Four days in Guangzhou 广州, China
Ate the best dim sum everyday and drank 3 bubble teas per day :D Beautiful city.
- Canton Tower
- Chen Clan Ancestral Hall-Folk Craft Museum
- Yuexiu Park
- Yuyin Hill House
- Guangdong museum
- Beijing road
- Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
Outside Shi Chang Hotel, Panyu, Guangzhou, China 2010
Date : 21 Jan 2010
Guangzhou Yuyin Garden Panyu
Сад Паньюй Бао, Гуанчжоу
The Most Beautiful Garden in Guangzhou - Bao Mo Garden 宝墨园
Just a fun little video of me skipping around the Bao Mo Garden in the Panyu district of Guangzhou in China to one of my favorite Chinese songs
Song: Like a Bird by Escape Plan
Guangxiao Temple In One Minute | Guangzhou, China
Guangxiao Temple on Guangxiao Road is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China. As the special geographical position, Guangxiao Temple often acted as a stopover point for Asian missionary monks in the past. It also played a central role in propagating various elements of Buddhism, including precepts school, Chan (Zen), esoteric (Shingon) Buddhism, and Pure Land.
Music: Part of My Heart by Brandon Liew is licensed under a Attribution License.
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Andrei Rochian 6 years explorations in China. Guangzhou City; Panyu district ; Nancun Town
Andrei Rochian explorations in China. Guangzhou City; Panyu district ; Nancun Town. Street life Nancun Town, Panyu. Video was taken in 2008
2019 Walking Tour - Baomo garden 寶墨園 In Panyu 番禺, China - FULL HD
2019 Walking Tour - Baomo garden 寶墨園 In Panyu 番禺, China - FULL HD
Baomo Garden is located in Ziwei Village, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. It was built in the late Qing Dynasty and covers an area of five acres. The cultural relics were destroyed in the 1950s due to the break of the four old.
Reconstructed in 1995, it took eight years to complete. After four phases of construction, Baomo Garden expanded to 168 acres (about 100,000 square meters), integrating Qingguan culture, Lingnan ancient architecture, Lingnan garden art, and Pearl River water features.
Baomo Garden was the Baoxiang House in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. The original Baomo Garden has already been destroyed, and the original site has become a residential house. In 1995, under the strong donation of Hong Kong and Macao compatriots and all sectors of the community, Renbao was able to rebuild.
The Baoxiangfu Temple was built in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. It is the place where the famous scholars of the Northern Song Dynasty and the Longtuge University were Bao Zheng. According to legend, one year the Xijiang River was flooded, and a piece of black wood drifted to the edge of the village. People put it back in the river.
Who knows that the downstream water is big and the wood is back to the village. This situation has repeatedly appeared, people feel very strange, they will be enshrined in black wood.
During the four years of Jiaqing (1799), the imperial courts removed the corrupt officials and shackles, and the society launched a trend of anti-corruption. As far as the impact is concerned, people naturally hope to get a clean official like Bao Qingtian to govern the bureaucracy. The wood was carved into a blue sky image, and a package was built here.
I hope you will enjoy it!
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“Guangzhou Panyu Lianhua Mountain”
Really an amazing place. So much to see. To much to video. And VERY Hot!
The ancient museum of Guangxi in Nanning with its quaint structure and scenic splendour. The journey to the Detian Waterfalls with its unique hillock panorama of beautiful hills all along the route. The Detian waterfalls spanning Vietnam and China.
early 2009 the lotus hill panyu china
around Mar (i can't remember)we went to the lotus hill in panyu, and had a good time over there..
Cenkaetaya - China: Clifford Estate, Panyu. The end of the foreign land.
for more China photos
This is from one of Cliffords big apartment buildings. It sits directly one the edge of the estate itself. You can see how the landscape suddenly changes.
China: Panyu Hungry Fishes
Once you start to feed the fishes... Perpare for a shock....
Music: Remembering You
artist: Musicshake
Guangzhou, Panyu Bao Mo Garden, feeding fish
Lingnan Impression Garden l Guangzhou
Located in the south of Guangzhou University Mega Center, Lingnan Impression Garden covers a total area of 165 hectares. The garden is a tourism resort of sight-seeing, leisure, recreation, catering, shopping and Lingnan customs and folk culture.
Lingnan Impression Garden features distinctive houses, streets, clan temples and stores, all of which fully embody the essence of Lingnan traditional culture. Here, replicas of Lingnan-style buildings reincarnate the prosperous life of local people, The garden is a window on Lingnan architectural style, profound folk culture and idyllic rural landscape. Local citizens can find the traces of Lingnan history in this tourism resort, while tourists from other parts of China can deepen their knowledge of the thousand-year Lingnan culture.
Typical Lingnan Architectural Complexes: residential buildings are constructed alongside rivers, with small doors and high walls. Major attractions of the garden include: unsophisticated albatron lanes, magnificent oyster-shell walls, delicate Manchurian windows, winding streams and crystal-clear ponds.
Waihuan West Road, University City, Panyu District, Guangzhou 510006, China
+86 20 3934 1333
4K試錄時光機地鐵回到唐代之南蓮園池-粵語解述 Tang Dynasty Garden reborn
南蓮園池(Nan Lian Garden)位於香港九龍黃大仙區鑽石山鳳德道60號,康樂及文化事務署轄下公園,以每年1元的象徵式的費用委託志蓮淨苑管理、營運和保育公園。此外,志蓮淨苑亦負責公園的設計、監督建造及日常維修工作。公園佔地約35000平方米,以唐代園池為建築藍本,2003年興建,2006年11月14日由香港行政長官曾蔭權聯同香港佛教聯會會長釋覺光長老主持開幕典禮,11月15日正式對外開放。南蓮園池的所在地原為木屋區,因香港政府在1988年5月興建大老山隧道而清拆,並擬作休憩用途。市政局計劃將該地闢為斧山公園,並配合鄰近的志蓮淨苑作仿唐公園的設計,然而原先由建築署提出的園林設計與志蓮淨苑格格不入,工程的設計、建造及監督其後交由志蓮淨苑負責,並在落成後營運公園,但擁有權歸政府全權所有。 斧山公園第一期-「東蓮園」和「西蓮園」於2000年落成,但第二期的南蓮園池工程則延誤至2003年動工。南蓮園池以山西省新絳縣,隋唐郡府園林絳守居園池為藍本,並根據唐穆宗長慶三年(公元823年)樊宗師的《絳守居園池記》及學者專家的研究為依據,重新建構唐代園林的藝術特色。南蓮園池的佈局以水為主體,堤谷地貎為骨架,花木柏槐等植物為主題,輔以供遊憩的園林建築物,按唐代詩人柳宗元提出的「逸其人、因其地、全其天」的原則,構成以自然風光為主的園林風貌。南蓮園池是受《遊樂場地規例》規管的公園,相關條文僅列明「禁止進行商業性質的拍照和錄影活動。即使進行個人和閒暇活動的拍照或錄影,亦不應對其他使用者造成任何不便或阻礙。」設施及景觀:南蓮園池入口門牌- 蓮台 - 蓮池及圓滿閣 -中國木結構建築藝術館 - 九山八海 - 蒼塘及水月台 - 水車磨坊 - 盆景園 - 石館 - 龍門樓-素菜館、會議廳 - 松茶榭-中式茶館 - 香海軒-多用途塲館 - 唐風小築-素菜小食、意藝品小賣店、苗圃
番禺蓮花山粵海度假村兩天遊 20-21 July 2016
包門票暢遊蓮花山 中華老字號【潘高壽】
GUANGZHOU - Yuexiu Park and the Statue of the Five Goats
Yuexiu Park and the Statue of the Five Goats
Located in Mount Yuexiu, Yuexiu Park is the home to many tourist attractions such as the Five Rams Sculpture, the Zhenhai Tower and the Yuexiu Stadium.
Panyu Baomo Garden 潘禺寶墨園 on Oct 4, 2009 at 11:24 - 11:27 008