Some views of Rantepao city main city of Toraja country
Tempat-tempat wisata Tana Toraja terbaru yang sedang Hits dan Wajib kamu kunjungi
Berikut ulasan singkat rekomendasikan daftar nama dan tujuan tempat wisata terbaik yang ada di Toraja yang wajib kamu kunjungi. Toraja merupakan salah satu Kabupaten yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan,Toraja terkenal dengan beberapa tradisi dan budaya yang unik dan masih kental dilakukan hingga sekarang. Selain itu di Toraja juga sangat banyak sekali tempat-tempat wisata yang begitu indah dan eksotis.
Kete Kesu merupakan salah satu desa wisata yang ada di Tana #toraja Desa ini menjadi objek wisata karena memiliki pemandangan yang menarik, seperti kompleks rumah adat yang disebut dengan Tongkonan. Nah di Tongkonan ini sering dijadikan tempat menyimpan mayat sebelum dikubur.
Di Kete Kesu juga terdapat sebuah bukit yang katanya ditempat itu penuh sekali dengan benda purbakala yang berusia ratusan tahun. Terdapat goa-goa kecil yang memiliki fungsi sebagai tempat menyimpan mayat tanpa dikubur. Jika kamu merasa tertantang dan penasaran maka tak salah jika mengunjungi tempat wisata yang satu ini.
Londa adalah sebuah makam yang ada di Toraja, tentu saja tempat ini wajib kamu kunjungi. Londa dikenal dengan wisata religi, banyak yang datang juga berdoa untuk para arwah yang dimakamkan disini. Tempatnya strategis dan mudah dijangkau. Sekitar kurang lebih hanya 7 km jika kamu berangkat dari Kota Rantepo. Banyak akses yang bisa kamu gunakan seperti ojek dan rental kendaraan.
Meski terkesan mistis, tempat ini dikelilingi dengan pegunungan sehingga hawa yang dirasakan sangat sejuk dan dingin. Ada tebing yang digunakan sebagai letak dari peti mati.
Objek wisata ini berada sekitar 20 kilometer dari Ibukota Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Rantepao. Julukan negeri di atas awan disematkan karena lokasinya berada di ketinggian 1.300 mdpl. Hingga kini, Kampung Lolai tak pernah sepi pengunjung, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Tak jarang pemandangannya mengundang decak kagum wisatawan.
Suguhan pemandangan alam di tempat ini seolah tak ada habisnya. Pengunjung bisa melihat gundukan awan putih yang memesona. Selain itu, menikmati sunrise pun bisa dilakukan di sini. Apalagi sambil ditemani oleh manisnya secangkir kopi Toraja. Panoramanya dijamin bisa membuat pikiran kamu segar kembali.
Wisata religi Buntu Burake terletak sekitar 4 km dari pusat kota Makale, Tana Toraja. Nama Buntu Burake semakin mendunia setelah di puncaknya berdiri Patung Tuhan Yesus memberkati yang disebut tertinggi di dunia.
Patung ini memiliki tinggi 40 meter menghadap Kota Makale. Icon wisata Tana Toraja ini mengalahkan tinggi patung Kristus Penebus di Brazil jika dihitung dari permukaan laut. Dari kawasan Buntu Burake, wisatawan juga dapat menikmati pemandangan kota Makale dan gunung-gunung yang indah yang mengelilingi Toraja.
Di Toraja memang banyak sekali tempat untuk melakukan upacara tradisi di masing-masing daerah yang mereka tempati. Salah satunya di Desa Pallawa juga memiliki sebuah Tongkongan, yaitu sebuah rumah dari leluhur yang digunakan untuk menyimpan jenazah. Di Pallawa sendiri, Tongkongannya dibangun berbentuk rumah adat dengan atap yang menyerupai perahu dan disusun dengan bambu. Selian itu, disamping Tongkongan tersebut juga digunakan sebagai tempat menyimpan padi atau lumbung.
Objek wisata lainnya yang masih mengangkat budaya Toraja adalah Lemo. Lemo dikenal dengan rumah para arwah oleh warga sekitar. Ketika kamu sampai di tempat ini, langsung dapat melihat beberapa jenazah yang disimpan. Bahkan disimpan di tempat terbuka. Meski tempat ini dikenal dengan wisata misteri, masih banyak juga pengunjung yang datang kemari untuk mengobati rasa penasarannya. Lokasi Lemo tidak jauh dari Kota Makale, banyak sekali akses yang menawarkan untuk bisa kesini.
Pesona alami Sulawesi Selatan memang tak pernah ada habisnya. Apalagi jika berbicara tentang Toraja. Deretan objek wisatanya memiliki eksotisme tersendiri, mulai dari budaya hingga pemandangan alam yang memesona. Selain kamu dapat menemukan hal yang baru, tentu saja bisa sambil belajar tentang budaya lain yang ada di Indonesia. Ayo, segera atur jadwal wisata Anda bersama keluarga.
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Tana Toraja Tourism Guide and Tourist Attraction
Tana Toraja Tourism Guide, Culture and Tourist Attraction Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
More Informations visit :
10 Tempat Wisata Terbaik di Toraja - Wisata Terbaik Tana Toraja/Toraja Utara
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Tana Toraja [South Sulawesi, Indonesia] #TRAVELGLIMPSE
I went Toraja on my last holiday for 2 days. I'am attracted by its unique culture and rituals, especially its traditional house (tongkonan), funeral ritual, stone grave and wood carving. Toraja is located on the Sulawesi Island, north of Makassar. It has been divided in two regencies that consist of Tana Toraja with capital is Makale and Toraja Utara with capital is Rantepao. These are top places that you must visit:
- Kete Kesu
- Palawa
- Kambira
- Londa
- Lemo
- Lolai/Batu Tumonga
- Museum Ne Gandeng
- Bori Kalimbuang
- Buntu Burake
- Warung Kopi Toraja (Kaa Coffee)
Thankyou for watching : )
Best Regards,
Laurencia Lola Karlina
Instagram : LolaKarlina
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Captured by @LolaKarlina @raditceper @abrahamadi @luisapardosi
Songs :
- Creepy dubsteb dance
- Moonwalker, Indigo
Kundasang VS Tana Toraja | Mystical and Majestic Highland in Borneo–Sulawesi
The video doesn't show the whole area! Kundasang on Borneo Island and Tana Toraja on Sulawesi Island is a plateau that offers a natural panorama and has mystical stories.
The Kundasang area is in the State of Sabah in East Malaysia. This area is the first point of climbing to the Peak of Kinabalu which is the highest mountain on the island of Borneo. While Tana Toraja is a plateau in South Sulawesi Province that offers cultural and natural attractions. Toraja culture is famous for burials on rock cliffs, besides it is also famous for its unique traditional houses.
*Video from many source
Tana Toraja: Land of Heavenly Kings
Safely protected beyond the lofty mountains and rugged granite cliffs of the central highlands of the island of Sulawesi, are the Toraja people who live in valleys that are lush with green rice terraces and fertile coffee plantations.
Discovered and opened to the world from their long isolation only since the beginning of the last century, the Toraja today still adhere to their age-old beliefs, rituals and traditions, although many of her people are modernized or have embraced Christianity.
When one travels to the Tana Toraja highlands, therefore, expect to be awed by the spectacular beauty of nature, at the same time experience how communities have through the ages sustained their beliefs and traditions in splendid isolation in order to survive this eternal cycle of life and death on earth.
The road from Makassar to Toraja runs along the coast for about 130 km's and then hits the mountains. After the entrance to Tana Toraja at the market village of Mebali one enters a majestic landscape of giant, gray granites and stones and blue mountains afar that form a sharp contrast with the lively green of the fertile, rain-fed terraces and the rusty red of the tropical soil. This is Tana Toraja, one of the most splendid areas in Indonesia.
Here, the nobility of Toraja are believed to be descendents of heavenly beings who came down by a heavenly stairway to live here on earth in this beautiful landscape.
And to keep up the energy of the land and its people, the Toraja people believe that these must be sustained through rituals that celebrate both life and death, which are attached to the agricultural seasons. Here rituals in connection with life are strictly separated from death rites.
Toraja is most well known for its elaborate funeral ceremonies that can take days and involve entire villages. These are not only moments for mourning but are moreover events to renew family ties and to ensure continued unity among villages and communities.
Death ceremonies, however, are held only after the last rice harvest is in and cleared, which is normally between July to September, while ceremonies celebrating life are held in conjunction with the planting season which starts in October. These timings are possible since the dead are not buried immediately but are kept for months, sometimes for years, in the ancestral house until time and funds allow for a proper funeral.
Tourists to Toraja, therefore, are either attracted by its unique culture and rituals, most of which are mostly centered around graves and death ceremonies. While others prefer to avoid the morbid images and go trekking through the spectacular, almost untouched Toraja countryside visiting remote villages, or exhilarate in rafting the Sa'dan river rapids.
Capital of Toraja is Makale but visitors usually head to the town of Rantepao, heart of Tana Toraja - the Land of the Toraja people.
To reach Toraja take a plane to Makassar. There are daily flights from Jakarta and Bali and regular flights from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. It takes between six to eight hours by road to reach Toraja. While the journey may be long, but you will be well awarded with the magnificent panoroma of the Toraja highlands.
There are many good hotels in Makale, Ranteapo and surrounding and experienced travel agents to take you around. Toraja is ideal for those enjoying ecotours, culture and adventure.
Source: Wonderful Indonesia
TORAJA Indonesia | Uniqueness of Tribe & Culture in Tana Toraja, Makassar - Sulawesi
The most unique tradition around the world.
There is a unique tradition in Toraja tana that we can not find anywhere in the world, where the death ceremony is more luxurious than the wedding ceremony.
References :
objek wisata lemo berada di Rantelemo, Tana Toraja
Toraja Funeral - Cooking Pork in Bamboo (Video 4 of 11)
The 75 year old for this funeral had died 5 months ago (she was kept in the house until the funds for her send off were raised) and this was the first day of the ceremony (Mondays to Wednesdays or so are funeral days) where only one buffalo was slaughtered. On Tuesday, several more would be killed while the pigs are gifts from mourners etc. The guide estimates this funeral would cost the family (middle class and non-aristocratic) around IDR 500M / $37.1k while funerals for aristocrats / royals cost significantly more due to the numbers of buffalo that need to be slaughtered.
For the Toraja people, life very much revolves around death, but not in a morbid sense. During their lives, the Torajans work extremely hard to accumulate wealth. But unlike other societies, the Torajans do not save their money to give themselves a good life, rather they save for a good send off in death. In fact, it is the extravagance of the funeral, not the wedding, which marks a family’s status.
When a Torajan dies, family members of the deceased are required to hold a series of funeral ceremonies, known as Rambu Soloq, over many days. During this time, the deceased is not buried but is embalmed and stored in a traditional house under the same roof with his or her family. Until the funeral ceremonies are completed, the person is not considered to be truly dead but merely suffering an illness. The dead relative is referred to simple as “a person who is sick” or “the one who is asleep”. Remarkably, this could even last several years after death, depending on how long it takes the family to raise money. During this time, the deceased family member is symbolically fed, cared for and taken out, and is very much a part of their relative’s lives.
Their ceremony begins when funeral visitors attend a buffalo-slaughtering field. Family members are required to slaughter buffaloes and pigs as they believe that the spirit of the deceased will live peacefully thereafter, continuing to herd the buffaloes that have come to join him or her. Before being sacrificed according to a strictly defined procedure, the animals take part in trials of strength known as tedong silaga. After the sacrifice, the meat is distributed to the funeral visitors in accordance with visitors' positions in the community, and the spirit of the deceased is also entitled to a portion of meat, known locally as Aluk Todolo. The heads of the buffaloes are returned to what is locally known as puya (a site for the soul or spirit of the dead person) and their horns placed in front of the house of the kin. The more horns that decorate the front of the house, the higher the status of the deceased.