Ukraine Train Ride (1st Class) from Kiev to Lviv travel vlog
Join us for train ride in Ukraine as we travel in first class from Kiev to Lviv in this travel vlog. After leaving our apartment in Kiev we took the metro to the main train station and then had quite a bit of time to kill. When we boarded the train we were really happy we bought a first class ticket as it gave us lots of room to stretch out, sleep, get caught up on work and just overall feel comfortable as we enjoyed the complimentary tea service. Upon arriving in Lviv our AirBNB host picked us up and after dropping off our bags in the apartment we went out for a dinner that included Ukrainian dumplings.
Olympus OM-D E-M5 II:
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Ukraine Train Ride (1st Class) from Kiev to Lviv travel vlog transcript:
Hello. It is almost time to check out of our apartment here in Kiev (Киев). Our host is going to be coming any minute. Any minute. We have to finish packing up. Like what happened to the what we had 9 nights just boom. We had over a week here. That is one of the fastest stays we've ever had anywhere. The time just flew by. We were tired, we also had a lot of work to do and we also just really enjoyed being here.
Two stops to the train station. Let's go. But there is going to be a nice long escalator ride to get to the platform. Yeah. These escalators here in Kyiv (Київ) are epic.
So we've made it to the train station. Tickets in hand. And we've just looked at the departure board. I would like to point out that is the worst departure board I've ever seen in my life. First of all the letters are like bright red and neon green. And you stare at it for like 3 seconds and it starts blinding you.
Our train is leaving in about a half hour so we're back in the station. We are platform 2. Now we just have to find that. It is quite a grand station I must say. It is beautiful.
We've got our seats and what is really cool is we upgraded to 1st class. It wasn't that much more. We'll let you know the price of the ticket a little bit later on. If you take a look over here you can see how it has different classes. If it was second class there would be 6 people but because it is only first there is 4 of us and that gives us lots of rooms for our baggage. We'll show you as we go in. That is where we are sitting. We have basically those 3 seats on the bottom.
Alright, so now would be a good time to talk about the tickets. And it is noisy. The train is just taking off. Anyways, we paid just over 500 which is about roughly $20 US dollars and this is for the fastest train possible to Lviv (Львів). And it takes about five hours and forty minutes so we're going to be on here for a little while. But it is quite comfortable. I'm glad that we paid for 1st class because we're going to be able to get some work done. Apparently, there is tea service so hopefully we get that too.
And just like that we've been teleported to our apartment here in Lviv (Львів). Um, so yeah we arrived right on time. Our AirBNB host was waiting for us at the train station. We hopped in his car and he drove us here which is so rare. No one has ever picked us up. Which was super awesome.
Um but yeah we're really really hungry so we are going to save the apartment tour for another day. Another video. Right now we need dinner. Let's go. We'll take you along for food though.
So we are staying in a super residential neighborhood so there are not a whole lot of restaurants around but we found a hotel and they have a restaurant. So we're in here. Right now we are the only guests. The last couple just left but they have like all of these animals. Looking at me everywhere. Look. There is a cow looking at you.
Food is here. Food is here. I'm so hungry. Like I said I was water fasting earlier on. 24 hours without food so I'm ready to eat. This is varenyky. The Ukrainian dumplings. They are delicious.
And this is it. We're ending off the video. We're tired. We are really excited to be in this city (Lviv) and we look forward to sharing some videos with you guys soon. But for now goodnight.
This is part of our Travel in Ukraine video series showcasing Ukrainian food, Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian cuisine.
Music in this video courtesy of BenSound:
मरने से पहले एक बार जरूर जाएँ इन जगहों पर | 5 Most BEAUTIFUL PLACES on EARTH (Hindi)
The Tunnel of Love is a section of industrial railway located near Klevan, Ukraine, that links it with Orzhiv.
It is a railway surrounded by green arches and is three to five kilometers in length. It is known for being a favorite place for couples to take walks.
The line starts at Klevan station, on the Kovel-Rivne line, and reaches the northern area of Orzhiv,
also served by a station on the main line. The whole line is about 6.4 km long and about 4.9 km is covered by forest, within which this botanical
phenomenon stretches anywhere from 3 to said 4.9 km, depending on how individuals count it.
Salar de Uyuni (or Salar de Tunupa)is the world's largest salt flat at 10,582 square kilometers (4,086 sq mi). It is located in the Daniel
Campos Province in Potosí in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes and is at an elevation of 3,656 meters (11,995 ft) above sea level.
Salt flats are ideal for calibrating the distance measurement equipment of satellites because they are large, stable surfaces
with strong reflection, similar to that of ice sheets. As the largest salt flat on Earth, Salar de Uyuni is especially suitable
for this purpose.
Zhangye Danxia is known for the unusual colours of the rocks, which are smooth, sharp and several hundred meters tall.
In 2005, Zhangye Danxia was voted by a panel of reporters from 34 major media outlets as one of the most beautiful Danxia landform areas in China.
In 2009, Chinese National Geography magazine chose Zhangye Danxia as one of the six most beautiful landforms in China.The area has become a top tourist attraction for Zhangye
Pamukkale is a tourist attraction. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site together with Hierapolis. Hierapolis-Pamukkale was made a World Heritage Site in 1988.
The underground volcanic activity which causes the hot springs also forced carbon dioxide into a cave, which was called the Plutonium,
which here means place of the god Pluto. This cave was used for religious purposes by priests of Cybele, who found ways to appear immune to the suffocating gas.
Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world, containing roughly 20% of the world's unfrozen surface fresh water. With 23,615.39 km3 (5,670 cu mi) of fresh water,
it contains more water than the North American Great Lakes combined. With a maximum depth of 1,642 m (5,387 ft), Baikal is the world's deepest lake.It is considered among the world's clearest
lakes and is considered the world's oldest lake — at 25 million years.It is the seventh-largest lake in the world by surface area.
Source of Info:
ब्रह्माण्ड के सबसे सुन्दर और आकर्षक ग्रह पर हम रहते हैं ! यहाँ पृकिति के अनंत सौंदर्य के कुछ हिस्से मैं आपके लिए ले कर आया हूँ । यूँ तो दुनियां में एक से बढ़कर एक बहुत ही सुंदर पर्यटक स्थान हैं , उन में से कुछ पर्यटक स्थल को मैंने चुना है और आशा करता हूं आपको भी ये आश्चर्य जनक स्थान पसंद आयेंगे । अगर आपके पास भी तो कुछ ऐसे ही स्थानों की लिस्ट है तो कृपया मेरे साथ ज़रूर शेयरे करें । ye hain duniya ke 5 sabse khubsurat jagah
We are living on most beautiful and attractive planet Earth. I have chosen some beautiful and exciting parts of our nature. There are number of beautiful places around the world but i have picked only few most amazing and beautiful of them. Hope you may like and enjoy this video. If you have some more list of such exciting places , please do share with us.
List of the Beautiful Places are :-
1. Tunnel of Love , Ukraine
2. Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia
3. Zhangye Danxia , China
4. Pamukkale, Turkey
5. Lake Baikal, Russia
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Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
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Субтитры к данному видео опубликованы по материалам статьи из Википедии.
Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Ро́вно(укр. Рівне, с 1939 до 1991 г. — Ровно, польск. Równe, идиш ראָװנע) — город, культурный, политический, социально-экономический, транспортный, центр Ровненской области Украины, райцентр Ровненского района (не входит в его состав). Расположен на севере западной части Украины. Имеет свой флаг и герб. Магдебургское право с 1492 года.
Через город протекает река Устье.
Численность населения города по данным на 1 марта 2015 года составляет 246 055 постоянных жителей и 249 477 человек наличного населения.[2]
Историческая динамика населения Ровно
Первое известное письменное упоминание о Ровно, как об одном из населённых пунктов Галицко-Волынского княжества, датировано 1283 годом. Это запись на латыни в польской хронике «Rocznik kapituły krakowskiej»[10]. Регулярно фигурирует в исторических источниках с XV века.
Со второй половины XIV века являлся частью Великого Княжества Литовского. В 1492 во время правления Великого князя литовского и Короля польского Казимира IV Ягеллона город получает Магдебургское право. С 1518 по 1621 находился в собственности князей Острожских. C 1569 года Ровно отходит от ВКЛ к Польше.
В 1667 в результате Андрусовского соглашения Ровно остается под властью Речи Посполитой. В том же году в городе была эпидемия чумы, в 1691 его опустошил сильный пожар.
В 1703 в ходе Северной войны город был занят войсками Карла XII. В XVII—XVIII город находится во владении различных польских магнатов, с 1723 во владении шляхтичей Любомирских. Развитие города в большой мере обязано семье Любомирских, при них он стал центром их владений на Волыни. Любомирские в течение 200 лет проживали в своей резиденции — местном замке, который перестроил для них Ян де Витт в стиле рококо. В 1792 году Любомирских в их замке посетил Тадеуш Костюшко.
С 1795 город отошёл к Российской империи, получив статус уездного города. В ходе гражданской войны город переходил из рук в руки.
С 1921 по 1939 находился в составе Польши в качестве уездного центра Волынского воеводства.
В сентябре 1939 года, в соответствии с Секретным дополнительным протоколом к пакту Молотова-Риббентропа, вошёл в состав УССР в статусе областного центра новообразованной Ровенской области.
28 июня 1941 года был взят вермахтом гитлеровской Германии; с 20 августа 1941 года до 2 февраля 1944 был столицей германского Рейхскомиссариата Украины.
В начале нацистской оккупации половину населения города составляли евреи. В 1941 году между 6-8 ноября 23000 евреев были расстреляны в лесу Сосенки. Оставшиеся 5000 были согнаны в гетто и убиты в июле 1942.
2 февраля 1944 года освобождён от германских войск советскими войсками 1-го Украинского фронта в ходе Ровно-Луцкой операции
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Featuring a shared kitchen and free Wi-Fi, this hostel is located in Lviv city centre, 3 minutes’ walk from Lviv University and Ivana Franka Park. Guests are also offered free tea and coffee.
Hostel Comfort Plus provides good access to Lviv’s main attractions, such as Mickiewicz Square, 10 minutes’ walk away. Market Square is 0.6 miles from the property.
Each modern room at the hostel is decorated in simple style and includes wooden furnishings. Bathrooms are fitted with a shower.
Guests are welcome to use the shared kitchen, which comes complete with a microwave and a kettle. Several cafés and bars can be found within a 10-minute walk of the hostel.
Tserkva Anny bus stop is 5 minutes’ walk from Hostel Comfort Plus, offering a link to Lviv Train Station. It is 3.7 miles from Lviv Airport.