A trip to Nagorno Karabakh
Mountain gorges, ancient monasteries and villages, modern cities and amazing people –all these can be seen in a new film about the unrecognized Republic of Artsakh, better known as Nagorno Karabakh. The film was made in September 2017 by a crew of bloggers from Latvia and Lithuania. They had visited every nook of this small part of Caucasus for a week, sought for interesting resources, talked to different people, and as a result, made a very colorful and beautiful film about a yet little-known place. The filmmakers had the aim of uncovering this place and its tremendous tourist potential to the whole world. Irrespective of all the political complexities, simple and hospitable people have been living here for many millennia. They are delighted to welcome everyone, who wants to discover this corner of the Earth, still uncharted for a big tourism. A lot has been done recently for making this land attractive to the world: comfortable roads have been paved, hotels for every taste and pocket have been opened, and informative and extreme routes to the mountains have been arranged. The problem remains: to convey this to the whole world, living with stereotypes and horror stories from Azerbaijan. Maybe this film will be helpful in this respect…It was easy to make this film; there was no lack of beautiful locations and interesting moments. The film contains many shots from a bird's eye view, made by an ordinary drone. The filmmakers consider, that namely by this it becomes possible to reveal all the beauty of mountain monasteries in Gandzasar and Dadivank more impressively, feel the dizzying depth of the Hunot Canyon and view the breathtaking Sotk’s pass. Local customs and traditions are no less interesting for many people. Through the film, you can be present at the rehearsal of the local folklore group, embrace modern dances, and listen to the live performance by a jazz band with purely Armenian motives. The original Artsakh cuisine has also been shown in the film. It is so interesting to witness the process of baking lavash and matnaqash (a loaf of bread) in ancient tonir-ovens, or watching the making of jengyalov hac (bread filled with different kinds of greens) in the local bazaar, and being present at the grape harvesting and local high-quality wine tasting. This is how the film was made – simple, vibrant and very beautiful. The creators of the film believe that it is going to be heartfelt by many people. After all, the Globe is too small to try and prohibit someone to travel around…
Nagorno Karabagh Tour Video
Enjoy a virtual tour to Nagorno Karabagh/Artsakh. All the highlights of the country are enlisted here in this video.
A trip to Nagorno Karabakh! Another Country that doesn't exist.
Travel Videos for Andrew MacLeod's Why Slow Down travel Blog
Negara Azerbaijan ialah bangsa Albania Kaukasia
Sejarah awal penduduk daerah yang kini dikenal sebagai Azerbaijan ialah bangsa Albania Kaukasia, bangsa penutur bahasa-bahasa Kaukasus yang muncul di daerah ini sebelum rombongan besar orang yang akhirnya menyerang Kaukasus. Secara historis Azerbaijan telah dilindungi berbagai bangsa, termasuk bangsa Persia, Yunani, Romawi, Armenia, Arab, Turki, Mongol dan Rusia.
Sebuah batu prasasti dalam bahasa Albania kuno, ditemukan di kota Mingachevir, Azerbaijan.
Kerajaan pertama yang muncul di Republik Azerbaijan masa kini ialah Mannae pada abad ke-9 M, berlangsung hingga 616 SM saat menjadi bagian Kekaisaran Media, yang kemudian menjadi bagian Kekaisaran Persia pada 549 M. Satrapi Atropatene dan Albania Kaukasia didirikan pada abad ke-4 SM dan termasuk kurang lebih wilayah negara kebangsaan Azerbaijan dan bagian selatan Dagestan masa kini.
Islam tersebar cepat di Azerbaijan menyusul futuhat pada abad ke-7–8. Setelah kekuasaan Kekhalifahan Arab menyusut, beberapa negara semimerdeka telah terbentuk, kesultanan Shirvanshah menjadi salah satu darinya. Pada abad ke-11, Turki Seljuk yang menaklukkan menjadi kekuatan dominan di Azerbaijan dan meletakkan dasar etnis Azerbaijani masa kini. Pada abad ke-13-14, negeri ini diserang bangsa Mongol-Tatar.
Azerbaijan adalah bagian Kesultanan Persia Safavid selama abad ke-15–18. Juga mengalami masa singkat perpecahan bangsawan pada pertengahan abad ke-18 hingga awal abad ke-19, dan terdiri atas kekhanan-kekhanan yang merdeka. Menyusul Perang Persia-Rusia antara Kesultanan Persia Qajar, seperti Ganja, Guba, Baku dan kekhanan-kekhanan merdeka lainnya, dan Kekaisaran Rusia, Azerbaijan direbut Rusia melalui Perjanjian Gulistan pada 1813, dan Perjanjian Turkmenchay pada 1828, dan beberapa perjanjian yang lebih awal antara tsar Rusia dan para khan berakhir pada dasawarsa pertama abad ke-19. Pada 1873, minyak (emas hitam) ditemukan di kota Baku, ibu kota Azerbaijan nantinya. Dari awal abad ke-20 hampir separuh cadangan minyak dunia disuling di Baku.
Setelah jatuhnya Kekaisaran Rusia selama PD I, Azerbaijan bersama Armenia dan Georgia menjadi bagian Republik Federasi Demokrasi Transkaukasia yang berumur pendek. Saat republik itu bubar pada Mei 1918, Azerbaijan menyatakan kemerdekaan sebagai Republik Demokrasi Azerbaijan. RDA ialah negara republik berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim pertama di dunia dan hanya berlangsung 2 tahun, dari 1918 hingga 1920, sebelum Tentara Merah menyerang Azerbaijan. Pada Maret 1922, Azerbaijan, bersama dengan Armenia dan Georgia, menjadi bagian RSFS Transkaukasia dalam Uni Soviet yang baru terbentuk. Pada 1936, RSFST bubar dan Azerbaijan menjadi republik bagian RSUS sebagai RSS Azerbaijan.
Selama PD II, Jerman Nazi menyerang Uni Soviet. Tujuan utama serangan Operasi Edelweiss Adolf Hitler ialah mencaplok ibu kota kaya minyak Azerbaijan, Baku. Karena alasan perang, pekerja minyak Soviet diwajibkan bekerja tanpa henti dan warganegaranya menggali parit dan rintangan antitank untuk menghalau kemungkinan serangan musuh. Namun, Operasi Edelweiss gagal. Pasukan Jerman pertama kali gagal di pegunungan Kaukasus, mereka kalah telak dalam Pertempuran Stalingrad.
Pada 1990, orang Azeri berkumpul untuk memprotes kekuasaan Soviet dan menuntut kemerdekaan. Secara brutal demonstrasi itu ditindas oleh campur tangan Soviet dalam peristiwa yang kini disebut orang Azeri sebagai Januari Hitam. Namun pada 1991, Azerbaijan memproklamasikan kemerdekaannya saat jatuhnya Uni Soviet. Sayangnya, tahun-tahun awal kemerdekaannya teralihkan dengan perang terhadap Armenia dan gerakan separatis Armenia atas kawasan Nagorno-Karabakh. Meski ada gencatan senjata di tempat sejak 1994, Azerbaijan belum memecahkan konflik dengan Armenia atas wilayah yang dominannya orang Armenia. Sejak akhir perang, Azerbaijan kehilangan kendali 14 - 16% wilayahnya termasuk Nagorno-Karabakh sendiri.[2][3] Sebagai akibat konflik, kedua negara menghadapi masalah pengungsi dan orang telantar seperti kesulitan ekonomi.
Namun, mantan pemimpin Azeri Soviet Heydər Əliyev mengubah pola ini di Azerbaijan dan mulai mengeksploitasi cadangan minyaknya yang kaya di Baku, sesuatu yang membuat Azerbaijan terkenal. Heyder Eliyev juga membersihkan perjudian dan bisa menekan tingkat pengangguran di negara itu. Ia juga mencari hubungan lebih dekat dengan Turki saat secara serentak membuat usaha memecahkan konflik Karabakh secara damai dengan Armenia. Namun, keadaan politik di Azerbaijan tetap tegang khususnya setelah Heydar Aliyev, saat kematiannya, memilih putranya Ilham menyandang jabatan presiden. Kekuatan oposisi Azeri tak puas dengan pergantian dinasti ini dan menuntut pemerintahan demokratis.
Azerbaijan, Baku, Alley of Martyrs - To the Caspian Sea ep20-Travel vlog calatorii tourism video
Martyrs' Lane, Alley of Martyrs or Şəhidlər Xiyabanı, formerly The Kirov Park, is a cemetery and memorial in Baku, Azerbaijan dedicated to those killed by the Soviet Army during Black January and later to those killed in Nagorno-Karabakh War.
The site first served as former Muslim cemetery, where they buried the bodies of victims of the March Events of 1918 which was a part of the localized fighting of the Russian Civil War.
The memorial was again used for men who died in the Nagorno-Karabakh War, an armed conflict that took place from February 1988 to May 1994, in the small enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh in southwestern Azerbaijan, between the majority ethnic Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh backed by the Republic of Armenia, and the Republic of Azerbaijan.
My trip to the Caspian Sea
mail: costiflorea1@yahoo.com
Ghost towns - Agdam, Azerbaijan
Ağdam (also, Agdam and Akna) is a ghost town in the southwest part of Azerbaijan and the capital of its Agdam District. The forces of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic captured Agdam during their 1993 summer offensives. The heavy fighting forced the entire population to flee eastwards. After they took possession of the town the Armenian forces of Nagorno-Karabkh decided to destroy much of Agdam to discourage the Azerbaijanis from recapturing it. More damage occurred in the following decades when locals looted the deserted town for building materials. Agdam is currently ruined and uninhabited. The town's large Agdam Mosque survives intact but is in a derelict condition.
Subsribe on Happy Traveler -
Nagorno Karabakh - Artsakh
Nagorno-Karabakh (or Artsakh) is a landlocked region of Armenia in the South Caucasus. Discover its marvels !
On the way : Stepanakert, Azokh Caves, Skhtorashen, Shushi, Hunot Canyon, Hovanots (Umbrella falls), Gandzasar.
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Music : Vangelis - Monastery Of La Rabida
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Directed and Produced by Nefhith.
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Armenia/(Mt. Ararat-Ağrı Dağı 2017) Part 6
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
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Mount Ararat:5165 m.
Mount Ararat is a snow-capped and dormant compound volcano in the extreme east of Turkey. It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau with an elevation of 5,165 m (16,854 ft); and Little Ararat, with an elevation of 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 40 km (25 mi) in diameter.
Despite the scholarly consensus that the mountains of Ararat of the Book of Genesis do not refer to specifically Mt. Ararat, it has been widely accepted in Christianity as the resting place of Noah's Ark. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.The first efforts to reach Ararat's summit were made in the Middle Ages. However, it was not until 1829 when Friedrich Parrot and Khachatur Abovian, accompanied by four others, made the first recorded ascent.
Geography: Mount Ararat is located in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey between the provinces of Ağrı and Iğdır, near the border with Iran, Armenia and Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, between the Aras and Murat rivers. Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of the Turkey-Iran border and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Turco-Armenian border. The Ararat plain runs along its northwest to western side.
Elevation: An elevation of 5,165 m (16,946 ft) for Mount Ararat is still given by some authorities. However, a number of other sources, such as public domain and verifiable Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (STRM) data and a 2007 GPS measurement show that the alternatively widespread figure of 5,137 m (16,854 ft) is probably more accurate, and that the current elevation may be even lower due to the melting of its snow-covered ice cap. 5,137 m is also supported by numerous topographic maps.
Political borders: Mount Ararat forms a near-quadripoint between Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. From the 16th century until 1828 Great Ararat's summit and the northern slopes, along with the eastern slopes of Little Ararat were part of Persia, while the range was part of the Ottoman-Persian border. Following the 1826–28 Russo-Persian War and the Treaty of Turkmenchay, the Persian controlled territory was ceded to the Russian Empire. Little Ararat became the point where the Turkish, Persian, and Russian imperial frontiers converged.The current international boundaries were formed throughout the 20th century. Wikipedia
Welcome to Artsakh Nagorno-Karabakh
Besuchen Sie das zur einen der ältesten Zivilisationen der Welt gehörende Land im Hochbergen des Südkaukasus, wo Sie das tief vom Christentum geprägte Kultur des historischen Armeniens erleben können.
Herzlich willkommen in Berg-Karabach!
Ein Video von Amt für Tourismus der Republik Berg-Karabach: karabakh.travel