【K】Mongolia Travel-Dalanzadgad[몽골 여행-달란자드가드]고르왕새항, 욜린암/Gobi Desert/Gurvansaikhan/Yolyn Am/Ice Field
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
나는 다음 목적지인 고르왕새항 국립공원으로 향한다. 그 곳에는 높이 2,825미터의 거대한 협곡이 자리하고 있다. 한 여름에도 얼음이 녹지 않는다는 욜린암. 사막 한 가운데 얼음 협곡이라니. 욜린암은 그야말로 사막의 오아시스다. 협곡의 길이를 가늠 할 수 없을 정도로 쭉 이어진 모습이 장관이다. 좀 더 깊숙이 들어가니 그늘진 곳은 한기가 느껴질 정도로 매우 쌀쌀하다. 한쪽에는 지난 2월에 얼음이 얼었던 높이가 표시돼 있다. 얼음이 녹아 갈라진 틈을 살펴보니 생각보다 꽤 두껍다. 협곡 아래의 지하수와 겨울에 내린 눈이 쌓여 만들어진 얼음 두께라고는 믿기 힘들 정도다. 욜린암은 몽골인들에게도 명소다. “올 때마다 더욱더 아름답고 기분이 좋습니다.” “7월부터 더 장관이죠. 이렇게 원시 그대로 신성하고 아름다운 자연이에요. 이 장관을 보러 매년 놀러 옵니다.” 엄청난 높이의 얼음 폭포. 거대한 협곡과 어우러진 모습이 절로 감탄이 나온다. 나는 욜린암의 물맛이 궁금했다. 몽골식으로 먼저 이마에 물을 묻혀 자연에 감사하는 마음을 표현한다. 물은 여행의 갈증을 단번에 해소해 줄 정도로 시원했다. 여행하는 며칠 사이에도 시시각각 변하는 자연의 모습이 신비롭기만 하다.
[English: Google Translator]
I head for the next destination, Goryeong River, There is a huge canyon of 2,825 meters high. Yeolinam that ice does not melt in the summer. In the middle of the desert is the Ice Canyon. Yoolilam is a desert oasis. It is a spectacular view that the length of the gorge can not be precisely measured. Going deeper, the shady place is so chilly that it feels cold. On one side is the height of the frozen ice in February. It is quite thick than I thought when I looked at the gap where the ice melted. It is hard to believe that the underground water beneath the canyon and the thickness of ice made up by the snow in winter. Yoolynam is also a popular spot for Mongolians. Every time I come, I feel more beautiful and feeling better. It's more spectacular since July. It is a sacred and beautiful nature as it is primitive. Every year I come to see this minister. Ice waterfall of tremendous height. I admire the scenery of the huge canyon. I wondered about Yoolilin's water taste. Mongolian expresses the feeling of gratitude to nature by first putting water on the forehead. The water was cool enough to relieve the thirst of the trip at once. It is a mysterious sight of nature changing every few days during the trip.
[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Би дараагийн очих газраа, Гүржийн гол, Их хэмжээний хавцал нь 2,825 м өндөр. Yeolinam мөс зун хайлдаггүй байна. Цөлийн дунд Ice Canyon байна. Янгилам бол цөлийн oasis. Гүүрний уртыг нарийвчлан хэмжиж болохгүй нь гайхалтай үзэгдэл юм. Илүү гүнзгийрч, сүүдэртэй газар маш хүйтэн байдаг. Нэг талд хоёрдугаар сард хөлдөөсөн мөсний өндөр. Энэ нь мөсөн хайлсны ялгааг хараад бодоход миний бодсоноос нэлээд зузаан юм. Өвлийн улиралд цасаар бүрхэгдсэн мөсийг бүрхсэн гүний усны доорхи ус гэдэгт итгэх нь хэцүү байдаг. Yoolynamy нь монголчуудын хувьд алдартай газар юм. Ирэх бүрдээ би илүү сайхан болж, илүү сайн мэдрэмж төрдөг. Долоодугаар сараас хойш энэ нь илүү гайхалтай. Энэ бол нандин, үзэсгэлэнтэй мөн чанар юм. Жил бүр би энэ сайдыг харахаар ирлээ. Мөсөн хүрхрээ асар их өндөртэй. Би асар том хавцлын үзэсгэлэнт гайхамшигтай юм. Би Yoolilin-ийн усны амтыг гайхаж байсан. Эхэндээ духан дээр ус тавих замаар байгальд талархлаа илэрхийлж байна. Ус нь аялалын цангааг багасгахад хангалттай байв. Энэ аяллын үеэр хэдэн өдөр бүр өөрчлөгдөж буй байгалийн нууцлаг үзэгдлүүд юм.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-12 고비사막 9 고르왕새항 국립공원, 욜린암
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳계곡,valley,canyon, gorge, ravine, trekking,
계곡, 협곡폭포FALSE아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로
Mongolia Road Trip 15 / Yolyn Am Ёлын Ам (Vulture Valley) in Gurvan Saikhan National Park / Walk 116
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Yolyn Am (Mongolian: Ёлын Ам, Lammergeier Valley) is a deep and narrow gorge in the Gurvan Saikhan Mountains of southern Mongolia. The valley is named after the Lammergeier, which is called Yol in Mongolian. The Lammergeier is an Old World vulture, hence the name is often translated to Valley of the Vultures or Valley of the Eagles.
The valley is located within Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park.
Yolyn Am is found in the Zuun Saikhanii Nuruu (the Eastern Beauty) subrange of the Gurvan Saikhan Mountains. The area, as part of the Gobi Desert, sees little precipitation. However, Yolyn Am is notable for a deep ice field. The ice field reaches several meters thick by the end of winter, and is several kilometers long. In past years it remained year round, but the modern ice field tends to disappear by September.
Yoliin Valley is the narrow canyon of a river that flows through Zuun Saikhan Mountain (2,816m above sea level). The gorge has sheer rock walls with a height of 200m in the central part of the gorge. It has been protected since 1965 and has an area of 70 square kilometers of strictly protected area. A spring is two or three kilometers long. The wind strongly flows through gorge and freezes into a thick corridor of ice that stretches along for a distance. During the rainy season, rain falls at the summit of the mountain and flows down into the sheer canyon, forming waterfalls. Only two people can pass through the narrowest part at the same time and you will see only a blue line of a sky. Ibex, mountain goat, red fox, vultures and other species of animals are local inhabitants of this place. A small museum marks the entrance to the protected zone and provides information on the petrified trees, fauna and flora of the Gobi.
Gobi three beauties nature complex is a national park in southern Mongolia. The park was established in 1993, and expanded to its current size in 2000. The park, at nearly 27,000 square kilometres, is the largest national park in Mongolia, stretching 380 km from east to west and 80 km from north to south.
The park is named for the Gurvan Saikhan Mountains which translates to the Three Beauties. The name is derived from three sub ranges, the East, Middle and West Beauty. The range forms the eastern half of the park.
The park lies on the northern edge of the Gobi desert. The higher elevations contain areas of steppe, and reach elevations of up to 2,600 metres. A number of rare plants and animals are found in the park, including the elusive snow leopard and the Gobi camel. Areas of sand dunes are found, most famously the Khongoryn Els - the Singing Sands. Another major tourist destination is Yolyn Am, which is connected with Dalanzadgad by paved road and a mountain valley that contains a large ice field through most of the year.
From :
The Gurvan Saikhan (Mongolian: Гурван Сайхан, lit. three beauties), is a mountain range in the Ömnögovi Province of southern Mongolia. It is named for three subranges: Baruun Saikhany Nuruu (the Western Beauty), Dund Saikhany Nuruu (the Middle Beauty) and Zuun Saikhany Nuruu (the Eastern Beauty).
A yurt in front of the Gurvansaikhan Mountains
The highest peak is found in Dund Saikhany Nuruu, and is 9,268 feet (2,825 meters) above sea level. A notable gorge, Yolyn Am, is found in Zuun Saikhany Nuruu. Though the range is surrounded by the Gobi desert, Yolyn Am contains a semi-permanent ice field.
The range forms the eastern part of the Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park.
#AmbientWalking #Walk #Walking #Walks #DJIOsmoPocket #Mongolia #ArchivingMongolia #WalkingMongolia #WalkMongolia #Asia #Travel #Sightseeing #Ger #Desert #Gorge
2011 Mongolia 28 Omnogovi Yolin Am
Mongolia Omnogovi Yolin Am
Monkeetime Mongolia | Outtakes 4 (Yolyn Am)
Some extended scenes from the beautiful morning in Yolyn Am, followed by some hiking through the gorge.
Mongolia Road Trip 13 / Dalanzadgad City Centre (Walking into a supermarket and out) / Walk 114
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Dalanzadgad (Mongolian: Даланзадгад; ᠳᠠᠯᠠᠨᠵᠠᠳᠠᠭᠠᠳ) is the capital of Ömnögovi Aimag in Mongolia. It is located 540 kilometers (340 mi) south of the national capital Ulaanbaatar. The altitude of the city center is 1,470 meters (4,823 feet).
As of 2011, its population is 19,396.
The Dalanzadgad Airport (ZMDZ/DLZ) is served by regular domestic flights from and to Ulaanbaatar. There are summer and winter timetables.
In 2007 the Mongolian Civil Aviation Authority built a new airport with a paved runway. The runway is second longest in the country after Chinggis Khaan International Airport. Before that, the airport had only one gravel runway.
The Dalanzadgad town has a paved road connecting it with capital Ulaanbaatar city.
Dalanzadgad experiences a cold desert climate (Köppen BWk) with cold winters and hot summers. By Mongolian standards it is one of the warmest places in the country during winter. Along with Tsetserleg and Arvaikheer it was warmer than Hohhot in January 2014 and 2015. A unique steppe micro-climate with running streams and lush grass can be found in the nearby Yolyn Am valley.
There is GSM coverage in the city the same as in other major locations - the coverage is good for about a mile out of the city. Usually, the city is also supplied with electric power 24 hours a day. Near Dalanzadgad, at 43°31′54.38″N 104°24′4.16″E, there is a longwave broadcasting station working on 209 kHz with 75 kW.
From :
Ömnögovi (Mongolian: Өмнөговь Ömnögovǐ, South Gobi) is an aimag (province) of Mongolia, located in the south of the country, in the Gobi Desert. Ömnögovi is Mongolia's largest aimag. The capital is Dalanzadgad.
The province is rich in mineral deposits, including gold and copper. Agriculture is of minor importance. Vegetables are grown in some oases, e.g. in Dal near Dalanzadgad.
As the aimag has various sights to offer, tourism is gaining importance. Ömnögovi includes several well known tourist areas, including the Flaming Cliffs, Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park and Khongoryn Els - The Singing Sand Dunes.
According to a 2009 survey, 73.5% of the residents of Omnogovi are Buddhists, 2.9% are Christians, 23.3% do not identify with a formal religion, and 0.3% adhere to other formal religions.
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【K】Mongolia Travel-Dalanzadgad[몽골 여행-달란자드가드]건강식 짐비/Jimbee/Gobi Desert/Ger/Nomad
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
나는 홍고린 엘스를 뒤로 하고 약속된 게르로 향한다. 남고비사막에서만 먹을 수 있다는 유목민의 전통음식 짐비를 먹기 위해서다. 그런데. 갑자기 차가 꼼짝을 않는다. 바퀴가 진흙에 빠졌다. 차 미는 험한 고비사막에선 흔한 일이라는데 어두운 밤이다 보니 더욱 긴장이 됐다. 그때, 저 멀리 불빛이 보이기 시작했다. 다행히 우리가 예약한 게르의 주인이다. “안녕하세요.” “어떻게 하죠? “진흙에 빠졌어요.” “길을 안 보고 갔어요.” 고비사막의 유목민들은 누군가 어려움에 처하면 제 일처럼 도와준다고 한다. 가지고 있는 도구를 총 동원해 보지만 쉽지가 않다. 장정 다섯 명이 매달려 애를 쓰는데 꿈쩍도 않지만, 신기하게도 모두 내 일처럼 도와주는 모습이다. 드디어 성공! 진흙에 빠진지 3시간 만이다. 11시가 넘은 시간. 약속 시간을 훌쩍 넘겼는데도 고맙게 요리를 만들어준다. 짐비는 남고비 유목민들의 건강식이라고 한다. “짐비라는 요리입니다 고기를 잘게 잘라서 넣고 양파, 당근, 무, 감자 등으로 양념을 하고 그 위에 반죽을 올려서 찝니다.” 마른 작나무로 불을 피우고 그 위에 솥을 올린 후, 한 시간 동안 푹 익힌다. 푸짐하게 잘 익은 짐비는 우리나라의 갈비찜 같기도 하다. 이렇게 잘 익은 고기와 채소를 함께 먹는다. 유목민들에게는 최고의 보양식 짐비. 그런데 갑자기 고기를 잘라 불 속에 던진다. 이는 식사를 하기 전, 불의 신에게 감사의 마음을 표현하는 것이다. “몽골은 급격한 기후변화와 온도 차이가 있는 환경인데 그런 환경에서 사람이 고기와 채소, 밀가루를 섭취하지 않으면 몸의 열량을 채울 수가 없습니다. 그렇기 때문에 고기와 밀가루 채소 등을 골고루 섭취해주면 몸의 열량을 채워주고, 몸에도 좋고 피곤하지 않습니다. 여행 다니시는 분들은 필히 먹어줘야 합니다.” 특별한 양념을 하지 않아 혹시 냄새가 나지 않을까... 했는데 예상과 달리 담백하고 피로가 풀어진 것 같았다.
[English: Google Translator]
I go back to Hong Golin Els and to the promised Ger. In order to eat the nomadic traditional food that can be eaten only in the southern rain desert. By the way. Suddenly the car does not move. The wheel fell into the mud. Chami is a common thing in the harsh Gobi desert. At that time, the far away light began to be seen. Fortunately, we are the owner of the booked Gers. Hello. What do I do? I have fallen into the mud. I have not seen the road. The nomads of the Gobi Desert are said to help others when they are in trouble. I try to use all the tools I have, but it is not easy. Five men are hanging around, but they do not budge, but they all seem to help me like they do my job. Finally successful! It's only three hours since I've been in the mud. Time past 11 o'clock. I have passed the appointment time, but thankfully cooks. The zipper is said to be a healthy food for the remaining non-nomadic people. Jim Vila is a dish. I cut it into small pieces, sprinkle it with onions, carrots, radishes, potatoes, and put the dough on it. After burning the dried tree and putting the pot on it, Learn. The rich ripe garbage is like the ribs of our country. I eat this ripe meat and vegetables together. For the nomads, it is the best recreational vehicle. Suddenly, the meat is cut and thrown into the fire. This is to express gratitude to the god of fire before eating. Mongolia is an environment with rapid climate change and temperature differences. In such an environment, people can not fill their calories unless they consume meat, vegetables and flour. Therefore, if you consume meat and flour vegetables evenly, it will fill your body's calories and you will not get tired or fat. If you are traveling, you must eat it. I did not have a special sauce, so I would not smell it.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-15 고비사막 12 남고비 유목민의 건강식 짐비
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳숙소,lodging,육식,meat,채식,vegetarian,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로
Ёлын Ам / Yolyn Am / Lammergeier Valley
Yolyn Am is a deep and narrow gorge in the Gurvan Saikhan Mountains of southern Mongolia. The valley is named after the Lammergeier, which is called Yol in Mongolian. The Lammergeier is an Old World vulture, hence the name is often translated to Valley of the Vultures or Valley of the Eagles. Book your next travel to the Gobi and the Yolyn Am with Ariun Travel at
Өмнөговь, Даланзадгад, Ёлын ам
Yoliin am, Gobi gurvan saikhan mountain in Dalanzadgad, Umnugobi, Mongolia
Нутгийн хөгжил-21 Өмнөговь аймаг
Dalanzadgad Mongolia Gobi Desert Adventure | Visit Mongolia 戈壁 #Mongolia
Today we bring you right into the heart of Mongolia. After spending 2 days in the capitol Ulaanbaatar we continue our trip into the Gobi Desert.
The Gobi Desert is a vast, arid region in northern China and southern Mongolia. It's known for its dunes, mountains and rare animals like snow leopards and Bactrian camels. In the Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park, the Khongoryn Els sand dunes are said to sing when the wind blows. The park also features the deep ice field of Yolyn Am canyon. Dinosaur fossils have been found at the red Flaming Cliffs of Bayanzag.
It covers parts of northern and northwestern China, and of southern Mongolia. The Gobi is most notable in history as part of the great Mongol Empire, and as the location of several important cities along the Silk Road.
The Gobi is a rain shadow desert, formed by the Himalayan mountain range blocking rain-carrying clouds from the Indian Ocean reaching the Gobi territory.
The Gobi measures over 1,600 km (1,000 mi) from southwest to northeast and 800 km (500 mi) from north to south. The desert is widest in the west, along the line joining the Lake Bosten and the Lop Nor (87°–89° east). It occupies an arc of land 1,295,000 km2 (500,000 sq mi) in area as of 2007; it is the fifth-largest desert in the world and Asia's largest. Much of the Gobi is not sandy but has exposed bare rock.
In its broadest definition, the Gobi includes the long stretch of desert and semi-desert area extending from the foot of the Pamirs, 77° east, to the Greater Khingan Mountains, 116°-118° east, on the border of Manchuria; and from the foothills of the Altay, Sayan, and Yablonoi mountain ranges on the north to the Kunlun, Altyn-Tagh, and Qilian mountain ranges, which form the northern edges of the Tibetan Plateau, on the south.
Gobi Desert near Dunhuang
A relatively large area on the east side of the Greater Khingan range, between the upper waters of the Songhua (Sungari) and the upper waters of the Liao-ho, is reckoned to belong to the Gobi by conventional usage. Some geographers and ecologists prefer to regard the western area of the Gobi region (as defined above): the basin of the Tarim in Xinjiang and the desert basin of Lop Nor and Hami (Kumul), as forming a separate and independent desert, called the Taklamakan Desert.
Archeologists and paleontologists have done excavations in the Nemegt Basin in the northwestern part of the Gobi Desert (in Mongolia), which is noted for its fossil treasures, including early mammals, dinosaur eggs, and prehistoric stone implements, some 100,000 years old.
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#Bucketlist #1001Trips #DreamVacation
Driving through Yolin Am, Gobi, Mongolia
Driving through the Yolin Am canyon in mid summer (august17).
【K】Mongolia Travel-Dalanzadgad[몽골 여행-달란자드가드]남고비의 중심/Dalanzadgad/Gobi Desert/Filling/Petrol/Station
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[한국어 정보]
다음 날. 나는 200km를 달려 남고비의 중심도시, 달란자드가드에 도착했다. 입구에 들어서면 가장 먼저 만날 수 있는 게 주유소다. 여행자들은 절대 그냥 지나칠 수 없는 곳이다. 그런데 운전기사가 주유기를 내려놓더니 차를 돌려 반대편으로 돌아온다. 알고보니 푸르공 승합차에는 주유 통이 두 개란다. “한번 주유하면 많이 달려도 연비가 400km 정도여서 고비사막은 마을에 있는 주유소의 거리가 멀기 때문에 주유소를 만날 때마다 기름을 많이 넣어야 됩니다.” 달란자드가드 도심으로 좀 더 들어가 봤다. 나무 한 그루 없는 고비사막과 달리 도심 중앙 공원은 나무들로 가득한 것이 인상적이다. 중앙공원 안으로 들어가 보니 생각보다 울창하게 나무들이 숲을 이루고 있다. “고비사막과 아름다운 달란자드가드 지역에 지난 몇 년간 사막화로 인한 모래이동이 상당히 늘어난 것으로 나타났어요 그래서 이를 보호하기 위한 목적으로 2007년부터 한국과 협력해서 녹색 벨트 프로젝트를 시행했습니다. 그 결과 90헥타르 땅에 나무숲을 조성하고 부지런한 시민들이 꾸준히 가꾸어왔습니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
next day. I reached 200km and arrived in the center of the rain, Daranjadgard. When you enter the entrance, the first thing you can meet is the gas station. It is a place that travelers can never pass. Then the driver drops the lube and turns around and returns to the other side. As you can see, there are two gas bottles in a purse-compartment van. If you run a lot, you can run a lot, but the gas mileage is about 400km, so you have to put a lot of oil every time you meet a gas station because the gas station in the village is far from the town. Daranjadgard Unlike the Gobi Desert without a tree, it is impressive that the central park is full of trees. When I entered Central Park, the trees are thicker than I expected. The Gobi Desert and the beautiful Dolanjardgard area have shown a significant increase in desertification sand movement over the past few years. As a result, 90 hectares of land have been planted with trees and diligent citizens have been steadily growing.
[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Дараагийн өдөр. Би 200 км-т хүрч, борооны төвд Данжжаджард хүрлээ. Ороход орох хамгийн эхний зүйл бол шатахуун түгээх станц юм. Энэ бол аялагчдын хэзээ ч өнгөрөх боломжгүй газар юм. Дараа нь жолооч пааланыг дусааж, эргэн тойрон эргэж, нөгөө тал руу буцдаг. Та харж байгаагаар цүнхэнд хоёр вантай лонх байдаг. Yeoseo түлш нь маш олон талаар нэг удаа цэнэглэх үед 400km Говийн цөл dalryeodo тосгонд хийн станц хоорондын зай хол газрын тос нь маш сонирхолтой та хийн станц харах бүрт тавьж байна. Би Даланзадгад хот болгон бага зэрэг илүү харсан. Хотын төв паркийн дагуу ямар ч мод нь говь цөлийн мод дүүрэн байдаг ялгаатай нь гайхалтай юм. Намайг Төв цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнд ороход моднууд миний хүлээж байснаас ч өтгөрдөг. Говийн цөл, гоё сайхан элсэрхэг тул энэ нь Өмнөд Солонгос нь Ногоон хэрэм төсөл хэрэгжүүлж байна хамтын ажиллагаа 2007 оноос тэднийг хамгаалах зорилгоор дээр харуулсан хамгаалагч нутагт сүүлийн хэдэн жил эрс нэмэгдсэн байна гаруй улмаас цөлжилт Өгөөмөр нүүдэл надад өгч байна. Үүний үр дүнд 90 га газарт ой мод, хөдөлмөрч иргэдийн найрлага нь тогтмол тариалдаг байна.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-10 고비사막 8 남고비 중심 달란자드가드
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳공원/광장,park, square,기타장소,place,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로
Created using
Өмнөговь, Даланзадгад - Ёлын ам
Umnugovi, Dalanzadgad - Yoliin am
Mongolian 3min
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Джип тур по Монголии
1-день: Монголия, дорога на Улан Батор.
2-день: город Даланзадгад
3-день:- Национальный парк Гоби - Гурван Сайхан, далее ущелье Алын Ам,
далее пылающие скалы Баянзаг
4-день: Гоби,далее развалины тантрического монастыря Онгийн Хийд
5-день:долина реки Орхон, водопад Улаан Цутгалан, далее древний город Каракарум
6-день:Улан - Батор, Монастырский храм бодхисаттвы Авалокитешвары, монумент Чингиз Хану
Отдых на Байкале - Baikalturizm
Jeep tour of Mongolia
1-day: The road is the Gobi desert
2-day: The City Of Dalanzadgad
3-day: Gobi Gurvan Saikhan national Park, Yolyn Am Gorge
4-day: Gobi desert, Ruins of Ongi Monastery
5-day: The Ulaan Tsutgalan waterfall, Orkhon Valley, Karakorum ancient site
6-day: Ulan Bator, Temple of Boddhisattva Avalokiteshvara at Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue
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#алтай #природа #саяны #baikal #buryatia #горныйалтай #voyage #adventure
Отдых на Байкале - Baikalturizm
4 жилийн өмнө Японд цунамид өртсөн сураггүй болсон хүмүүсийг эрэн хайсаар байна.
Өдгөөгөөс 4 жилийн өмнө Японы зүүн хойд хэсгийн нутгууд цунамид өртсөн. Энэхүү байгалийн гамшгийн улмаас 15 мянга гаруй хүн амиа алдаж, 2500 орчим хүн сураггүй болсон. Ар гэрийнхэн нь өнөөг хүртэл сураггүй бологсодыг эрэн хайсаар байна.
Gobi desert, Mongolia, our van in pain to reach Yolin Am
One of the hundreds misadventures that happened with the van :)
【K】Mongolia Travel-Dalanzadgad[몽골 여행-달란자드가드]남고비 사막, 쌍봉낙타/Gobi Desert/Bactrian Camel/Horse
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
다음 목적지인 남고비사막 서쪽에 위치한 홍고린 엘스로 향한다. 몽골은 서쪽으로 갈수록 지형이 높고 험준하지만 어딜 가든 방목하는 가축들을 볼 수 있다. 몽골 남고비사막에서만 볼 수 있는 쌍봉낙타. 등에 난 두 개의 혹에 영양을 저장하여 며칠간 먹거나 마시지 않아도 살 수 있다. 몽골의 말 역시 특별하다. 지구력이 강해 오래 달릴 수 있다. 그런데 최근 고비사막은 이런 가축들도 견디기 힘들 정도로 심각한 봄 가뭄에 시달리고 있다. 목마른 동물들에게 안타까운 마음뿐이다.
[English: Google Translator]
We headed to Hong Gollin Els, which is on the west side of the southern desert, our next destination. In Mongolia, as you go westward, you can see livestock grazing all over the country. A bivalent camel that can be seen only in the deserts of southern Mongolia. I can store two nodules in the back without eating or drinking for a few days. The words of Mongolia are also special. Endurance is strong and can run long. Recently, however, the Gobi Desert has been suffering from severe spring droughts, which can not tolerate these livestock. It is only a sad heart to thirsty animals.
[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Бид өмнөд цөлийн баруун зүгт, дараа дараагийн очих газар болох Хонг Голлин Элс рүү явлаа. Монголд та баруун тийшээ явж байхдаа малын бэлчээрийг улс даяар харж болно. Монголын өмнөд хэсгийн цөлөрхөг газруудад харагдах хоёр тэмээ байдаг. Би хэд хоногийн турш хооллож, уухгүйгээр хоёр нодулуудыг нөөцлөх боломжтой. Монгол хэл нь бас онцгой юм. Тэвчээр нь хүчтэй бөгөөд удаан ажиллах боломжтой. Гэсэн хэдий ч Говийн цөл нь хаврын улиралд тохиолдож буй ган гачгийн улмаас эдгээр малыг тэвчиж чадахгүй байна. Энэ нь цангасан амьтдад гунигтай зүрх юм.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-13 고비사막 10 남고비 사막, 쌍봉낙타
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳동물,animal,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로