A Guided Tour In Zemstvei Museum
A guided tour by Alexandr Voronuic (President of the NGO Art-Labyrinth) who leads us through Art-Labyrinth space situated in Zemstvei Museum (Chisinau, Moldova). Art-Labyrinth is an alternative art and culture organisation dedicated to promoting diverse art, music and culture in Moldova. Since its inception, 6 years ago, Art-Labyrinth has organised an annual 3-day summer festivals and year-round concerts, events, workshops and seminars at its centre in Chisinau, Moldova.
musicians Chisinau, art labyrinth (Moldova)
Curaj.TV - A fost cândva muzeul zemstvei, acum e o ruină...
Acest edificiu a fost construit acum 100 de ani ca muzeu al zemstvei. După aceea a avut mai multe destinaţii, inclusiv facultatea de veterinărie a Universităţii Agricole a Moldovei. Recent printr-o hotărâre de guvern a fost întoarsă muzeului.
Circus Walk
Circus Walk is a performance/intervention by Tom Russotti (USA) and Karl Hallberg (Sweden) hosted by Oberlicht NGO (Chisinau, Moldova). During the performance/intervention a group of people dressed as circus performers made they way from Zemstevei Museum to Moldovan State Circus building, which is currently abandoned.
Govardhan Puja — Chisinau 2012
Govardhan Puja in Chisinau 2012
Underground под открытым небом (репортаж Муз-ТВ)
Мой репортаж с концерта группы Ujeutro в летнем театре организации альтернативной культуры Art-Labyrinth (Кишинев)
New Vision Pulse Exhibition of young artists in Chisinau
Pulse-New Vision
Exhibition of young artists in Chisinau
Exhibition 'Pulse' is the closing event of a two month long art course, hold by the hungarian painter and curator Ákos Bánki (University of Pécs Faculty of Music and Visual Arts Hungary) for art student from ULIM University, Pedagogical University Ion Creanga, Academy of Music, Theater and Fine arts, and from Tehnical Uniersity from Republic of Moldova.
The aim of the course was to inspire and motivate young artists to make experimentations on their art and express their ideas and feelings in a new way. The exhibition is conceptualised, organised and installed by the student.
All of the artworks presented in the exhibition 'Pulse' are experimentations in new areas (installations, performance, video work, collage, mixed media). The artworks express 'Pulse' which the creators feel inside and outside of their body in todays world. Some of the pieces have light and sound effect in order to invite their visitors into their strange world.
Exhibition 'Pulse' is the first try-out of this young and fresh group to make art together for public and initiate a conversation about them.
The exhibition takes place in Art Labyrinth, in the beautiful space of the old Museum of Zemstvei . The visitors can see the artworks only on 12th of december.
Ákos Bánki's course at ULIM University was provided by Erasmus Mundus program. Ákos Bánki is a student at the DLA programme at University of Pécs, his professor is Péter Somody.
We would like to thank to ULIM University, Pedagogical University Ion Creanga, Academy of Music, Theater and Fine arts, and from Tehnical University from Republic of Moldova, University of Pécs Faculty of Music and Visual Arts and Art Labyrint for their contribution to 'Pulse'.
Come and let's pulse !
HuckberryFinn - De ai întrebări
24.05.2014.Art-Labyrinth, Chisinau, Republica Moldova.
Curaj.TV - Muzică de la Art-Labyrinth
26 martie, 2011, Chişinău, Moldova. Concertul a avut loc cu ocazia expozitiei de fotografii PuzzleUpChişinow.
The Night of Museums-The museum of History
Visiting The National Museum of History in The Long Night of Museums, Chisinau, Moldova
«Arthada & friends» в Кишинёве. Концерт медитативной музыки
19 мая в Кишинёвском Органном зале прошёл концерт медитативной музыки в исполнении группы из Австрии «Артада и друзья».
Видео: JurnalTv
Concert of Arthada and friends performing meditative music in Organ Hall of Chisinau, Moldova.
The monument of Ivan Zaikin
Jan, Svoboda, Triangle 3 (intersection of streets Ivan Zaikin, Sf. Andrei), Chisinau
Ivan Zaikin's virtuosic wrestling celeb won him the title of the Noble Knight of the Mat. He invented a stunt he calls The Bent Rail and has given himself the title of Captain of the Air. Real 20 century man. He had come a long way from a street sweeper and loader to become a wealthy landowner and idol. Now you can discover a weightlifter excellence in yourself like his legacy! Start strengthen nicely from the fingers of your hands. This is an intervention into each flesh, as a chestnut turns out to be and let's get physical!
Cloudberry - Hell On Earth (official video)
This is the official video for HELL ON EARTH, the first single from the new Cloudberry-album THE CLOSER WE GET (released on 26th of august 2011). It was filmed @ Museum Zemstvei in Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) during our eastern europe-tour in april/may 2011. edited by agenturfuerkrankemedien.
Skaði. Art Labyrinth. Chisinau. 1
Etnospirit - Art labyrinth 2009 festival.
Друзья!.. Инка, музыкант и солистка групп Ann'Sannat, Ethno Spirit , участница многих музыкальных проектов попала в автокатастрофу под Питером. В настоящий момент лежит в коме
в реанимации больницы в г.Тосно
Необходима помощь.. Кроме наших молитв и пожеланий понадобятся деньги на лечение..
Art-Labyrinth in Chishinev 2010 November
One amazing evening of my life. It happens in K. in November 17th 2010.
Art Labyrinth
soirée art labyrinth chisinau moldova
Muzeul de Etnografie a primit în dar un covor din 1898
Muzeul Național de Etnografie și Istorie Naturală a primit în dar un covor exclusiv, ce datează din anul 1898.
Covorul este țesut de mama militantului Ion Pelivan, Eugenia, fiind păstrat și transmis din generație în generație, informează NOI.md.
Covorul a fost țesut în perioada cînd militantul Ion Pelivan, în urma activității sale politice, a fost arestat și trimis în surghiun. „Eugenia Pelivan a reprezentat pe acest covor suferința ei de mamă”, a menționat strănepotul lui Ion Pelivan, Valeriu Pelivan, cel care a dăruit covorul Muzeului.
Potrivit lui, pe scoarța țesută de Eugenia Pelivan este reprezentat surghiunul în care a fost Ion, ornat cu flori cu spini, care nu se mai întîlnesc nicăieri în lume, bici și spic de grîu. Această scoarță, după ce a fost finalizată, prin intermediul mai multor oameni, a ajuns în locul de surghiun al lui Ion Pelivan, iar după ce s-a întors acasă, covorul a rămas în familia acestuia și s-a păstrat pînă în prezent.
„Este o scoarță strict basarabeană, nicăieri în lume n-o să mai întîlniți una asemănătoare. Este foarte valoroasă! Lîna ei a fost vopsită cu plante. În colecția Muzeului se mai întîlnesc încă două scoarțe, una veche, dar mai mică de ani decît aceasta, și una nouă, țesută recent”, a declarat muzeologul Varvara Buzilă.
Ea a menționat că scoarța urmează a fi curățită, reparată, cu toate că membrii familiei Pelivan au păstrat-o aproape în stare ideală, iar pe 4 decembrie va fi expusă la Palatul Național „Nicolae Sulac”, alături de alte covoare valoroase ale neamului moldav. Mai mult, covorul în cauză va face parte din „Colecția de Aur” a Muzeului de Etnografie.
Journal of a hole /intervention/ - by Valeria Barbas
Journal of a hole /intervention in public space, chisinau 2012
video released in 2013.
Intervention 3 from the series of notices from the Journal of a Hole, that was taking in 2011-2012 period in different locations comprising the inTransitive Roads project.
inTransitive Roads by Valeria Barbas (2011-2012) - explores the issue of road infrastructure which has become a work in progress without end for Moldova. The economic decline, road haulage and the use of private cars underlines the demand for, and the capacity of disbalance. In the period of the development of international transport corridors, most funds were directed towards road reconstruction. However countries with economies in transition shows the inability of local Governments to develop and finance complex urban public transport projects.
Funding agreements for millions are also unable to cover the huge black holes that extend both in the asphalt as well as in budget. In a deplorable condition, closed from time to time, during visits of officials, the roads have become today's top issues. The use of funds for maintenance has led to infrastructure deterioration, not to mention the air polution proceces caused by old and cheap vehicle import from Western Europe. inTransitive Roads project stands in between the proceses of transition, as originally un-crossable roads, wich a related to another un-passing „road”, period of transition of Moldavian society. Nowdays this issue become more topical, as Chisinau become another EU city under construction.
inTransitive Roads monitored 3 holes in 3 different locations, mainly in the center of the Chisinau capital: Intervention1 was made at Stefan cel Mare 75 blvd. when a Hole was marked by a cross/ su, 6 March, 2011/, that was curently paved to Joe Biden, the US Vice President’s visit /we, 9 March, 2011/.
2nd intervention (2011), in the frame of workshop B68 – free zone / art space, was performed in the passage between Bucuresti 68/ 31 August st. during the period of mayor election. For this or another reason, it seems that this remedy has proven to be effective, the next day the hole was quasi-asphalted.
Intervention 3 was made in the same location as the 2nd, at the same hole that become larger after an year. At 5 October, 2012 - the hole was covered with grass, at passage between Bucuresti 68/ 31 August st., as a ecological reflection to another visit of a politition /Angela Merkel/ to Moldova when authorities went to great lengths to remove ugliness (of metal billboards) from the highway connecting the airport with the city center and plant patches of fresh sod instead ( mysteriously disappeared by the next morning).
Video of intervention Nr.3 Journal of a Hole, was presented at exhibition ChisinEU - city of transformation, Oberliht Association at Zemstvei Museum, Cisinau, part of the program CHISINAU CIVIC CENTER – people’s park organized in the frame of the EU project SPACES, 2014