The Byōbuura Gogakusan Tanjō-in Zentsū-ji is a temple of the Shingon sect in Zentsūji, Kagawa, Japan.!!!
It was established by Zentsū Saeki, the father of Kūkai, in 813.!!!
The East Academy (Tō-in) and the West Academy (Sai-in) are within Zentsu-ji precincts. The West Academy is Kūkai's birthplace.!!!!
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Zentsū-ji is temple No. 75 in the Shikoku Pilgrimage!!!
It is also one of the three temples on the tour that Kūkai visited, the others being Tairyūji and Muroto Misaki, as Kūkai mentioned them by name in his writings!!!
Best Attractions and Places to See in Zentsuji, Japan
Zentsuji Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Zentsuji. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Zentsujifor You. Discover Zentsujias per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Zentsuji.
This Video has covered top Attractions and Best Things to do in Zentsuji.
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List of Best Things to do in Zentsuji, Japan
Zentsu-ji Temple
Kotohira-gu Shrine
Former Konpira Old Theater Kanamaruza
Kyu Zentsujikaikosya
Konzoji Temple
Mandara-ji Temple
Nogi Museum
Koyama Temple
Shutsujakaji Temple
【K】Japan Travel-Zentsu ji[일본 여행-젠쓰지]우동왕국 우동택시/Udon/Taxi/License/Zentsuji/Kotohira/Castle
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[한국어 정보]
카가와의 옛 지명은 사누키. 사누키우동은 사누키 지역의 우동이란 뜻이다. 이 지역에서 우동이 발달하게 된 것은 강수량이 적어 밀재배가 성행했고 다싯물의 재료인 멸치가 풍부하게 잡혀 우동 만들기에 최적지였기 때문이다. 현재 850여개의 우동집이 영업할 만큼 지역자체가 우동의 왕국이다. 그래서 이곳엔 우동과 관련된 명물들이 많이 있다. 우동 관련 자격증을 가진 기사가 운전하는 우동택시도 그 중 하나다. “우동택시를 이용해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 승무원인 무라오카라고 합니다. 잘 부탁드립니다. 우동자격증은 우동과 카가와현의 다양한 우동집이 가진 특징 그런 부분들을 필기시험으로 그리고 우동을 실제로 만들어보는 실기시험을 보는데 양쪽모두 합격해야 회사에서 인정을 받습니다“ 자격증이 있는 만큼 우동택시를 타면 우동과 관련된 다양한 정보들을 들을 수 있다. “고보대사님이 30살 때 중국 장안의 청룡사로 수행을 가셨습니다. 거기서 면 제조법을 배워 돌아오셨습니다.” 1200여 년 전 밀과 국수 만드는 법을 일본으로 들여온 고보대사. 그는 이 곳 카가와 젠쓰지에서 태어났다. 그래서 젠쓰지는 우동의 발상지로 불린다. 조즈산 중턱에 위치한 바다의 신을 모시는 코토히라궁. 약 300년전 이곳으로 가는 계단에 있는 상점에서 처음으로 우동을 팔기 시작했다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
The old name of Kagawa is Sanuki. Sanuki Udon means Sanuki Udon. Udon was developed in this area because there was less precipitation and wheat cultivation was popular and the anchovy which is the material of the dashitts was abundantly caught and it was the best for making the udon. The area itself is the kingdom of udon so that more than 850 udon houses are open. So here are a lot of specialties related to udon. One of them is Udon Taxi, which is operated by an article with an udon related certificate. Thank you for using Udon taxi. It is called a crew member Muraoka. Thank you very much. Udon certification is a feature of Udon and Kagawa prefecture's various udon dwelling houses. It is necessary to pass both the written test and the practical test to actually make udon, and both companies must be admitted. You can listen to various information. When Ambassador Gobo was 30 years old, he went to China as the chongryongsa of Changan. There he came back from learning how to make cotton. Ambassador Gobo, who brought the law of making wheat and noodles to Japan more than 1,200 years ago. He was born here in Kagawa Zentsuji. So, Zen Tsuji is called the birthplace of udon. Kotohira Castle which takes in the god of the sea located in the middle of Mt. It is said that it started selling udon for the first time in a store on the stairway going to this place about 300 years ago.
[Japan: Google Translator]
香川の昔の地名は讃岐。讃岐うどんは讃岐地域のうどんという意味である。この地域ではうどんが発達したのは、降水量が少なく、小麦の栽培が盛んに行われておりダシトムルの材料であるイワシが豊富に取れうどん作りに最適地であったからである。現在850以上のうどん屋が営業するほどの地域自体がうどんの王国である。だからここにはうどんに関する専門がたくさんあります。うどん関連資格を持つ記事が運転するうどんタクシーもその一つだ。 「うどんタクシーをご利用いただきありがとうございます。乗組員の村岡と呼ばれます。よろしくお願いいたします。うどん資格はうどんと香川県の様々なうどん屋が持つ特徴そのような部分を筆記試験でそしてうどんを実際に作ってみる実技試験を見るの両方に合格しなければなら会社で認められます」の資格があるだけにうどんタクシーに乗るとうどんに関する様々な情報を聞くことができる。 「遮光板大使が30歳の時、中国長安のチョンリョンサで実行を行かれました。そこで面レシピを学んで帰ってきました。」1200年以上前に、小麦の麺の作り方を日本に持ち込んだ弘法大師。彼はこの場所香川ジェンせで生まれた。だからジェン使わはうどんの発祥の地と呼ばれる。ジョーキッズ中腹に位置し、海の神を祀る琴平宮。約300年前にここに行く階段の店で初めてうどんを売る始めたという
■클립명: 아시아036-일본22-01 우동왕국의 우동택시
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백승철 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 7월July
종교시설,church,성/궁전,palace,자동차,탈것,,car,사람,man,아시아Asia아시아일본JapanNihonNippon백승철20187월가가와Kagawa香川縣Kagawa PrefectureJuly걸어서 세계속으로
善通寺市 善通寺 Zentsuji Temple in Zentsuji, Japan
Zentsuji Temple in Zentsuji, Kagawa Pref. Japan.
Japan sticks to tradition to mark 2017
A bell tolled to mark the new year at Japan's Zentsu Temple in Zentsuji City.
Kagawa Prefecture Zentsu Temple is the birthplace of one of the most revered figures of Japanese Buddhism, the high priest Kobo Daishi, or Kukai.
This is the head temple for the Buddhist Shingonshu Zentsuji sect.
Kobe put on a simple light show to mark the turning of the year.
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Hill behind Zentsuji Temple
The title is kinda like saying ATM Machine.
Temple 75 Zentsūji - 善通寺
The largest temple on Shikoku and one of the most important temples on the pilgrimage is Temple 75, Zentsūji - 善通寺, Right Path Temple, for this is the birthplace of Saeki no Mao, later known as Kukai, posthumously known as Kobo Daishi. Along with Koyasan and Toji temple in Kyoto this is one of three most important temples connected to Kobo Daishi. This is a huge sprawling temple. In fact the entire city of Zentsuji grew around and because of the temple. The temple has a pilgrims inn that is a really nice place to stay. Give yourself several hours here if you want to see everything and do more than simply get your book signed and move onto the next temple. お遍路四国八十八ヶ所 T75善通寺
Nakatsuminesan Nyoirinji
This beautiful temple is just south of Tokushima City. It's on the north side of Mt. Nakatsumine, a mountain dotted with a dozen Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. Until the late 19th century, the temple acted as a guardian of the mountain and discouraged visitors. Now all are welcome. Trails lead from the temple all over the mountain, to other sacred sites, a mini-33 Kannon temples pilgrimage, and a forest park.
2015 Japan Ground Self Defense Force Open House Zentsuji, Kagawa
The Japan Ground Self Defense Forces 14th Brigade Open House Exercise at Zentsuji Base. Kagawa, Japan. April 29, 2015
Best Attractions and Places to See in Tonosho cho, Japan
Tonosho Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Tonosho. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Tonosho for You. Discover Tonosho as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Tonosho.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Tonosho.
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List of Best Things to do in Tonosho
Teshima Art Museum
Teshima Island
Angel Road
Tonosho Port
Les Archives du coeur
Kasaneiwa (Piled Rocks)
Okunoin Kasagatakiji Temple
Osaruno Kuni
Shodojima 88 Holy Sites Visiting
Michi-no-Eki Left Stones made for Osaka Castle
Zentsuji Mansion
The backroads of Zentsuji
เที่ยววัดกบที่คิวชู Kyushu EP. 13 Nyoirinji Temple@Fukuoka เทศกาลแขวนกระดิ่ง
วันนี้เต็มวันสุดท้ายแล้วที่เราได้เที่ยวเต็มๆก่อนกลับ วันนี้เราไปวัดค่ะ หลังจากที่ JR Pass ใช้ครบ 5 วันแล้ว เราก็มาเที่ยวในเมือง Fukuoka จากการคำนวนค่ารถไฟสำหรับเที่ยววันนี้แล้วก็ยังไม่มากไปกว่าราคา One day pass เราเลยไม่ซื้อ pass
เรานั่งรถไฟ Nishitetsu Tenji-Omuta จากสถานี Hirao ซึ่งใกล้กับที่พักของเราที่สุด มาลงสถานี Mitsusawa จากนั้นเดินต่ออีกประมาณ 10 นาที วันนี้ฝนตก มาถึงวัดแล้วก็พบว่าคนไม่เยอะเท่าไร ดีใจจัง แต่แสงถ่ายรูปออกมาไม่ปังเท่าไร จะครึ้มฟ้าครึ้มฝนเล็กน้อย วัดเล็กๆแห่งนี้มีรูปหล่อของกบมากถึง 5000 ตัว คนมาที่นี่ช่วงนี้ก็จะได้เจอกระดิ่งสีสันน่ารักๆแขวนอยู่เต็มไปหมด เพราะเค้ามีเทศกาลแขวนกระดิ่งฤดูร้อนอยู่ค่ะถ่ายรูปออกมาน่ารักทีเดียว
Today is the last day of our Kyushu trip. I planned to go to the temples and this Frog Temple is our first stop for today. Because our JR Pass was expired so today we will travel only in FUkuoka city. I calculated how much we have to pay if we travel by the local train. It was not over the price of Fukuoka one day pass so we decided not to purchase that pass.
We start from Hirao station which is the nearest station from our apartment. Then we took the Nishitetsu local train to Mitsusawa station after that we walked to the temple.
We found that not many people in the temple today which was good. I was so impressed by the little colorful bells that people was put them on the roof, paying for their summer time.
Japan's Most Holy Land 四国霊場第75番札所 New Year 善通寺 Zentsuji Temple 空海 Kukai 瀬戸内 Setouchi 讃岐 Sanuki 平和
お正月に地元香川県にある総本山 善通寺へ行きました。
On New Year's Day, I went to Soumotoyama Zentsuji Temple in Kagawa Prefecture.
〒765-0003 香川県善通寺市善通寺町3丁目3−1
3-3-1 Zentsuji-cho, Zentsuji, Kagawa 765-0003, Japan
善通寺HP URL ☝︎ Zentsuji Temple HP URL
建設: 西暦807年
営業時間外 ⋅ 営業開始: 8:00
電話: 0877-62-0111
お正月,正月,人気,初詣,新年,2019,2020,2019,平成,令和,日本,香川県,善通寺,お寺,神社,名所,休日,1日,休み,参り,88カ所,四国,田舎,スポット,パワースポット,パワー,おみくじ,結婚,神社婚,清める,家族,小吉,旅行,観光,多い,賑やか,東京,関東,大阪,京都,Japan,Tokyo,osaka,kyoto,Zentsuji,Zentsuji Temple,Setouchi,Power spot,Famous place,Attractions,Japanese landmarks,Good old,trip,toy,Amulet,Japanese,Japanese customs,traditional event,Youtube,Youtuber,ユーチューバー,Vlog,VLOG,始めました,New year,New,Big,Happy,Good,Enjoy,memories,Japan's Most Holy Land,Temple,Peace,Love
KAGAWA, sur l'île de Shikoku (feat. LOUIS SAN)
Aujourd'hui, on part découvrir la préfecture de Kagawa en compagnie de Louis San, sur l'île de Shikoku (la plus petite des 4 îles principales du Japon).
Au programme : des paysages paradisiaques, des activités et même le fameux pèlerinage des 88 temples de Shikoku (ou presque).
La chaîne de Louis San :
Mon article avec les infos pratiques du voyage :
Mes visites guidées à Tokyo :
Ma carte du Japon :
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My Hometown: Tonosho
Slideshow about a college student's hometown in Japan. This was an assignment for an English language class.