Vilnius WillNews ReedNoBrass - @Station
ReedNoBrass - I Remember The Day
the song performed by ReedNoBrass @ Vilnius Train Station 2011
J. Basanavičiaus gatvė Vilnius TL
2015-12-30 J. Basanavičiaus gatvė Romanovų cerkvė
EBU Lithuania Court opens case of bilingual street signs in Vilnius
Pilną laidos įrašą rasite adresu
LRT © 2016
Lithuanian Government sued capital’s Vilnius administration on Monday for introducing duplicate non-Lithuanian signs which are merely decorative friendly elements in Vilnius mayor’s opinion.
A Vilnius court on Monday opened hearings into the bilingual street signs in the Lithuanian capital.
The government's representative Vilda Vaiciuniene who took the case to the court says that non-Lithuanian signs run counter to the law and may instigate hatred.
‘I can see an ethnic hatred in public press, in commentaries there, in commentaries by residents and so many people addressed us with their complaints. Therefore, the example of putting these signs up probably instigates rifts in the society and does not create a friendly city,’ says Vaiciuniene.
Vilnius introduced nine duplicate signs in foreign language to honor ethnic minorities that lived there in the past or to honor friendship with other states such as Iceland which was the first to recognize Lithuanian independence after it broke away from Soviet Union.
Mayor of Vilnius Remigijus Simasius states the signs are merely a decorative element.
‘We did discuss the implementation of this with State Commission of the Lithuanian Language and it recommended that the signs should be with traditional national ornaments, every sign should look like a separate object of art. So it was done like that,’ says Simasius maintaining that the administration did not violate the law which allows regular signs only in a state language which is Lithuanian.
Last year administration altogether hung nine signs that alongside official signs in Lithuanian language duplicate street names in the original language. These signs hang in Iceland Street, Russian street, Warsaw Street, Latvian street, German street, Jewish street, Tartar street, Karaites street and Washington square.
‘I wonder if the English sign of Washington square hangs in a Washington square, what kind of strife it instigates? It could only be with Russia, only then I understand the logic like that…’, questioned mayor Simasius.
Some columnists believe the dispute is mirroring tension over Lithuanian identity as some still view neighboring Russia and Poland with suspicion. In 20th century both occupied parts of what is today Lithuania. Before the war Vilnius was called Wilno in Polish name as it was a part of northeast Poland.
Lithuania has long experienced tensions, including the issue of bilingual signs, with its vocal and politically-united Polish minority, which makes up around 7 percent of its population. There are fewer tensions over ethnic Russians, mostly Soviet-period immigrants who make up about 6 percent of the population.
Shots of bilingual signs on Vilnius streets
Sound bite (Lithuanian), REMIGIJUS SIMASIUS, Mayor of Vilnius: By the way, we did discuss the implementation of this with State Commission of the Lithuanian Language and it recommended that the signs should be with traditional national ornaments, every sign should look like a separate object of art. So it was done like that. It is a pity that Commission started to change its opinion and wander.
Shots of the court
Sound bite (Lithuanian), VILDA VAICIUNIENE, Representative of the Government appointed to Vilnius district: Look, the municipality can say many things, but in this case it was stressed that exterior elements like those do not have neither necessary drawings nor it was included in construction‘s technical regulations, which is necessary for those items if they pretend to be classified as elements of exterior.
More shots of bilingual signs
Sound bite (Lithuanian), VILDA VAICIUNIENE, Representative of the Government appointed to Vilnius district: I can see an ethnic hatred in public press, in commentaries there, in commentaries by residents and so many people addressed us with their complaints. Therefore, the example of putting these signs up probably instigates rifts in the society and does not create a friendly city.
Sign of Washington square
Sound bite (Lithuanian), REMIGIJUS SIMASIUS, Mayor of Vilnius: These signs honor our friendship and they are only honoring our friendship. I wonder if the English sign of Washington square hangs in a Washington square, what kind of strife it instigates? It could only be with Russia, only then I understand the logic like that…
Animation of all nine bilingual signs that hangs in Vilnius streets
Sapnas žydinčiame sode - Lithuanian National Costumes (1938)
Old colour documentary The Dream in the Blooming Garden is about Lithuanian national women costumes from different regions. Folk artist Antanas Tamošaitis is sitting in the blooming garden and looking at the sketches of girls' national costumes. He falls asleep and has a dream where Lithuanian girls wearing national costumes of different regions are passing by. Director of photography - Kazys ir Mečys Motūzai (Matuzai), directors - Kazys ir Mečys Motūzai (Matuzai), screenplay - Antanas Tamošaitis.
Added sountracks:
1. part of instrumental sutartinė Perluti, rytata (Lithuanian Pan Flutes)
2. Lithuanian folk song Miegužio noriu (neo folk group Liberte)
Brolių Matuzų filmas, pagamintas Lietuvoje 1938 m. gegužės mėn.
LIETUVIŲ MOTERŲ TAUTINIAI DRABUŽIAI (iš Anastazijos ir Antano Tamošaičių rinkinio) / Sapnas žydinčiame sode (Antano Tamošaičio scenarijus)
Dokumentiniame spalvotame filme yra įamžinti 10 tautinių kostiumų, kuriuos Tamošaičiai atkūrė, atspindėdami skirtingų Lietuvos regionų apsirengimo tradicijas:
Vilnietė - Vilnius
Aukštaitė - Panevėžys
Aukštaitė - Biržai
Žemaitė - Telšiai
Žemaitė - Raseiniai
Dzūkė - Alytus
Zanavykė - Šakiai
Zanavykė - Griškabūdis
Kapsė - Vilkaviškis
Mažlietuvė - Pagėgiai
Naujai pridėtas garso takelis:
1. Perluti, rytata - skudučių sutartinė (dalis).
2. Miegužio noriu - lietuvių liaudies daina iš Liudviko Rėzos dainų rinkinio (atlieka neo folk grupė Liberte, vokalas - Ana Banuškina).
Dail. Ant. Tamošaičio ūkyje buvo nufilmuotos lietuvaitės tautiškais
drabužiais apsivilkusios. Buvo parinkta dešimt studenčių, aprengtos
tautiškais klaipėdiečių, žemaičių, aukštaičių, rytiečių, vilniečių, dzūkių, kapsiu ir zanavykių drabužiais ir įamžintos specialiai paruoštoj filmoj „Sapnas žydinčiame sode.
Drabužiai buvo paruošti men. Anast. Tamošaitienės, o stilizuoti —
dail. A. Tamošaičio. Scenarijų paruošė ir filmavo Amerikos lietuviai
broliai Motuzai. Filmą šešiasdešimt metrų ilgio ir specialiai bus vaidinama išeivijoje. (Darbininkas, 1938, liepos 21 d., 7 psl.)
Originalo saugotojas - Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas.
Vilnius WillNews promo
Vilnius WillNews, linkejimai is klaipedos!!! O taves laukia visa ReedNoBrass komanda birzelio 9d. Zemaites skverelyje prie Fluxus ministerijos. Pradzia 23:00, pabaiga 23:05!!! Neveluok!!!
Viktorija Juknevičienė / Zumba by Timeless / LITHUANIA
Kviečiame visus norinčius išbandyti ZUMBA pas Viktorija Juknevičienė!!! VILNIUS
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Lithuanian Folklore: the Origins [ENGLISH SUBTITLES] Lietuvių folkloro šaknys (1984)
This movie about the roots of Lithuanian folk customs was filmed in 1982 but it was banned from cinemas until 1984 because people in charge of Central USSR television regarded it as too ethnic. The director of this film Gytis Lukšas recounts: At the time when Lithuania's national broadcaster was not allowed to show even distaffs with traditional ornaments (because the Central Committee of the Communist Party regarded all ethnic items as idolization of the feudal-bourgeois past) a feature-length movie about the 9th century roots of our culture suddenly comes out! It featured the poetry of Marcelijus Martinaitis, ancient polyphonic folk songs & instruments, it was an open challenge! Moscow had requested to make this film but when they saw the end result, they got angry and banned it from the public for several years. However, unofficially people were still watching it in Lithuanian village culture centres, each such screening would turn into folk get-togethers even before the Sajūdis had started. At that time people in Lithuania were already talking about the independence and us being a European nation with deep cultural roots.
Filme rekonstruojami lietuviški papročiai, kaimo darbai įvairiais metų laikais ir apeigos. Skamba aukštaitiškos sutartinės, dzūkų apeiginės ir žemaičių karo dainos, senoviniai liaudies instrumentai (ragai, skudučiai, ratas), eilės, atskleidžiamos tautinės savimonės formavimosi prielaidos.
Filmavosi Marcelijus Martinaitis, Veronika Povilionienė, Gintaras Tilvytis, Arūnas Ivanauskas, Rima Lozovaitė, Liaudies buities muziejaus Liaudies muzikos teatro artistai, Vilniaus Universiteto dainų ir šokių ansamblis.
Near crash @ Vilnius, Lithuania
Going through three traffic lines at once, almost crashing into other car. 2016-04-07 @ Vilnius
Vizionieriai @ Spot Club 28.04.12 VIlnius Lithuania
„Lituanica“ Skrydis per Atlantą
Skirta Lietuvos 100-mečiui.
Nesėtų rugių žydėjimas. 1978 m.
Lietuvos kino studija.
Režisierius - M. Giedrys.
Lithuanian Extravaganza 2019-Žemaitė's Marti.Lietutis Part 2
Lithuanian Extravaganza, March 24, 2019-Seattle Public Library-Lietutis dancing Rezginėlė,Medkirčiai and Ei, Oželi. Little play- Žemaitė, Daughter-in-law (Marti)
Keistas vyrukas Zemaites gatveje
Vyrukas berods apsigveno prie BITES pastato :)
Jewish Cemetry, ZYDU KAPINE, Lithuania
Jewish Cemetry, ZYDU KAPINE, Lithuania
Marijos ir Jurgio Šlapelių namas - muziejus Vilniuje (vaizdo reportažas)
Kieno liežuvis aštresnis „Auksiniame balse: Kelmickaitės ar Rožicko? O sako, kad lietuviai neturi humoro jausmo:)
Erasmus Got Talent 2013 Spring - Žemaitės gymnasium
Žemaitės gymnasium (Lithuania)
High-school band from Telšiai
Singing at Erasmus Got Talent Show
ESN MRU Vilnius, Lithuania
Foosin - Bičiulio Smuklė, Žemaitės g.8, Vilnius
Visi turbūt žinote seniau gyvavusį Šveiką....Nuo šiol jus džiugins naujai įsikūręs restoranas Bičiulio smuklė kuris duris pravėrė jau rugsėjo 1-ąją. Restorane jus pasitiks jaunas ir smagus kolektyvas, jauki ir šilta aplinka kuriame gausu kalvio ranko darbų, virtuvės šefė visada pasiruošusi gardžiai ir sočiai pamaitinti kiekvieną aplankiusį Bičiulio svečią, savo skaniais, ką tik iš pečiaus ištrauktais lietuviškais patiekalais.
Libar M. Fofana à Vilnius
Interview de l'écrivain Libar M. Fofana à Vilnius le 21 mars 2012.
Interviu su rašytoju Libaru M. Fofana. 2012 m. kovo 21 d., Vilniuje.
Institut français de Lituanie
Réalisation : Loic Salfati
Episode #14 - LITHUANIA - Talonas and Litas Banknotes
Today on World Currency Collector we're traveling to Lithuania to check out the Talonas and Litas banknotes. We'll learn all about Pick numbers in banknote collecting. Then we’ll check out the charging knight on the Lithuanian national coat of arms called Vytis, sage and rosemary, the grey heron and the grey wolf, writers Žemaitė and Motiejus Valančius, pilots Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas, and famed poet Maironis.
Visit Trakai Island Castle:
Read some of the poetry of Maironis:
More about Juozas Zikaras and the Statue of Liberty:
Make a virtual visit to some famous museums in Lithuania:
Resepsi Diplomatik & HUT RI ke 73 - Vilnius, Lithuania - 13 September 2018
Resepsi Diplomatik & HUT RI ke 73 - Narutis Hotel - Vilnius, Lithuania - 13 September 2018