Colombie : le nouvel eldorado - Échappées belles
Longtemps exclue des destinations touristiques en raison de son contexte d'insécurité, la Colombie connaît depuis 2010 une augmentation régulière du nombre d'étrangers venus en touristes ou pour y faire des affaires. La paix retrouvée lui a permis de renouer avec la stabilité et de relever ses trésors parfois oubliés. Sophie Jovillard invite à le découvrir en sa compagnie. Elle débute son voyage par la fête des Fleurs de Medellin, avant de se rendre dans des petits villages typiques, aux marchés pittoresques et aux espaces naturels immenses.
Au sommaire :
- La Colombie, éternel eldorado
- Une nature luxuriante
- Des fleurs qui font vivre un pays
- Construire la paix
- L'autre pays de la beauté
- Le cyclisme, une passion colombienne
Le carnet des bonnes adresses Echappées Belles Colombie !
Bistrot Montmartre à Carthagène
Adresse : Calle del Santísimo # 8-08, Centro histórico - San Diego, Carthagène des Indes
Tél : +57 3124442910
-Terry Disco : disquaire du parc des fleurs
Adresse : Centro Avenida Venezuela Parque de Las Flores
Tél : +57 (5) 6602759
-Eglise Saint-Pierre-Claver de Carthagène des Indes
Adresse : Cra. 4 #01, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombie
Tél : +57 5 6600774
-Restaurant El Interno, dans la prison pour femmes de San Diego
Adresse : Cárcel de Mujeres de San Diego, calle 39, Barrio San Diego, Cartagena, Colombia.
Tél : +57 (310) 2 600 134 ou +57 (310) 3 27 36 82
Fundación Acción Interna
-José Zapata, silletero à Santa Elena
Tél : +57 311 4218391
-Raphael Lubczanski, cofondateur
A côté, Café Cultura
-Valle del Cocora
Pink Rose - Boutique de vêtements
Calle 140 #12b-34
+57 316 558 0464
BodyTech - Salle de sport
Josse Peluqueria - salon de coiffure
Calle 147 #13-07
+57 614 904 9466
Jardin Encantado
Finca la Tortuguita
+57 310 875 5507
Expediciones Robinson - Agence de tourisme d’aventure
Calle 18 N°24-12
San Rafael
+57 311 404 5820
Comuna 13 Tour - Stairway Storytellers
+57 304 391 2305
ON Y GO Tours - Birdwatching
+57 300 591 8153
Chirurgie plastique - Dr. Felipe Martinez
Torre Médica El Tesoro Cra 25A No. 1A Sur 45
+57 312 259 48 85
Entreflores - Visite collection d’orquidées
Torre Médica El Tesoro Cra 25A No. 1A Sur 45
+57 315 720 0869
Jardin de Rocas - Obesrvation d’oiseaux
Reserva Natural Jardin de Rocas
+57 312 756 2650
Croatie, voyage en Adriatique - Échappées belles
Dernier pays à être entré dans l'Union Européenne, la Croatie est devenue en quelques années l'eldorado estival des vacanciers. Avec sa géographie atypique, la Croatie réunit en effet une grande diversité de paysages. Aujourd'hui aux commandes du voyage, Raphaël de Casabianca part en Croatie maritime, le long de la côte Adriatique. Avec ses 1185 îles et îlots, dont cinquante habités, la Croatie est aussi une contrée de marins et d'insulaires. Le journaliste globe-trotteur va découvrir une terre bien plus méditerranéenne qu'il ne l'imaginait.
✎ La Croatie
Pierre Josse, Bernard Poucèle
Chêne, 2015
160 pages, 26 €90
✎ La Croatie
Mosaïque Adriatique
Sabdrine Pierrefeu, Serge Vincenti
Géorama, 2008
24 €
✎ Croatie des côtes en plein vol
Zlatko Susic (auteur), Franck Mulliez (photographie)
Tana, 2006
194 pages, 15 €
➨ Kayak et rafting
Hvar :
➨ Hotel Little green bay
Zadar :
➨ Bistrot Pjat
Facebook : bistropjatzadar
023 213 919
Dubrovnik :
➨ Restaurant Veritas Konoba
Gunduliceva Poljana2
20 000 Dubrovnik
➨ Tourisme « hors des sentiers battus » :
Slavidom - Sania KOVACEVIC
10 rue Vivienne - 75002 PARIS tel: 06 24 22 26 88
➨ Acheter Produits locaux :
OPG Matulic (facebook)
Île de Pasman
➨ Kuterevo : refuge des ours orphelins
Velebit Association Kuterevo
Contact person: Ivan Crnković Pavenka
Adresse : Pod Crikvon 103, 53225 Kuterevo
Tel : +385 53 799 222
Fax : +385 53 799 600
➨ Où chasser et déguster des truffes + dormir :
E-mail :
Tel : +385 52 667 304
Paladini 14 – BUZET
➨ Où dormir et manger
Srednja ulica 2
52 474 Brtonigla – Verteneglio
+385 52 725 000
➨ Producteur d’huile d’olive
OPG Chiavalon
52215 Vodnjan, V. Nazora 16
Tel : +385 (0)52 511 906
➨ Dormir :PRIJEKO Palace – Dubrovnik
Belgium/Brussels/Bruxelles (Walking Tour) Part 2
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Brussels (French: Bruxelles), is a region of Belgium comprising 19 municipalities, including the City of Brussels which is the de jure capital of Belgium. The Brussels-Capital Region is a part of both the French Community of Belgium and the Flemish Community, but is separate from the region of Flanders (in which it forms an enclave) or Wallonia. The region has a population of 1.2 million and a metropolitan area with a population of over 1.8 million, the largest in Belgium.
Since the end of the Second World War, Brussels has been a major centre for international politics and has become the polyglot home of numerous international organizations, politicians, diplomats and civil servants. Brussels is the de facto capital of the European Union as it hosts a number of principal EU institutions (the other administrative centres are Luxembourg and Strasbourg). The secretariat of the Benelux and the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are also located in Brussels.
Historically a Dutch-speaking city, it has seen a language shift to French from the late 19th century onwards. Today the majority language is French, and the Brussels-Capital Region is an officially bilingual enclave within the Flemish Region. All road signs, street names, and many advertisements and services are shown in both languages.Brussels is increasingly becoming multilingual with increasing numbers of migrants, expatriates and minority groups speaking their own languages.
Despite what its name suggests, the Brussels-Capital Region is not the capital of Belgium in itself. Article 194 of the Belgian Constitution establishes that the capital of Belgium is the City of Brussels, the municipality within the capital region that once was the city's core.
The City of Brussels is the location of many national institutions. The Royal Palace, where the King of Belgium exercises his prerogatives as head of state, is situated alongside the Brussels Park. The Palace of the Nation is located on the opposite side of this park, and is the seat of the Belgian Federal Parliament. The office of the Prime Minister of Belgium, colloquially called Law Street 16 (Dutch: Wetstraat 16, French: 16, rue de la Loi), is located adjacent to this building. This is also the place where the Council of Ministers holds its meetings. The Court of Cassation, Belgium's main court, has its seat in the Palace of Justice. Other important institutions in the City of Brussels are the Constitutional Court, the Council of State, the Court of Audit, the Royal Belgian Mint and the National Bank of Belgium.The City of Brussels is also the capital of both the French Community of Belgium and the Flemish Community. The Flemish Parliament and Flemish Government have their seats in Brussels,as do the Parliament of the French Community and the Government of the French Community.
The 19 municipalities (communes) of the Brussels-Capital Region are political subdivisions with individual responsibilities for the handling of local level duties, such as law enforcement and the upkeep of schools and roads within its borders. Municipal administration is also conducted by a mayor, a council, and an executive.
In 1831, Belgium was divided into 2,739 municipalities, including the 19 in the Brussels-Capital Region. Unlike most of the municipalities in Belgium, the ones located in the Brussels-Capital Region were not merged with others during mergers occurring in 1964, 1970, and 1975. However, several municipalities outside of the Brussels-Capital Region have been merged with the City of Brussels throughout its history including Laeken, Haren, and Neder-Over-Heembeek, which were merged into the City of Brussels in 1921.
The largest and most populous of the municipalities is the City of Brussels, covering 32.6 square kilometres (12.6 sq mi) with 145,917 inhabitants. The least populous is Koekelberg with 18,541 inhabitants, while the smallest in area is Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, which is only 1.1 square kilometres (0.4 sq mi). Despite being the smallest municipality, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode has the highest population density of the 19 with 20,822 inhabitants per square kilometre (53,930/sq mi).Wikipedia
Belgium/Brussels (Royal King Palace) Part 15
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Brussels (French: Bruxelles), is a region of Belgium comprising 19 municipalities, including the City of Brussels which is the de jure capital of Belgium. The Brussels-Capital Region is a part of both the French Community of Belgium and the Flemish Community, but is separate from the region of Flanders (in which it forms an enclave) or Wallonia. The region has a population of 1.2 million and a metropolitan area with a population of over 1.8 million, the largest in Belgium.
Since the end of the Second World War, Brussels has been a major centre for international politics and has become the polyglot home of numerous international organizations, politicians, diplomats and civil servants. Brussels is the de facto capital of the European Union as it hosts a number of principal EU institutions (the other administrative centres are Luxembourg and Strasbourg). The secretariat of the Benelux and the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are also located in Brussels.
Historically a Dutch-speaking city, it has seen a language shift to French from the late 19th century onwards. Today the majority language is French, and the Brussels-Capital Region is an officially bilingual enclave within the Flemish Region. All road signs, street names, and many advertisements and services are shown in both languages.Brussels is increasingly becoming multilingual with increasing numbers of migrants, expatriates and minority groups speaking their own languages.
Despite what its name suggests, the Brussels-Capital Region is not the capital of Belgium in itself. Article 194 of the Belgian Constitution establishes that the capital of Belgium is the City of Brussels, the municipality within the capital region that once was the city's core.
The City of Brussels is the location of many national institutions. The Royal Palace, where the King of Belgium exercises his prerogatives as head of state, is situated alongside the Brussels Park. The Palace of the Nation is located on the opposite side of this park, and is the seat of the Belgian Federal Parliament. The office of the Prime Minister of Belgium, colloquially called Law Street 16 (Dutch: Wetstraat 16, French: 16, rue de la Loi), is located adjacent to this building. This is also the place where the Council of Ministers holds its meetings. The Court of Cassation, Belgium's main court, has its seat in the Palace of Justice. Other important institutions in the City of Brussels are the Constitutional Court, the Council of State, the Court of Audit, the Royal Belgian Mint and the National Bank of Belgium.The City of Brussels is also the capital of both the French Community of Belgium and the Flemish Community. The Flemish Parliament and Flemish Government have their seats in Brussels,as do the Parliament of the French Community and the Government of the French Community.
The 19 municipalities (communes) of the Brussels-Capital Region are political subdivisions with individual responsibilities for the handling of local level duties, such as law enforcement and the upkeep of schools and roads within its borders. Municipal administration is also conducted by a mayor, a council, and an executive.
In 1831, Belgium was divided into 2,739 municipalities, including the 19 in the Brussels-Capital Region. Unlike most of the municipalities in Belgium, the ones located in the Brussels-Capital Region were not merged with others during mergers occurring in 1964, 1970, and 1975. However, several municipalities outside of the Brussels-Capital Region have been merged with the City of Brussels throughout its history including Laeken, Haren, and Neder-Over-Heembeek, which were merged into the City of Brussels in 1921.
The largest and most populous of the municipalities is the City of Brussels, covering 32.6 square kilometres (12.6 sq mi) with 145,917 inhabitants. The least populous is Koekelberg with 18,541 inhabitants, while the smallest in area is Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, which is only 1.1 square kilometres (0.4 sq mi). Despite being the smallest municipality, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode has the highest population density of the 19 with 20,822 inhabitants per square kilometre (53,930/sq mi).Wikipedia
TOP 15 MOST POPULOUS CITIES densely populated
City Population Area (km²) Area (mi²) Density (/km²) Density (/mi²) Country
Manila 1,780,148[1] 42.88[2][3] 16.55 71,263[4] 107,562 Philippines
Pateros (Municipality) 64,147[1] 2.10[5] 0.81 30,546 79,114 Philippines
Mumbai 12,478,447[6] 437.71[7] 169 28,508 73,837 India
Dhaka 8,523,137[8] 300.0[9] 115.83 28,410 73,583 Bangladesh
Bnei Brak 200,162[10] 7.088 2.736[11] 28,240 73,159 Israel
Caloocan 1,489,040[1] 53.34[5] 20.6 27,916 72,302 Philippines
Levallois-Perret 63,436[12] 2.4[12] 0.93 26,432 68,458 France
Le Pré-Saint-Gervais 18,121[13] 0.7[13] 0.27 25,887 67,047 France
Chennai 4,681,087[6] 181.06[14] 69.91 25,854 66,961 India
Vincennes 48,689[15] 1.9[15] 0.733 25,626 66,371 France
Saint-Mandé 22,627[16] 0.9[16] 0.35 25,141 65,115 France
Bally 291,972[6] 11.81[17] 4.56 24,722 64,031 India
Kolkata 4,486,679[6] 185[18] 71.4 24,252 62,813 India
Saint-Josse-ten-Noode 27,548[19] 1.14[20] 0.44 24,165 62,404 Belgium
Kathmandu 1,183,000[21] 49.45[22] 19.09 23,923 61,972 Nepal
Neapoli 27,084[23] 1.17 0.45 23,188 60,186 Greece
Paris Salon du tourisme 2011 avec Pierre Josse ( Guide du Routard ) (2011/03/20)
Dimanche 20 Mars 2011 .
Petit Tour d'Harold Ambleside au salon Parisien du tourisme 2011 ... Mis à part le stand de la Tchèquie ; celui des des voyages en Amériques du Nord ... Ou encore celui offrany la possibilité de voyager en Traction Citroën ( c'est tout de même 1400 euros pour 3 jours et 4 nuits , à condition d'être deux ) ... Rien de notable ... Minable même ! Tout de même , Harold pu croiser et filmer Pierre Josse , bras droit de Claude Gloaguen , fondateur du guide du routard ... Il évoquait le risque d'amalguame dans les pays Arabes récemment sujet au printemps , qui pourrait nuire à leur fréquentation touristique ...
© GYJBB , 2011 ( Gérald Bacquet )
The Spotahome neighbourhood video guide to Brussels: what to do in Schaerbeek
Would you like to know more about Brussels?
Vincent is a Homechecker at Spotahome. You might recognise him from our HD property videos. This time, he wants to show you around his favourite city.
He shows you the hidden gems and essential places to visit in Schaerbeek. Find out the best places to eat, shop, and party.
See in the video our best things to do in the neighborhood Schaerbeek.
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Spotahome is an online booking platform for mid to long-term accommodation. Our Homecheckers visit every property and take professional photos and HD videos.
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Je suis acteur Porno et je test Natura4ever sur moi ( français )
Toute perssonne qui s'intérresse un minimum au sport ou cherche des compléments alimentaires de qualité , a forcement entendu parler a un moment ou un autre de Natura4ever .... Et aura donc lus et entendu tout et n'importe quoi venant de gents qui au final n'uaront pas même essayé.... Je saute le pas mon ami Professeur de Pole Dance Cérone ( je préscise car la pole dance exige un niveau physique de haut niveau et donc je pense qu'il est a même de jugé un bon produit ,ou pas ... ) Je test donc sur moi-même durant plusieurs semaines étant acteur porno la dépense physique importante me fait chercher les aliments les plus efficaces ... Pour le coup je cherchais simplement une cure détox et j'ai découvert toute une gamme de produit qui ma énormément surpris également pour les performances sexuels .....
Tellement séduit que je signe avec eux pour distribuer !!!
Voyage République Tchèque
Voyage République Tchèque sur Monde du Voyage, agence de réservation & guide voyage.