Peaks of the Balkans - Part 1: Discover Albania (Tirana, Kruja, Shkodra, Valbona, Cerem, Doberdol)
Part 1/4 of Mike Harvey's footage on his Peaks of the Balkans trek, organized by Zbulo! Discover Albania in summer 2015.
(photos till 2:54min, afterwards and in part 2-4 almost only video!)
The tour kicks off in Albania's modern capital Tirana. The cultural program includes a visit of the former historic capital and hilltop castle Kruja as well as Northern Albania's laid back hub Shkodra, situated scenically at shores of the Balkans' largest lake backed by the Accursed Mountains
A tranquil ferry ride on the fjord-like Koman Lake takes the group into the heart of the Albanian Alps, the monumental Valbona National Park. Leaving the beaten path the adventurers travel into the wilderness of the Gashi River NP, the almost deserted village Cerem and remote seasonal shepherd settlement of Doberdol.
Our tours start in the period between June and September from Tirana, Pristina or Podgorica and usually last between one and two weeks. We put focus on immersive cultural experiences in the wild nature of the Accursed Mountains in an active and sustainable manner. The itinerary will always be adapted to fit your preferences when it comes to accommodation standard and walking grade. You prefer home stays and challenging treks or the comfort of a private en-suite room and scenic shorter outings? We will find the right trip for you!
Stay at family-run guesthouses, with shepherds but also in small boutique hotels. Indulge on traditional meals and organic ingredients (vegetarians welcome). Take it easy as your luggage is transported by car and on mules. Develop an understanding of the contemporary history and gain insights into the peculiar life of the highlanders and their deep-rooted traditions through your mountain and cultural guides. Our leaders are experts in their field and many trained by the German Alpine Association (DAV).
Don't wait until it's spoiled. Get to know three little known Balkan countries, their people, history, customs and cuisine!
Visit for more information or say hello at
Zbulo! Discover Albania is a not-just-for-profit company run by outdoor enthusiasts. We are the experts for memorable tailor-made adventures in the Balkans.
Peaks of the Balkans - Part 4: The end of the road (Plav, Theth, Nderlysa)
Part 4/4 of Mike Harvey's footage on his Peaks of the Balkans trek, organized by Zbulo! Discover Albania in summer 2015.
Few years ago it would not have been possible to cross the borders, today entering the formerly isolated Albania is a mere formality. On one magic trek through the heart of the Accursed Mountains part of the group scales the Matterhorn of Albania before arriving in Theth.
During their last days in the remote mountain villages they visit a lock-in in tower, hear about the ancient law code of the Kanun and blood feud and stay on a farmstead in the village Nderlysa. Everybody enjoys the family atmosphere, help with farm work, catch trout, learn to cook a traditional meal, read in the shade of the garden or go for a swim.
Our tours start in the period between June and September from Tirana, Pristina or Podgorica and usually last between one and two weeks. We put focus on immersive cultural experiences in the wild nature of the Accursed Mountains in an active and sustainable manner. The itinerary will always be adapted to fit your preferences when it comes to accommodation standard and walking grade. You prefer home stays and challenging treks or the comfort of a private en-suite room and scenic shorter outings? We will find the right trip for you!
Stay at family-run guesthouses, with shepherds but also in small boutique hotels. Indulge on traditional meals and organic ingredients (vegetarians welcome). Take it easy as your luggage is transported by car and on mules. Develop an understanding of the contemporary history and gain insights into the peculiar life of the highlanders and their deep-rooted traditions through your mountain and cultural guides. Our leaders are experts in their field and many trained by the German Alpine Association (DAV).
Don't wait until it's spoiled. Get to know three little known Balkan countries, their people, history, customs and cuisine!
Visit for more information or say hello at
Zbulo! Discover Albania is a not-just-for-profit company run by outdoor enthusiasts. We are the experts for memorable tailor-made adventures in the Balkans.
Peaks of the Balkans - Part 2: 3 Days, 3 Countries (Doberdol, Milishevc, Reka e Allages, Drelaj)
Part 2/4 of Mike Harvey's footage on his Peaks of the Balkans trek, organized by Zbulo! Discover Albania in summer 2015.
After an authentic and welcoming stay with a shepherd family in Doberdol the group climbs Trekufiri, the peak where the borders of Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro meet in one point.
A ridge walk takes them along the border between Kosovo and Montenegro to the high altitude, albeit more modern summer pasture Milishevc and into the Rugova Canyon where they experience more than one warm welcome and scale Mt Hajla.
Our tours start in the period between June and September from Tirana, Pristina or Podgorica and usually last between one and two weeks. We put focus on immersive cultural experiences in the wild nature of the Accursed Mountains in an active and sustainable manner. The itinerary will always be adapted to fit your preferences when it comes to accommodation standard and walking grade. You prefer home stays and challenging treks or the comfort of a private en-suite room and scenic shorter outings? We will find the right trip for you!
Stay at family-run guesthouses, with shepherds but also in small boutique hotels. Indulge on traditional meals and organic ingredients (vegetarians welcome). Take it easy as your luggage is transported by car and on mules. Develop an understanding of the contemporary history and gain insights into the peculiar life of the highlanders and their deep-rooted traditions through your mountain and cultural guides. Our leaders are experts in their field and many trained by the German Alpine Association (DAV).
Don't wait until it's spoiled. Get to know three little known Balkan countries, their people, history, customs and cuisine!
Visit for more information or say hello at
Zbulo! Discover Albania is a not-just-for-profit company run by outdoor enthusiasts. We are the experts for memorable tailor-made adventures in the Balkans.
Zu Tisch in Albanien / Cuisines de Terrorirs le Albanie (Theth, Albanian Alps)
Eine kulinarische Reise durch das im Winter für vier Monate isolierte Tal von Theth, umgeben von den höchsten Gipfeln des Dinarischen Gebirges mit einem Besuch bei der Familie von Ded Nika, die im Bergdorf Nderlysa in den Albanischen Alpen wohnt.
Gemeinsam betreibt Deda mit seiner Frau Shpresa, der Mutter Pren und den Kindern Christian, Albert, Denisa und Daniela einen Bauernhof als Guesthouse der auch Wanderer zur Einkehr für ein Mahlzeit oder Übernachtung einlädt.
Nordalbanische Küche ist geprägt von ihrer Umwelt: Gebirgswelten mit dramatischen Gipfeln, von von Buchen-Urwäldern eingeschlossenen farbenfrohen Wiesen und klaren Flüssen. Hier findet man hier wilde Bachforellen, Gemüse ohne Bio-Siegel aber in Bio-Qualität, Fleisch von freilaufenden Schafen und Ziegen, beste Milchprodukte und unverfälschten Berg-Honig!
Mehr Fotos und Rezepte auf:
Zbulo - Discover Albania organisiert deutsch und englischsprachige geführte als auch individuelle Wander- und Studienreisen in Albanien, Kosovo und Montenegro. Ded Nika ist einer unserer vielen interessanten Gastgeber.
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Peaks of the Balkans - Part 3: Plav, here we come! (Drelaj, Babino Polje, Plav, Grbaja)
Part 3/4 of Mike Harvey's footage on his Peaks of the Balkans trek, organized by Zbulo! Discover Albania in summer 2015.
From Drelaj we venture on an old caravan path beyond the glacial lakes of the Rugova Gorge out of Kosovo and across the border into Montenegro and the evergreen valley of Babino Polje.
From our base at the beautiful lake Plav a hike in the spectacular Grbaja Valley is a must. On a dramatic ridge walk the group reaches another peak before descending on a little known path back to the valley's beer garden.
Our tours start in the period between June and September from Tirana, Pristina or Podgorica and usually last between one and two weeks. We put focus on immersive cultural experiences in the wild nature of the Accursed Mountains in an active and sustainable manner. The itinerary will always be adapted to fit your preferences when it comes to accommodation standard and walking grade. You prefer home stays and challenging treks or the comfort of a private en-suite room and scenic shorter outings? We will find the right trip for you!
Stay at family-run guesthouses, with shepherds but also in small boutique hotels. Indulge on traditional meals and organic ingredients (vegetarians welcome). Take it easy as your luggage is transported by car and on mules. Develop an understanding of the contemporary history and gain insights into the peculiar life of the highlanders and their deep-rooted traditions through your mountain and cultural guides. Our leaders are experts in their field and many trained by the German Alpine Association (DAV).
Don't wait until it's spoiled. Get to know three little known Balkan countries, their people, history, customs and cuisine!
Visit for more information or say hello at
Zbulo! Discover Albania is a not-just-for-profit company run by outdoor enthusiasts. We are the experts for memorable tailor-made adventures in the Balkans.
Entdeckungstouren in den Albanischen Alpen
Im Sommer 2010 begleitete ein Bergauf - Bergab-Team eine Gruppe von deutschen Kletterern auf einer Entdecker-Tour in die verwunschenen Berge, wie die Einheimischen den nordalbanischen Teil der Dinariden nennen. Der Reisebericht von Peter-Hugo Scholz rückt nicht nur die bergsteigerischen Erlebnisse der Gäste in den Fokus, er fängt auch das Leben der Bergbewohner und die Naturschönheiten ein. Gezeigt wird, wie sich die Menschen auf die zahlreicher werdenden Besucher einstellen.
Wandertouren in den Nationalparks von Thethi und Valbona hinterlassen nachhaltige Eindrücke. Das Filmteam bleibt nah dran, wenn es zur Erstdurchsteigung in die 1000 Meter hohe Wand des Arapi oder zur Erkundung einer bislang unerforschten Höhle tief ins Karstgestein geht. Nicht zuletzt die Begegnung mit giftigen Schlangen und das Eintauchen in ein Reich aus seltenen Orchideen, Lilien und Heilkräutern vermitteln viel vom Land der Skipetaren.
Zbulo! bietet geführte und individuelle Wandertouren in Albanien, Kosovo und Montenegro an. Nachwuchstalent Gerhard Duro ist Teil des Teams und kennt die besten Kletterorte des Landes.
Mehr Informationen auf oder per email an
Zbulo Shqipërinë - Dhermia
NDR Hanseblick - Urlaub wo? Im Kosovo! 14. September 2014
Der Hanseblick begleitet eine norddeutsche Studentin in den Kosovo. Sie besucht ihre zukünftigen Schwiegereltern und feiert mit ihnen und der ganzen Großfamilie das Ende des Fastenmonats Ramadan mit dem traditionellen Zuckerfest.
Ein idealer Einstieg, um den Bewohnern der jüngsten Nation Europas näher zu kommen. Unterwegs in der Mitte des Balkans, in einem Land, in dem vor 15 Jahren noch der Krieg tobte. Welche Wünsche hat die muslimische Bevölkerung? Wie sehen sie ihr Land in Europa, und welche Tipps haben sie für eine Tour durch ihr so unbekanntes, oft mit Vorurteilen belastetes Land? Urlaub im Kosovo, ist das sicher, ist das empfehlenswert? Eine Reise im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Ein 14-jähriger Junge öffnet dem Hanseblick-Team die Türen einer Kulla. In dem historischen Turmhaus zeigt er stolz das oberste Geschoss, zu dem nur Männer Zutritt haben. Was aber bedeutet das Zeichen der Blutrache am Eingang?
In Peja wandert und klettert das Team mit in den Dinarischen Alpen, die hier auch verfluchte Berge genannt werden. Imposante Gebirgszüge, gigantische Schluchten - die Greifswalderin Mandy Berthäusl will sie alle sehen - für den touristischen Atlas, an dem sie gerade arbeitet.
A1 Report - “Vodafone Albania” ofron mundësi unike karriere për të sapodiplomuarit
TIRANE- “Vodafone Albania” zhvilloi ditën e premte fazën finale të përzgjedhjes së fituesve të programit “Discover Vodafone”. Prej disa vitesh, “Vodafone Albania” sjell mundësi reale për të sapodiplomuarit e talentuar duke mundësuar zhvillimin e skemës globale të zbulimit të talenteve “Discover Vodafone” (Zbulo Vodafone) në Shqipëri. Kjo skemë e veçantë, e zbatuar njëlloj në të gjitha kompanitë e Grupit “Vodafone”, integron teknikat më të përparuara të identifikimit të talenteve të reja dhe ju hap dyert e një karriere të shkëlqyer në “Vodafone”.
Edhe këtë vit, interesimi i të rinjve shqiptarë ishte shumë i lartë. Rreth 1000 të rinj aplikuan për të qenë pjesë e kësaj skeme dhe pas disa testimesh të standardizuara, në fazën finale fituan të drejtën të merrnin pjesë 24 kandidatë të talentuar, të cilët kaluan në proces testimi tepër dinamik ku gjithsecili pati mundësinë të shfaqë aftësitë dhe kapacitetin nëpërmjet ushtrimeve individuale dhe në grup.
Ndryshe nga vitet e tjera, “Vodafone Albania” do të përzgjedhë nga faza finale më shumë se 10 fitues, të cilët do të lidhin një kontratë pune me “Vodafone Albania” për të punuar për 2 vjet në 2-3 sektorë të ndryshëm të kompanisë, për të fituar njohuri të gjera në lidhje më biznesin e telekomunikacioneve dhe kulturën e punës në një kompani lider global si “Vodafone”.
Kandidatët fitues do të kenë mundësinë e një karrierë të suksesshme në kompaninë “Vodafone” në Shqipëri dhe nëse vijojnë të shfaqin një performancë të shkëlqyer, ata do të kenë të hapura dyert për t’u bërë drejtues të “Vodafone” në nivel global përmes skemës “Columbus” për zhvillimin e Liderëve të rinj që mundëson rritjen në karrierë në rang global në “Vodafone Group”.
Programi “Discover Vodafone” është një prej shumë projekteve që “Vodafone” organizon çdo vit me qëllim zhvillimin dhe mbështetjen e të rinjve për të nisur suksesshëm hapat e para të karrierës së tyre profesionale.
Ski Touring Albania Kosovo
Skiing in Albania and Kosovo is a real adventure. In February 2018 we were lucky to have lots and lots of snow – and great hosts not only in Valbona Valley. The ski trip Albania was organized by We can only recommend them. Find out more about our tours: Music: Gillicuddy/Adventure, Darling (CC BY-NC 3.0 DE), Tours/Enthusiast (CC BY 3.0).
shqipnia - Vizitoje Shqipërinë Visit Albania
vizitoje Shqipërinë / Visit Albania
Kierunek Albania / Direction: Albania / Drejtimi: Shqiperi
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Kush është Zoti i vërtetë? - Who Is The True God?
Zbulo disa të vërteta praktike rreth si të dish nëse po dëgjon rreth Zotit të vërtetë!
Discover some practical truth about how to know if you are hearing about the true God!
Digital Banking | Si të regjistrohem?
Gati për të provuar aplikacionin tonë të ri?!
Eksploro funksionalitetet e reja dhe zbulo lehtësitë në veprimet bankare!
Për të përfituar këtë shërbim të ri duhet të paraqiteni në degën më të afërt të bankës sonë dhe të firmosni kontratën e re dhe kushtet e punës.
Menaxho financat e tua në mënyrë të sigurt dhe të thjeshtë me aplikacionin e ri të Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania.
Bëhu gati të zbulosh kryerjen e veprimeve bankare në mënyrë më të thjeshtë dhe të avancuar me opsione personalizimi të aplikacionit.
Merr kontroll të llogarisë, kartave, kursimeve, kredive dhe bëj pagesa të shpejta, kudo dhe kurdoherë.
Gjej përmes aplikacionit Degët, ATM dhe Kontaktet e Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, edhe pse nuk je akoma i rregjistruar për shërbimin.
• Shpejtësi dhe me një pamje grafike të përditësuar për të parë financat e tua
• Njoftime Push për të kontrolluar sa më lehtë transaksionet e tua
• Zgjidh 5 aksese të shpejta për funksionet që përdor më shpesh
• Kontrollo balancën e llogarisë tënde pa u futur në aplikacion
• Autorizo transaksione përmes Indetifikimit Biometrik (Fingerprint ose Face Recognition)
• Bëj pagesa në persona të zgjedhur nga ju pa autorizim shtesë
• Përdor #withPAY për të transferuar para tek pjesmarrësit e komunitetit #withPAY duke përdorur numrin e tyre të kontaktit nga lista e kontakteve të tua
• Paguaj fatura sa më thjeshtë kurdoherë
Përdorimi i aplikacionit është shumë i sigurt. Përdorimi i tij është i bazuar në një kod PIN, i cili është i njohur vetëm nga përdoruesi. Asnjë informacion lidhur me llogaritë ose kodin PIN-in nuk ruhet në telefonin tënd, duke siguruar konfidencialitet të plotë të informacionit.
Pasi përdoruesi vendos tre herë kodin PIN të gabuar, aplikacioni bëhet jo aktiv, duke garantuar siguri kundrejt aksesit të padëshiruar.
Shkarko aplikacionin tani!
Lehtësi në veprime bankare #withINTESANPAOLOBANK.
*Mund të përdorësh Indetifikimin biometrik për të aksesuar aplikacionin e Intesa Sanpaolo Bank vetëm nëse telefoni celular e ka këtë funksion.
Manage your finances safely and easily with Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania’s mobile banking application.
Be ready to discover a more advanced and easier banking with numerous app personalization options.
Get access to your accounts, cards, savings, loans and make payments quickly, anytime, anywhere. The Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania’s ATM and branch locator and contact information are available, even if you have not contracted for the service.
• fast and graphically advanced view of your finances
• push notifications for easier tracking of your transactions
• select 5 shortcuts of the most used features
• check the balance of the selected account without logging into the app
• authorize transactions via biometric identification (fingerprint or face scanning)*
• make payments to selected recipients without additional authorization
• use #withPAY to transfer funds to members of the #withPAY community using their contact information from your phonebook
• pay your bills easily at any time
Using the mobile banking app is completely safe. The use of the app is based on a PIN which is known only to the user. No information related to your accounts or PINs is stored on the mobile device, which ensures absolute confidentiality of the information.
After 3 consecutive incorrect PIN entries, the app becomes inactive, providing additional protection against unwanted access.
Download the app now!
Banking made easy #withINTESASANPAOLOBANK.
*You can use the Biometric ID to access and use the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking application if your mobile device supports this feature.