Craiova, Romania | Κραϊόβα, Ρουμανία
Craiova, Romania's 6th largest city and capital of Dolj County, is situated near the east bank of the river Jiu in central Oltenia. It is a longstanding political center, and is located at approximately equal distances from the Southern Carpathians (north) and the River Danube (south). Craiova is the chief commercial city west of Bucharest and the most important city of Oltenia.
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Craiova in a minute • Крайова за минуту
Craiova, Romania • Κραϊόβα, Ρουμανία
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Craiova in a minute • Κραϊόβα σε 1 λεπτό
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Source: Craiova CCE 2021
Video Edit: Blue Travel Plus TV
Vulcanii noroioși - FILIAȘ - Mud Volcanoes (Harghita County, Transylvania, Romania)
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Rezervația geologică înființată în anul 1980 și legiferată în 2000 avea patru conuri de vulcani noroioși distribuiți pe o suprafață de un hectar situată la sud-vest de satul Filiaș, component al orașului Cristuru Secuiesc (județul Harghita, Transilvania). Vulcanii noroioși ar fi apărut în 1913 în urma unei explozii de gaze (hidrocarburi). Vulcanii noroioși (sens strict) sunt formațiuni geologice foarte tinere, dinamice și instabile formate din depuneri fine (praf, argilă), generate de emanații reci de ape noroioase și gaze, neavând nicio legătură cu vulcanii propriu-ziși. Vulcanii noroioși (sens strict) se formează pe baza depunerilor noroioase aduse la suprafața pământului de către apa antrenată într-o mișcare ascendentă datorită gazelor care reușesc să evadeze pe accidente tectonice (falii) din unele acumulări de hidrocarburi aflate în adâncime sub presiune. Noi am reușit să identificăm și să analizăm la Filiaș (vezi subtitrarea) numai trei vulcani noroioși. Din punct de vedere morfologic, conform unei teze de doctorat (Gál Andrea, 2010) unul este con vulcanic (format prin depuneri succesive), altul este un dom vulcanic (format prin bombarea crustei solide ce acoperă punga de material noroios), iar al treilea, o calderă noroioasă extinsă, dar mai puțin înaltă. Toți trei vulcanii prezintă slabe emanații de ape noroioase, dar nu și gaze. Nu am reușit să identificăm al patrulea vulcan, el fiind probabil inactiv de mai mulți ani și deja distrus. De asemenea, Gál Andrea (2010) amintește de prezența la Filiaș a încă doi vulcani sub formă de bazine noroioase, fără con, dar care, de asemenea, nu ne-au atras atenția.
The geological reserve, established in 1980 and legislated in 2000, had four cones of mud volcanoes spread over an area of one hectare at southwest of the village of Filiaş, component of the city of Cristuru Secuiesc (Harghita County, Transylvania). The mud volcanoes would have appeared in 1913 following a gas explosion (hydrocarbons). The mud volcanoes (strict sense) are very young, dynamic and unstable geological formations made up of fine deposits (dust, clay) generated by cold emanations of muddy waters and gases, having no connection with the proper volcanoes. The mud volcanoes (strict sense) are formed on the basis of the muddy waters moved upward by the gases escaped on the tectonic accident (faults) from the accumulations of hydrocarbons under pressure. We have managed to identify and analyze at Filiaş (see subtitle) only three mud volcanoes. From a morphological point of view, according to a doctoral thesis (Gál Andrea, 2010), one is a volcanic cone (formed by successive deposits), another is a volcanic dome (formed by the camber (bulginess) of the crust covering the bag of muddy material), and the third, a muddy caldera, large but less high. All three volcanoes have mild emanations of muddy water, but not gas. We have not been able to identify the fourth volcano, being probably idle for many years and already destroyed. Also, Gál Andrea (2010) reminds of the presence in Filiaş of two more volcanoes in the form of muddy basins, without cone, but which also did not attract our attention.
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Great Parks in Craiova
Nicolae Romanescu Park was built in romantic style according to the plans of the french landscape architect Eduard Redont.
The park's design was distinguished at the international exhibition in Paris with the gold medal in 1900.
The construction of the park began in 1901 and was completed in 1903.
The total area of the park is 96 hectares and includes, in addition to ornamental plantations of trees and shrubs, a stretch of water of over 4 ha, a 20-hectare trail, roads, alleys and paths over 35 km in length.
At present, this park is ranked third in the top of Europe's largest natural parks.
The Charmed Castle was built in 1905 to mask the water tower in the park.
During the communist regime, a restaurant was opened in the castle.
Botanical Garden of Craiova is located in the southwestern part of the city and covers an area of approximately 13 hectares.
It was founded in 1952 and has living biological material for fundamental and applied research.
The video was made with a canon legria camera and an yi action sport camera.
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Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library
Hotel Restaurant Casa cu Tei, Craiova, Romania, HD Review
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Hotel Restaurant Casa cu Tei sells fast on our site. The impressively luxurious Casa cu Tei Hotel is situated only a 5 minute walk from the center of Craiova and offers you fully equipped rooms with antique furniture and fine cuisine.
The menu represents an exceptional mixture of different culinary cultures and traditions including original creations of the experienced chef. A large wine collection and the attentive staff add to the refined atmosphere of the restaurant.
Casa cu Tei is also a perfect and stylish place for all kinds of events, from simple cocktails to special dinners, from private parties to fashion presentations, from family to business meetings.
Wireless internet is available in the entire hotel free of charge.
The property is very close to the main tourist attractions: parks, museums, shops, movie theaters, clubs and business centers.
Casa cu Tei is the ideal location both for business tourism but also for those who want to discover the charm of the city.
Craiova is the capital of Dolj County and is situated near the east bank of the Jiu river in central Oltenia.
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