Alaejos is a municipality located in the province of Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2011 census , the municipality has a population of 1,467 inhabitants. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Castillo de la MotaMedina Del Campo The Castle of La Mota or Castillo de La Mota is a medieval fortress, located in the town of Medina del Campo, province of Valladolid, Spain. It is so named because of its location on an elevated hill, a mota , from where it dominates the town and surrounding land. The adjacent town came to be surrounded by an expanding series of walls in subsequent years, of which little remains. It has been protected by the state since 1904, first as a national monument and more recently as a site of cultural interest, or Bien de Interés Cultural.It is located on the hill of La Mota Los castillos a través de la historia, p.146º/refª, at 1,029 meters above sea level, in the city of Alcalá la Real, in the province of Jaén , dating from the Nasrid period , although with some previous elements. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
4. Hoces del Rio Duraton Natural ParkSepulveda Hoces del Rio Duratón Natural Park is a natural park of 5,037 hectares 1,2 km West from Sepúlveda, Segovia. Its name refers to the Duratón River. Las Hoces refers to the series of 100m high gorges that were formed by the Duratón.Saint Fructus established himself here as a hermit in the 8th century; a monastery dedicated to him also exists within the park. The park encompasses the towns of Sepúlveda, Sebúlcor and Carrascal del Río.It is home to a population of griffon vultures, along with Egyptian vultures, common kestrels, and peregrine falcons. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
7. Colegiata de Santa MariaToro The Collegiate church of Santa María la Mayor is a church in Toro, province of Zamora, Spain. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Alaejos Videos
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12 English Words that People Say WRONG
Soy Cámara: Principis de discussió 2
Els Principis de discussió del Soy Cámara van publicar-se el novembre passat a la revista El Estado Mental. No és un manifest, tot i semblar-ho, són principis (refutables) que el Soy Cámara posa en joc en els seus assajos. Text elaborat, conjuntament, per Andrés Hispano, Fèlix Pérez-Hita i Ingrid Guardiola. Realització i muntatge: Toni Curcó Idioma: castellà Subtítols: anglès Duració: 1'48''
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Hervé Falciani pasa a disposición judicial tras ser detenido en Madrid
Madrid, 4 abr (EFE).- Hervé Falciani, el analista que sacó a la luz desde Suiza una lista con más de 130.000 defraudadores fiscales, pasa hoy a disposición judicial después de que ayer fuera detenido en Madrid por la policía para ser extraditado a Suiza. España recibió el pasado 19 de marzo una orden internacional de detención de Hervé Falciani para cumplir una condena firme de cinco años de cárcel por haber intentado en 2008 hacer públicos secretos de negocios de empresas privadas y organismos oficiales extranjeros.
Wines from Unexpected Places - James Melendez
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