Podolie is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Best Attractions In Podolie
1. Park Miniatur PodoliePodolie Park miniatúr is a miniature park in Podolie, Slovakia. It displays 32 miniature models of architecture from Slovakia, built at a ratio of 1:25 and 1:50. The park was established on 25 October 2003. In the final form of park, there will be 80 miniature models. A small selection of the models: Čachtický hrad Tematín Svätý Kríž Nový zámok Banská Štiavnica Červený Kameň From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
5. Pusty Hrad (Deserted Castle)Zvolen Pustý hrad is a castle whose ruins are located on a forested hill in the southern part of Zvolen in central Slovakia. With an area of 76,000 m² it is arguably one of the largest medieval castles in Europe. The original name was Zvolen Castle or Old Zvolen; Pustý hrad is a much later name used to distinguish the ruin from the present-day Zvolen Castle. Pustý hrad consists of two parts, the Upper Castle and the Lower Castle. The strategic hill site upon the river Hron attracted settlers as early as the late Stone Age . A stone-earth wall discovered in 2009 under the western line of medieval fortification included shreds of pottery from the late Stone Age inside its filling. Research carried out at the Upper Castle in 1992–2008 by Václav Hanuliak also identified stone walls built durin... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
6. Beckov castleBeckov Beckov Castle is a castle in ruins located near the village of Beckov in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District, Trenčín Region, western Slovakia. It is a natural cultural monument and its present appearance is the result of renovations in the last quarter of the twentieth century and since 2002. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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360° video státní hrad Veveří
Prohlídka státního hradu Veveří. Podívejte se na hrad ze všech stran, rozhlížejte se pomocí kolečka v levém horním rohu, prozkoumejte vše pohledem, kterým Veveří sami jen tak neuvidíte! Video vyrobila společnost 360video.cz ve spolupráci s dronkamera.cz
La Moldavie, en forme longue république de Moldavie ou république de Moldova, en roumain Moldova et Republica Moldova , est un pays d'Europe orientale situé entre la Roumanie et l'Ukraine, englobant des parties des régions historiques de Bessarabie et de Podolie méridionale (dite Transnistrie)