The Best Beaches Near Lisbon
You won't find much seclusion on this coast, but if you want easy access to restaurants, cafes, and public transportation, join the crowds at the vast beaches of Caparica. They are popular and lively in the summer, even at night when most bars stay open until late with music and dancing.Caparica itself is a lively if not particularly pretty town whose overwhelming popularity with holidaying locals from Lisbon.
PORTUGAL: Statue Christ the King - viewpoint Almada /Lisbon
The Sanctuary of Christ the King (Portuguese: Santuário de Cristo Rei) is a Catholic monument and shrine dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ overlooking the city of Lisbon situated in the city of Almada, Portugal.
It was inspired by the Christ the Redeemer statue of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, after the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon visited that monument.
The project was inaugurated on 17 May 1959, while Portugal was ruled by António de Oliveira Salazar who gave his final permission for the project. The giant statue in cement was erected to express gratitude that the Portuguese were spared the horrors and destruction of World War II.
In 1941 the land which was used to construct the monument was acquired. The construction project began in 1949 and took ten years to complete. But it was only in 1952 that the first construction started.
The first inauguration of the complex officially was on 17 May 1959. On the 25th anniversary of the Shrine in 1984, the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace was inaugurated. A new plan was approved to recondition the grounds of the Shrine and also to build a Sanctuary, which included a rectory, a chapel, administration and meeting halls and exhibition galleries.
In order to support pilgrimage to the site, in June 2004 new spaces in the Sanctuary building were inaugurated, including a dining room for 150 people and two segregated dormitories. This was followed on 17 May 2005, with the inauguration of a 150-person dining area and 80-person meeting hall, in addition to two segregated dormitories, dining room and kitchen.
Improvements to the monument and sanctuary of Christ the King began in 2006. By 17 May of that year, the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace was inaugurated. In the following year (17 May 2007), the Pope John XXIII hall was opened, containing eight oil paintings.
The monument was erected on an isolated clifftop 133 m above the sea, overlooking the Tagus River left bank.
It is the highest point in Almada, on a plateau dominated by the 25 de Abril Bridge, and close to the Estação Elevatória e Reservatório do Pragal.
It is accessible from Lisbon by car (over the 25 de Abril Bridge east of the crossing), by train through station in Pragal and by ferry over the Tagus, through the port of Cacilhas in Almada.
The monument consists of a trapezoidal pedestal of 82 metres (269 ft) height, formed by four arches and a flat platform, supporting the 28 metres (92 ft) image of Christ.
Its base was designed by architect António Lino in the form of a gate, while the statue of Christ the King was designed by sculptor Francisco Franco de Sousa.
The four arches of the pedestal are oriented in the directions of the compass rose. The figure of Christ, comparable to the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, forms a cross, with its arms extended out facing the city of Lisbon, as if to embrace the city. Due to issues of security and safety, the monument was sufficiently distanced from the cliffs on which it predominates.
At the base of the statue is the observation deck, at 82 metres (269 ft), which enables panoramic views of the city of Lisbon, the Tagus River and the 25 de Abril Bridge.
Under the statue, occupying a fifth of the pedestal's height, is the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace (Nossa Senhora da Paz) with an entrance from the northern facade. This space is distinctly different with its masonry stone, the northern facade surmounted by cross and the other facades containing narrow doors.
Inside two of the pillars is an elevator system with access to the terrace; the statue is 79.30 metres high, and overlooks the Tagus (192 metres above the river).
To the south of the monument is the Sanctuary building, comprising a rectangular body of three wings, with facades covered with masonry brick.
June 17, 2017
Portugal May 2019 Trip to Algarve and Lisbon Most Beautiful Beaches
Check This out for most beautiful places in Portugal
Discover Portugal by drone in 4K - Lisbon, Sesimbra, Cabo Espichel, Cascais DJI Mavic pro
Explore Portugal and special in this recording the westcoast with Lisbon, Sesimbra with the castel, Cascais and Cabo Espichel! Included extra ordinairy shots of the forest fires (smoke).
Enjoy and make sure you follow us on youtube!
Film locations:
- Sesimbra
- Castelo de Sesimbra
- Cabo Espichel
- Lisbon
- Almada
- Cascais
- Boca do inferno
Irány Lisszabon! Avagy tippek az utazáshoz és a kinti közlekedéshez | Portugália Vlog Ep01
Budapestről pár óra alatt a hatalmas Atlanti-óceán partján találjuk magunkat, ahol izgalmas felfedezések várnak ránk a portugál fővárosban, Lisszabon utcáin, és a környező óceánpartokon.
Ebben a mini-sorozatban velem tarthatsz az Ibériai-félsziget legizgalmasabb tájaira, 360 fokban körbe is nézhetsz Lisszabonban és a várostól délre fekvő különleges tengerpartokon.
Az első részben megmutatom, mire számíthatsz az utazás során, hogy a legelső pillanattól kezdve valóban az élményekről szóljon minden: összeszedtem a legfontosabb tudnivalókat ahhoz, hogy a reptérre érkezve egyből belevethesd magad a portugáliai életbe.
Ha nem szeretnél autót bérelni, hanem az első pillanattól kezdve, a város járműveivel vágnál neki a felfedezőútnak, metrók, buszok, különleges villamosok, fogaskerekűk és hajók várnak. És ha kicsit távolabb merészkednél az óceánparton, természetesen, arra is van lehetőség! ;)
Tarts velem, és nézz körül virtuálisan, hogy milyen kalandok várnak Lisszabonban és környékén! És hogy ne maradj le a későbbi részletes beszámolókról sem, iratkozz fel a csatornámra:
Készítette: Szidor N. Gábor - Gaba VR
Rendszeres fotós és videós tartalmakért kövess instagramon és iratkozz fel a csatornámra:
#lissabon #lisszabon #lisbon #travel #travel360 #portugal #360video #360vlog #gabavr
Lisszabon a Hídon túl: Lx Factory, Belém és Trafaria | Portugália Vlog Ep04
Elhagyva Lisszabon belvárosát, izgalmas látnivalók várnak ránk, mint az LX Factory titkos utcái, a történelmi Belém városrész, és Trafaria a folyó túlpartján. Tarts velünk ezúttal is, és hogy ne maradj le semmiről, iratkozz fel a csatormára:
A Tajo folyóval párhuzamosan futó Július 24-dike sugárúton szállhatunk fel a különleges városnéző villamosokra, vagy a klasszikus, sárga, 15-ös járatra. Az óceánpart felé indulva jutunk el a hatalmas Április 25-dike hídhoz, majd az azon túli Belém városrészbe.
Átsétálva egy titkos kis kapun, először a vasárnapi piac forgatagában találjuk magunkat a kevésbé ismert LX Factory negyedben, majd a történelmi Belém felé vesszük az irányt.
Nézd meg velünk a lélegzetelállító Szent Jeromos - kolostort, a Felfedezések Emlékművét és a Belém tornyot 360 fokban, majd ugorjunk át a folyó túlpartjára, Trafariába.
A kompok segítségével könnyedén közlekedhetünk a különböző partszakaszok között, így végül akár még Cacilhasba is eljuthatunk...
#lisszabon #portugália #vlog360 #utazás #utazóblog #egynapavárosban #360vlog #gabavr
Készítette: Szidor N. Gábor (Gaba VR)
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Una giornata a Cascais, Portogallo
Dal nome legato al mare, Cascais significa “monte di molluschi”, la cittadina fu conquistata dagli arabi e passò poi nelle mani dei re portoghesi nel XII secolo, epoca in cui era appena un piccolo villaggio di pescatori.
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Lisbon & Sintra, Portugal | Backpacking 2018
Our first stop in continental Europe was Lisbon in June, 2018.
-Staying at Lisboa Central Hostel
-Visiting the historically and culturally rich Alfama district
-Walking down Rua da Liberdad from Marquis do Pomal to the ocean
-Visiting Bairro Alto and Principe Real
-Eating pasteis de nata
-People watching in one of the many beautiful squares (including Rossio square)
0:22-0:50 Rua da Liberdad (starting at Marquis do Pombal)
0:50-1:01 Monument aos Restauradores
2:08-2:19 Castelo de Sāo Jorge
We fell in love with Portugal and cannot wait to go back again!
[Music Credits]
Mensagem da Dona Lina by Stealing Orchestra
Center Ring by Freedom Trail Studio
Bovi by The Grand Affair
Fishing in Cascais, Portugal.
A compilation of fishing trips in Cascais, Portugal- just 30 mins from Lisbon: