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The Best Attractions In Neltume

Neltume is a Chilean town in Panguipulli commune, of Los Ríos Region. It lies along the 203-CH route to Huahum Pass into Argentina. The town's main economic activities are forestry and, more recently, tourism since the Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve was created in 1999. During large periods of the 20th century Neltume was a site of social mobilizations and unrest, events which culminated in 1981 with the crack down of the Toqui Lautaro guerrilla set of by MIR to fight the military dictatorship in Chile.
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The Best Attractions In Neltume

  • 3. Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve Neltume
    Huilo-Huilo is a waterfall located in Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve in southern Chile. It lies next to Neltume in the international road to Hua Hum Pass, in the border to Argentina. The waters of the Huilo-Huilo Falls originates in Lácar Lake in Argentina. During the summer it frequently dries, as consequence of low precipitation and subterranean runoff. As consequence of this infiltration a large aquifer is situated under Mocho-Choshuenco volcano. Contact between the water of the aquifer and magma may have caused the explosive phreatic eruptions that created the Tumba del Buey crater on the western flank of the Mocho-Choshuenco.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 8. Lago Panguipulli Panguipulli
    The Panguipulli Lake is one of the Seven Lakes in Panguipulli municipality, southern Chile. The lake is of glacial origin and it is enclosed by mountain ranges of the Andes, on all sides except the west, where the town of Panguipulli lies in the Chilean Central Valley. The lake is drained by the Enco River that flows south to Riñihue Lake.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 10. Lago Pellaifa Panguipulli
    The Seven Lakes is a group of lakes which belong to the same drainage basin that starts in the Lácar Lake and ends in Corral Bay.All the seven lakes are located at least partly within the Panguipulli commune that promotes tourism in the area. The area is surrounded by four volcanoes; Villarrica, Quetrupillán, Lanín and Mocho-Choshuenco. Due to geothermal activity there are several hot springs in the zone, including Liquiñe. The seven lakes are: Panguipulli Lake Calafquén Lake Riñihue Lake Pirihueico Lake Neltume Lake Pellaifa Lake Pullinque Lake
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 12. Lago Calafquen Lican Ray
    Calafquén Lake is a lake of Chile, which straddles the border between the La Araucanía Region and Los Ríos Region. It is one of the Seven Lakes and forms part of the drainage basin of the Valdivia River. The Villarrica Volcano is situated in the vicinity, north of the lake.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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