Sportster Club de France (SCF) - Meeting Harley Davidson Borie au Musée Aéronautique de Réau
Sportster Club de France (SCF)
Meeting Harley Davidson Borie au Musée Aéronautique de Réau
Filmé en GoPro Vision Hero3 Black Edition
Sur une musique de Sinatra
Orfi et SAFRAN Musée - Nouvelle galerie de la propulsion spatiale
Le musée aéronautique et spatial Safran situé à Réau (77) a inauguré le 16 octobre une nouvelle surface d'exposition permanente, entièrement dédiée à la propulsion spatiale.
La scénographie et la réalisation de l'agencement de cet espace ont été imaginées et orchestrées par l'équipe d'Orfi. De la réflexion à l'ouverture, il se sera déroulé une année pour construire dans un ancien hangar ces 500m² d'exposition pour mettre en valeur cette collection unique et retracer cette grande aventure à travers 7 sujets vidéo, conçus et réalisés également par l'agence.
Ce parcours imaginé pour le grand public permet de découvrir et comprendre la motorisation des lanceurs et des satellites, tout en abordant certaines notions scientifiques.
Il se décline en 3 parties et 3 mises en scène différentes :
- Un univers en noir et blanc pour immerger le visiteur au cœur de la naissance de la propulsion spatiale dans l’imaginaire des hommes.
- Une salle blanche à l'ambiance industrielle qui retrace l’évolution de la propulsion des lanceurs, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale au lanceur Ariane.
- Un espace dédié à la propulsion des satellites qui plonge le visiteur dans les étoiles.
Le parcours propose également pour la première fois un dispositif spécifique pour les enfants à travers des films d'animation mettant en scène un personnage qui guide les enfants tout au long de la découverte. A la fin du parcours, un quiz permet au jeune visiteur de recevoir chez lui son diplôme d'astronaute en herbe.
Une occasion de se rendre au musée qui sera exceptionnellement ouvert au public le weekend du 25, 26 octobre de 14h00 à 18h00.
Bonne visite !
Journées du Patrimoine 2018 : un succès pour le Musée Safran
Les 15 et 16 septembre 2018 ont eu lieu les journées européennes du patrimoine au Musée Safran. L'occasion pour petits et grands de s'essayer au pilotage grâce à de nombreuses animations !
Soirée Annuelle du 30 mars 2017 au Musée SAFRAN
Souvenirs de la soirée annuelle du jeudi 30 mars 2017 qui s'est tenue au Musée Aéronautique et Spatial Safran en présence de Thibault Lanxade, Vice-Président du MEDEF en charge des TPE/PME, de Philippe Darmayan, Président du GFI, président de l'Alliance pour l'Industrie du Futur et président d'ArcelorMittal France, et de Grégoire Babinet, Directeur de l'établissement Villaroche de Safran Aircraft Engines.
Visite du musée Safran lors des journées du Patrimoine
Chaque année, le musée aéronautique et spatial du groupe Safran ouvre ses portes pour les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine. En 2011, nous sommes allés filmer cet évènement qui a réjoui tous les amateurs d'aéronautique. Ce fut l'occasion pour Safran de faire découvrir ses métier au grand public.
Découvrez ce reportage de Chloé Nabédian.
Bowling et musée Safran
Le résumé vidéo de la sortie organisée par l'association V Dream Auto, le 7 Novembre 2010.
Au programme : Tournoi de bowling, déjeuner à l'auberge Le Réau, et visite du musée aéronautique Safran.
Les photos de l'événement sont visibles à l'adresse :
Retrouvez-nous sur
Les 21 et 22 septembre, rendez-vous au Musée Safran pour les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2019
Venez remonter le temps pour découvrir des pièces aéronautiques de plus de 100 ans et participer aux nombreuses animations (planétarium, simulateurs de vol, réalité virtuelle, avions légers à construire, mini-fusées à faire décoller, drones à piloter, etc).
Informations :
SNECMA : au cœur de la chaîne de montage des moteurs civils à Villaroche
A 50 km au Sud de Paris à Villaroche s'élèvent les 86 hectares du site SNECMA, motoriste aéronautique et spatial.
Premier employeur industriel de Seine et Marne, l'entreprise est en charge, à 50/50 avec GE du développement, de la production et de la commercialisation du CFM 56, moteur le plus vendu au monde.
SNECMA a ouvert les portes de sa division Moteurs Civils à Aerocontact TV le temps d'une visite de la chaîne de production du CFM 56.
Victor Michel, Monteur depuis 13 ans sur la chaîne en a profité pour présenter son métier.
5e Salon de la Mini Entreprise / Easy Cook / Mixtup | Atouts Jeunes
Le musée aéronautique et spatial SAFRAN situé au Réau à accueilli ce mardi 6 Mai 2014 le 5e Salon Départemental (77) de la Mini Entreprise
Un petit portrait de Easy Cook ( Lauréat Catégorie collèges ) et de
Mixtup ( Lauréat Catégorie post 3ème )
Association Atouts Jeunes qui a pour but de promouvoir les initiatives jeunesse.
Airbus Defence & Space | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:29 1 History
00:01:38 1.1 Formation of EADS and expansion (1997–2008)
00:04:46 1.1.1 Airbus Military
00:07:24 1.1.2 Astrium
00:09:14 1.1.3 Cassidian
00:10:29 1.2 Post merger (2013–present)
00:12:44 2 Organisation
00:14:35 3 Aircraft
00:14:44 3.1 Tankers and transport aircraft
00:18:16 3.2 Fighter and attack aircraft
00:19:08 3.3 Unmanned aerial vehicles
00:22:08 3.4 Experimental aircraft
00:22:40 4 Ballistic Missiles
00:23:06 5 Space Systems
00:23:16 5.1 Launchers
00:24:41 5.2 International Space Station
00:26:05 5.3 Space transportation
00:27:32 5.4 Astronomy and cosmology missions
00:29:17 5.5 Solar observation missions
00:30:32 5.6 Planetary science missions
00:34:28 5.7 Earth observation satellites
00:35:58 5.8 Telecommunication satellites
00:37:26 5.9 Spaceplane
00:38:09 5.10 Rocket engines
00:38:31 5.11 One Atlas
00:39:25 6 Sites
00:40:31 7 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Speaking Rate: 0.7208335343258964
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Airbus Defence and Space is a division of Airbus responsible for defence and aerospace products and services. The division was formed in January 2014 during the corporate restructuring of European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS), and comprises the former Airbus Military, Astrium, and Cassidian divisions. It is the world's second largest space company after Boeing and one of the top ten defence companies in the world.Airbus Defence and Space has its corporate headquarters in Ottobrunn, Germany, and is led by Dirk Hoke, the Chief Executive Officer. The company has four programme lines: Military Aircraft (led by Fernando Alonso), Space Systems (led by Nicolas Chamussy), and Communication-Intelligence-Security (led by Evert Dudok), Unmanned Aerial Systems (led by Jana Rosenmann). With its presence in 35 countries, the company employs 40,000 people from 86 nationalities and contributes to 21% of Airbus revenues. In 2017 Airbus ranked 94th on the Fortune Global 500 list, and was one of the World's Most Admired Companies.
French space program | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:18 1 Background
00:03:04 2 History
00:06:45 3 Launch statistics
00:07:16 3.1 Flights by launcher
00:07:25 3.2 Flights by mission outcome
00:07:55 4 Collaborations
00:09:14 5 Future projects and international collaborations
00:12:30 6 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
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- learn while on the move
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7603031556433875
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The French space program includes both civil and military spaceflight activities. It is the 3rd oldest institutional space program in history, along with the USSR and the US; and the largest space program in Europe.
Airbus A380 | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:09 1 Development
00:02:18 1.1 Background
00:06:44 1.2 Total development cost
00:09:32 1.3 Production
00:11:49 1.4 Testing
00:15:29 1.5 Production and delivery delays
00:19:57 1.6 Entry into service
00:22:37 1.7 Improvements and upgrades
00:24:21 1.8 Post-delivery problems
00:26:09 1.9 Further continuation of programme
00:29:39 1.10 End of production
00:31:53 2 Design
00:32:02 2.1 Overview
00:33:47 2.2 Engines
00:36:38 2.3 Wings
00:38:02 2.4 Materials
00:40:39 2.5 Avionics
00:43:09 2.6 Systems
00:45:43 2.7 Passenger provisions
00:51:20 2.8 Integration with infrastructure and regulations
00:51:31 2.8.1 Ground operations
00:54:29 2.8.2 Takeoff and landing separation
00:57:15 2.8.3 Maintenance
00:57:59 3 Non-produced and undeveloped variants
00:58:10 3.1 A380F
00:59:27 3.2 Stretch
01:01:39 3.3 A380neo
01:04:04 3.4 A380plus
01:05:36 4 Market
01:05:45 4.1 Size
01:06:52 4.2 Frequency and capacity
01:09:27 4.3 Production
01:12:16 4.4 Cost
01:13:37 4.5 Secondary
01:18:02 4.6 Teardown and second-hand market
01:22:29 5 Orders and deliveries
01:27:23 5.1 Timeline
01:27:40 6 Operators
01:29:12 6.1 Notable routes
01:29:58 7 Aircraft on display
01:30:52 8 Incidents and accidents
01:33:09 9 Specifications
01:33:19 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9856630579299155
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Airbus A380 is the world's largest passenger airliner, a wide-body aircraft manufactured by Airbus.
Airbus studies started in 1988 and the project was announced in 1990 to challenge the dominance of the Boeing 747 in the long haul market.
The A3XX project was presented in 1994; Airbus launched the €9.5 billion ($10.7 billion) A380 programme on 19 December 2000.
The first prototype was unveiled in Toulouse on 18 January 2005,
with its first flight on 27 April 2005.
It obtained its EASA and FAA type certificates on 12 December 2006.
Difficulties in electrical wiring caused a two-year delay and the development cost ballooned to €18 billion.
It was first delivered to Singapore Airlines on 15 October 2007 and entered service on 25 October.
Production peaked at 30 per year in 2012 and 2014. However, Airbus concedes that its $25 billion investment for the aircraft cannot be recouped.
On 14 February 2019, after Emirates reduced its last orders in favour of the A350 and the A330neo, Airbus announced that A380 production would end by 2021.The full-length double-deck aircraft has a typical seating capacity of 525, though it is certified for up to 853 passengers.
It is powered by four Engine Alliance GP7200 or Rolls-Royce Trent 900 turbofans providing a range of 8,000 nmi (14,800 km).
As of July 2019, Airbus has received 290 firm orders and delivered 239 aircraft; Emirates is the biggest A380 customer with 123 ordered, of which 112 have been delivered.
Day 1: Uber Elevate Summit 2019 | Uber
Watch the Day 2 stream here:
Watch more from the Uber Elevate Summit:
The third annual Uber Elevate Summit, convenes the world’s foremost urban air mobility experts and collaborators in our nation’s capital. This year’s Uber Elevate Summit will build off of the energy and momentum into the Uber Elevate flywheel — this not only continues to increase the inevitability of urban aerial ridesharing, but it further cements our place in history as the undeniable leader of this transformation.
Highlights from Day 1:
0:09:57 - EVENT BEGINS
0:10:10 - UBER AIR: Our Vision | Uber Elevate | Uber -
0:23:00 - Urban Air Mobility - Closer Than You Think | Uber Elevate | Uber -
0:40:56 - UBER AIR: The Future of Airborne Travel | Uber Elevate | Uber -
1:10:18 - Urban Aviation in the US | Uber Elevate | Uber -
2:24:25 - US Secretary of Transportation | Uber Elevate Summit | Uber -
2:39:45 - Low-Altitude Airspace Interoperability | Uber Elevate | Uber -
4:52:12 - FAA Acting Administrator Dan Elwell Discusses Safety | Uber Elevate | Uber -
5:13:20 - Standing for Safety with Uber CLO Tony West | Uber Elevate | Uber -
5:23:40 - Safety Lessons from Aviation | Uber Elevate | Uber -
6:15:58 - Announcing the First Uber Air Market Outside the US | Uber Elevate | Uber -
6:48:32 - Urban Aviation Worldwide | Uber Elevate | Uber -
7:23:31 - UBER AIR: eVTOL Concepts | Uber Elevate | Uber -
7:26:21 - eVTOL Concepts for Uber Air | Uber Elevate | Uber -
7:40:30 - EVP Technology and Innovation | Uber Elevate | Uber -
7:47:16 - Boeing and the Future of Aviation Innovation | Uber Elevate | Uber -
8:02:09 - EmbraerX Vehicle Vision | Uber Elevate | Uber -
8:10:32 - The Karem Butterfly | Uber Elevate | Uber
8:18:29 - Pipistrel Vertical Solutions | Uber Elevate | Uber -
8:27:44 - California Representative Scott Peters | Uber Elevate Summit | Uber Air | Uber -
8:36:40 - Announcing Uber's New Vehicle Partner | Uber Elevate | Uber -
8:52:29 - Customer-Obsessed Design for Aerial Ridesharing | Uber Elevate | Uber -
9:07:08 - UBER AIR: 360 Video | Uber Elevate | Uber -
About UBER:
Uber started as a simple idea: What if you could request a ride from your phone? More than 5 billion trips later, we’re working to make transportation safer and more accessible, helping people order food quickly and affordably, reducing congestion in cities by getting more people into fewer cars, and creating opportunities for people to work on their own terms.
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Day 1: Uber Elevate Summit 2019 | Uber
Airbus Defence and Space | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:33 1 History
00:01:43 1.1 Formation of EADS and expansion (1997–2008)
00:05:05 1.1.1 Airbus Military
00:07:59 1.1.2 Astrium
00:10:09 1.1.3 Cassidian
00:11:30 1.2 Post merger (2013–present)
00:13:55 2 Organisation
00:15:51 3 Aircraft
00:16:00 3.1 Tankers and transport aircraft
00:19:46 3.2 Fighter and attack aircraft
00:20:42 3.3 Unmanned aerial vehicles
00:23:51 3.4 Experimental aircraft
00:24:23 4 Ballistic Missiles
00:24:50 5 Space Systems
00:25:00 5.1 Launchers
00:26:31 5.2 International Space Station
00:28:00 5.3 Space transportation
00:29:31 5.4 Astronomy and cosmology missions
00:31:22 5.5 Solar observation missions
00:32:41 5.6 Planetary science missions
00:36:50 5.7 Earth observation satellites
00:38:27 5.8 Telecommunication satellites
00:39:59 5.9 Spaceplane
00:40:43 5.10 Rocket engines
00:41:06 5.11 One Atlas
00:42:04 6 Sites
00:43:12 7 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7084891493668453
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-F
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Airbus Defence and Space is a division of Airbus responsible for defence and aerospace products and services. The division was formed in January 2014 during the corporate restructuring of European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS), and comprises the former Airbus Military, Astrium, and Cassidian divisions. It is the world's second largest space company after Boeing and one of the top ten defence companies in the world.Airbus Defence and Space has its corporate headquarters in Ottobrunn, Germany, and is led by Dirk Hoke, the Chief Executive Officer. The company has four programme lines: Military Aircraft (led by Fernando Alonso), Space Systems (led by Nicolas Chamussy), and Communication-Intelligence-Security (led by Evert Dudok), Unmanned Aerial Systems (led by Jana Rosenmann). With its presence in 35 countries, the company employs 40,000 people from 86 nationalities and contributes to 21% of Airbus revenues. In 2017 Airbus ranked 94th on the Fortune Global 500 list, and was one of the World's Most Admired Companies.
List of aerospace museums | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:20 1 Afghanistan
00:00:37 2 Argentina
00:00:59 3 Australia
00:01:09 3.1 Australian Capital Territory
00:01:24 3.2 New South Wales
00:02:26 3.3 Northern Territory
00:02:46 3.4 Queensland
00:03:22 3.5 South Australia
00:03:37 3.6 Victoria
00:04:20 3.7 Western Australia
00:04:42 4 Austria
00:05:29 5 Belarus
00:05:49 6 Belgium
00:06:27 7 Brazil
00:07:07 8 Bulgaria
00:07:17 8.1 Sofia
00:07:35 8.2 Plovdiv
00:07:49 9 Burma
00:08:03 10 Cambodia
00:08:18 11 Canada
00:08:27 11.1 Alberta
00:09:04 11.2 British Columbia
00:09:28 11.3 Manitoba
00:10:06 11.4 Newfoundland and Labrador
00:10:21 11.5 Nova Scotia
00:10:49 11.6 Ontario
00:11:41 11.7 Quebec
00:12:13 11.8 Saskatchewan
00:12:29 12 Chile
00:12:50 13 China
00:14:00 14 Colombia
00:14:24 15 Croatia
00:14:37 16 Cuba
00:14:47 16.1 Havana
00:15:04 16.2 Matanzas
00:15:18 17 Czech Republic
00:16:06 18 Denmark
00:16:48 19 Ecuador
00:17:05 20 El Salvador
00:17:20 21 Estonia
00:17:34 22 Finland
00:18:10 23 France
00:20:34 24 Germany
00:24:22 25 Greece
00:25:02 26 Hungary
00:25:35 27 Iceland
00:25:50 28 India
00:26:19 29 Indonesia
00:26:34 30 Iran
00:26:58 31 Ireland
00:27:16 32 Israel
00:27:34 33 Italy
00:28:21 34 Japan
00:28:30 34.1 Honshu
00:29:15 34.2 Hokkaido
00:29:43 35 Laos
00:29:58 36 Latvia
00:30:12 37 Lebanon
00:30:26 38 Lithuania
00:30:41 39 Malaysia
00:31:04 40 Malta
00:31:19 41 Mexico
00:31:44 42 Nepal
00:32:04 43 Netherlands
00:32:54 44 New Zealand
00:33:38 45 Nigeria
00:33:51 46 Norway
00:34:25 47 Pakistan
00:34:39 48 Peru
00:34:54 49 Philippines
00:35:13 50 Poland
00:36:09 51 Portugal
00:36:31 52 Republic of China (Taiwan)
00:36:53 53 Romania
00:37:17 54 Russia
00:39:02 55 Saudi Arabia
00:39:17 56 Serbia
00:39:31 57 Singapore
00:39:45 58 Slovakia
00:40:04 59 South Africa
00:40:32 60 South Korea
00:40:55 61 Spain
00:41:36 62 Sri Lanka
00:41:51 63 Sweden
00:42:36 64 Switzerland
00:43:02 65 Taiwan
00:43:21 66 Thailand
00:43:36 67 Turkey
00:44:10 68 Ukraine
00:44:37 69 United Kingdom
00:44:47 69.1 England
00:48:34 69.2 Isle of Man
00:48:49 69.3 Northern Ireland
00:49:04 69.4 Scotland
00:49:30 69.5 Wales
00:49:45 70 United States
00:49:55 70.1 Alabama
00:50:11 70.2 Alaska
00:50:31 70.3 Arkansas
00:50:41 70.4 Arizona
00:50:57 70.5 California
00:54:34 70.6 Colorado
00:55:16 70.7 Connecticut
00:55:39 70.8 Delaware
00:55:53 70.9 Florida
00:57:00 70.10 Georgia
00:57:31 70.11 Hawaii
00:57:52 70.12 Idaho
00:58:18 70.13 Illinois
00:59:16 70.14 Indiana
01:00:11 70.15 Iowa
01:00:31 70.16 Kansas
01:01:05 70.17 Kentucky
01:01:33 70.18 Louisiana
01:01:54 70.19 Maine
01:02:13 70.20 Maryland
01:02:48 70.21 Massachusetts
01:03:09 70.22 Michigan
01:03:55 70.23 Minnesota
01:04:48 70.24 Mississippi
01:05:04 70.25 Missouri
01:05:39 70.26 Montana
01:05:53 70.27 Nebraska
01:06:08 70.28 Nevada
01:06:29 70.29 New Hampshire
01:06:51 70.30 New Jersey
01:07:20 70.31 New Mexico
01:07:57 70.32 New York
01:09:19 70.33 North Carolina
01:10:16 70.34 North Dakota
01:10:44 70.35 Ohio
01:11:51 70.36 Oklahoma
01:12:11 70.37 Oregon
01:12:34 70.38 Pennsylvania
01:13:10 70.39 Rhode Island
01:13:27 70.40 South Carolina
01:13:42 70.41 South Dakota
01:14:05 70.42 Tennessee
01:14:26 70.43 Texas
01:16:15 70.44 Utah
01:16:35 70.45 Vermont
01:16:51 70.46 Virginia
01:17:51 70.47 Washington
01:18:36 70.48 Washington, D.C.
01:18:57 70.49 Wisconsin
01:19:17 70.50 Wyoming
01:19:31 71 Venezuela
01:19:46 72 Vietnam
01:20:22 73 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7325503596958257
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This is a list of aerospace museums and museums that contain significant aerospace-related exhibits throughout the world. The aerospace museums are listed alphabetically by country and their article name.
Arts et Métiers ParisTech | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:09 1 History
00:01:18 1.1 Foundation
00:02:16 1.2 During the world wars
00:03:48 1.3 Expansion and new campuses
00:05:51 1.4 Important dates
00:07:14 1.5 Logos and symbols
00:08:35 2 Rankings and figures
00:09:45 3 Programs
00:10:39 3.1 Engineering curriculum : Diplôme d'ingénieur
00:11:04 3.1.1 Admission
00:12:27 3.1.2 Curriculum
00:13:48 3.1.3 The Arts et Métiers Engineer
00:14:47 3.2 Master programs
00:15:12 3.2.1 Master of Science
00:15:33 3.2.2 Advanced Masters
00:15:50 3.3 Doctoral programs
00:16:14 3.3.1 School of engineering sciences
00:17:02 3.3.2 School of management and decision
00:17:37 3.4 Bachelor of technology program
00:18:06 4 Academic partnerships
00:18:33 4.1 Double-degree programs
00:19:55 4.2 International partnerships
00:20:34 5 Student life
00:20:44 5.1 Traditions
00:21:31 5.2 Student clubs and activities
00:22:57 5.3 Galas
00:23:52 6 Alumni
00:26:04 7 Research labs
00:26:35 7.1 Industrial partnerships
00:26:44 7.1.1 Regular partners
00:27:49 7.1.2 Aerospace initiatives
00:28:19 8 Notes and references
00:28:29 9 External links
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9899978317897755
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Arts et Métiers ParisTech is a French engineering and research graduate school (Grande Ecole). It is a general engineering school recognized for leading French higher education in the fields of mechanics and industrialization. Founded in 1780, it is among the oldest French institutions and is one of the most prestigious engineering schools in France .
The school has trained 85,000 engineers since its foundation by François Alexandre Frédéric, duc de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt. It is a Public Scientific, Cultural and Professional Institution (EPSCP) under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and has the special status of Grand établissement. The École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers (ENSAM), which adopted the brand name Arts et Mėtiers ParisTech in 2007, was a founding member of ParisTech (Paris Institute of Technology), héSam and France AEROTECH.
Arts et Métiers ParisTech consists of eight Teaching and Research Centres (CER) and three institutes spread across the country. Its students are called Gadz'Arts.
Boeing | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:20 1 History
00:02:30 1.1 Before 1930
00:09:11 1.2 1930s and 1940s
00:18:12 1.3 1950s
00:21:49 1.4 1960s
00:26:16 1.5 1970s
00:29:48 1.6 1980s
00:32:54 1.7 1990s
00:38:05 1.8 2000–2009
00:52:08 1.8.1 Unethical conduct
00:54:44 1.8.2 Industrial espionage
00:56:18 1.9 1992 EU-US Agreement notes
00:58:11 1.9.1 Subsidy disputes
01:00:57 1.10 Future concepts
01:03:39 1.11 2010–2016
01:07:41 1.11.1 CSeries dumping petition
01:09:50 1.12 2017-present
01:12:58 2 Environment
01:13:08 2.1 Environmental record
01:14:09 2.2 Jet biofuels
01:16:49 2.3 Electric propulsion
01:17:22 3 Political contributions, federal contracts, advocacy
01:21:34 4 Divisions
01:22:22 5 Financial numbers
01:23:35 6 Employment numbers
01:24:18 7 Corporate governance
01:24:28 7.1 Board of directors
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7282253600848901
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Boeing Company () is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, satellites, and missiles worldwide. The company also provides leasing and product support services. Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers; it is the fifth-largest defense contractor in the world based on 2017 revenue, and is the largest exporter in the United States by dollar value. Boeing stock is included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Boeing was founded by William Boeing on July 15, 1916, in Seattle, Washington. The present corporation is the result of merger of Boeing with McDonnell Douglas on August 1, 1997. Former Boeing's chair and CEO Philip M. Condit continued as the chair and CEO of the new Boeing, while Harry Stonecipher, former CEO of McDonnell Douglas, became the president and chief operating officer of the newly merged company.The Boeing Company has its corporate headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. The company is led by President and CEO Dennis Muilenburg. Boeing is organized into five primary divisions: Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA); Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS); Engineering, Operations & Technology; Boeing Capital; and Boeing Shared Services Group. In 2017, Boeing recorded $93.3 billion in sales, ranked 24th on the Fortune magazine Fortune 500 list (2018), ranked 64th on the Fortune Global 500 list (2018), and ranked 19th on the World's Most Admired Companies list (2018).
Toulouse | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:57 1 Geography
00:03:17 1.1 Hydrography
00:03:34 1.2 Climate
00:03:58 2 History
00:04:07 2.1 Early history
00:06:04 2.2 County of Toulouse
00:08:09 2.3 Within the Kingdom of France
00:10:58 2.4 Within the French Republic
00:12:28 3 Population
00:14:32 4 Government and politics
00:14:42 4.1 Toulouse Métropole
00:16:19 4.2 Local politics
00:19:56 4.3 Mayors
00:20:05 5 Sights
00:21:17 5.1 Religious buildings
00:22:00 6 Gallery
00:22:12 7 Economy
00:23:10 8 Education
00:23:29 8.1 Colleges and universities
00:26:24 8.2 Primary and secondary schools
00:26:55 9 Transport
00:27:05 9.1 Train
00:27:20 9.2 Metro
00:28:39 9.3 Tramway
00:29:08 9.4 Bicycle
00:29:31 9.5 Airports
00:29:52 9.6 Toulouse public transportation statistics
00:30:42 10 Communications
00:31:17 11 Culture
00:33:04 12 Sport
00:34:04 13 Notable people
00:36:15 14 International relations
00:36:25 14.1 Twin towns and sister cities
00:36:38 14.2 Other cooperations
00:36:52 15 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.931390554979861
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-F
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Toulouse (, French: [tuluz] (listen); Occitan: Tolosa [tuˈluzɔ]; Latin: Tolosa) is the capital of the French department of Haute-Garonne and of the region of Occitanie. The city is on the banks of the River Garonne, 150 kilometres (93 miles) from the Mediterranean Sea, 230 km (143 mi) from the Atlantic Ocean and 680 km (420 mi) from Paris. It is the fourth-largest city in France, with 466,297 inhabitants as of January 2014. In France, Toulouse is called the Pink City (La Ville Rose).
The Toulouse Metro area, with 1,312,304 inhabitants as of 2014, is France's fourth-largest metropolitan area, after Paris, Lyon and Marseille, and ahead of Lille and Bordeaux.
Toulouse is the centre of the European aerospace industry, with the headquarters of Airbus (formerly EADS), the Galileo positioning system, the SPOT satellite system, ATR and the Aerospace Valley. It also hosts the European headquarters of Intel and CNES's Toulouse Space Centre (CST), the largest space centre in Europe. Thales Alenia Space, ATR, SAFRAN, Liebherr-Aerospace and Astrium Satellites also have a significant presence in Toulouse.
The University of Toulouse is one of the oldest in Europe (founded in 1229) and, with more than 103,000 students, it is the fourth-largest university campus in France, after the universities of Paris, Lyon and Lille.The air route between Toulouse–Blagnac and Paris Orly is the busiest in Europe, transporting 2.4 million passengers in 2014. According to the rankings of L'Express and Challenges, Toulouse is the most dynamic French city.The city was the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom in the 5th century and the capital of the province of Languedoc in the Late Middle Ages and early modern period (provinces were abolished during the French Revolution), making it the unofficial capital of the cultural region of Occitania (Southern France). It is now the capital of the Occitanie region, the second largest region in Metropolitan France.
A city with unique architecture made of pinkish terracotta bricks, which earned it the nickname la Ville Rose (the Pink City), Toulouse counts two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Canal du Midi (designated in 1996 and shared with other cities), and the Basilica of St. Sernin, the largest remaining Romanesque building in Europe, designated in 1998 because of its significance to the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage route.
Boeing Company | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:08 1 History
00:02:17 1.1 Before 1930
00:08:21 1.2 1930s and 1940s
00:16:30 1.3 1950s
00:19:44 1.4 1960s
00:23:47 1.5 1970s
00:27:00 1.6 1980s
00:29:48 1.7 1990s
00:34:28 1.8 2000–2009
00:47:04 1.8.1 Unethical conduct
00:49:23 1.8.2 Industrial espionage
00:50:49 1.9 1992 EU-US Agreement notes
00:52:32 1.9.1 Subsidy disputes
00:55:05 1.10 Future concepts
00:57:31 1.11 2010–2016
01:01:11 1.11.1 CSeries dumping petition
01:03:10 1.12 Since 2017
01:06:00 2 Environment
01:06:09 2.1 Environmental record
01:07:04 2.2 Jet biofuels
01:09:29 2.3 Electric propulsion
01:09:59 3 Political contributions, federal contracts, advocacy
01:13:48 4 Divisions
01:14:29 5 Financial numbers
01:15:10 6 Employment numbers
01:15:50 7 Corporate governance
01:16:01 7.1 Board of directors
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7571300147131109
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-F
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Boeing Company () is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, satellites, and missiles worldwide. The company also provides leasing and product support services. Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers; it is the fifth-largest defense contractor in the world based on 2017 revenue, and is the largest exporter in the United States by dollar value. Boeing stock is included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Boeing was founded by William Boeing on July 15, 1916, in Seattle, Washington. The present corporation is the result of merger of Boeing with McDonnell Douglas on August 1, 1997. Former Boeing's chair and CEO Philip M. Condit continued as the chair and CEO of the new Boeing, while Harry Stonecipher, former CEO of McDonnell Douglas, became the president and chief operating officer of the newly merged company.The Boeing Company has its corporate headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. The company is led by President and CEO Dennis Muilenburg. Boeing is organized into five primary divisions: Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA); Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS); Engineering, Operations & Technology; Boeing Capital; and Boeing Shared Services Group. In 2017, Boeing recorded $93.3 billion in sales, ranked 24th on the Fortune magazine Fortune 500 list (2018), ranked 64th on the Fortune Global 500 list (2018), and ranked 25th on the World's Most Admired Companies list (2018).
Boeing | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:45 1 History
00:01:54 1.1 Before 1930
00:06:51 1.2 1930s and 1940s
00:13:34 1.3 1950s
00:16:16 1.4 1960s
00:19:37 1.5 1970s
00:22:15 1.6 1980s
00:24:35 1.7 1990s
00:28:29 1.8 2000–2009
00:38:55 1.8.1 Unethical conduct
00:40:53 1.8.2 Industrial espionage
00:42:05 1.9 1992 EU-US Agreement notes
00:43:31 1.9.1 Subsidy disputes
00:45:37 1.10 Future concepts
00:47:37 1.11 2010–2016
00:50:39 1.11.1 CSeries dumping petition
00:52:16 1.12 Since 2017
00:54:38 2 Environment
00:54:47 2.1 Environmental record
00:55:34 2.2 Jet biofuels
00:57:36 2.3 Electric propulsion
00:58:02 3 Political contributions, federal contracts, advocacy
01:01:13 4 Divisions
01:01:45 5 Financial numbers
01:02:20 6 Employment numbers
01:02:55 7 Corporate governance
01:03:04 7.1 Board of directors
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9821048558223908
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Boeing Company () is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, satellites, and missiles worldwide. The company also provides leasing and product support services. Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers; it is the fifth-largest defense contractor in the world based on 2017 revenue, and is the largest exporter in the United States by dollar value. Boeing stock is included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Boeing was founded by William Boeing on July 15, 1916, in Seattle, Washington. The present corporation is the result of merger of Boeing with McDonnell Douglas on August 1, 1997. Former Boeing's chair and CEO Philip M. Condit continued as the chair and CEO of the new Boeing, while Harry Stonecipher, former CEO of McDonnell Douglas, became the president and chief operating officer of the newly merged company.The Boeing Company has its corporate headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. The company is led by President and CEO Dennis Muilenburg. Boeing is organized into five primary divisions: Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA); Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS); Engineering, Operations & Technology; Boeing Capital; and Boeing Shared Services Group. In 2017, Boeing recorded $93.3 billion in sales, ranked 24th on the Fortune magazine Fortune 500 list (2018), ranked 64th on the Fortune Global 500 list (2018), and ranked 25th on the World's Most Admired Companies list (2018).