Il Nuraghe Loelle di Buddusò - Archeologia della Sardegna
Excavated by Prof. Basoli in 1992, the Nuraghe Loelle looks abnormal in both the complexity of the system that the structure of the interior. The first date of forms and architectural features, we show how the structure is likely to be born as a protonuraghe and later was adapted to the more rounded shapes of the nuraghis evolved. One of the architectural features recognizable as an example of archaism is the use of the various outcrops as support elements both in the walls in the structure. Another detail worthy of note concerns the main entrance of the bastion: This does not open nor a courtyard or on an access corridor on the ground floor of the central tower, but through a flight of steps, spread to the second level - the first floor. The flight of stairs from the entrance to the rear of the structure and, in a clockwise direction, the first floor rooms bringing the customer in the front of the building. At this point, always on the second level, it verges on the SE tower and take a hallway in which you can see even in the case of coverage lintels. This corridor, originally covered, runs through the prospectus of the dolmen reaching up to the western side, where, oddly enough, back down to the first level - the ground floor. Almost half of path we see a flight of stairs from the interior corridor rooms on the second floor - the third level where you open the room of the central tower. We do not know precisely how high the rocks upon which the structure, but the evidence suggests that the central tower is elevated for at least two floors. However, there remain several questions on access and breadth of the rooms on the ground floor and rooms on the first floor, which we can only observe the outer walls. Access to the room of the central tower is preceded by two alleged niches: the left is sub rectangular in shape and very deep, like a sort of corridor, while the right really shows its shape apse and bounded. Outside the rampart, in the SE summit, you can see another situation certainly not common in nuraghis: downhill from the floor, was derived with stone threshold and jambs of several rows of stone, a bedroom with underground tholos , below the entrance - the scale of the complex.
Su Nuraxi di Barumini Sito Unesco
Circa 3.500 anni fa sulla collina di Barumini gli antichi costruirono un nuraghe e un piccolo villaggio di capanne.
Costruito intorno al XII secolo a.C., Su Nuraxi si trova nella strada che da Barumini porta a Tuili.
Situato su un piccolo altipiano a circa 230 metri sopra il livello del mare, si trova ai piedi del Parco della Giara.
Riconosciuto dall'UNESCO quale sito patrimonio dell'umanità, Su Nuraxi di Barumini è l'esempio più completo e meglio conservato di nuraghe.Su Nuraxi dimostra che questo territorio è stato abitato fin dall'età del Bronzo.
La parte più antica di Su Nuraxi, la torre centrale di forma tronco-conica, era alta originariamente più di 19 metri, ed è costituita da tre Tholos sovrapposte (tipiche camere nuragiche).
Grazie alla collaborazione della archeologa Chiara Pilo ed all'adetto tecnico Salvatore Pistincu della Soprintendenza Archeologica Ca-Or
Produzione Droneimagine di CML Srl per Sardegna Promozione
During the late 2nd millennium B.C. in the Bronze Age, a special type of defensive structure known as nuraghi (for which no parallel exists anywhere else in the world) developed on the island of Sardinia. The complex consists of circular defensive towers in the form of truncated cones built of dressed stone, with corbel-vaulted internal chambers. The complex at Barumini, which was extended and reinforced in the first half of the 1st millennium under Carthaginian pressure, is the finest and most complete example of this remarkable form of prehistoric architecture.
thanks to the collaboration of archaeologist Chiara Pilo and Salvatore Pistincu - archaeological superintendence Ca-Or -
Made by of CML Srl for Sardegna Promozione
A finales del segundo milenio a.C., en la Edad de Bronce, se creó en la isla de Cerdeña un tipo de estructura defensiva llamada nuraghi, sin parangón en el mundo. Los nuraghi son torres circulares, en forma de conos truncados, construidas con sillares y provistas de cámaras internas con bóvedas en saledizo. El ejemplo más bello y completo de esta notable construcción arquitectónica prehistórica lo ofrece el conjunto de Barumini, que fue ampliado y reforzado en la primera mitad del primer milenio a.C. ante la presión de los cartagineses.
Made by of CML Srl for Sardegna Promozione
В конце 2-го тысячелетия до н.э., во времена бронзового века, на острове Сардиния были созданы укрепления особого типа, известные как nuraghi (нуракси), подобных которым не существует нигде в мире. Комплекс состоит из круглых оборонительных башен в форме усеченных конусов, выполненных из шлифованного камня, со сводчатыми внутренними помещениями. Комплекс в Барумини, расширенный и усиленный в первой половине 1-го тысячелетия в связи с давлением Карфагена, является прекрасным и наиболее полным примером этой замечательной формы доисторической архитектуры.
Made by of CML Srl for Sardegna Promozione
Tijdens het eind van het 2e millennium voor Christus, in de bronstijd, werd een speciaal type verdedigingsstructuur ontwikkeld op het eiland Sardinië, bekend onder de naam Nuraghi. Van dit systeem is nergens ter wereld een equivalent gevonden. Het complex bestaat uit ronde, defensieve torens in de vorm van afgeknotte kegels, gebouwd van uitgehouwen steen, met uitkragende, gewelfde interne erkerkamers. De verdedigingsstructuur op Barumini werd uitgebreid en versterkt in de eerste helft van het 1e millennium onder druk van de Carthaagse heersers. Het vormt het mooiste en meest complete voorbeeld van deze opmerkelijke vorm van prehistorische architectuur.
Made by of CML Srl for Sardegna Promozione