Beautiful weather...Russia...No comments
august, 2016
Music For Relax Meditation . Lord Lucifer
I want to address you very much even with an intellectual theme for you.
At the moment everything is brilliant and simple, I have for you a smart
Theme and work that stuns those who understand at least half
My brilliant phenomenon, which is in my eyes and notice
Oko, this is the information field of the stellar system, since everyone is in it.
Scientists will never be able to conquer this scientific phenomenon, I only suggest
You come to this top and if you invite me to the studio
Invite scientists of the highest category of Russia, the most intellectual
Countries in the world if I'm not mistaken in my opinion, since we are not only
The first flew into space without talking about other brilliant abilities ...
Well, I will start about myself and I hope you will become interested. I'm Sergey Kokoteev
Anatolyevich citizen of the Russian Federation
Kurgan region from the city of Shadrinsk, where he was born in 1981
And live to this day, unfortunately in the hostel
In 2010, I noticed that if I increase my eye in approximately
The whole screen and pause this video, then the following facts occur
Looking at the pupil of the eye, I will cite several relevant examples and
I'll try to get to you at the end of it and you could at least some part of it
Understand this brilliant phenomenon, in short the essence is that.
After looking at it begins to increase, a person begins to approach closer
And occurs docking note not only the eye but also the intellect as a minimum,
Further with time, more accurately, with every second, beautiful
And amazing views, you certainly excuse me, but in my eyes,
In general, children see as in the cinema various space asteroids, planets
Our galaxy, also nature, seas, lakes and so on, this is only one percent
From a billion of what the planet of the inhabitants of our earth sees, But people have
The disadvantage is mainly in adults since the children see absolutely everything 99%
I'm sorry about that, but notice from me that everything is all right and every second hundreds
View my photos and video files on the Internet at home theaters and even
On photo paper, that is, I am in this respect perfection
You probably do not understand and I'm very sorry for you, but you remind me
Primitive system, in principle it is not surprising, but still I will try
You explain ..
When I get up at full height and am photographed with a digital camera
My eyes. Then the camera is pumped into the computer this small
A digital file from the computer is printed.
Puts on a photographic paper you will not believe but only simple paints. Creates a copy
Digital file and, as a result, the eye more accurately works on photo paper as well as
In the Internet.home movie theaters, computers, tablets, phones, smartphones
And even iPhones and this is just a slight hint of who I am ,,,
I'll add a couple more lines because you still can not understand and I'm sorry for you.
Although you work on television and probably still are not sincerely
Sick people ,,,
In general, children see everything, and from adults and the elderly, 60% see 100%.
Roughly speaking, see 50% of 100, that is, half of the planet sees this
A brilliant phenomenon. But they can not understand how it all comes about
It turns out. Unfortunately, but you can not, even call me
By phone +79129766024 to agree with me about the meeting or at least your
Come to me, not to mention the scientists of the highest category in your studio
And let them then show their intellect and talk and I hope not
Disgrace further in the whole universe, as it happens with my arrival
On the Internet in 2010 and the creation of my site
Http:// This magical architect of the star system,
Waiting for your suggestions...
Видео взято по лицензии Creative Commons CC BY с канала FULLEN POLYMER. Ссылка на авторское видео -
Сварка - наиболее экономичный, технологичный, а зачастую и безальтернативный способ соединения деталей из пластмасс. Сварка пластиков не только обеспечивает высокое качество соединений, но и легко реализуется в самых различных условиях - как массового, так и единичного производства, в промышленности и быту.
Существует большое количество способов сварки пластиков. Все их можно условно разделить на две группы: соединение деталей путем нагрева их поверхностей до вязкотекучего состояния и сварка без использования нагрева или с нагревом, но ниже температуры вязкотекучести - с помощью растворителей.
Наибольшее распространение получила сварка с нагревом до температуры вязкотекучести. В зависимости от вида потребляемой энергии, способа ее преобразования и ввода в контактную зону, существуют следующие виды сварок пластмасс с нагревом:
нагретым газом;
расплавленной присадкой;
нагретым инструментом;
световым, инфракрасным или лазерным излучением;
токами высокой частоты.
По своему поведению при нагревании и способности к свариваемости с помощью тепла, полимеры подразделяются на термопласты и реактопласты. Первые при нагреве до вязкотекучего состояния не претерпевают сколько-нибудь существенного химического изменения. Их можно многократно нагревать, доводить до размягчения и снова возвращать в исходное состояние без нарушения их структуры и свойств. Большинство полимером относятся к термопластам. Реактопласты, при переработке в изделие, под воздействием нагрева претерпевают необратимые изменения и навсегда теряют способность переходить в вязкотекучее состояние. Их нельзя сваривать нагревом.
Процесс сварки полимеров состоит из нескольких последовательных этапов:
подвода и преобразования энергии, обеспечивающей активацию свариваемых поверхностей;
взаимодействия активированных поверхностей при контакте друг с другом;
формирования структуры материала в зоне контакта.
При ремонте бытовой техники и радиоаппаратуры часто приходится восстанавливать поломанные или треснувшие пластмассовые детали. В некоторых случаях, эти детали изготовлены из так называемых «жирных» пластмасс типа полиэтилен, полиамид, полиэтилентерефталат, полипропилен и им подобным. К этим пластикам либо сложно подобрать клей, либо клеевое соединение оказывается не столь прочным, как этого бы хотелось.
На картинке пример – сломанный каркас комнатной дециметровой антенны. Пластмассовая часть каркаса лопнула в том месте, где через неё приходил один из директоров* антенны, тем самым снижая прочность каркаса.
Я в таких случаях применяю технологию, проверенную многолетним опытом. С её помощью можно восстанавливать даже пластмассовые детали, подвергающиеся очень большим нагрузкам.
Суть технологии заключается в том, что сначала в сварной шов вплавляется металлическая арматура.
А затем место стыка покрывается слоем расплавленного полипропилена или другой прочной пластмассы.
Если требуется изготовить ещё более прочный шов, то все операции просто повторяются необходимое количество раз.
В качестве арматуры я использую оплётку от экранированного кабеля подходящего сечения.
Чтобы с оплёткой было удобнее работать, я придаю ей сначала нужную форму.
Для сварки можно использовать припой на основе любого прочного пластика. Хорошие результаты даёт полипропилен. Это прочный пластик, позволяющий получать очень прочные сварные соединения. Палочки из полипропилена можно нарезать из цилиндров одноразовых шприцев.
Данный канал создан для тех кто любит жизнь, кто любит творить своими руками для независимых, целеустремлённых и творческих людей. Контент канала будет состоять из видео, на которых будет рассказано как делать различные вещи своими руками. Причём видео будут касаться абсолютно разных сфер деятельности, главный критерий - сделай сам.
VK -
OK -
Мой канал на YouTube #DIY_CAM -
Мой канал на YouTube #СДЕЛАЙ_САМ_своими_руками_How_to_DIY -
DJ Tiesto Parade of the athletes Olympics
I want to address you very much even with an intellectual theme for you.
At the moment everything is brilliant and simple, I have for you a smart
Theme and work that stuns those who understand at least half
My brilliant phenomenon, which is in my eyes and notice
Oko, this is the information field of the stellar system, since everyone is in it.
Scientists will never be able to conquer this scientific phenomenon, I only suggest
You come to this top and if you invite me to the studio
Invite scientists of the highest category of Russia, the most intellectual
Countries in the world if I'm not mistaken in my opinion, since we are not only
The first flew into space without talking about other brilliant abilities ...
Well, I will start about myself and I hope you will become interested. I'm Sergey Kokoteev
Anatolyevich citizen of the Russian Federation
Kurgan region from the city of Shadrinsk, where he was born in 1981
And live to this day, unfortunately in the hostel
In 2010, I noticed that if I increase my eye in approximately
The whole screen and pause this video, then the following facts occur
Looking at the pupil of the eye, I will cite several relevant examples and
I'll try to get to you at the end of it and you could at least some part of it
Understand this brilliant phenomenon, in short the essence is that.
After looking at it begins to increase, a person begins to approach closer
And occurs docking note not only the eye but also the intellect as a minimum,
Further with time, more accurately, with every second, beautiful
And amazing views, you certainly excuse me, but in my eyes,
In general, children see as in the cinema various space asteroids, planets
Our galaxy, also nature, seas, lakes and so on, this is only one percent
From a billion of what the planet of the inhabitants of our earth sees, But people have
The disadvantage is mainly in adults since the children see absolutely everything 99%
I'm sorry about that, but notice from me that everything is all right and every second hundreds
View my photos and video files on the Internet at home theaters and even
On photo paper, that is, I am in this respect perfection
You probably do not understand and I'm very sorry for you, but you remind me
Primitive system, in principle it is not surprising, but still I will try
You explain ..
When I get up at full height and am photographed with a digital camera
My eyes. Then the camera is pumped into the computer this small
A digital file from the computer is printed.
Puts on a photographic paper you will not believe but only simple paints. Creates a copy
Digital file and, as a result, the eye more accurately works on photo paper as well as
In the Internet.home movie theaters, computers, tablets, phones, smartphones
And even iPhones and this is just a slight hint of who I am ,,,
I'll add a couple more lines because you still can not understand and I'm sorry for you.
Although you work on television and probably still are not sincerely
Sick people ,,,
In general, children see everything, and from adults and the elderly, 60% see 100%.
Roughly speaking, see 50% of 100, that is, half of the planet sees this
A brilliant phenomenon. But they can not understand how it all comes about
It turns out. Unfortunately, but you can not, even call me
By phone +79129766024 to agree with me about the meeting or at least your
Come to me, not to mention the scientists of the highest category in your studio
And let them then show their intellect and talk and I hope not
Disgrace further in the whole universe, as it happens with my arrival
On the Internet in 2010 and the creation of my site
Http:// This magical architect of the star system,
Waiting for your suggestions...
Riverdance (Bill Whelan) - Shane Hennessy
Riverdance (Bill Whelan)
Arrangement for guitar by Shane Hennessy
Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend to all my friends, fans, and family all around the world. I have been working on this arrangement for a long time and I'm delighted to be able to present it to you at last! This is one of the most famous, if not the most famous, piece of music ever to come out of Ireland - Riverdance by Bill Whelan.
Written originally for the interval act at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1994, Riverdance spawned into a world-famous production putting Irish music and dance on the world stage like never before.
I am an enormous fan of Bill Whelan's music, and last year I had the good fortune to work with him on a piece called Educo composed for guitar, piano, and string quartet. That piece was premiered in October in Dublin City (and there are plans to record it later this year). It was only after working with Bill that I realised I might be able to arrange his most famous composition for the guitar, and so this arrangement came to be.
There are four guitar tracks in total and I also use a sustain (freeze) pedal to hold the very first chord at the beginning of the video. I try to emulate the sound of the bodhrán (Irish drum) on the body of the guitar in the second section, as well as backing myself during each section of the composition. I also tried to think about how each instrument in the original piece produces its sound. The Uilleann Pipes are a monophonic instrument (disregarding the drone), and so 'standard' guitar fingerings and attack don't serve the melody. I altered my approach to playing these melodies on the guitar to imitate how these different instruments would sound (i.e. no ringing notes and very few open strings).
Catch one of my upcoming live performances (Full details on
MAR 15 - Bethlehem, PA
MAR 17 - Nashville, TN
APR 04 - Newtownards, Northern Ireland
APR 27 - MerleFest, Wilkesboro, NC (Americana Stage, 4pm)
APR 29 - Lexington KY (WoodSongs Old Time Radio Hour)
MAY 11 - St. Petersburg, Russia
MAY 14 - Moscow, Russia
MAY 15 - Kirov, Russia
MAY 17 - Ekaterinburg, Russia
MAY 18 - Shadrinsk, Russia
MAY 19 - Kurgan, Russia
MAY 23 - Moscow, Russia
JUL 10-13 - Nashville, TN
JUL 14 - Chicago, IL (Irish Fest Chicago)
AUG 2-4 - Waterloo, IA (Iowa Irish Fest)
AUG 14 - Wauwatosa, WI
AUG 15 - Brookfield, WI
AUG 16-18 - Milwaukee, WI (Milwaukee Irish Fest)
AUG 20 - Muskegon, MI
AUG 30-31 - Kansas City, MO (KC Irish Fest)
SEP 1 - Front Royal, VA (Appaloosa 2019)
SEP 4 - Frenchville, PA
SEP 12-14 - Muskegon, MI (Michigan Irish Music Fest)
SEP 19 - Lippstadt, Germany
SEP 20 - Blomberg, Germany
SEP 21 - Bechtolsheim, Germany
SEP 22 - Bruchsal, Germany
NOV - Irish shows TBA soon!
DEC 13 - Osnabrück, Germany
DEC 15 - Bochum, Germany
Full On Psytrance November 2018
I want to address you very much even with an intellectual theme for you.
At the moment everything is brilliant and simple, I have for you a chic
theme and work that stuns those who understand at least half
My brilliant phenomenon that is in my eyes and notice
oko, this is the information field of the stellar system, since everyone is in it.
Scientists will never be able to conquer this scientific phenomenon, I just suggest
you come to this top and if you invite me to the studio
invite scientists of the highest category of our Russia, the most intellectual
countries in the world if I'm not mistaken in my opinion, since we are not only
the first flew into space without talking about other genius abilities ...
Well, I'll start about myself and I hope you will be interested. I'm Sergey Kokoteev
Anatolyevich citizen of the Russian Federation, respectively, a resident
Kurgan region from the city of Shadrinsk, where he was born in 1981
and live to this day unfortunately in the hostel
In 2010, I noticed that if I increase my eye in approximately
the whole screen and pause this video, then the following facts occur
Looking at the pupil of the eye, I will cite several relevant examples and
I'll try to get to you at the end, then it came and you could at least some part of it
understand this brilliant phenomenon, in short the essence is that.
After looking at it begins to increase, a person begins to approach closer
and there is a docking note not only the eye but also the intellect as a minimum,
further with time, more accurately, with every second, beautiful
and amazing views, you certainly excuse me, but in my eyes,
In general, children see as in the cinema various space asteroids, planets
our galaxy, also nature, seas, lakes and so on, this is only one percent
from a billion of what the planet of the inhabitants of our land sees, But people have
the disadvantage is mainly in adults since the children see absolutely everything 99%
I'm sorry about that, but notice from me that everything is all right and every second hundreds
view my photos and video files on the Internet at home theaters and even
on photo paper, that is, I am in this respect perfection
You probably do not understand and I'm very sorry for you, but you remind me
primitive system, in principle it is not surprising, but still I will try
you explain ..
When I get up at full height and I'm photographed with a digital camera
my eyes. then from the camera pumped into the computer this small
a digital file from the computer is printed.
puts on photographic paper you will not believe but only simple paints. creates a copy
digital file and, as a result, the eye more accurately works on photo paper as well
internete.domashnih in cinemas, computers, tablets, phones, smartphones
and even iPhones and this is just a slight hint of who I am ,,,
I'll add a couple more lines because you still can not understand and I'm sorry for you.
although you work on television and probably still are not sincerely
sick people ,,,
In general, children see everything, and of adults and the elderly of 100% see 60%.
roughly speaking, see 50% of 100, that is, half of the planet sees this
But they can not understand how it all comes about
it turns out. unfortunately, but you can not, even call me
by phone +79129766024 to agree with me about the meeting or at least your
come to me, not to mention the scientists of the highest category in your studio
And let them then show their intellect and talk and I hope not
disgrace further in the whole universe, as it happens with my arrival
on the Internet in 2010 and the creation of my site This magical architect of the star system,
Waiting for your suggestions...
A real magical artist and poet Kokoteev Sergey Anatolyevich
Tiesto 2005 Best and New
I want to address you very much even with an intellectual theme for you.
At the moment everything is brilliant and simple, I have for you a smart
Theme and work that stuns those who understand at least half
My brilliant phenomenon, which is in my eyes and notice
Oko, this is the information field of the stellar system, since everyone is in it.
Scientists will never be able to conquer this scientific phenomenon, I only suggest
You come to this top and if you invite me to the studio
Invite scientists of the highest category of Russia, the most intellectual
Countries in the world if I'm not mistaken in my opinion, since we are not only
The first flew into space without talking about other brilliant abilities ...
Well, I will start about myself and I hope you will become interested. I'm Sergey Kokoteev
Anatolyevich citizen of the Russian Federation
Kurgan region from the city of Shadrinsk, where he was born in 1981
And live to this day, unfortunately in the hostel
In 2010, I noticed that if I increase my eye in approximately
The whole screen and pause this video, then the following facts occur
Looking at the pupil of the eye, I will cite several relevant examples and
I'll try to get to you at the end of it and you could at least some part of it
Understand this brilliant phenomenon, in short the essence is that.
After looking at it begins to increase, a person begins to approach closer
And occurs docking note not only the eye but also the intellect as a minimum,
Further with time, more accurately, with every second, beautiful
And amazing views, you certainly excuse me, but in my eyes,
In general, children see as in the cinema various space asteroids, planets
Our galaxy, also nature, seas, lakes and so on, this is only one percent
From a billion of what the planet of the inhabitants of our earth sees, But people have
The disadvantage is mainly in adults since the children see absolutely everything 99%
I'm sorry about that, but notice from me that everything is all right and every second hundreds
View my photos and video files on the Internet at home theaters and even
On photo paper, that is, I am in this respect perfection
You probably do not understand and I'm very sorry for you, but you remind me
Primitive system, in principle it is not surprising, but still I will try
You explain ..
When I get up at full height and am photographed with a digital camera
My eyes. Then the camera is pumped into the computer this small
A digital file from the computer is printed.
Puts on a photographic paper you will not believe but only simple paints. Creates a copy
Digital file and, as a result, the eye more accurately works on photo paper as well as
In the Internet.home movie theaters, computers, tablets, phones, smartphones
And even iPhones and this is just a slight hint of who I am ,,,
I'll add a couple more lines because you still can not understand and I'm sorry for you.
Although you work on television and probably still are not sincerely
Sick people ,,,
In general, children see everything, and from adults and the elderly, 60% see 100%.
Roughly speaking, see 50% of 100, that is, half of the planet sees this
A brilliant phenomenon. But they can not understand how it all comes about
It turns out. Unfortunately, but you can not, even call me
By phone +79129766024 to agree with me about the meeting or at least your
Come to me, not to mention the scientists of the highest category in your studio
And let them then show their intellect and talk and I hope not
Disgrace further in the whole universe, as it happens with my arrival
On the Internet in 2010 and the creation of my site This magical architect of the star system,
Waiting for your suggestions..
Magic Eye LSD Psytrance music Koko7eevSA ЛСД МАГИЯ
I want to address you very much even with an intellectual theme for you.
At the moment everything is brilliant and simple, I have for you a smart
Theme and work that stuns those who understand at least half
My brilliant phenomenon, which is in my eyes and notice
Oko, this is the information field of the stellar system, since everyone is in it.
Scientists will never be able to conquer this scientific phenomenon, I only suggest
You come to this top and if you invite me to the studio
Invite scientists of the highest category of Russia, the most intellectual
Countries in the world if I'm not mistaken in my opinion, since we are not only
The first flew into space without talking about other brilliant abilities ...
Well, I will start about myself and I hope you will become interested. I'm Sergey Kokoteev
Anatolyevich citizen of the Russian Federation
Kurgan region from the city of Shadrinsk, where he was born in 1981
And live to this day, unfortunately in the hostel
In 2010, I noticed that if I increase my eye in approximately
The whole screen and pause this video, then the following facts occur
Looking at the pupil of the eye, I will cite several relevant examples and
I'll try to get to you at the end of it and you could at least some part of it
Understand this brilliant phenomenon, in short the essence is that.
After looking at it begins to increase, a person begins to approach closer
And occurs docking note not only the eye but also the intellect as a minimum,
Further with time, more accurately, with every second, beautiful
And amazing views, you certainly excuse me, but in my eyes,
In general, children see as in the cinema various space asteroids, planets
Our galaxy, also nature, seas, lakes and so on, this is only one percent
From a billion of what the planet of the inhabitants of our earth sees, But people have
The disadvantage is mainly in adults since the children see absolutely everything 99%
I'm sorry about that, but notice from me that everything is all right and every second hundreds
View my photos and video files on the Internet at home theaters and even
On photo paper, that is, I am in this respect perfection
You probably do not understand and I'm very sorry for you, but you remind me
Primitive system, in principle it is not surprising, but still I will try
You explain ..
When I get up at full height and am photographed with a digital camera
My eyes. Then the camera is pumped into the computer this small
A digital file from the computer is printed.
Puts on a photographic paper you will not believe but only simple paints. Creates a copy
Digital file and, as a result, the eye more accurately works on photo paper as well
In the Internet.home movie theaters, computers, tablets, phones, smartphones
And even iPhones and this is just a slight hint of who I am ,,,
I'll add a couple more lines because you still can not understand and I'm sorry for you.
Although you work on television and probably still are not sincerely
Sick people ,,,
In general, children see everything, and from adults and the elderly, 60% see 100%.
Roughly speaking, see 50% of 100, that is, half of the planet sees this
A brilliant phenomenon. But they can not understand how it all comes about
It turns out. Unfortunately, but you can not, even call me
By phone +79129766024 to agree with me about the meeting or at least your
Come to me, not to mention the scientists of the highest category in your studio
And let them then show their intellect and talk and I hope not
Disgrace further in the whole universe, as it happens with my arrival
On the Internet in 2010 and the creation of my site This magical architect of the star system,
Waiting for your suggestions...
Markus Schulz Global DJ Broadcast World Tour Amnesia Ibiza, Spain
I want to address you very much even with an intellectual theme for you.
At the moment everything is brilliant and simple, I have for you a smart
Theme and work that stuns those who understand at least half
My brilliant phenomenon, which is in my eyes and notice
Oko, this is the information field of the stellar system, since everyone is in it.
Scientists will never be able to conquer this scientific phenomenon, I only suggest
You come to this top and if you invite me to the studio
Invite scientists of the highest category of Russia, the most intellectual
Countries in the world if I'm not mistaken in my opinion, since we are not only
The first flew into space without talking about other brilliant abilities ...
Well, I will start about myself and I hope you will become interested. I'm Sergey Kokoteev
Anatolyevich citizen of the Russian Federation
Kurgan region from the city of Shadrinsk, where he was born in 1981
And live to this day, unfortunately in the hostel
In 2010, I noticed that if I increase my eye in approximately
The whole screen and pause this video, then the following facts occur
Looking at the pupil of the eye, I will cite several relevant examples and
I'll try to get to you at the end of it and you could at least some part of it
Understand this brilliant phenomenon, in short the essence is that.
After looking at it begins to increase, a person begins to approach closer
And occurs docking note not only the eye but also the intellect as a minimum,
Further with time, more accurately, with every second, beautiful
And amazing views, you certainly excuse me, but in my eyes,
In general, children see as in the cinema various space asteroids, planets
Our galaxy, also nature, seas, lakes and so on, this is only one percent
From a billion of what the planet of the inhabitants of our earth sees, But people have
The disadvantage is mainly in adults since the children see absolutely everything 99%
I'm sorry about that, but notice from me that everything is all right and every second hundreds
View my photos and video files on the Internet at home theaters and even
On photo paper, that is, I am in this respect perfection
You probably do not understand and I'm very sorry for you, but you remind me
Primitive system, in principle it is not surprising, but still I will try
You explain ..
When I get up at full height and am photographed with a digital camera
My eyes. Then the camera is pumped into the computer this small
A digital file from the computer is printed.
Puts on a photographic paper you will not believe but only simple paints. Creates a copy
Digital file and, as a result, the eye more accurately works on photo paper as well as
In the Internet.home movie theaters, computers, tablets, phones, smartphones
And even iPhones and this is just a slight hint of who I am ,,,
I'll add a couple more lines because you still can not understand and I'm sorry for you.
Although you work on television and probably still are not sincerely
Sick people ,,,
In general, children see everything, and from adults and the elderly, 60% see 100%.
Roughly speaking, see 50% of 100, that is, half of the planet sees this
A brilliant phenomenon. But they can not understand how it all comes about
It turns out. Unfortunately, but you can not, even call me
By phone +79129766024 to agree with me about the meeting or at least your
Come to me, not to mention the scientists of the highest category in your studio
And let them then show their intellect and talk and I hope not
Disgrace further in the whole universe, as it happens with my arrival
On the Internet in 2010 and the creation of my site This magical architect of the star system,
Waiting for your suggestions..
Markus Schulz Global DJ Broadcast World Tour Amnesia Ibiza, Spain
I want to address you very much even with an intellectual theme for you.
At the moment everything is brilliant and simple, I have for you a smart
Theme and work that stuns those who understand at least half
My brilliant phenomenon, which is in my eyes and notice
Oko, this is the information field of the stellar system, since everyone is in it.
Scientists will never be able to conquer this scientific phenomenon, I only suggest
You come to this top and if you invite me to the studio
Invite scientists of the highest category of Russia, the most intellectual
Countries in the world if I'm not mistaken in my opinion, since we are not only
The first flew into space without talking about other brilliant abilities ...
Well, I will start about myself and I hope you will become interested. I'm Sergey Kokoteev
Anatolyevich citizen of the Russian Federation
Kurgan region from the city of Shadrinsk, where he was born in 1981
And live to this day, unfortunately in the hostel
In 2010, I noticed that if I increase my eye in approximately
The whole screen and pause this video, then the following facts occur
Looking at the pupil of the eye, I will cite several relevant examples and
I'll try to get to you at the end of it and you could at least some part of it
Understand this brilliant phenomenon, in short the essence is that.
After looking at it begins to increase, a person begins to approach closer
And occurs docking note not only the eye but also the intellect as a minimum,
Further with time, more accurately, with every second, beautiful
And amazing views, you certainly excuse me, but in my eyes,
In general, children see as in the cinema various space asteroids, planets
Our galaxy, also nature, seas, lakes and so on, this is only one percent
From a billion of what the planet of the inhabitants of our earth sees, But people have
The disadvantage is mainly in adults since the children see absolutely everything 99%
I'm sorry about that, but notice from me that everything is all right and every second hundreds
View my photos and video files on the Internet at home theaters and even
On photo paper, that is, I am in this respect perfection
You probably do not understand and I'm very sorry for you, but you remind me
Primitive system, in principle it is not surprising, but still I will try
You explain ..
When I get up at full height and am photographed with a digital camera
My eyes. Then the camera is pumped into the computer this small
A digital file from the computer is printed.
Puts on a photographic paper you will not believe but only simple paints. Creates a copy
Digital file and, as a result, the eye more accurately works on photo paper as well as
In the Internet.home movie theaters, computers, tablets, phones, smartphones
And even iPhones and this is just a slight hint of who I am ,,,
I'll add a couple more lines because you still can not understand and I'm sorry for you.
Although you work on television and probably still are not sincerely
Sick people ,,,
In general, children see everything, and from adults and the elderly, 60% see 100%.
Roughly speaking, see 50% of 100, that is, half of the planet sees this
A brilliant phenomenon. But they can not understand how it all comes about
It turns out. Unfortunately, but you can not, even call me
By phone +79129766024 to agree with me about the meeting or at least your
Come to me, not to mention the scientists of the highest category in your studio
And let them then show their intellect and talk and I hope not
Disgrace further in the whole universe, as it happens with my arrival
On the Internet in 2010 and the creation of my site
Http:// This magical architect of the star system,
Waiting for your suggestions...