Soni Mura - Japanese Country Village
Went on a tour with some friends to Soni Mura, a village near my home city. It was a rainy day, but we still got to see some really nice places and a lion dance festival. Soni Mura is in Mie prefecture which is in the center of Japan, the tour was done by ENNTours of Nabari City.
Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library
Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) by Dj Quads
Disneyland Hong Kong Full Tour - Mystic Manor at Mystic Point
Disneyland Hong Kong full tour with maps to show you where the attractions are. We will visit Mystic Point with Mystic Manor, Toy Story Land, Fantasyland with Mickey's Philharmagic and Fairytale Forest, Tomorrowland with Star Wars and explore the shops at Hong Kong Disneyland Main Street USA.
【台北旅遊攻略】平溪老街,浪漫的鐵路旅程,純樸懷舊的老街探訪│Pingxi Old Street in Taipei
#台北旅遊 #平溪老街 #天燈
【台北旅遊攻略】平溪老街,浪漫的鐵路旅程,純樸懷舊的老街探訪│Pingxi Old Street in Taipei.
795公車路線時刻表/Small No.8 Bus Routes and Schedules:
Welcome to watch Let's Go Outing! unit.
We are going to Pingxi Old Street.
The nostalgic mood continues on the old street.
where there is more Japanese architecture.
On the street is a metal bridge where visitors can get a close-up niew of the train passing overhead,
and wider niews are available from the mountains.
Before leaving,
write your experiences and widhes on a sky lantern.
Let your dreams take flight!
Hold Senior EasyCard take MRT from Taipei Main Staion to Muzha Station will deduct 12 points.
And then take bus 795 to Pingxi Station deduct 4 points.
Have any questions, please leave a message below.
I will reply you.
Turn on CC subtitles,
If you have any questions about the practice,
Welcome to leave a message below!
Hiking In Seoul - STUNNING VIEWS at Seoul City Wall
Hiking In Seoul - STUNNING VIEWS at Seoul City Wall. There are five different trails to hike the city wall fortress in Seoul. You can choose advanced routes for hiking in Seoul, or easier walking routes starting at Dongdaemun Gate. Either way, experience stunning views of Seoul as you look at the city from great heights!
#hanyangdoseong #seoulcitywall #fundaykorea #fundaykoreanetworks #한양도성 #iloveseoul
Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
Maison Jules Black Top - Perfect for traveling!
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Travel Shoe Bag
SEOUL Transportation
#hanyangdoseong #seoulcitywall #fundaykorea #fundaykoreanetworks #한양도성 #iloveseoul
Like You Mean It by Dan Lebowitz
Brooke's Dream by Dan Lebowitz
Gaia in Fog by Dan Bodan
Triumph by Yung Logos
Magical Gravity by Asher Fulero
Day Trip Macau from Hong Kong - Sightseeing Macau Tour - Hong Kong Ferry
Day trip Macau from Hong Kong. Day trip with sightseeing Macau tour in the historical part of Macau city before returning with the Hong Kong ferry. I will visit Monte Fort, St. Michaels Chapel, and Cemetery, Macau Fisherman's Wharf and other places of interest before I take the Macau Hong Kong TurboJet ferry back to Hong Kong.
The Macau Hong Kong ferry route connects Macau with Hong Kong and is currently operated by 2 ferry companies. One of them is the TurboJet which I will be traveling by today.
Turbojet has a ferry departing almost every hour, all night from Macau to Hong Kong Ferry Terminal so it is quite easy to do a day trip to Macau with visits to the Macau casinos to and back to Hong Kong with the Hong Kong Macau Ferry. Hong Kong and Macau trip combined. Get the most out of your holiday with my videos about things to do in Macau. Hong Kong and Macau day trip.
#macau #hongkong #discoverhongkong
• License:
You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste):
Life Goes On by Del.
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
Opuszczony pałac starosty- HD URBEX | Abandoned Palace | Urban Exploration |
Właśnie dołączyłem do społeczności Patronie. Jeśli podobają Ci się moje filmy i masz ochotę wesprzeć mój kanał to zapraszam na stronę:
Każda chociażby mała kwota pozwoli mi na rozwój mojej działalności.
Ruiny pałacu starosty.
Pałac usytuowany jest na stoku wyniesienia zbiegającego łagodnie ku malowniczej dolinie rzeki Wełny. Zgodnie ze zwyczajem budynek ustawiony jest na godzinę 13.00. Na północ od pałacu usytuowana jest oficyna pałacowa i zamknięty przez nią od południa dziedziniec folwarczny.
Pałac jest murowany z cegły, tynkowany, kryty dachem dwuspadowym z papy. Wzniesiony na rzucie wydłużonego prostokąta, 13-osiowy, wysoko podpiwniczony, pierwotnie parterowy. Po obu stronach elewacji wzdłużnych, na osi środkowej, znajdują się 3-osiowe owalne ryzality. Pierwotnie budynek był zwieńczony mansardowym lub łamanym dachem czterospadowym. W XIX wieku dobudowano partię mezzonina i wykonano obecny dach, a nad ryzalitami wzniesiono wystawki, kryte osobnymi, dwuspadowymi dachami. Wtedy wzmocniono też naroża budynku przyporami. Artykulację wertykalną stanowią lizeny ujmujące otwory okienne, artykulację horyzontalną gzyms kordonowy wydzielający mezzonino. Okna przyziemia zbliżone do kwadratu, okna pierwszej kondygnacji w kształcie wysokich stojących prostokątów, zamkniętych odcinkiem łuku, nad nimi gzyms odcinkowy; okienka poddasza wąskie, zdwojone. Okna w ryzalicie frontowym i w wystawce nad nim zamknięte odcinkiem koła. W ryzalicie frontowym mieści się okrągła sień. Elewacja szczytowa południowa, 1-osiowa, ze schodami zewnętrznymi. W ryzalicie ogrodowym w przyziemiu sala terrena, nad nią owalny salon. Do elewacji ogrodowej przylegają zewnętrzne, dwubiegowe, murowane schody o pełnych balustradach, prowadzące na taras i do salonu. Pomieszczenia przyziemia sklepione, pomieszczenia górne przykryte drewnianymi stropami.
Oficyna mieszkalna, usytuowana na zachód od pałacu, wytycza południowy kraniec podwórza folwarcznego. Późnobarokowa z 3. ćw. XVIII w. Wzniesiona na rzucie wydłużonego prostokąta wygiętego w łuk, murowana z cegły, tynkowana. Pierwotnie parterowa, po nadbudowie pietra w XIX w. dwukondygnacyjna. Fasada jedenastoosiowa, rozczłonkowana na obu kondygnacjach pilastrami. Na parterze drzwi i okna zamknięte półkoliście, z archiwoltami, których klucze związane z owalnymi oknami znajdującymi się powyżej. W górnej kondygnacji okna i wnęki zamknięte półkoliście. Narożniki elewacji lekko zaokrąglone. Elewacja tylna i boczne pozbawione podziałów i okien. Elewacja od strony podwórza ma charakter gospodarczy. Wnętrza zostały całkowicie przebudowane.
Audionautix: Before Dawn – na licencji Creative Commons Attribution (
URBEX | Abandoned Palace | Urban Exploration |
Asian Street Food in Singapore.
Good video about the Asian street food in Singapore. This free video was created for you by and can be re-used for free, under the creative commons license, with the attribution of as the original creator of this video about the Asian street food in Singapore.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!
The Asian street food in Singapore is very rich and very complex. There is food from almost all parts of the world. In this video you can see the Asian street food that normal people can eat in Singapore. The small shops in the food courts, the shopping centers and open food markets have different versions of the South Asian food. The rich country of Singapore is very popular among the people who love Asian food.
The country of Singapore has a deep tradition for eating outside of the house. The street food is cheap and there are thousands of small businesses that sell hot Asian food to any customer who can pay. Many Singaporean people eat the street food every day. There are tasty, sweet, sour, hot and healthy food for every possible taste. The Asian food is very dominant in Singapore, but there are also a lot of food from Europe. The European food is more expensive in Singapore. It is called western food. It is exotic for the Asian people. The local South Asian food is more affordable and very easy to find.
Every district of Singapore has a central food market, where people go after work and eat their dinner. It is very common to buy cooked food in Singapore. The Japanese food, the Chinese food, the Taiwanese food, the Thai food and the Malaysian food are very popular among the people from Singapore. The European food is often located in expensive restaurants and hotels. The local south Asian food can be purchased at every market and shopping center.
The culture if Singapore is very connected to the street food. The people go out into different restaurants, shopping centers, hotels and food markets for eating their favorite type of south Asian food. The owners of the small food shops can be very rich, because when the food is good, then the customers never stop buying. Singapore is a very rich country, the people buy food every day. The suppliers of vegetables and basic ingredients can be very rich in Singapore.
In Europe the people eat the food from home more than they eat outside of the house. In South Asian the women eat more food from the outside, because it is a lot cheaper and faster. The rich Singaporean people love to eat and to buy. Many people work for long hours without holidays or weekends, those people buy the food form the food markets, because there is just no time for cooking at home. The division of labor is very deep in the society of Singapore. Some people cook, the rest of the people eat. The Singaporean economy is very advanced, the taxes for th food are low, this is why the people can buy food much cheaper than in other rich countries.
The country of Singapore is like a magnet of tasty Asian food. There is food from Mongolia, China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, India, Malaysia, Cambodia, Australia, USA, Europe and even from Latin America. The food markets are in almost every shopping center. There are many shopping centers in Singapore. It is possible to buy the Asian street food at almost every metro station and every district of the city.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!