Calvary Chapel Montebelluna, Italy - Sunday Morning Children's Church
Sunday Morning in September 2013 at Calvary Chapel, Montebelluna, Italy, Josh was teaching the kids. Isaac was making balloon swords, and flowers. Marta and Abigail translating. Sarah organizing activities. Anna and Rachel made the cupcakes. thanks everyone for helping!
Vlog #81 - Easter in Italy - Part 2 - Venice & Treviso
Welcome to Christin Maschmann's Nice & Sunny Vlog #81.
Christin went on a Easter trip to Italy with 3 stops. First stop was Padova, where she visited friends (Vlog #80). And this one is Venice and Treviso.
This is part 2 of 2.
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A Day in Bassano del Grappa.
My family and I decided to visit a place I've never been before, Bassano del Grappa (VI). What an amazing town, I really suggest to people travelling to Italy to stop and take a look around.
You can also eat really good food here, we stopped at Birrosteria Na Volta because every restaurant or osteria was full and it was pretty good. Have a taste of Baccalà or asparagus around Bassano and you won't be disappointed, granted.
See you in the next video. :)
[ Italian Afternoon di Twin Musicom è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
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Trévise (Treviso en italien, Trévigny autrefois en français 2) est une ville de la province de même nom en Vénétie en Italie.
10th Annual Kids' Carniball
Join us on Saturday, January 30th for our 10th Annual Kids Carniball: Destination Italy! Families can enjoy special activities and entertainment throughout the day. Activities include: Italian themed art projects, face painting, balloon give-aways, story time, a juggling jester, a stilt walker, pizza bites and a juice tasting station. All included with regular museum admission!
Fonzaso Feltre
Trip to Fonzaso and Feltre Italy to visit the home towns of my grandfather, great grandfather and their families. June 1, 2012
Castle of Udine, Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy, Europe
The Castle of Udine is a historical building in Udine, northern Italy, built upon a hill in the historical center of the city. The Castle hill is made of drift accumulating during centuries. However, a legend about its origin says that when Attila the Hun plundered Aquileia in the year 452, he asked his soldiers to build a hill to see the Aquileia burning. This was made by filling the helmet of each soldier with ground. The first official statement of the existence of a building on the hill dates back to 983: the Holy Roman Emperor Otto II donated to Rodoaldo, Patriarch of Aquileia a castrum, a military building. The present building has the form of a palace and it was built on the ruins of a fortress destroyed in the year 1511 Idrija earthquake. The construction had started in 1517 and the works had lasted for 50 years. The external decoration of the palace and the paintings in the Parliament Hall are due to Giovanni da Udine, one of the pupils of Raphael. The council of the Patria del Friuli was one of the first parliaments in the world, and it was suppressed after the French occupation in 1797. Today the castle hosts the History and Art Museum of the City of Udine.
A Beautiful evening in Verona city Italy
Bassano del Grappa (Italy) -July 2017 Part 2
Video and music: Andrey Shagin
Видео и музыка: Андрей Шагин
Bassano del Grappa (Venetian: Basan or Bassan/Bassàn (italianized form)) is a city and comune, in the Vicenza province, in the region Veneto, in northern Italy. It bounds the communes of Cassola, Marostica, Solagna, Pove del Grappa, Romano d'Ezzelino, Campolongo sul Brenta, Conco, Rosà, Cartigliano and Nove. Some neighbourhoods of these communes have become in practice a part of the urban area of Bassano, so that the population of the whole urban area is higher than the population of Bassano proper.
The artist Jacopo Bassano was born, worked, and died in Bassano and took it as his surname.
Slovenia Postojna Cave Predjama Castle – a short walk – produced by Kema Solutions
Slovenia Postojna – a short walk
Postojna Cave
Vivarium, The Butterflies of the World Exhibition
Predjama Castle
Słowenia – Slowenien – Slovenija – Slovenia
Postojna (słoweń. Postojnska jama) - jaskinia słoweńska w pobliżu miasta Postojna mająca blisko 20 km podziemnych sal i korytarzy, udostępniona została turystom już na początku XIX wieku.
Trasa turystyczna o długości 5,5 km zajmuje tylko 1,5 godziny, gdyż 4-kilometrowy odcinek tzw. Starego Korytarza pokonuje się kolejką elektryczną. Do przejścia pozostaje 1700 m. Przewodnicy posługują się wszystkimi podstawowymi językami obcymi i swoim językiem słoweńskim.
Jaskinia wydrążona została w skałach przez rzekę Pivkę (dopływ Ljubljanicy). I starym korytem tej rzeki przebiega trasa turystyczna. Wokół mnożą się zadziwiające formy skalne. Wielometrowe żółto-beżowo-pomarańczowe nacieki, stalaktyty, stalagmity, kurtyny skalne.
Przy wejściu do jaskini ściany są wyraźnie osmalone. To świadectwo akcji słoweńskich partyzantów (z oddziału dowodzonego przez dowódcę-Polaka), którzy w 1944 wysadzili znajdujący się tu niemiecki skład paliw. Nie pozbawiło to jednak uroku całej jaskini.
W jaskini panuje stała temperatura +8 °C.
Jedną z atrakcji jaskini w Postojnie jest występowanie bezokiego płaza - odmieńca jaskiniowego zwanego przez Słoweńców ludzką rybką. Żyje tylko w podziemnych wodach dynarskiego krasu. Płaza można zobaczyć w specjalnym podziemnym baseniku.
9 km od wejścia do jaskini znajduje się Predjamski Grad, czteropiętrowy zamek zamykający wejście do kolejnej jaskini pod 120-metrową pionową skałą.
Predjamski Grad – czteropiętrowy zamek we wsi Predjama w okręgu Postojna na Słowenii, pod ponadstumetrową pionową skałą wchodzącą w skład wyżyn słoweńskiego Krasu
Die Höhlen von Postojna (slowenisch: Postojnska jama, italienisch: Grotte di Postumia, deutsch: Adelsberger Grotte) liegen in der Nähe der slowenischen Stadt Postojna (deutsch: Adelsberg, italienisch: Postumia). Im dortigen Karstgebiet befinden sich die zweitgrößten für Touristen erschlossenen Tropfsteinhöhlen der Welt (nach der Jeita-Grotte im Libanon). Der erschlossene und ganzjährig für den Tourismus geöffnete Teil umfasst über 20 km an Höhlengängen und wird zum Teil mit einem Zug befahren.
Die Höhlenburg Lueg (Predjamski Grad) befindet sich bei dem Dorf Predjama, neun Kilometer von Postojna (Adelsberg) in Slowenien.
Postojnska jama je 20.570 m dolg kraški jamski sistem v bližini Postojne in je največji v Sloveniji.
K jamskemu sistemu Postojnske jame sodijo tudi Otoška jama, Magdalena jama, Črna jama, Pivka jama... Jamo je ustvarila ponikalnica reka Pivka, ki iz Postojnskega kraškega polja ponikne pod hrib Sovič in nadaljuje svoj podzemni tok proti podzemnemu sotočju z reko Rak v Planinski jami in priteče na plano kot reka Unica. Podzemni tok reke Pivke je v dveh milijonih letih postopoma zniževal svojo strugo in tako ustvarjal različna nadstropja jame. Stalna temperatura v notranjosti jame je bila še pred nekaj leti približno 8 °C, danes pa se giblje med 8 in 10 °C. Višje temperature že omogočajo rast lišajev na kapnikih, kar preprečuje nadaljnjo odlaganje apnenca in rast kapnikov.
Največja globina jame je 115 m.
Grad Predjama ali Predjamski grad je grad v Sloveniji, ki leži 9 kilometrov od Postojnske jame.
Le Grotte di Postumia (Postojnska jama in sloveno, Adelsberger Grotten in tedesco) sono un complesso carsico della Slovenia, classico esempio di carsismo, situato alla periferia della città di Postumia.
Castel Lueghi (in sloveno grad Predjama, in tedesco Höhlenburg Lueg) è un castello della Slovenia il cui inizio della costruzione risale al XIII secolo.
Nel periodo tra le due guerre mondiali la località omonima nel quale è situato si trovava in territorio italiano in provincia di Trieste, nel comune di Bucuie, che attualmente dipende dalla città di Postumia (Carniola Interna-Carso), dalla quale il castello dista circa 9 chilometri.
Postojna Cave (Slovene: Postojnska jama; German: Adelsberger Grotte; Italian: Grotte di Postumia) is a 20,570 m long karst cave system near Postojna, Slovenia. It is the second-longest cave system in the country (following the Migovec Cave System) as well as one of its top tourism sites. The caves were created by the Pivka River.
Predjama Castle (Slovene: Predjamski grad or Grad Predjama, German: Höhlenburg Lueg, Italian: Castel Lueghi) is a Renaissance castle built within a cave mouth in south-central Slovenia, in the historical region of Inner Carniola. It is located in the village of Predjama, approximately 11 kilometres from the town of Postojna and 9 kilometres from Postojna Cave.
Source: Wikipedia
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