A day in Montieri: living the beauty of Maremma in the heart of Tuscany
Montieri is a small town situated in the heart of Maremma's area, Tuscany.
It's in a strategic position for its proximity to Siena, Florence and the Tuscan seaside.
Here you can find nice food and hospitality, but especially wild Nature to discover through all-day-long excursions.
Montieri is full of history and science, thanks to Its Geological features.
So, if you are in Tuscany right now, or if you're planning to go there, don't miss to visit this beautiful country.
If you want to know more about this part of Tuscany, take a look at this short documentary made by Simone Ducci:
The music is composed for this occasion by Edwin Lucchesi:
In this video you can see most local groups, products and industries. In particular:
Montieri in Quad, for excursions and visits all around the country:
Fattoria Venere:
Panificio Montomoli Andrea, for cakes, bread, biscuits and much more.
Grosseto. Pitigliano. Italy in 4K
Riprese con Sony FDR AX33 4K-Editing con Pinnacle 19, del comune di Pitigliano. I Borghi più Belli d'Italia in Provincia di Grosseto. Italy.
Luoghi Visitati: Strada Panoramica. Porta della Cittadella.Comune di Pitigliano. Aquedotto Rom. Piazza della Repubblica. Palazzo Orsini. Piazza Fortezza. Fontana delle Sette Cannelle. Piazza San Gregorio. Cattedrale Santi Pietro e Paolo.
Lucera Italy Italien 16.10.2015
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Mit dem Auto unterwegs in die Toskana
Die Fotostory zeigt Eindrücke einer 14-tägigen Sommerreise in die Toskana im Sommer 2012.
Mehr Fotostories gibt's auf wiederunterwegs.de.
Tuscan horse riding holiday in Italy
Find out what this horse riding holiday in Tuscany is all about as you are taken from check-in to trail rides to a dip in the pool.
Tucked between mountains and valleys of the Poggio di Montieri mountain range, with sprawling with meadows and forests, lies this horse rider’s paradise in Maremma, Tuscany. This family-run equestrian centre has lessons, trails and terrain to suit all horse riding levels.
Find out more:
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It’s not just where you go, it’s how you come back.
Maremma Bed and Breakfast in Tuscany Italy
Best bed and breakfast accommodation in Maremma Tuscany Italy.
Umbria Italy
Get inspired by our favorite Italian region: Umbria. This short video shows you how wonderful Umbria is.
Die schönsten Dörfer Italiens
Mit OLIMAR Reisen entdecken Sie die schönsten Borghis Italiens! Mit unserer Rundreise durch die charakteristischen italienischen Dörfer erleben Sie Italien auf traditionelle Art und Weise.
Unsere Rundreisen durch Italien sind genau das Richtige für alle, die im Urlaub viel erleben möchten. Warum? Italien überzeugt nicht nur mit einer reichhaltigen Historie, sondern auch mit landschaftlicher und kultureller Vielfalt sowie kulinarischen Hochgenüssen. Da ist eine Rundreise genau das Richtige, um die Highlights zu entdecken und das Land in vollen Zügen zu genießen.
OLIMAR Experte Michael Kahlau bringt Ihnen in diesem Video unsere Rundreise durch Italien „Die schönsten Borghi Italiens“ näher. Auf dieser 7-tägigen Rundreise durch die Regionen Marken, Emilia Romagna und Venezien entdecken Sie unverfälschte italienische Kultur und historische Orte. Highlights sind die Stops in Venedig und die Festung von Paolo und Francesca in Gradara, die kontrastreicher nicht sein könnten. Erleben Sie Kunst und Architektur, traditionelles Gewerbe und typische Gastronomie.
Auf unserer Website finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Rundreise:
Sorano (Grosseto) - Toscana - Italia - Tuscany - Italy
Sorano Tuscany la Storia: Sorano nacque come antico possedimento della famiglia Aldobrandeschi, ma il territorio comunale era già abitato sin dal periodo etrusco, come dimostrano i notevoli ritrovamenti di insediamenti e necropoli antiche. Dopo il matrimonio tra Anastasia, ultima erede degli Aldobrandeschi, e Romano Orsini nel 1293, il controllo di Sorano passò alla famiglia Orsini. Il centro seguì le vicissitudini storiche e politiche della vicina Pitigliano, dove era situata la residenza dei conti, e gli Orsini si impegnarono a potenziarlo fornendolo di fortificazioni efficaci, che resero Sorano un rifugio sicuro dagli attacchi nemici: più volte infatti, nel corso del XV secolo, i senesi posero la fortezza di Sorano sotto assedio, riuscendo ad occuparla solamente nel 1417. Nel 1556, Sorano passò in mano ai Medici, che la inglobarono nel Granducato di Toscana assieme alla vicina Pitigliano.
Sorano was born as an ancient possession of the Aldobrandeschi family, but the municipal area was already inhabited since Etruscan times, as the remarkable discoveries of ancient settlements and cemeteries. After the marriage of Anastasia, the last heir of the Aldobrandeschi, and Romano Orsini in 1293, the Sorano control passed to the Orsini family. The center followed the historical and political vicissitudes of the nearby Pitigliano, where was located the residence of the counts, and the Orsini undertook to strengthen it by providing it effective fortifications, which made Sorano a safe haven from enemy attack: several times in fact, during the XV century, the Sienese laid the fortress of Sorano under siege, being able to occupy it only in 1417. in 1556, Sorano passed into the hands of the Medici, the inglobarono in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, together with nearby Pitigliano.
Maremmaküste - Südliche Toskana Mai 2019
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