Places to see in ( Elba Island - Italy )
Places to see in ( Elba Island - Italy )
Elba is an Italian island in the Tyrrhenian Sea’s Tuscan Archipelago National Park. It’s known for its beaches, and as Napoleon’s place of exile in 1814–15. In the northern town of Portoferraio, displays at the National Museum of Napoleonic Residences trace the French emperor’s time on the island. In the east, Rio Marina’s Elban Minerals Museum includes reconstructions of mining environments.
Elba is the biggest island of the Tuscan Archipelago and the third largest in Italy after Sardinia and Sicily. Together with eight other islands, including Giglio, Giannutri and Montecristo, it is part of the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, the largest marine park in Europe.
The island of Elba is famous around the world for harboring French Emperor Napoleon in 1814 during his exile. But its history goes back to prehistory, with the Ilvati tribe from Liguria who named the island Ilva. It was then inhabited first by the Etruscans and later by the Romans, who really appreciated the island and its rich deposits of iron and its mud baths.
There are several memories of its glorious past as we visit the island, from the archaeological findings in its museums to the impressive fortresses and military constructions such as Castello del Volterraio and then on to the beautiful Napoleonic residences of the 1800s such as Palazzina dei Mulini.
What really makes Elba famous and renowned are its clear and blue sea and beautiful beaches. The extraordinary richness of its landscapes, both land and marine, turns the island of Elba into a unique destination in Tuscany. We can say that is a heaven on earth, with nothing to envy of more exotic Caribbean destinations.
In addition, Elba is the perfect place for outdoor sports and activities. Among the most appreciated sports, there is diving and snorkeling in Elba, thanks to its rich seabeds housing lots of different species of fish. But outdoors lovers can also enjoy spending time on land hiking and mountain biking, enjoying a round of golf, a day of sailing or enjoying days of complete relaxation at the thermal baths of San Giovanni. Here's another excellent resource on the Elba island and what you can see and do on the island of Elba
The historic center’s streets - full of interesting places to visit - stretch and wind inside the fortress walls. Despite the seemingly-infinite examples we can find of Florentine rule – who called Portoferraio “Cosmopolis” in those days – others also conquered the scene from time to time, including the Romans. Their influence here is documented by sites like Villa della Linguella, lying along the sea, and Villa delle Grotte, which sits along the provincial road connecting Portoferraio Porto Azzurro.
Signs of French Emperor Napoleon also dot the Province; the Napoleonic Museums inside Villa dei Mulini and Villa San Martino in the historic center narrate his exile on Elba. Another excellent symbol of Elba’s past is the Castello del Volterraio, on the same-named street linking the Commune of Rio Elba to Magazzini. The Castle was constructed by the Pisani during their rule, intended as a lookout point; trekkers should certainly make the visit, as the panoramic view over the central part of the Island is stupendous.
( Elba Island - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Elba Island . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Elba Island - Italy
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Chieti Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Chieti? Check out our Chieti Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Chieti.
Top Places to visit in Chieti:
Loggia Amblingh, Gole di Fara San Martino, Moro River Canadian War Cemetery, Parco Avventura Majella, Abbazia di San Giovanni in Venere, Santuario del Miracolo Eucaristico, Costa Dei Trabocchi, Museo Archeologico Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Riserva Naturale di Punta Aderci, Castello di Roccascalegna, Rio Verde Waterfall, Sangro River War Cemetery, Piazza di San Giustino, Castello Aragonese, Palazzo d'Avalos - Musei Civici
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Via Emilia - Experience The Italian Lifestyle
The road wanted by the Roman consul Marco Emilio Lepido in 187 BC and that since 2200 years connects Rimini with Piacenza, giving the name to the entire region, contains in itself the best of Emilia-Romagna: a sort of GPS which acts as a common thread joining the many excellences of our land (
La strada voluta dal console romano Marco Emilio Lepido nel 187 a.C. e che da 2200 anni collega Rimini con Piacenza, dando il nome all’intera regione, racchiude in sé il meglio dell’Emilia-Romagna: una sorta di “gps”, simbolico navigatore satellitare, che fa da filo conduttore unendo le tantissime eccellenze del
territorio ( .
32* Festa del Radicchio, Rio San Martino, Scorze' VE 2013
32* Festa del Radicchio, Rio San Martino, Scorze' VE novembre 2013
Magnifici 12.
Италия: Лукка | Italy: Lucca
Лукка (итал. Lucca) — город в итальянском регионе Тоскана, на реке Серкио. Административный центр одноимённой провинции. Проживает ок. 90 тыс. жителей. Покровителем города считается святой Павлин Луккский (итал. San Paolino). Праздник города 12 июля.
В 180 году до н. э. римляне основали селение, согласно каноническому устройству: Кардо Максимус и Декуманус Максимус, которые делят город на кварталы — инсулы — и пересекаются на форуме. Интересно отметить, что и в сегодняшнем устройстве города эти две оси, улицы Филлунго и Ченами, пересекающиеся с улицами Рома и Санта-Кроче, и форум, находящийся на площади Сан-Микеле, полностью соответствуют наиболее людным и богатым торговлей улицам внутри стен Лукки.
Ни один настоящий путешественник не откажется оказаться в городе с многовековой историей, окруженном крепостными стенами XVI века, практически не пострадавшими от времени, среди архитектуры Средних веков и Возрождения, колоритных рынков и магазинчиков с местными деликатесами... Лукка способна удивить, обворожить, заинтриговать и оставить незабываемые впечатления.
Относительно происхождения города Лукка историки высказывают разные мнения: одни считают, что город, возникший в болотистой местности, имеет связь с Лигурией, исходя из кельтско-лигурийского названия «Luk», что означает «болото».
История Лукки состоит из периодов войн и иностранного владычества и сменяющих их годов мира и расцвета.
Лукка и соседняя Пиза долгое время враждовали между собой, и в 1314 году пизанцы наконец установили в Лукке свою власть, что повлекло за собой потерю монополии Лукки на текстильном рынке. В 1370 году Лукка вновь обрела свободу и независимость, а в 1438 году было подписано перемирие с Флоренцией, что вернуло город в состояние экономической и политической стабильности.
В 1799 году в ходе итальянской кампании Наполеона Лукка перешла под его власть. Об этом историческом факте упоминает в своем романе «Война и мир» Лев Толстой, открывая свое знаменитое произведение следующей фразой, произнесенной фрейлиной Анной Шерер в 1805 году: Eh bien, mon prince, Gênes et Lucques ne sont plus que des apanages, des pomestja de la famille Buonaparte... (Ну что, князь, Генуа и Лукка стали не больше, как поместьями фамилии Бонапарте...) В 1815 Лукка стала бурбонским герцогством, а в 1847 году герцог Лукки Карл Людовик Бурбон-Пармский уступил герцогство Лукка Великому герцогству Тосканскому, что привело к потере его независимости.
Первое, что бросается в глаза туристу, решившему осмотреть Лукку, это внушительная крепостная стена, построенная в XV-XVII веках для защиты города, длиной 4223 метра, с 11 бастионами, шестью наружными и тремя внутренними воротами. Уже со второй половины XIX века мощная крепостная стена стала использоваться как место для пеших прогулок. Некоторое время, вплоть до 90-х годов прошлого века, по ней даже ездили автомобили, в том числе и большегрузные – единственный в мире пример подобного использования крепостных стен. Сегодня городские стены – прекрасное место для пешеходных и велосипедных прогулок.
Исторический центр Лукки сохранился практически без изменений со Средних веков – те же узкие улочки, площади с примыкающими к ним башнями и дворцами и около 60 церквей. Город пересекает центральная улица старинной Лукки - Via Fillungo (Виа Филлунго).
Кафедральный собор святого Мартина (Cattedrale di San Martino) был возведен в VI веке епископом Лукки Фридианом, а в последующие века несколько раз перестраивался и свой окончательный вид приобрел в XII веке.
Среди шедевров, которые можно увидеть внутри собора – картина «Мадонна на троне с младенцем и святыми» флорентийского художника XV века Доменико Гирландайо и надгробный памятник Иларии Карретто работы скульптора Якопо Делла Кверча.
Церковь святого Михаила (Chiesa di San Michele in Foro), расположенная на одноименной площади, и базилика святого Фридиана (Basilica di San Frediano) являются яркими примерами пизано-луккской архитектуры.
Башня Гуиниджи (Torre Giunigi) высотой 44 метра является главной и самой высокой башней Лукки – одной из немногих, сохранившихся до наших дней, хотя в начале XIV века в городе насчитывалось более 250 башен и колоколен. Гуиниджи, самое знатное семейство города, решило облагородить свою семейную башню, посадив на ее вершине несколько дубов – символ возрождения.
Площадь Амфитеатра (Piazza dell'Anfiteatro) имеет форму эллипса, поскольку была построена в Средние века на остатках древнеримского амфитеатра, относящегося к II веку. Уровень современной площади на три метра выше, по сравнению с древней ареной. На площадь ведут четверо ворот, только одни из которых, самые низкие, полностью повторяют свой средневековый оригинал.
Дворец Пфаннер (Palazzo Pfanner) XVII века – великолепный пример луккского барокко, окруженный красивым садом.
San Marino in Italy 29
The Virtual Tourist walks around San Marino in Italy
Reggio Calabria - italy
See the best accommodations Reggio di Calabria or Reggio in Southern Italy, is the biggest city and the most populated comune of Calabria, Southern Italy, is the capital of the Province of Reggio Calabria and is the seat of the Regional Council of Calabria.
Reggio is located on the toe of the Italian Peninsula and is separated from the island of Sicily by the Strait of Messina. It is situated on the slopes of the Aspromonte, a long, craggy mountain range that runs up through the center of the region. The third economic center of mainland Southern Italy, the city proper has a population of more than 185,000 inhabitants spread over 236 square kilometres (91 sq mi), while the fast-growing urban area numbers 260,000 inhabitants. About 560,000 people live in the metropolitan area, recognised in 2009 by Italian Republic as a metropolitan city.
As a major functional pole in the region, it has strong historical, cultural and economic ties with the city of Messina, which lies across the strait in Sicily, forming a metro city of less than 1 million people.
Reggio is the oldest city in the region, and despite its ancient foundation – Ρηγιον was an important and flourishing colony of Magna Graecia – it boasts a modern urban system, set up after the catastrophic earthquake on December 28, 1908, which destroyed most of the city. The region is subject to earthquakes and tsunami. It is a major economic center for regional services and transport on the southern shores of the Mediterranean.
Reggio, with Naples and Taranto, is home to one of the most important archaeological museums, the prestigious National Archaeological Museum of Magna Græcia, dedicated to Ancient Greece (which houses the famous Bronzes of Riace, rare example of Greek bronze sculpture, which became one of the symbols of the city). Reggio is the seat, since 1907, of the Archeological Superintendence of Bruttium and Lucania. The city has two recently founded universities: the Mediterranea University, and the Università per Stranieri (University for Foreigners). There are also an Academy of Fine Arts (opened in 1967) and a Conservatory of Music (founded in 1927).
The city center, consisting primarily of Liberty buildings, has a linear development along the coast with parallel streets, and the promenade is dotted with rare magnolias and exotic palms. Reggio has commonly used popular nicknames: The city of Bronzes, for the Riace bronzes which are testimonials of its Greek origins; the city of bergamot, which is exclusively cultivated in the region; and the city of Fatamorgana, an optical phenomenon visible in Italy only from the Reggio seaside.
The city was one of the Italian candidates, to become the European Capital of Culture. in 2019.
(source : Wikipedia )
Places to see in ( Elba Island - Italy ) Capoliveri
Places to see in ( Elba Island - Italy ) Capoliveri
Capoliveri is a comune on the island of Elba in Italy. Administratively it is part of the Province of Livorno in the Tuscany region, located about 130 kilometres southwest of Florence and about 90 kilometres south of Livorno. The sea, mines, worldliness, folklore and gorgeous landscapes with outdoor activities abound. These are just a few of the words used to describe Capoliveri on the Island of Elba, in island that attracts and fascinates tourists from around the world.
In Roman times, Capoliveri was called Caput Liberum. Now it is a quiet village characterized by her ancient urban roots. From the top of the hill on which it is built you can see stunning and unique views of the sea. You can also see far off the coast of Elba to many of the other islands of the Tuscan Archipelago. Capoliveri is also a great place for shopping and entertainment. You will find some of Elba’s most delicious restaurants, trendy boutiques and social events that vary from day to day. On top of this, the gorgeous natural environment is an important attraction for Italian and foreign visitors. You will be more enamored and impressed with Capoliveri every day, and you can get a great, affordable Capoliveri rentals that let you stay in the center of all the action.
In Capoliveri you will enjoy a full and satisfying holiday. You can explore the wild beaches that are rich and charming like Laconella Remaiolo. There are a myriad of coves and inlets to explore for those who enjoy spending time in nature. You can rent one of the Capoliveri villas along the long, well-developed yet pristine beaches like Lacona, Lido and Naregno. On top of that, you can enjoy many different seaside clubs that offer you whatever your heart may desire. If you like to spend your day at the beach surfing, snorkeling or diving, Capoliveri is the place for you. Also, make sure to check out the Capoliveri Bike Park for wonderful trails on which you can mountain bike and hike. There is something available for all levels of fitness, so don’t be afraid to get out there and hit the trails!
The Capoliveri territory runs all the way from Mola in the north to the promontory of Calamita to the south. To the east you will find the Gulf of Lacona and to the west the Gulf of Stella. Capoliveri has a great history of mining and ancient craftsmanship. This is a place where the wildlife and the historical identity of the island blend wonderfully. Capoliveri is one of the most unique and beautiful places in the world to take a guided tour, or just go hiking by yourself on Mount Calamita. You will discover something new every day on Capoliveri. For example, check out the ancient architecture of Madonna delle Grazie, which is just a short stroll from the beach. Then there is the beautiful and powerful fortress called Forte Focardo, which overlooks the sea. The fortress itself is tangible evidence of the Spanish domination of Elba.
The squares of the old village and the medieval streets always attract tourists from around the world. Enjoy the typical bistros, shops and wonderful tastes of Capoliveri, along with the wonderful musical and cultural events that go on all year round. For example, the Grape Festival, the Capoliveri haiku contest, and the famous Legend of the Beloved are three of the most famous festivals on the island. These wonderful cultural events contribute to the identity of Capoliveri and keep the historic memory alive while attracting new visitors from around the world. A hotel in Capoliveri is a great way to feel comfortable, safe and welcomed in the beautiful and charming town. The natural beauty, history, traditions, gastronomy, folklore, culture, conviviality, and entertainment will immerse you in an environment of exceptional beauty in Capoliveri. It is absolutely a beautiful place to discover and visit, by yourself or with your loved ones.
( Elba Island - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Elba Island . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Elba Island - Italy
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