Am fost la Zărnești
Aventura de la Zărnești: am alergat, am pedalat si m-am plimbat. Un loc frumos care merita vizitat!
My Zarnesti adventure: I ran, biked and walked in the beautiful Zarnesti. An awesome city worth visiting.
Good Vibes by Dj Quads
Clouds by Joakim Karud
Beach by MBB
Alive by ikson:
Happy Life by FREDJI
Music promoted by Audio Library
The North Face Of Piatra Craiului Mountains ROMANIA (pictures)
In Romanian Piatra Craiului means Rock of the King.
The Piatra Craiului mountains form a narrow and saw-like ridge, which is about 25 km long. The highest elevation in the massif is the Vârful La Om with 2238 m.
LOCALISATION:The massif is bordered in the west by the Dâmboviţa Valley which separates it from the Păpuşa massif; in the north-west the river Bârsa and Curmătura Foii separates it from the Făgăraş Mountains and in the east the Rucăr-Bran Passage delimits it from the Bucegi and Leaotă mountains. The southern border is the confluence of the valleys of Dâmboviţa and Dâmbovicioara rivers, in the Podul Damboviţei depression
The whole range is included in the national park Parcul Naţional Piatra Craiului (Piatra Craiului National Park).
The first protection of this area started in 1938 when 4.4 km² were declared as a Nature Reserve. The Law 5/2000 enlarged this area to 148 km². In 2003 the external limits and internal zoning were created. Since 1999 a park administration has existed and since 2005 a management plan has been in place.
In the national park area about 300 fungi species, 220 lichen species, 100 different mosses, 1100 species of superior plants (a third of the number of all plant species found in Romania), 50 Carpathians endemic species and also two endemic species for Piatra Craiului can be found.
There are also 2 endemic species of spiders, 270 butterflies species, amphibians and reptiles, 110 birds species (50 listed in the Bern Convention and 6 in the Bonn Convention), 17 bats species, chamois and other large herbivores and also many large carnivores (wolves, brown bears, lynx) living in the national park.
ACCESS: Zarnesti is the most important town for visiting the national park. It is also an ideal starting point for approaches in the northern part of the massif. This town lies at a distance of 28 km from the city of Braşov, by road, bus or railway. From Zărneşti, an 11 km long road makes the connection with the comfortable chalet Plaiul Foii, which is a good starting point for climbing the ridge.
Also, from Zărneşti a forest road starts from the south-western part of the town, leading through the Zărneşti Gorges (Prăpăstiile) and further up to the ridge.
In Zărneşti the office of the administration of the National Park can be found. A new visitor center has been built 1 km west of the town, but it is not currently (June 2009) open.
The traditional villages Măgura, Peştera, Ciocanu, and Şirnea are interesting starting points for the routes on the eastern slope and for getting in touch with the traditional Romanian way of life.
music: JASON TYRELLO - When The Sun Is Gone, PHREAK and MIDFIELD
Walk in Brasov, Romania
Walking in Brasov, Romania
In this vlog I explore the enchanting city of Brasov. The city centre and its pretty square, the mysterious black church, the narrowest street in Romania and I also climb to the Brasov 'Hollywood' sign at the top of Mount Tampa for unbelievable views of the Transylvanian landscape.
Trying Romanian food + FREE walking tour in Brasov | Romania travel vlog
We explore the beautiful old town of Brasov with a free walking tour; learn so much and fall in love with the beautiful architecture and vibe of the city. And of course we end the day with delicious Romanian food like Sarmale, Fasole Batuta and Papanasi. Then we take a cable car up the mountains to the famous Hollywood-esque Brasov sign. What a great couple of days and what a fantastic city!
We moved across the world from New Zealand to London. We're now travelling Europe in our self-built Mercedes Sprinter campervan.
We have a 2011 Mercedes Sprinter van. It was a standard cargo van that we converted into a campervan ourselves.
Camera (Canon G7x Mark ii): UK -
Hosting (Bluehost):
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Bears relaxing in their sanctuary
Watch our rescued bears relaxing and enjoying their peaceful surroundings. Sloth bears, as you can probably guess, are not the most energetic of animals, but they have a delightful sense of mischief!
A new beginning for bear POTAP in BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr
This is Potap, a nine-year-old male bear who was born in a zoo in Ukraine in 2008. After Potap was sold he was kept in a tiny cage. The ceiling was so low he could hardly stand upright, positioned near a restaurant in order to “attract” visitors. When the owner of the restaurant had to give up his business, Potap was only fed provisionally by local activists..
But now Potap is safe! We rescued him last week and brought him to our brand new BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr! Here Potap can stay for the rest of his life!
The transfer went very well despite Potap’s poor condition that has resulted from his neglect. We are happy as he is now in the best possible hands and will be well taken care of by our animal care-takers in Domazhyr.
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Satul de demult
Dumitru Budrala, Romania, 2012
Satul de demult este un film-elogiu conceput să conserve ceea ce a mai rămas din viaţa satului de odinioară şi să repovestească tainele vieţii de altădată: de ce îşi împleteau fetele cununi în zilele de Sânziene?; ce înseamnă „ropotinul ţestelor”?; cât de complicat este un război de ţesut? Documentarul oferă o privire de ansamblu Muzeului Astra din Dumbrava Sibiului, un muzeu extraordinar care reproduce satul tradiţional.
Romania, my dear land - Emilia Dina
Romania is one of the large countries of Europe (the size of the United Kingdom or roughly half of France), with a population of approx. 22 million inhabitants. Along with the Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Serbs, Turks and other minorities also live in the country. Most of them are of Greek-Orthodox religion, but there are also many Catholics, Protestants, Evangelical, Muslims and others.
לולו לאחר החילוץ המדהים.... - קניון שבעת הסולמות (Cascada și Canionul 7 Scări), רומניה
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
Visiting Dracula's Castle ???????? (Bran Castle, Transylvania) : Travel Vlog
One of my stops this year HAD to be Dracua's Castle (Bran Castle), I have loved everything about Dracula since I was a kid so seeing the castle was like a childhood dream.
Come take a walk around the castle, and see its many amazing rooms.
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This is a spooky piece that is a mixture of soundscape and brief melodies that's meant to invoke a certain mood rather than grab front and center attention.
Scary but simple motive countered by several striking dissonances! Dark Walk by Kevin MacLeod (Royalty Free Music)
You’re free to use this scary horror masterpiece Dark Walk song from our amazing no copyright audio library in any of your YouTube or Twitch videos, just please include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste):
Music provided by No Copyright Music:
Music used: Dark Walk by Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
No Copyright Music - Free To Use
Musica De Terror Sin Copyright
Credits To : ProwlerProductions
A magical and mystical road to dark tower by cinematicwaves (Royalty Free Music)
You’re free to use this mystical masterpiece Road To Dark Tower song from our amazing no copyright audio library in any of your YouTube or Twitch videos, just please include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste):
Music provided by No Copyright Music:
Music used: Road To Dark Tower by cinematicwaves
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
A Day Trip to Romania
Daisy traveled with a group of students to the Romanian towns of Salonta and Oradea. Join her on her bus rides and group walks. Expect plenty of architecture, a number of churches, and even some bison!
Cetatea Rupea, judetul Brasov_Rupea Fortress, Brasov County_22_07_2018
Cetatea Rupea este unul dintre cele mai vechi vestigii arheologice de pe teritoriul României, primele semne de așezări omenești datând din paleotic si neoliticul timpuriu (5.500-3.500 î.H.). Prima atestare documentară datează din anul 1324 când sașii răsculați împotriva regelui Carol Robert, al Ungariei s-au refugiat în interiorul cetății, Castrum Kuholm. Numele de Kuholom face referire la roca pe care a fost ridicata: bazaltul. Documente din secolul al XV-lea menționează cetatea ca fiind un important centru comercial și meșteșugăresc, cu 12 bresle. Cetatea a servit de-a lungul timpului ca fortificație dar și refugiu pentru populația ce locuia dealurile și valea din împrejurimi, așezarea ei fiind strategică: la îmbinarea drumurilor ce făceau legătura între Transilvania, Moldova și Țara Românească prin pasurile sud-estice.
Cetatea Rupea, ridicatǎ pe Dealul Cohalmului, dominând de sus orașul, a fost construitǎ și extinsǎ în secolele al XIV-lea– al XVII-lea, ca cetate și refugiu pentru satele din împrejurimi. În prezent este în stadiu de ruinǎ. Curtinele formează 4 incinte, fiind întărite din loc în loc cu turnuri poligonale, circulația fiind controlatǎ de mai multe porți interioare care compartimenteazǎ ansamblul fortificat. Incinta centralǎ este prevăzută cu un reduit și cu o capelă.
Cetatea Rupea este situată la 50 km de Brașov, construită pe un masiv de bazalt, în zona rezervației geologice Dealul Cohalm - Bazaltele de la Rupea. Este o cetate țărănească cu patru zone întărite cu turnuri poligonale. Cetatea este modificată în timp, prin adăugarea a două curți interioare și trei turnuri de apărare.
Rupea Fortress is one of the oldest archaeological remains on the territory of Romania, the first signs of human settlements dating from the Paleotic and early Neolithic (5,500-3,500 BC). The first documentary testimony dates from 1324 when the Saxons revolted against King Carol Robert, Hungary, fled inside the fortress, Castrum Kuholm. The name of Kuholom refers to the rock that was built: the basalt. Documents from the 15th century mention the city as an important commercial and craft center with 12 guilds. The fortress served as a fortification as well as a refuge for the inhabitants of the hills and the surrounding valley, its settlement being strategic: the merging of the roads connecting Transylvania, Moldavia and Wallachia through the south-eastern passes.
The Rupea fortress, built on the Cohalm Hill, dominating the upper city, was built and expanded in the 14th century as a fortress and refuge for the surrounding villages. It is currently in a state of ruin. The curtains form 4 enclosures, being reinforced instead of polygonal towers, the circulation being controlled by several interior gates that compose the fortified assembly. The central courtyard is provided with a reduced and a chapel.
Rupea Fortress is located 50 km from Brasov, built on a basalt massif, in the Dealul Cohalm Geological Reserve - Bazetele de la Rupea. It is a peasant fortress with four zones reinforced with polygonal towers. The fortress is altered in time by the addition of two inner courtyards and three defense towers.
This is how the future home of Pashuk, Tomi and Gjina looks like - our Bear Sanctuary Prishtina. Surroundings which are close to the nature, a lot of green areas and even pools where they can play in the water. No more tiny cages, no more inappropriate food but finally a perfect (bear) life! Next week they will finally be transferred to Prishtina in collaboration with the Ministria e Mjedisit. We are already excited to see their first steps outside! Stay tuned and don't miss the transfer mission on our social media channels! If you want to provide the bears a good start please donate: #savethesaddestbears
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Castelul SÜKÖSD - BETHLEN Castle (Racos, Brasov County, Transylvania, Romania)
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Castelul Sükösd-Bethlen este un monument istoric care se găsește în partea centrală a coumunei Racoș situată în partea sud-estică a Transilvaniei, între Brașov și Sighișoara. Castelul, sub forma unei fortărețe pătratice și cu numai trei camere, a inițial construit în perioada 1594-1603 de către Sükösd István care se trăgea dintr-o veche familie secuiasă. La începutul secolului al XVII-lea, castelul este întărit la cele patru colțuri cu turnuri circulare, probabil pe timpul lui Sükösd György. După moartea acestuia, în 1631, castelul este preluat de Budai Péter și după ce moare și el (în 1694) castelul trece în proprietatea contelui Bethlen Samuel (1663-1708). El este cel care va mări și întări castelul, înălțând zidurile, construind bastioane și un turn de poartă. Castelul era apărat și de un șanț cu apă peste care în fața porții întărite cu grilaj de fier era un pod rabatabil. În ciuda aspectului de fortificație, castelul era destinat în primul rând locuirii de către familia nobiliară, fiind aranjat și decorat în stil renascentist la modă în acele vremuri în cazul locuințelor nobiliare fortificate. Ca o curiozitate arhitecturală a fost reconstruită, ocupând un întreg turn de colț, hota de deasupra bucătăriei. Castelul a servit ca locuință temporară familiei Bethlen până în anul 1873 când trece în proprietatea contelui Teleki Sámuel, explorator și om de cultură. Din 1903 castelul este preluat de comunitatea locală și mai ales datorită dezinteresului autorităților comuniste, fiind folosit și ca spațiu de depozitare al C.A.P.-ului, construcția se degradează. Vitregiile istoriei și ale naturii au dus la dărâmarea unei vestite Săli a Cavalerilor, a întregii laturi de est (locuită de famiile nobilare) și a unui turn. În ultimii ani, castelul a fost parțial renovat. Lângă Racoș se află vestita rezervație naturală Complexul Geologic Racoș și care are trei obiective foarte interesante: Coloanele de bazalt (monument al naturii din 1960), Lacul de Smarald (format într-o fostă carieră de bazalt) și un peisaj selenar într-o fostă carieră de exploatare a scoriei bazaltice.
Sükösd-Bethlen Castle is a historic monument located in the central part of the Racoş comune located in the south-eastern part of Transylvania, between Brasov and Sighişoara. The castle, in the form of a square fortress and initialy having only three-chamber, was built between 1594 and 1603 by Sükösd István, who was descended from an old Szekler family. At the beginning of the 17th century, the castle was strengthened at the four corners with circular towers, probably during the time of Sükösd György. After his death, in 1631, the castle was taken over by Budai Péter and after he died (in 1694) the castle passed to the Count Bethlen Samuel (1663-1708). He is the one who will enlarge and strengthen the castle, raising the walls, building bastions and a gate tower. The castle was also defended by a water ditch over which, in front of the reinforced gate with iron grille, was a rabatabil bridge. Despite the fortification look, the castle was primarily designed for the noble family's living, being arranged and decorated in a Renaissance style fashionable in those times in the case of fortified nobility dwellings. As an architectural curiosity was rebuilt, occupying a whole corner tower, the hood over the kitchen. The castle served as a temporary dwelling to the Bethlen family until 1873 when it became the property of Count Teleki Sámuel, a explorer and a man of culture. Since 1903 the castle has been taken over by the local community and, in particular, due to the lack of interest of the communist authorities, being also used as a storage space, the construction degrades. The hostility of history and nature have led to the demolition of a famous Hall of the Knights, of the entire east side (inhabited by the noble families) and of a tower. In recent years, the castle has been partially renovated. Next to Racos is the famous nature reserve Racos Geological Complex, which has three very interesting objectives: Basalt Columns (nature monument from 1960), Emerald Lake (formed in a former basalt quarry) and a lunar landscape in a former basalt scoria quarry.
Competiția s-a derulat pe trambulina K 90.
24-25 august 2019
#RuthlessTourism in Europe - Czech Republic | FOUR PAWS |
⬛◼▪ #RuthlessTourism in Europe! ???? ????????
Centuries of captivity!
Across Europe, hundreds of wild animals are held captive and subjected to mental and physical abuse for our entertainment.
Bears have been kept in this moat in the Czech Republic since 1707, with new bears being kept here from donations or from breeding them.
The enclosures don’t resemble their natural habitat, and the wild animals deserve better than being kept as a fun visitor experience❗
Every Christmas Eve during the annual bear festival, the bears are fed gingerbread and sweets attached to a spruce tree for the entertainment of visitors.
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BRASSÓ: Belvárosi látnivalók egy délelőtt alatt | 360 fokos erdélyi úti film | GabaVR
Brassó 3 legérdekesebb látnivalója 360 fokban. Járd körbe velem a Brassó belvárosának nevezetességeit, amiket mindenképp érdemes megnézni, ha épp átutazóban vagy a környéken. További 360 fokos tartalmakért pedig iratkozz fel Magyarország első 360 fokos YouTube csatornájára:
Az erdélyi Drakula mítoszok nyomdokán, a törcsvári kastélyhoz talán legközelebb eső városban, Brassóban töltünk egy délelőttöt.
És hogy mit tartogat a belváros a hozzánk hasonló átutazók számára? Tarts velem, és megmutatom 360 fokban!
1. Brassó főterének legjellegzetesebb épülete a középen álló régi városháza, Tanácsháza de innen látunk rá talán legjobban a szemközti Cenk hegyre is, a Brassó felirattal.
2. A Fekete Templom egész Románia legnagyobb temploma. Nevét a 17. század végén tomboló tűzvész után kapta, mely során falait fekete korom borította be. A hányattatott sorsú épület, miután a történelem során többször is csaknem teljesen megsemmisült, végül 2000 körül nyerte el mai formáját.
3. Mintegy 100 méterre a templomtól találjuk Európa egyik legkeskenyebb utcáját, amit a sarkon egy kis középkori hangulatú táblácska is jelöl. 110-130 centis szélességével a Zsinór utcát Európa harmadik legkeskenyebb utcájaként tartják számon, ahol egy kijelölt területen egy kis „turista üzenőfalat” találunk, majd modern falfestmények között sétálhatunk tovább.
A felvételek az Insta360 One X kamerával készültek, amelyet ajándék láthatatlan szelfibottal az alábbi linken találod meg:
Készítette: Szidor N. Gábor (Gaba VR)
Zene: Ikson
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Portugáliai utazásunk:
Sri Lanka és a Maldív-szigetek 360 fokban:
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Rescued cub Sugar has learned to love sanctuary life
Discovered performing on stage in a cruel Hanoi circus, moon bear cub Sugar and her sister Spice are now safe in Animals Asia's Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre.
It took them time to learn to believe they were safe, but now the know sanctuary life is sweet and no-one can hurt them ever again.
Rescued Grizzly Bear Sanctuary - Prishtina, Kosovo [4K]
The Bear Sanctuary Prishtina is a national park in Kosovo in close proximity to the city of Prishtina. For many years, there was no law against keeping brown bears in Kosovo. All privately kept brown bears lived in small cages at restaurants. They were born mostly in the forests of Kosovo or Albania and snatched from their mothers by animal dealers. As restaurant bears they were supposed to attract customers, and thus profit, for their owners. In November 2010, when it became illegal to keep bears privately, there was a need for a national park as a new home for the restaurant bears rescued from captivity.
The Bear Sanctuary Prishtina has currently 13 brown bears in custody (as of July 2013). These ‘restaurant bears’ had been tracked down and registered by the government of Kosovo during the last few years and have been rescued in 2013. Two restaurant bears, named Rambo and Luta, could not be saved, because their proprietors killed the bears only hours before the rescue team arrived.
The sanctuary is built on an area of fifteen hectares. In addition to the existing facilities, a new training center will be built in the park in order to improve the public attention to animal welfare and environmental problems in Kosovo.