Cruise trip from St. Petersburg to Moscow 2017 (Part 2)
Cruise trip from St Petersburg to Moscow 2017 (Part 2), Karelia, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Red Square
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
1- The Republic of Karelia is a federal subject of Russia (a republic), located in the northwest of Russia. Its capital is the city of Petrozavodsk. Its population in 2010 was 643,548.
The modern Karelian Republic was founded as an autonomous republic within the Russian SFSR by the Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) of June 27, 1923 and by the Decree of the VTsIK and the Council of People's Commissars of July 25, 1923 from the Karelian Labor Commune.
From 1940 to 1956, it was known as the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic, one of the union republics in the Soviet Union. In 1956, it was once again an autonomous republic and remains as part of Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.
There are about 27,000 rivers in Karelia. Major rivers include:
Vodla River (Vodlajoki, 149 km)
Kem River (Kemijoki, 191 km)
Kovda River (Koutajoki)
Shuya River (Suojoki)
Suna River (Suunujoki) with Kivach Falls (Kivatšun vesiputous)
Vyg River (Uikujoki)
Largest cities of the Republic of Karelia
The Regions of North and South Karelia lie in Finland and the Karelian Republic in Russia. The Karelian Isthmus is now part of Leningrad Oblast.
There are 60,000 lakes in Karelia. The republic's lakes and swamps contain about 2,000 km³ of high-quality fresh water. Lake Ladoga (Finnish: Laatokka) and Lake Onega (Ääninen) are the largest lakes in Europe. Other lakes include:
Nyukozero (Nuokkijärvi)
Pyaozero (Pääjärvi)
Segozero (Seesjärvi)
Syamozero (Säämäjärvi)
Topozero (Tuoppajärvi)
Vygozero (Uikujärvi)
Lakes Ladoga and Onega are located on the south of the republic.
National parks
Vodlozero National Park
Kalevala National Park
Paanajärvi National Park
2- Historical Centre of the City of Yaroslavl
Situated at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl Rivers some 250 km north-east of Moscow, the historic city of Yaroslavl developed into a major commercial centre from the 11th century. It is renowned for its numerous 17th-century churches and is an outstanding example of the urban planning reform Empress Catherine the Great ordered for the whole of Russia in 1763. While keeping some of its significant historic structures, the town was renovated in the neoclassical style on a radial urban master plan. It has also kept elements from the 16th century in the Spassky Monastery, one of the oldest in the Upper Volga region, built on the site of a pagan temple in the late 12th century but reconstructed over time.
Travel and culture
Yaroslavl is one of the eight cities of Russia's Golden Ring, a group of touristic, historic towns around Moscow. Yaroslavl is situated on the north-eastern side of this 'ring' and is the largest city in its chain. Whilst the city is best known for its architectural merits, it also has a relatively large repertoire of cultural attractions.
3- Red Square is a city square (plaza) in Moscow, Russia. It separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and currently the official residence of the President of Russia, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitai-gorod. Red Square is often considered the central square of Moscow since Moscow's major streets, which connect to Russia's major highways, originate from the square.
Republic of Karelia, Kizhi Pogost, Russia (HD 1080p)
Republic of Karelia, Kizhi Pogost, Russia, Republic of Karelia wiki travel,Republic of Karelia Wikipedia
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
The Republic of Karelia is a federal subject of Russia (a republic), located in the northwest of Russia. Its capital is the city of Petrozavodsk. Its population in 2010 was 643,548.
As a part of the Fennoscandian Shield's ancient Karelian craton, most of the Republic of Karelia's surficial geology is Archaean or Paleoproterozoic, dated up to 3.4 billion years in the Vodlozero block. This area is the largest contiguous Archaean outcrop in Europe and one of the largest in the world.
There are about 27,000 rivers in Karelia. Major rivers include:
Vodla River (Vodlajoki, 149 km)
Kem River (Kemijoki, 191 km)
Kovda River (Koutajoki)
Shuya River (Suojoki)
Suna River (Suunujoki) with Kivach Falls (Kivatšun vesiputous)
Vyg River (Uikujoki)
There are 60,000 lakes in Karelia. The republic's lakes and swamps contain about 2,000 km³ of high-quality fresh water. Lake Ladoga (Finnish: Laatokka) and Lake Onega (Ääninen) are the largest lakes in Europe. Other lakes include:
Nyukozero (Nuokkijärvi)
Pyaozero (Pääjärvi)
Segozero (Seesjärvi)
Syamozero (Säämäjärvi)
Topozero (Tuoppajärvi)
Vygozero (Uikujärvi)
Lakes Ladoga and Onega are located on the south of the republic.
National parks
Vodlozero National Park
Kalevala National Park
Paanajärvi National Park
Natural resources
The majority of the republic's territory (148,000 km², or 85%) is composed of state forest stock. The total growing stock of timber resources in the forests of all categories and ages is 807 million m³. The mature and over mature tree stock amounts to 411.8 million m³, of which 375.2 million m³ is coniferous.
Fifty useful minerals are found in Karelia, located in more than 400 deposits and ore bearing layers. Natural resources of the republic include iron ore, diamonds, vanadium, molybdenum, and others.
The Republic of Karelia is located in the Atlantic continental climate zone. Average temperature in January is −8.0 °C (17.6 °F) and +16.4 °C (61.5 °F) in July. Average annual precipitation is 500–700 mm.
Thrilling Hike in the Mountains of Sichuan // This is China
Jianmen Pass makes for an incredible weekend trip from Chengdu, especially for thrill seekers. It's possible to hike along a mountain cliff edge, harnessed to a wire or chain, with foot-paths as narrow as a couple feet. It's not for the feint of heart, but the views are some of the best in the province. This part of the hike cost 65 RMB, which includes the equipment (harness and helmet), some instructions, and they even took our blood pressure before deeming us worthy.
Jianmenguan is also the home to a giant military gate that has been called the world's most impregnable pass. It was originally built around the 4th century BC, during the Warring State Period. Thirty thousand soldiers from Shu (now Sichuan) were able to hold off 100,000 invaders from Shaanxi because of the strategic position of the gate. The gate that stands there now was built in 2009, but it's still an incredible sight, and it shows you how strategically placed it was.
The pass is also apart of the Shu Roads, a series of ancient roads that connected Chinese provinces.
Jianmen Pass Scenic Area is 100 RMB.
Additional costs include cable cars (50 RMB per trip), the slide way - a giant slide that goes part-way down the mountain (30 RMB), the cliff-side hike (65 RMB), a 4D Cinema (50 RMB), and various buses around the park (10-15 RMB).
open from 8AM-6PM.
China changes so fast that it's hard to give accurate information. At the time of posting this, there is only a slow train to Guangyuan, however in about a week they'll be opening the high speed train from Chengdu to Xi'an, which will stop at Jianmenguan. When that opens (around the end of 2017), it will be possible to get to the park in an hour or 2. But until then, the bus is the best way to get there.
From Chengdu's Zhaojuesi Bus Station (昭觉寺汽车客运站 - 166 Zhaoqing Cross Rd) take a bus to Guangyuan (buses run from 7:40 AM to 6 PM and take about 3.5-4 hours). Stay overnight in Guangyuan and then in the morning go to Guangyuan Nanhe Bus Station to catch one of the buses directly to Jianmen Pass Scenic Area (7:40 AM or 8:40 AM), or take a taxi there.
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Плёс - любимый город Левитана | Ples is a favourite city of Levitan
Очередной фильм из серии: Путешествия выходного дня
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Плёс — город (с 1925) в России, входящий в состав Приволжского района на севере Ивановской области. Один из главных туристических центров Ивановской области. Расположен на правобережных холмах Волги (Горьковское водохранилище), в устье речки Шохонки, в 18 км от Приволжска и в 71 км от Костромы. Наивысшая точка города — 54 м над уровнем р. Волги.
Население — ок. 2 тыс. чел. Промышленных предприятий в Плёсе нет.
Впервые Плёс упомянут в «Новгородской летописи» под 1141 годом как место, где был пойман посадник Якун Мирославич, бежавший от гнева новгородцев в Суздаль к князю Юрию Долгорукому.
В 1410 году, когда московский князь Василий I, сын Дмитрия Донского, оказался в Костроме, спасаясь от татарского хана, он повелел построить здесь укреплённую таможенно-сторожевую заставу. Волга здесь не петляет, что позволяет увидеть противника с большого расстояния, отсюда и название.
В 1778 году Плёс становится уездным городом Костромского наместничества. С 1796 года заштатный город Нерехтского уезда Костромской губернии. В Плёсе были полотняные фабрики, два солодовенных завода, две пивоварни, 10 кузниц, казенный соляной склад, торговые лавки. Отсюда доставлялась рыба к царскому столу. В 1812 году становится одним из центров формирования отрядов костромского народного ополчения. При интенсивном развитии промышленности в Иваново-Шуйском районе Плёс вплоть до постройки в 1871 году железной дороги Иваново — Кинешма являлся основным портом на Волге для всего текстильного края.
С этого времени Плёс теряет своё значение перекрёстка транспортных путей и постепенно превращается в маленький провинциальный городок — традиционное место отдыха и творчества. Существует легенда, что плёсские купцы, стремясь предотвратить строительство железной дороги (которая, как они считали, их разорит), попросту «откупились» от неё.
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Весной 1888 года Исаак Ильич Левитан вместе с друзьями-художниками Алексеем Степановым и Софьей Кувшинниковой отправился на пароходе по Оке до Нижнего Новгорода и далее вверх по Волге. Во время путешествия они неожиданно для себя открыли красоты маленького, тихого городка Плёс. Они решили задержаться и пожить там некоторое время.
В итоге Левитан провёл в Плёсе три чрезвычайно продуктивных летних сезона (1888—1890). В конце 1880-х — начале 1890-х годов Левитан возглавлял пейзажный класс в Училище изящных искусств художника-архитектора А. О. Гунста.
Около 200 работ, выполненных им за три лета в Плёсе, принесли Левитану широкую известность, а Плёс стал очень популярен у пейзажистов...
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Will & Dan's channel:
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Karelia. River Uksa. Rafting.
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music: Unknown artist