*** ANDORRA LA VELLA is the capital of the PRINCIPALITY of ANDORRA. It is located high in the east PYRENEES, between FRANCE and SPAIN. It is also the name of the parish that surrounds the capital. ***
Center La Massana, Telecabina and Information, Community La Massana, Andorra
【K】Andorra Travel-Andorra la Vella[안도라 여행-안도라라베야]구시가지, 계곡의 집/Casa de la Vall/Old Town/Assembly/Court
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■클립명: 유럽107-안도라01-01 구시가지, 법정과 의회로 쓰이던 계곡의 집/Casa de la Vall/Old Town/Assembly/Court
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박용상 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2012년 4월 April
유럽,Europe,,안도라,Andorra,Andorra,Principat d'Andorra,박용상,2012,4월 April
Os de Civís in the Pyrenees, Andorra
Os de Civís is a village in the central Pyrenees mountains in the province of Lleida, Spain, and is located to the west of Andorra, near the villages of Aixàs and Bixessarri. Civís is the nearest Spanish village. It is the most populated village in the municipality (Les Valls de Valira).
Os de Civís is very close to the Spain--Andorra border, and is unique in being the only Spanish village that can be reached by vehicle only by going through Andorra. It has a number of medieval buildings including a Romanesque church.
Andorra, Canillo - Verano 2014
Videos de Andorra todo sobre Andorra, Canillo, Ordino, Encamp, Sant Julia, La Massana y Escaldes
Videos de Andorra todo sobre Andorra, Canillo, Ordino, Encamp, Sant Julia, La Massana y Escaldes T.+376631499 - . El Principado de Andorra (en catalán: Principat d'Andorra) es un pequeño país soberano del suroeste de Europa, constituido en Estado independiente, de derecho, democrático y social, cuya forma de gobierno es el coprincipado parlamentario.4 Su territorio está organizado en siete parroquias con una población total de 76 098 habitantes.5 Su capital es Andorra la Vieja.Tiene una extensión de 468 km² y está situado en los Pirineos, entre España y Francia, con una altitud media de 1996 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Limita: por el sur con España, con las comarcas catalanas de Cerdaña, Alto Urgel y Pallars Sobirá; y por el norte con Francia, limitando con el departamento de Ariège, en la región de Mediodía-Pirineos. Su sistema político tiene como jefes de Estado a los copríncipes de Andorra:4 el obispo de Urgel, actualmente Joan Enric Vives i Sicília; y el presidente de la República Francesa, en la actualidad François Hollande. El actual jefe de Gobierno es Antoni Martí Petit. El idioma oficial es el catalán. No tiene fuerzas armadas propias y su defensa es responsabilidad de España y Francia. En caso de emergencias o desastres naturales, como por ejemplo las inundaciones que ocurrieron en el año 1982, se convoca al somatén, formado por los cabezas de familia con nacionalidad andorrana. Durante mucho tiempo pobre y aislado, consiguió una notable prosperidad desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial a través del turismo y, especialmente, por su condición de paraíso fiscal, condición que perdió para España desde el 10 de febrero de 2010.
Andorra - Leger Holidays
A brief overview of Andorra by Leger Holidays
Andorra Church
Our Lady of Meritxell is the patron saint of Andorra. The original statue dates from the late 12th century. However, the chapel in which it was housed burned down on September 8 and 9, 1972, and the statue was destroyed. A replica can be found in the new Meritxell Chapel, designed in 1976 by Ricardo Bofill. In the late 12th century, on January 6, a wild rose in bloom was found by villagers from Meritxell going to Mass in Canillo. It was out of season and at its base was found a statue of the Virgin and Child.
The statue was placed in the Canillo church. However, the statue was found under the same wild rose the next day.
The statue was taken to the church of Encamp. However, as before, the statue was found under the same wild rose the next day.
As in similar legends elsewhere, the villagers of Meritxell took this as a sign and decided to build a new chapel in their town after they found an open space miraculously untouched by the winter snows.
(Filmed 21/09/2012)
ANDORRA art Escaldes- Engordany foto jccortesao
El Serrat Andorra
A ride down the mountain toward El Serrat in Andorra.
Music is the Prophecy by Tony Anderson