This is how you drive in Switzerland (Road Drive to Rigi, Queen of Mountains)
Rigi, the queen of the Mountains offers the breathtaking panoramic views of the Alps, thirteen lakes and across the entire Swiss, German and Frech Regions.
Driving in Switzerland is a beautiful experience in its own. If you want to take your stress out, connect with nature. This is the best we people can do in today's stressful societies.
Love from Switzerland. Enjoy the drive through the Swiss Towns
Cute Italian Street for Rich People
Free video about Italian wealth. This free video was created for you by and can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of as the original author of this Italian wealth video.
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The Italian wealth or gain is the abundance of valuable resources, material possessions or the control of such assets. Can be studied both from the standpoint of anthropological, sociological, economic or even moral. The distribution of Italian wealth has been food for thought by some ancient scholars. For Plato, Italian wealth should be distributed equally, whereas his pupil Aristotle should be in proportion to the effort of each. By introducing the notion chrematistics Aristotle condemned the practice of accumulating Italian wealth for himself and not for another purpose than personal pleasure.
For fisiocracia, doctrine that dominated in France during the eighteenth century, the foundation of Italian wealth is the land and labor of their products. Its main proponents were economists François Quesnay, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot and Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours. According to Italian wealth is not the sum of money a country can treasure, but the amount of raw materials available to the needs of man, that is, the surplus of agricultural products and minerals over the needs of domestic consumption or product net. Of its existence and increasing prosperity depends or Italian wealth of a country. The second sector industries, transformative, and trade, as the Physiocrats are not Italian wealth but are sterile professions that consume: true Italian wealth is contained in the earth and its products.
A gated community is a special form of neighborhood residential, and road system which is private blue chip, also having with a perimeter defined by walls or fences, and controlled entrances for service security, which is responsible for checking the identity of visitors and advertise. Although they are called communities, there is no evidence to suggest that the capital containing greater or better than any other form of residential development. Given its type conformation enclave, isolated from the rest of the city, it is more likely that such developments have negative for all capital contributions of all the consequences of community.
The size varies greatly. There are buildings of apartments guarded by security service and large gated communities with more than 100,000 residents who own their own infrastructure (malls, public areas, schools, hospitals and even buildings office ). Italy has one of the highest population densities in Europe, with 198.6 people per square kilometer. The density is higher in the region of the northwest.
Italy borders to the north with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. Small independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within Italian territory, while Campione of Italy is Italian exclave in Switzerland. Italy has a diversified industrial economy capitalist, with virtually the same per capita income that France and the UK.
The official language of Italy is the Italian, standardization of Tuscany, a language descended from Latin. Italy, as a state, did not exist prior to the unification of several kingdoms and republics in 1861. Because of its relatively late unification, and the historical autonomy of the various regions that comprise the Italian peninsula.
Italy has been the home to several artistic movements and intellectuals throughout history, which have spread throughout Europe and beyond, such as the Renaissance and the Baroque. Some of the great Italian visual artists are Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Botticelli, Fra Angelico, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Bernini, Titian and Raphael.
Italy during the Republic and the Roman Empire, was the name of the Italian peninsula. During the time of the Roman Republic, Italy (which extended from Rubicon to Calabria) was not a province but a territory of the city of Rome, and thus enjoyed a special status; for example, military commanders could not enter with their armies, the entry of Julius Caesar led his legions to the beginning of the civil war.
None of empires Italians achieved the unification of Italy, as the success of the powers threatening the survival of medieval Italy: the Byzantine Empire, the Papacy and the Normans. These, and the descendants of the Lombards, were opposed to the formation of any political ruling on Italy.
Italy during this period, was famous for its mercantile republics: the Republic of Florence and the Maritime Republics. They were organized as city-states republics, in the sense that they were formally independent, though most originated from territories that belonged before to the Byzantine Empire.
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Diga lago e valle di Lei (Svizzera, CH, Confoederatio Helvetica) videomix
Inaugurata nel 1961, la diga ha un'altezza di 141 metri con un coronamento carrozzabile lungo 690 metri e largo 13, mentre il volume del manufatto è di 850.000 metri cubi. Per la sua costruzione furono impiegate 2.200 tonnellate di cemento.
Il lago di Lei, creato dallo sbarramento, ha un volume massimo di 197 milioni di metri cubi, una lunghezza di 7,7 km e un'altitudine massima di 1931 m s.l.m. Lo sfioratore ha una capacità di 134 metri cubi al secondo.
In conseguenza degli accordi stipulati tra Italia e Svizzera e della relativa permuta di terreni, il terreno su cui è stata costruita la diga è stato ceduto al Comune di Ferrera, mentre il Comune di Piuro ha acquisito un equivalente appezzamento poco più a Nord.
Nonostante si trovi in territorio italiano, il lago viene alimentato per circa 2/3 da acque provenienti dalle valli di Avers, Madris e Niemet o pompati dal bacino imbrifero del serbatoio di Sufers attraverso la Centrale di Ferrera, rimanendo 1/3 a carico del bacino imbrifero italiano (Reno di Lei).
L'accordo per i lavori venne firmato nel 1955 tra Italia e Svizzera: i relativi lavori in Valle di Lei iniziarono nell'estate del 1957 e, dopo una prestazione di circa 1 080 000 giorni lavorativi, si conclusero nell'autunno del 1962 con il primo riempimento completo dell'invaso. La diga, appaltata dalla Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG (costituita all'uopo nel 1956 e tutt'ora gerente l'impianto), fu progettata e costruita da imprese italiane: di tale opera venne realizzato il documentario Un metro lungo cinque da parte dell'allora giovane documentarista Ermanno Olmi.
Data la lontananza della Val di Lei dalle principali arterie stradali, furono impiantate due funivie da Campodolcino (una per le maestranze e una per il materiale) per una lunghezza di circa 15 km per ognuna: solo in un secondo tempo si realizzò la strada attualmente percorribile, che da Avers arriva, anche mediante un tunnel, al coronamento della diga.
A memoria dei 12 caduti sul lavoro, venne edificata una piccola chiesa sulla riva sinistra del lago, in località Baita del Capriolo.
Nel 2012 il bacino fu svuotato per lavori di manutenzione della diga e delle opere limitrofe: in tale occasione riemersero alcune baite precedentemente sommerse.