Granja de Moreruela is a municipality located in the province of Zamora, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 337 inhabitants. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. ZamoraZamora Zamora is a province of western Spain, in the western part of the autonomous community of Castile and León. It is bordered by the provinces of Ourense, León, Valladolid, and Salamanca, and by Portugal. The present-day province of Zamora was one of three provinces formed from the former Kingdom of León in 1833, when Spain was reorganized into 49 provinces. Of the 185,432 people in the province, nearly a third live in the capital, Zamora. This province has 250 municipalities. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
5. Sanabria Lake Natural ParkZamora The Sanabria Lake Natural Park is a natural park in Spain located around Sanabria Lake in the Sanabria comarca, northwest part of the Zamora Province, in the mountainous area of Sierra Segundera and Sierra de la Cabrera. It occupies a surface area of 22,365 ha, with heights ranging from 997 m at the lake banks to the 2,124 m of the peak of Peña Trevinca. The park spans across the municipalities of Galende, Cobreros, Trefacio y Porto de Sanabria. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
7. Astorga CathedralAstorga Astorga is a municipality and city of Spain located in the central area of the province of León, in the autonomous community of Castilla y León, 43 kilometres southwest of the provincial capital. It is located in the transit between the Páramo Leonés and the mountains of León and acts as the backbone of the shires of Maragatería, La Cepeda and the Ribera del Órbigo. The city is the head of one of the most extensive and old dioceses of Spain, whose jurisdiction covers half of the province of León and part of Ourense and Zamora. It is also head of the judicial party number 5 of the province of León.Astorga lies in the area of the Maragatos, a small ethnic and cultural community with distinctive customs and architecture. The town lies at the junction of the French route, the most pop... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Granja de Moreruela Videos
Via de la Plata (Road Trip Sevilla - Santiago de Compostela)
A road trip from Sevilla to Santiago de Compostela with impressions of Sevilla, Tentudia, Merida, Extremadura, Cáceres, Trujillo, Plasencia, Caparra, Salamanca, Zamora, Galicia and Santiago de Compostela, including a pilgrimsmass (with the swinging botafumeiro!)
Camino de Santiago Walking Tour
Running a Walking Tour with Caspin Journeys on the Camino de Santiago. 12 days of walking starting in St Jean Pied de Port and ending in Santiago de Compostela and Finisterre, stopping in some of the most important towns and cities along the way. From the ancient monastery of Roncesvalles to Pamplona city of the running of the bulls, from Burgos and its entrancing gothic Cathedral to Leon and its grand Parador, from the roman city of Astorga to the Knights Templar Castle of Ponferrada, all ending by the Ocean at Km 0. A walking holiday, accompanied with fine dining, wine tasting and the very best of company.
Travel with like minded people! For more information visit our website at
Vía de la Plata 2011 (6): Salamanca - El Cubo - Zamora - Riego del Camino
Los videodiarios del Camino, tercera temporada (2011): En la Vía de la Plata, sexta parte
De Salamanca a Riego del Camino. Un DC-3. Etapas largas y monotonía al lado de la autovía, en el Cubo del Vino y lluvia. Zamora: puente medieval, iglesias románicas, edificios modernistas. Carrito de mochila. Cigüeñas, camas reservadas y otros chistes.
Versión original con subtítulos en castellano (disponibles por la función CC debajo de la pantalla)
The Camino Video Diaries, third season: On the Via de la Plata, sixth part
From Salamanca to Riego del Camino. A Douglas DC-3. Long stages and monotony along the highway. In a wine cube (el Cubo del Vino) and rain. Zamora: medieval bridge, Romanesque churches, Art Nouveau houses. Storks, reserved beds and other jokes.
Original version with English subtitles (available through the CC tool below the FlashPlayer)
Die Caminovideotagebücher, dritte Staffel (2011): Auf der Vía de la Plata, sechster Teil
Von Salamanca nach Riego del Camino. Eine DC-3. Lange Etappen und Monotonie neben der Autobahn, in el Cubo del Vino und Regen. Zamora: mittelalterliche Brücke, romanische Kirchen, Jugendstilhäuser. Rucksackkarren. Störche, reservierte Betten und andere Witze.
Originalversion mit deutschen Untertiteln (verfügbar über die CC-Funktion unten rechts am Flashplayer)
Camino de Levante 2012 (6): Toro - Zamora - Riego del Camino
The Camino Video Diaries IV-06
Los videodiarios del Camino, cuarta temporada (2012): En el Camino de Levante/Vía de la Plata, sexta parte
De Toro a Riego del Camino. A lo largo del Duero. Gatos y pájaros y perros, y más gatos. Una ciudad bien conocida. Nuevos encuentros. Disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.
Versión original con subtítulos en castellano (disponibles por la función de subtítulos debajo de la pantalla)
The Camino Video Diaries, fourth season: On the Camino de Levante/Via de la Plata, sixth part
From Toro to Riego del Camino. Along the Duero. Cats, and birds, and dogs, and more cats. A well-known town. New encounters. Enjoying the simple things of life.
Original version with English subtitles (available through the subtitles-closed captions tool)
Die Caminovideotagebücher, vierte Staffel (2012): Auf dem Camino de Levante/der Vía de la Plata, sechster Teil
Von Toro nach Riego del Camino. Den Duero entlang. Katzen und Vögel und Hunde und noch mehr Katzen. Eine bereits bekannte Stadt. Neue Begegnungen. Die einfachen Dinge des Lebens genießen.
Originalversion mit deutschen Untertiteln (verfügbar über die Untertitel-Funktion unten rechts am Flashplayer)
00:04 saliendo de Toro 00:55 un gato en el muro 02:25 cigüeñas en el campo 02:50 dos abejarucos europeos (Merops apiaster) - Bienenfresser 03:31 un águila calzada (Hieraaetus pennatus) - Zwergadler 04:11 una cogujada común (Galerida cristata) - Haubenlerche 04:22 en Villalazán: aviones comunes y peregrinos 07:01 llegando a Zamora, crruzando el Puente de Piedra 07:43 la catedral y el castillo 09:17 saliendo de Zamora 09:41 en Roales 10:15 un avión común (Delichon urbicum) - Mehlschwalbe 10:56 en Montamarta 12:14 la ruina del castillo de Castrotorafe 12:24 en Riego del Camino 12:36 un cernícalo vulgar (Falco tinnunculus) - Turmfalke 12:55 golondrinas comunes (Hirundo rustica) - Rauchschwalben 13:00 otro gato