2. Sumeg CastleSumeg Sümeg Castle is a castle by the town of Sümeg, Veszprém county, Hungary.Built in the mid or late 13th century by Béla IV of Hungary, Sümeg Castle is situated atop a mountain called Castle Hill, 20 miles north of Lake Balaton. During its existence, it has been expanded several times. In the 15th century, it was fortified, and the second of two towers was built. It has been under siege several times, and has experienced two fires. Today, it is the main tourist attraction for visitors to Sümeg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
6. Pannonhalma ArchabbeyPannonhalma The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey or Territorial Abbey of Pannonhalma is a medieval building in Pannonhalma, one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary. Founded in 996, it is located near the town, on top of a hill . Saint Martin of Tours is believed to have been born at the foot of this hill, hence its former name, Mount of Saint Martin , from which the monastery occasionally took the alternative name of Márton-hegyi Apátság. This is the second largest territorial abbey in the world, after the one in Monte Cassino. Its sights include the Basilica with the Crypt , the Cloisters, the monumental Library with 360,000 volumes, the Baroque Refectory and the Archabbey Collection . Today there are about 50 monks living in the monastery. The abbey is supplemented by the Benedictine H... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
9 spots on the Balaton Highlands for lavender lovers
There are 10 spots in fact, with the lavender field found at Vászoly.
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Here are the places:
* Balatoncsicsó - Szt Balázs Estate GPS: 46.9154034813, 17.687156006 - pick your own last weekend is 23-24 Jun * Dörgicse Levendárium Dörgicsei Levendula Major - pick your own, concerts and festival weekend 23-24 Jun * Kapolcs - Hazai Provence - b&b, pick your own, shopping, festival on 14 Jul * Kékkút - Levendula Court - walk, photo, shopping * Lesenceistvánd - Levendula Estate - pick your own on in 2019, shopping * Monoszló - Magyar Provence - pick your own, shopping * Tihany - Levendula House - info point, and events * Tihany - Pick your own organized by the National park, only in 2019 * Tihany - old lavender field by Sajkod Wikimapián - walk & picture taking only! * Vászoly - Ma Vie Dekor Kakashegy lavender field, for directions, call +3630703762762 - pick your own last weekend 23-24 Jun
Geocaching - Geoláda - Spoiler free video. Ebben a videóban a rejtés helye nem látszik.
Hegyestű - Sharp Needle Hill
N 46° 53.360 E 017° 38.791
A Káli-medence kapujának őre a Zánka és Monoszló között 337 méterre magasodó Hegyestű. A Balaton felől szabályos kúp alakot mutató hegy északi felét az egykori kőbánya lefejtette, a visszamaradt, közel 50 m magas bányafal azonban felfedi számunkra az 5-6 millió évvel ezelőtt működött bazalt vulkán belsejét. A vulkán kráterében megdermedt láva a kihűlés folytán sokszögletű, függőleges oszlopokra vált el. A látvány hazánkban egyedülálló, de európai viszonylatban is ritkaságszámba megy.
A hegy tetejéről lényegében az egész Balaton-felvidéket belátni Badacsonytól a Tihanyi félszigeten túli területekig, valamint a Balaton déli partszakaszát is.
The 'keeper' of the gate of the Káli-basin is Hegyestû which can be found between Zánka and Monoszló reaching as high as 337 metres. The hill shows a proper cone shape viewed from the direction of Lake Balaton. The northern part of the hill has been quarried, however, the remaining nearly 50-metre high mine-wall reveals the inside of the basalt volcano which was active 4-5 million years ago. The stiff lava in the crater of the volcano during the stiffening process split up into several vertical polygonal columns. This sight is unique in Hungary and it is a rare spectacle also in Europe.
The exhibition areas at the hill display the life of the volcano, the history of the local basalt quarrying and the natural values of the Balaton Uplands. The visitors can take part in a geological time travel by means of a stonepark formed by the characteristic rock types of Transdanubia. The characteristic forms of the Balaton Uplands, can be observed from the basalt cone of the Hegyestû.
Spoiler free video. In this video you CAN'T SEE the hiding place of the cache!
Ebben a videóban a rejtés helye NEM látszik.
Trip to Balaton Uplands 2. Land of stones - Kirándulás a Balatonfelvidéken A kövek földje
Continue our trip to Balaton Uplands in Hungary. (HQ and headphones are recommended.)
The settlement has been in existence since the 11th century. The Catholic church has been standing since the 13th century. Besides the church is a cemetery with heart-shaped tombstones. The cemetery is under the protection of the Hungarian National Trust. The tombstones were carved from white limestone in the 18th-19th centuries in peasant Baroque style. The following legend is found in the book Golden Bridge by Gábor Lipták: There was a stonemason who once came to Udvari from the mountains. In the village, he met the daughter of a fisherman and fell in love with her. He wanted to marry her. The girl however was drowned in Lake Balaton during a storm. The man then carved heart shaped tombstones in memory of the girl.
The partly quarried cone of the basalt volcano provides a particular view not only from far away, but it is amazing from a short distance, too. The material of the now strictly protected wall of basalt columns was once quarried by hand. From the top of the split basalt cap, there is a marvellous view over the Kál Basin and Lake Balaton. The exhibition areas display the life of the volcano, the history of the local basalt quarrying and the natural values of the National Park. The visitors can take part in a geological time travel by means of a stone park formed by the characteristic rock types of Transdanubia.
There are interesting natural rock formations to be found to the west of the village. This is the Kőtenger (Stone Sea), which is a large area covered with huge stone blocks.
In Roman Pannonia, and later in the Hungarian Middle Ages, Nagyvázsony stood at the crossing point of important routes. A castle was built here in the 15th century by the noble Vezselyi family, and the tower where the living quarters were located is still standing. After the family had died out, in 1472 King Matthias presented the castle to Kinizsi Pál, a young miller who fought heroically against the Turks.