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Teramo - Puntata 7 - Sei in un Paese meraviglioso - Sky Arte
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CLETO, uno dei Paesi piu Belli del Mondo, una volta! ANTEPRIMA
Un Omaggio a CLETO (Calabria-Cosenza), un fantastico paese, in fase di degrado per colpa di decenni di Amministrazioni SANGUISUGHE...
Roma HD. Rome in 4 days. Rome en 4 jours. Řím za 4 dny. [cz,en,fr]
[en,fr,cz] Ability to enable information subtitles on the screen bottom right. Possibilité d'activer des informations sous-titres sur le droit de fond d'écran. Možnost zapnout informační titulky na obrazovce vpravo dole.
*** Rome is a city and special comune (named Roma Capitale) in Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy and also of the homonymous province and of the region of Lazio. With 2.8 million residents in 1,285.3 km2 (496.3 sq mi), it is also the country's largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. Between 3.2 and 3.8 million people live in the urban area, and 4,194,068 in Rome metropolitan area.The city is one of Europe's and the world's most successful city brands, both in terms of reputation and assets. Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
*** Rome est la capitale de l'Italie depuis 1871. Elle se trouve dans la région du Latium, dans le centre du pays. Avec 2 783 300 habitants établis sur 1 285 km² (4 103 250 habitants avec l'agglomération en 2009).Rome est la troisième destination touristique la plus visitée d'Europe derrière Londres et Paris et son centre historique est classé par l'Unesco comme site du patrimoine mondial.
*** Řím se rozkládá na ploše 1285 km2 a leží na sedmi pahorcích -- Aventin, Celio, Esquilin, Kapitol, Palatin, Quirinal a Viminal. Městem protéká řeka Tiber, která ústí do Tyrhenského moře. Počet obyvatel: 4 mil. Podle historických pramenů byl Řím založen v roce 753 př.n.l.. Tento letopočet byl také historiky přijat za tradiční datum založení Říma. První sídla však na pahorcích Kapitol a Palatin vznikla pravděpodobně již v 10. století př.n.l. Později se osady rozšířily i na ostatní pahorky a jejich postupným spojováním začalo vznikat město.
The church of Saint Francis in Lodi
The church of San Francesco is one of the oldest churches in Lodi, built by the Franciscans in the place of the Pocalodis' palace. Inside the largest and most comprehensive exhibition of Lodi fourteenth-century painting of great artistic value, including the beautiful chapel of San Bernardino influence of Giotto.
Since the nineteenth the church is officiated by Barnabite that established the College, prestige of the city of Lodi. Inside a full bilingual school from nursery to secondary school. There you can also find a rich natural history museum, the collection of scientific instruments and a library.
The church and the college have always been symbols of Lodi, the church in particular, thanks to its incomplete façade, is the backdrop to many depictions of the city.
Discovering Lodi is a program created by Vaghi per il mondo ( written and directed by Fabrizio Vaghi, featuring Laura D'Angiolella and Fabrizio Vaghi, produced by Domenico Bardelli ( and dubbed by Wall Street English Lodi (
Official channel: Subtitles are available in foreign languages; the original italian edition of the video is available here:
All rights reserved.
Civic Temple of the Crowned Madonna in Lodi
The Civic Temple of the Crowned Madonna is one of the main historical monuments and a real jewel of the town of Lodi. It can be considered the first Renaissance building with a compact central plan in northern Italy. The octagonal scheme is extremely important because it has symbolic, philosophical and theological value.
The temple is decorated with frescoes, paintings on wood and canvas by the best artists between the 15th century and the beginning of the 19th century: the decoration of the church is dominated by the Piazza Family.
Rotary Club Adda Lodigiano has promoted and sponsored a fund raising for a new restoration work, because if we save our artistic heritage at the same time we can keep our memory alive.
Discovering Lodi is a program created by Vaghi per il mondo ( written and directed by Fabrizio Vaghi, featuring Laura D'Angiolella and Fabrizio Vaghi, produced by Domenico Bardelli ( and dubbed by Wall Street English Lodi (
Official channel: subtitles are available in Italian, French, German, Polish, Latin and English; the Italian edition of the video is available here:
All rights reserved.
Church of San Biagio
The proud little church of San Biagio, just outside the Tuscan hill
town of Montepulciano, is a celebration of the humanism of the
Renaissance period 500 years ago. While medieval churches were designed
in the shape of a Latin cross (reminding us of Christ’s crucifixion),
Renaissance churches were generally done in a Greek cross design (with
arms of equal length, like a plus sign). The Greek cross can be
contained perfectly in a circle and reminds us of God’s perfection —
and how cool it is that we are made in His image. And the acoustics are
Il gruppo di canto popolare nasce nel 2006 a Rovetta e prosegue da
anni la propria attività a testimonianza del territorio delle tradizioni e delle realtà locali. I canti che il gruppo ripropone sono attinti dalla tradizione locale, attraverso studi storici e ricerche antropologiche in area lombarda. I brani proposti sono per la maggior parte ballabili. Un gruppo che si presenta con i costumi tipici popolari per comunicare il genuino piacere del canto popolare.
Il video è stato girato in occasione della Giornata Bandiere Arancioni - 2011 nel bellissimo borgo medievale di Gromo in Valseriana (BG) il 9/10/11