that yoga begins out of Shala, out of mat. Some information for me is still not easily to understand and implement in daily life. But that is not point. The most important thing is to have a conscious of every movement, every action in daily life. To live life now, with gratefulness and happiness, just because of very simply things, like brand new day. And, without doubt, whenever I will have a new opportunity to be part of Bruno's course somewhere, I will be there, for sure.
Snježana Rakić, Zagreb, Croatia, 07.09.2010. -- the participant of intensive yoga course in Portugal, Coimbra, from 01.08. -- 29.08.2010
Mark Paolo Servito
An excellent entry into the UK National Yoga Asana Championships 2014. A beautiful full camel posture!
Wazzup mga bibies! (Quack!) Welcome to another awesome vlog! Don't forget to hit the like button and comment down below. If you're not yet subscribed, please subscribe and hit the notification bell! And if you love me don't skip ads. lol!
⬇️ Music (in order) ⬇️
• Dj Quads - Just roll with it
• Jarico - Island
• Vlad Gluschenko - Dawn
• Vlad Gluschenko - Time
• Swørn - Escapade
⬇️ Vlogging Gears ⬇️
• Main Camera - Sony a6300
• Vlogging Lens - Sigma 16mm f1.4
• Secondary Camera - Canon 200D
• Wide Lens - Canon 10-18mm
• B-Roll Lens - Samyang 35mm T1.5
• Action Camera - GoPro Hero 6
• Drone - DJI Spark
• Gimbal - Moza Air
• DJI Osmo Pocket
⬇️ Editing Softwares ⬇️
• Adobe Premiere Pro
• Adobe After Effects
• Adobe Photoshop
#SiargaoPhilippines #DJISpark #DroneCrash
Recorde Sul Americano Highline - Slackline Entre Prédios São Paulo - #slackline #highline #saopaulo
O que um slackline de 300 metros cruzando o céu de São Paulo simboliza pra você?
Para nós da Natural Extremo caminhar Entre Prédios no maior Highline urbano da América Latina nos equilibrando em uma fita de slackline simboliza a nossa paixão pela vida. São projetos como esse que nos fazem mover em direção a evolução. É parte da nossa essência superar limites, compartilhar todo nosso amor pela vida, fazer do ar livre nosso habitat, criar aventuras inovadoras e inspirar pessoas.
Durante a Virada Esportiva fomos até o centro de São Paulo em parceria com a Prefeitura de São Paulo montar um highline que se estendia por 300 metros. Além das travessias e apresentações, disponibilizamos nosso conhecimento ao auxiliar os pedestres e curiosos que estavam de passagem em seus primeiros passos no slackline com uma área de iniciação em frente ao Shopping Light.
Nós gostamos de realizar projetos épicos e que causam impacto nas pessoas e está projeto é tudo isso! Se preparem porque 2020 está chegando cheio de novidades. #slackline #highline #saopaulo
Bubble Gang: Stripping interrogation
Aired (September 7, 2018): Magsinungaling ka na kay Agent number five, huwag lang kay Agent number six.
Watch ‘Bubble Gang’ every Friday on GMA. Chewing it for more than 20 years, the Bubble Gang is still the leader in comedy with Michael V, Paolo Contis, Boy 2 Quizon, Sef Cadayona, Mikael Daez, Diego Llorico, Myka, Chariz Solomon, Arny Ross, Betong Sumaya, Antonio Aquitania, Juancho Trivino, Denise Barbacena, Kim Domingo, Andrea Torres, Jackie Rice, Roadfill Macasero, James Macasero, Arra San Agustin, Valeen Montenegro, Lovely Abella, Ashley Rivera, Mikoy Morales, Archie Alemania, Jak Roberto, Alyana Asistio, and Carla Abellana.
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Women's Health and Fitness Tips from a Personal Trainer and a Yoga Instructor
Jessica Skye and Joslyn Thompson Rule discuss planning your workouts around your hormones.
The Moody Month app helps you sync up with you moods and cycle so you can improve your worst days and power up your best.
FAPESP Week UC DAVIS in Brazil | Fluorescence Lifetime Techniques
Fluorescence Lifetime Techniques for Intraoperative Guidance of Surgery
- Laura Marcu
Professor, UC Davis - Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Neurological Surgery
Personal Education Diploma of Engineer in Mechanical Engineering, 1984, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania | Post-graduate specialization in Spectroscopy, Lasers, and Plasma Physics, 1989, University of Bucharest, Romania | M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, 1995, University of Southern California, Los Angeles | Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, 1998, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Affiliations Biomedical Engineering...
Read More:
May 12, 2015. São Paulo (SP)
Ingersoll Rand - Diversity & Inclusion
This video highlights the progressive and diverse culture at one of the world's most innovative industrial companies, Ingersoll Rand. Ingersoll Rand provides an environment where their employees are free to express their diverse cultures and share their innovative ideas. With over 100 manufacturing locations all over the globe, Ingersoll Rand treasures every employee and knows that by investing in them, they are investing in progress.
Zuvuya 2013 - Jonas Cout Chillout 10/02
Prévia do ep Goaditana:
Il matrimonio perfetto - Teatro Bertoni
Il matrimonio perfetto - Perfect wedding
Una commedia di: Robin Hawdon
Regia: Danilo Vaccher
Ass. Culturale scenAperta
Romina Pastorino, Edoardo Vassallo, Danilo Vaccher, Cesare Mancusi, Orietta Morosini, Greta Nunziata, Simona De Vita.
Aiuto regia: Alessandro Piccirillo
Scenografia: Lab. Scenaperta
Luci e suoni: Gennaro Paraggio
Trucco e parrucco: Stefania Coda
Foto e Video di scena: Massimiliano Marino
Service audio-luci: Ugo Damolideo
Dipinti di scena: Greta Nunziata
Teatro Bertoni, Battipaglia (SA)
14/15/22 gennaio 2017
How To Stop Snoring | How To Stop Storing Naturally | Snoring Exercises | 2018
Complete guide on how to stop snoring naturally. I show tongue exercises that help stop snoring as well as useful tips for snoring.
Hey everyone, this weeks video is about snoring and natural ways you can stop snoring. The idea came to me at 3am while I was in Malta last week with my friends. I didn't get much sleep that night as one of my friends is a heavy snorer and I wasn't aware of this until the first night. Hopefully this video will help him and many other people who snore around the world, feel free to share on to friends and family.
Lastly a big thank you to David for helping me demonstrate the exercises.
Snoring is caused by things such as your tongue, mouth, throat or airways in your nose vibrating as you breathe.
It happens because these parts of your body relax and narrow when you're asleep.
You're more likely to snore if you:
• Are overweight
• Smoke
• Drink too much alcohol
• Sleep on your back
Sometimes it's caused by a condition like sleep apnoea, which is when your airways become temporarily blocked as you sleep. I've put more information about this below.
A study done by Vanessa Ieto. Ph.D., of the Sleep Laboratory of the University of São Paulo in Brazil and her associates. Showed that eight minutes of oropharyngeal exercises performed three times a day for 3 months significantly reduced snoring.
The study showed a decrease in frequency of loud snoring by 36% and the total power of snoring by 59% after 3 months of exercising. Here are the exercises,
• Push tip of tongue against hard palate and slide tongue backward (20 times).
• Suck entire tongue up against palate (20 times).
• Force back of tongue against floor of mouth while touching tip of tongue to bottom incisors (20 times).
• Elevation soft palate and uvula while intermittently saying “A” (20 times).
• Place finger in mouth while pressing buccinator muscle outward (10 times per side).
• Chew and deglutinate on both sides of mouth whenever eating.
• Maintain a healthy weight and diet. Being overweight by just a few kilos can lead to snoring. Fatty tissue around your neck squeezes the airway and prevents air flowing in and out freely.
•Try to sleep on your side rather than your back. While sleeping on your back, your tongue, chin and any excess fatty tissue under your chin can relax and squash your airway. Sleeping on your side prevents this. Try taping a tennis ball to the back of your sleepwear, or buy a special pillow or bed wedge to help keep you on your side.
• Avoid alcohol before going to bed. Alcohol makes your muscles relax more than usual during a normal night's sleep. This may encourage the back of your throat to collapse as you breathe, which causes snoring.
• Quit or cut down on smoking. Cigarette smoke irritates the lining of your nose and throat, causing swelling and catarrh. This means airflow is decreased and you're more likely to snore.
• Keep your nose clear, so that you breathe in through your nose rather than your mouth. If an allergy is blocking your nose, try antihistamine tablets or a nasal spray. Ask your pharmacist for advice, or see your GP, if you're affected by an allergy or any other condition that affects your nose or breathing.
• There are a range of stop-snoring treatments and devices on sale. These include nasal strips, which open the nostrils wider, throat sprays and devices known as mandibular advancement devices (MAD), which reposition the jaw to improve airflow.
If you feel sleepy during the day, or make gasping or choking noises while you sleep – please see your healthcare professional as you may have sleep apnoea, which can be serious if not treated.
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Prescribing Media Pharmacist | Extreme Optimist | Bringing Science Through New Videos Every 2 Weeks - Monday 4PM(GMT).
I'm a British - Persian - Iranian prescribing media pharmacist who loves science, making videos and helping people. I work in both GP surgeries and community pharmacy.
This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
#howtostopsnoring #howtostopsnoringnaturally #snoringexercises
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Avvertenze: le informazioni contenute in questi video non intendono sostituirsi in nessun modo a parere medico o di altri specialisti. L'autore declina ogni responsabilità di effetti o di conseguenze risultanti dall'uso di tali informazioni e dalla loro messa in pratica. L'allenamento con sovraccarichi, a corpo libero, con i kettlebell, con il trx, e con altri attrezzi può causare infortuni, si consiglia pertanto di prestare la massima attenzione e di eseguire esercizi e metodologie adatte al proprio livello di forma. Consultare il proprio medico di fiducia prima di intraprendere qualsiasi forma di attività fisica o regime alimentare.