Top 10 Best Things To Do in Comacchio, Italy
Comacchio Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Comacchio. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Comacchio for You. Discover Comacchio as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Comacchio.
This Video has covered top 10 Best Things to do in Comacchio.
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List of Best Things to do in Comacchio, Italy
Parco Delta Del Po
La Manifattura dei Marinati
Museo Delta Antico
Museo della Nave Romana
Casa Museo Remo Brindisi
Ponte Degli Sbirri
Bagno San Marco
Clock Tower of Comacchio
Gallanti Beach
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Comacchio (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Comacchio and Voghiera: Ancient Po Delta | Italia Slow Tour
(ENG) Comacchio and the whole area of river Po Delta are a triumph of water control engineering! In the past the river crossed the Po valley like a water highway and it was used for trade and commerce. Sailing the Po made it possible to travel beyond the Alps towards central and northern Europe: it was a way to bring different cultures together. Visit Comacchio with its museum of the Roman ship and the archaeological area of Voghenza with a rich necropolis whose archaeological finds can be seen at the Museum inside the Renaissance palace Delizia Estense di Belriguardo.
(ITA) Il Delta antico del Po: Comacchio e Voghiera
L'area intorno alla città di Comacchio fino all'alto medioevo coincideva con l'antico Delta del fiume Po. Tale circostanza determinò le sorti e la fortuna di tutti gli insediamenti che sorgevano a ridosso del fiume, una vera e propria autostrada per lo scambio di merci e il transito di persone dall'Adriatico (e, quindi, dal Mediterraneo) fino al centro Europa, grazie anche al suo complesso sistema di affluenti. Il fiume, quindi, oltre a rendere fertile con le sue acque il territorio circostante e a nutrirlo con la sua fauna (ad esempio lo storione, fino a poco tempo fa una delle delizie del Po) costituiva non solo una risorsa economica strategica ma anche un fondamentale veicolo di contatto e di confronto tra diverse culture. In questo slow tour visiteremo Comacchio e il suo splendido museo civico dedicato allo straordinario carico di una nave romana della fine del I sec. a.C., perfettamente conservato, per proseguire poi verso l'interno, risalendo l'antico corso del fiume oggi scomparso fino a raggiungere i resti monumentali della necropoli romana imperiale di Voghienza e a scoprire i suo pregiati corredi oggi raccolti nel nuovo allestimento del Museo Civico del Belriguardo, una delizia rinascimentale voluta dagli Estensi, oggi sede privilegiata per l'esposizione di altrettante delizie.
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Best Restaurants in Comacchio, Italy
Comacchio Food Guide. MUST WATCH. We have sorted the list of Best Restaurant in Comacchio for you. With the help of this list you can try Best Local Food in Comacchio. You can select best Bar in Comacchio.
And Lot more about Comacchio Food and Drinks.
It's not the Ranking of Best Restaurants in Comacchio, it is just the list of best Eating Hubs as per our user's ratings.
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List of Best Restaurants in Comacchio
Moby Dick
Marina Club
Piadina dalla Livia
La Bottega Del Sale
Osteria Matterello
Trattoria Vasco e Giulia
Sapori Di Romagna
Piadina Ciliegina
New Esperia Beach
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Comacchio e Trepponti
Alla scoperta di Comacchio e dei suoi ponti: il ponte degli sbirri e il famosissimo Trepponti, uno dei luoghi più suggestivi per la sua scenografia inconfondibile.
Comacchio, di origine lagunare è, sotto l'aspetto paesaggistico e storico, uno dei centri maggiori del delta del Po e le sue origini risalgono a circa duemila anni fa.
Tutti conoscono Comacchio per il complesso architettonico dei Trepponti, costruito nel 1634 dall'architetto Luca Danesi e costituito da ben cinque scalinate (tre anteriori e due posteriori), convergenti in una terrazza in pietra d'Istria. Trepponti è sicuramente il simbolo di Comacchio, piacevole cittadina dove si possono passare bei momenti passeggiando per le vie principali o seduti a uno dei tavolini panoramici dei numerosi ristorantini tipici che si trovano direttamente sui canali e permettono di ammirare i suggestivi riflessi delle case colorate sulle acque percorse dalle imbarcazioni che trasportano i turisti.
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♫So Will I (100 Billion X) -- Hillsong UNITED ♫
The Este Family in Ferrara, Italy
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Famous Trepponti Bridge of Comacchio in Italy
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The architectural complex of Trepponti, also known as Ponte Pallotta, is the most famous bridge in Comacchio and its most representative monument. It is located along the ancient waterway Pallotta leading to the Adriatic Sea and was the fortified gate of the city.
It was built in 1638 at the behest of the cardinal legate Giovanni Battista Maria Pallotta and the task was entrusted to the architect Luca Danese Ravenna, engaged in the same years in a more general work of urban redevelopment of Comacchio, which for decades had been abandoned by the Este to Venetian raids. Was erected by Giovanni Pietro da Lugano cappuccino and consists of five broad steps in brick culminating in a rise in Istrian stone. Below his single arc ends the waterway Pallotta which is distributed within the town center to form four different channels called Salaria, Saint Augustine, Borgo and St. Peter's. Over the centuries, the building suffered several interventions to change its attitude, especially of aesthetic value, witnessed by the addition of the two guard towers on top of two flights of stairs and back of the six pillars located at the top of the three front steps.
Near the Trepponti is also another bridge Luca Danese, called Bridge of the cops by virtue of its proximity to the ancient city jails. The symbol of Comacchio is the architectural complex of Trepponti. Created in 1634 by the architect Luca Danesi, consists of five large staircases (three front and two rear), culminating in a plan in stone d ' Istria. The Duomo di Comacchio, dedicated to San Cassiano, dating from the eighth century AD, included, originally three naves, but now has a single nave with twelve side chapels. At his side stands the bell tower.
The bridges are the most important element of the historic center of Comacchio, as the old town was built on small islands connected to each other. In addition to Trepponti, another notable bridge is the seventeenth century 'Bridge of the cops.
The nineteenth-century Palazzo Bellini houses the Gallery of Contemporary Art, the Historical Archive, the library, and the offices of the Directorate of cultural institutions. The Roman Ship Museum is home to the wreck of a merchant ship of the imperial era, resurfaced in 1981, during the drainage of a canal. The ship, in excellent condition, still contained the whole load (amphorae with food, lead ingots, some votive shrines lead). The entire load as well as equipment and clothing of the crew are on display in the museum, along with a reconstruction of the ship.
Among the many historic buildings of Comacchio include: the monasteries of Santa Maria in Padovetere (in Valle Pega) and Santa Maria in Aula Regia (X century), the Clock Tower (XIV century), the Loggia dei Mercanti or Wheat, or the Church of the Intercession of the Fallen (1644), the old Ospedale San Camillo, and the Loggia dei Cappuccini, consisting of 142 arches supported by four columns of marble and over 400 feet long.
The Visitor Center of the Parco del Delta del Po organizes excursions in the Valli di Comacchio, to show the ancient practices of management of the valley, peach and marinated eel and acquadelle, and combating illegal fishing. Within the Manufacture of Pickled see the ancient fireplaces, fast for acquadelle, locals, and tools for the processing and storage of fish.
It is located in the center of the lagoon of Valli di Comacchio, right at the mouth of the river Reno. It is built on 13 islands connected by bridges. The main sources are industrial fishery which belongs to the municipality, and salt. The seaport of Porto Garibaldi is located 7 kilometers east of Comacchio.
A bridge is a structure to span obstacles in traffic. In the form of green bridges they can also wild animals the crossing of busy roads allow. The information to be exciting obstacles are natural kinds (such as rivers, straits, canyons ) or man-made (such as highways, railways or waterways ).
Stone bridges are bridges where not only the bridge piers, as is the case with iron or wooden bridges, but also the superstructure is made of stone. Had early stone used as bridge material, first with unprocessed and later with cut stones. The first stone bridges were Kragbogen executed and then with advancing technology as a true arch bridges.
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