Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Guben (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Travel Tip: Visiting WWII sites
This week I help you understand not only why you should visit WWII sites, but where & how you can best do that.
Bazar Miejski w Słubicach PL Informacje 2016
Informacje na temat Bazaru Miejskiego w Słubicach. Reklama
Most Haunted Places In Poland
These are what I believe to be the most haunted places in the central European country of Poland.
Car Travel in Germany country: Treuenbrietzen - Berlin.
Car Travel in Germany country: Treuenbrietzen - Berlin.
Автопутешествие по Германии: Тройенбритцен - Берлин.
0:10.0 Treuenbrietzen
10:00.0 Buchholz
21:35.0 Seddin
33:26.0 Potsdam
59:06.0 Groß Gglinicke
1:01:18.3 BERLIN
München - Plech. Car Travel in Germany/Автопутешествие по Германии.
Video 2016-3-183 (3285) **FRANKFURT ODER-KOSTRZYN Bike Tour with Arek** part 2 of 18 JUNE 11-th 2016
FRANKFURT ODER Bike Tour of 18 parts - part 2 of 18 Słubice
Next bike tour with Arek in June 11-th!This time we visited FRANKFURT ODER in Germany!As far we were in GŁOGÓW (February),in GORZÓW WLK (March),in POZNAŃ (April) and in WROCŁAW (May).As usually,first we were travelling to SŁUBICE by train.Of course we took our bicycles with us cause we had to cover over 40 km along the Odra river on the German side!Słubice is a Polish town on the border with Germany, soon we crossed the border and toured Frankfurt Oder! We rode bikes along the Oder River, along great bike paths really facilitate a shared ride!
We stopped in German town LEBUS for a while,then were biking towards KOSTRZYN on Polish side to visit the local fortness and the museum!After that we were biking back on Polish side to RZEPIN and were travelling back to Zielona Góra by train!Great,nice weather all the time that day so we had a super time on our tour!Have a nice watching!Greetings!Amnas2011
Here are all parts below:
-part 1-Travelling by train to Słubice
-part 2-Słubice
-part 3-Frankfurt Oder
-part 4-Frankfurt Oder-Lebus
-part 5-Lebus-Germany
-part 6-Leaving Lebus
-pert 7-Biking along the Odra on German side
-part 8-Relaxing on German side
-part 9-Back in Poland-Kostrzyn
-part 10-Biking through Kostrzyn
-part 11-Fortness Kostrzyn and the museum
-part 12-Biking Kostrzyn-Górzyca/1
-part 13-Biking Kostrzyn-Górzyca/2
-part 14-On the way to Rzepin
-part 15-Rzepin
-part 16-Travelling back to Zielona Góra by train
-part 17-Zielona Góra,biking home/1
-part 18-Zielona Góra,biking home/2
FRANKFURT NAD ODRĄ-KOSTRZYN Wycieczka rowerowa z Arkiem (18 części) Część 2 Słubice:
Nasza wspólna kolejna rowerowa wyprawa z Arkiem 11-go czerwca 2016,trasa długości 91 km!
Najpierw udaliśmy się pociągiem do Słubic a z tamtąd rowerami do Frankfurtu!Po odnalezieniu ścieżki rowerowej w kierunku Kostrzyna udaliśmy się po niemieckiej stronie wzdłuż Odry aż do miejscowości Lebus.Wspaniałe okolice,malownicze widoki i co najważniejsze znakomite oznakowanie ścieżek rowerowych!Po przejechaniu około 40 km znaleźliśmy się po polskiej stronie w Kostrzynie gdzie zwiedziliśmy znaną kostrzyńską fortecę i przy okazji muzeum!Powrót szosą po polskiej stronie do Rzepina skąd pociągiem udaliśmy się do Zielonej Góry!Cały dzień wspaniała słoneczna pogoda ,nie za gorąco doskonałe warunki na dłuższą jazdę!To była nasza kolejna wycieczka rowerowa,wcześniej byliśmy w GŁOGOWIE (luty),w GORZOWIE WLK (marzec),w POZNANIU (kwiecień) oraz we WROCŁAWIU (maj)!Zapraszam do wspólnej jazdy i życzę miłego odbioru!Amnas2011
Eastern Europe-02: Krakow-Wroclaw-Berlin
Eastern-Europe tour (Part-2)
Day-4:Krakow city tour, salt mine
Day-5: Krakow: Auschwiz Concentration Camp
Day-6: Wroclaw city tour
Day-7: Berlin city tour
This is Border Country!
There's a long border between Poland and the Czech Republic, winding its way over hills and along rivers, but as far as roads negotiable by cars is concerned, until the two countries entered Schengen a couple of years ago, they had manned check points. Now these are disused and there is no-one there to look at your documents, if you even have them. Their old booth has become a dumping ground for used food packaging, and nobody cleans it up. The Poles spent money building a nice road right up to the border, but the Czechs, with their almost 50% more GDP per head, simply allowed a dirt track to remain from the border. They simply do not care what the visit card of their coutry looks like, not to Poles anyway, (in fact it seems to me that in comparison with Poles, who always concern themselves with their international reputation, Czechs are singularly unruffled by what anyone - in their country or outside it - thinks of them) and they seem to have no desire to encourage the Poles to venture into their country very far, even though the cheaper prices at restaurants might be quite tempting, and the existence of a fine swimming pool not far off on the Czech side, which I heard about, but didn't see. It looks as if they are in no major hurry to go out of their way to attract their Polish neighbours in for a cup of coffee. So Schengen may be in force, and you can cross that boundary without any checks if you feel like it, but they certainly aren't making the free movement across it all that inviting right now on the Czech side.
Despite the dereliction of the duty area, there is a certain open beauty about the side. It looks quite wild and windswept under the marbled, part-melted snow. It is, of course, under agricultural usage, and food or biomass is being produced on all parts of it.
Frankfurt (oder)- From bridge to City Hall 從橋邊到市政廳