SALINA TURDA, or the pearl hidden - ROMANIA (HD1080p)
*** The salt was extracted from SALINA TURDA, from antiquity up to the early 20th century (1932).
Since 1992, in the SALINA TURDA it is a halotherapy center and a popular tourist attraction of international interest, being visited by about 2 million Romanian and foreign tourists.
SALINA TURDA was placed by Business Insider at the top of their list of the ten coolest underground places in the world.
Likewise, SALINA TURDA was once ranked among the 25 hidden gems around the world that are worth the trek ***
PRAID, Muntele de Sare - The Salt Mountain (Harghita County, Romania)
The Mountain of Salt (Sóhát, in Hungarian) is the top of the huge deposit of salt that reaches 3 km in depth. The horizontal salt stratum has an elliptical shape, its diameters being 1,2 and 1,4km. Vertically it looks like a huge abnormal mushroom. It is due to say that the huge salt block is one of the largest diaper rucks in Europe and its reserve could provide the continent with salt for more than a houndred years.
In the area of salt mountains we can notice a vivid salt karst phenomena: in the salty areas there are smaller and bigger funnels filled with clay that are similar with the phenomena of limestone areas: dolines, water absorbing blocks, hilite. A number of dolines and blocks are still continuously forming as results of the falling in of some hollows created by underground waters. The bigger funnels are the traces of irregular mining, in certain cases the Roman salt mining in amphitheatre shape or the newer “scamp-mines” (shapeless salt holes), where the people were stealing the salt from in the times when it was banned.
The natural salt generates the final karstic phenomenon, because of the very rapid dissolving process, helped by the fissures, diaclasis and stratification planes, all access ways for infiltration water. Dissolving and the advance of the water will generate saturation, after that only the dynamic action will operate, resulted from the flow energy. Gradually, the water will leave the upper surfaces and will penetrate the underground circulation paths. This is how the exokarst from the beginning of the process is transformed in endokarst phenomenon.
60 hacters of Salt Mountain were made geological reservations in 1995. The “Salt canyon” is in fact a valley created by the Korond Creek. Here the stream cut through the mountain and it flows down surrounded by white salt rocks until its encounter with the Tarnava Mica River.
Rezervația geologică ”Muntele de Sare de la Praid” (în maghiară, Sóhát) este monument al naturii, respectiv o arie protejată de interes național situată în județul Harghita la sud de comuna Praid. Rezervația, localizată la SE de Dealul Sării (576m) are 60 ha și este străbătută de râul Corund. Acoperă cel mai mare zăcământ de sare din țară, ale cărui rădăcini sunt îngropate până la 2,7-3 km adâncime. Diapirul de sare pe orizontală are o formă ușor eliptică, având diametrul de 1,2 - 1,4 km, iar pe verticală are forma unei uriașe ciuperci. Vegetația caracteristică este cea halofilă plante specifice sărăturilor ).
Dealul a fost secționat de apele părâului Corund formând un canion de sare (Cheile Corundului) și rezultând un deal mai mic (Corbul Mic-Kisholló), separat de cel mare. Valea a străpuns sarea și canionul format este din stânci și creste de sare ce asociază fenomene de carst salin cu doline, polje, diaclaze, pâlnii de dizolvare și lapiezuri, toate însoțite de izvoare cu ape sărate.
Din canion prin potecile laterale, se pot vizita câteva doline mai mari semi-închise cuvegetație și microclimat specific, care sunt străjuite de stânci și pereți de sare ce prezintă o frumusețe exotică cu totul aparte.
Carstul salin are o evoluție rapidă, din forme de exocarst (lapiezuri, doline, diaclaze) se ajunge într-un timp scurt la endocarst (ponoare, hornuri, diaclaze de adâncime, mici peșteri, avene). Stânca de sare a cărei suprafață este expusă direct la ploaie se formează lapiezuri, iar pe fețele adăpostite se formează cruste cu aspect de conopidă. Draperiile de sare apar pe suprafețele verticale.
Discover Romania Praid salt mine in Harghita county (Salina Praid, judetul Harghita)
Discover Romania . Praid salt mine is a mine man made in Harghita county which i highly recommend to visit. good for health and good to visit. nice landscape outside bun not so good food in that area . salt therapy is a good way to treat yourself of many disease .
it has a adventure park and lots of other stuff to visit and do. an planetarium for kids and a 3d cinema . it has an undergrund restaurant with a medieval theme .
Târgu Jiu is the capital of Gorj County in the Oltenia region of Romania. With a total population of 78,553 peeps, Târgu Jiu is situated on the Southern Sub-Carpathians, on the banks of the river Jiu.
Constantin Brâncuși (who had lived here as a boy) created few large sculptures that are now the main tourist attractions in Târgu Jiu: The Table of Silence, The Gate of the Kiss, and The Endless Column.
The main tourist attractions from this video:
# The Endless Column [00:22 - 00:27 / 00:56 - 00:58 / 03:09 - 03:12]
# The Gate of the Kiss [00:58 - 01:00 / 01:31 - 01:39]
# The Table of Silence [01:00 - 01:02 / 01:13 - 01:17 / 01:47 - 01:52]
# Central Park [01:07 - 01:13 / 01:17 - 01:20 / 01:29 - 01:31]
# Parc Insuliță [01:20 - 01:29]
# Jiu River [01:39 - 01:47]
# Center [01:52 - 02:02 / 02:05 - 02:47]
# Art Museum [02:03 - 02:05]
Song: Tobu - Seven [NCS Release]
Outro Song: Main Reaktor - Recession [NCS Release]