Biser Dolenjskega krasa že od odkritja leta 1926 navdušuje obiskovalce. V sedmih dvoranah, ki jih povezuje 600 metrov urejene poti, najdemo vse vrste podzemeljskih kraških pojavov: kapnike različnih oblik in barv, brezna, sigaste ponve s kristalno čisto vodo, pozimi pa še ledene kapnike v Ledenici. V jami prebivajo tudi živali, ki so se prilagodile na večno temo.
This pearl of the Lower Carniola Karst has caught attention of many visitors since its discovery in 1926. All kinds of subterranean karst features: dripstones of various shapes and colors, chasms, flowstones with crystal clear water and ice dripstones, formed in winter in Ledenica, can be found in the seven halls, connected by a 600-meter-long well maintained path. The cave is also a home to different animals that have adapted to everlasting darkness.
Discover the Ljubljana Region
When you visit Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, do not just enjoy the city. Take a trip off the beaten path and discover the Ljubljana Region.
There is plenty to enjoy there. From Polhograjski Dolomiti hill range to Velika Planina, where traditional Alpine herdsmen's culture is still alive. Discover the new exciting tastes of Slovenian countryside at Gostišče Grič at Šentjošt. Descend to Županova jama Cave near Grosuplje to admire the beauty of the Karst underground. Relax and enjoy your day at Terme Snovik, the highest altitude spa in Slovenia.
And that's not all. There's more. Go to #LjubljanaRegion:
Directed by: Dražen Štader Produced by: Produkcija Studio
Taborska Cerkev - Zupanova Jama.wmv
Nastop pevskega zbora Korona v Županovi jami pri Grosupljem
Mlada zarja v Županovi jami
Slovenske gasilke v Županovi jami
Župan Ljubljane Zoran Janković z delegacijo v Županovi jami v Grosupljem