Ridala was a rural municipality of Estonia, in Lääne County. It had a population of 3,245 and an area of 253.4 km². Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. Keila WaterfallKeila Keila-Joa is a small borough in Lääne-Harju Parish, Harju County, northern Estonia. It has a population of 309 . From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Panga CliffPanga Panga Cliff is a coastal cliff located on the northern shore of Saaremaa, at the end of the Kuressaare - Võhma road, close to Panga village. It is the highest of the Saaremaa and Muhu cliffs, reaching a height of 20 metres. The entire cliff is approximately 2.5 km long.Panga cliff consists of at least three terraces - besides the main cliff, there is a smaller cliff with a height of few metres further inland and underwater cliff with height about 10–12 metres few hundred metres into the sea. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
6. Soomaa National ParkEstonia Soomaa National Park is a national park in south-western Estonia. Soomaa protects 390 km², and is a Ramsar site of protected wetlands. The park was created in 1993. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
7. Rummu Ash-HillsVasalemma The Rummu quarry is a submerged limestone quarry located in Rummu, Vasalemma Parish, Estonia, Europe. Much of the natural area of the quarry is under a lake formed by groundwater, and is situated next to a spoil tip. The quarry is close to two former prisons, the nearest being the former Rummu prison. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Ridala Parish Videos
Läänela 90 - Läänemaa spordi lugu
Vaata Läänela 90. sünnipäevaks valminud filmi Läänemaa spordielust. Spordielu maakonnas aastal 2018 võtavad filmis kokku 14 kohalikku sportlast, treenerit ja spordivedurit.
Läänemaa spordifilmi ja promoklippide valmimisele aitasid kaasa PRIA Leader meetme raames antav projektitoetus, Eesti Olümpiakomitee, Kultuuriministeerium, Haapsalu linn, Lääne-Nigula vald, Spordiliit Läänela.