Indonesia's Kei Islands - the next Bali?
Closer to Australia's Darwin than Jakarta, these remote islands in Indonesia's far east are largely untouched, with thriving coral reefs and and some of the world's finest untouched sand. Getting there remains a challenge - but this may change, with authorities' efforts to make it a second Bali.
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KEI ISLAND: The Beauty of East Indonesia
INDONESIA.... it's yours, mine & ours..
Video ini dibuat untuk menampakkan keindahan pesona kepulauan kei. Kepulauan Kei Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara mempunyai potensi wisata yang sangat luar biasa, baik terlihat dari darat, dari dalam laut, maupun dari udara melalui aerial.
Beberapa wisata yg dapat dikunjungi antara lain :
1. Pantai Pasir Panjang (NGURBLOAT)
3. Pasir Timbul NGURTAVUR - Habitat Burung Pelikan
4. Pulau BAER
5. Bukit MASBAIT
6. Pulau OHOIEW
7. Pulau ADRANAN
8. Pantai MADWAER
9. Bukit MASBAIT
10. Kampung OHIRENAN, Kei Besar
11. Air Terjun HOKO, Kei Besar
Untuk mengunjunginya bisa bergabung melalui TRAVELMATE INDONESIA untuk mengabadikan momen perjalanan kalian di surga tersembunyi mengexplore kepulauan Kei.
The most beautiful island in MALUKU INDONESIA
(Kepulauan Kei)
All You Need to Know about the Kei Islands of Maluku
The Kei Islands are a group islands located roughly between Indonesian Papua and Australia. The islands are comprised of two main islands, Kei Besar (literally, “Big Kei”) and Kei Kecil (literally, “Small Kei”), as well as other small islands. Kei Kecil is popular among local Indonesians due to its beautiful and pristine beaches. However, due to its location in the far east of Indonesia, not many people are willing to visit this place. Flight tickets may be expensive and there are no direct flights from the capital city of Jakarta. This a blessing in disguise for people like me who try to avoid places with too many tourists. Welcome to paradise
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Song: Quinn XCII - Light On ( - Like him on Facebook.
Indonesia is made up of 17,000 islands. Why explore just one?
My friend Holly (0:07) put together a great location guide based on this trip. If you'd like to go visit any of the locations, make sure to read her destination guide:
Some of the locations include:
• Palu, Central Sulawesi (1:00)
• Namalatu Beach, Ambon, Maluku (1:07)
• The Ambon War Cemetery, Ambon, Maluku (0:07,1:22)
• Liang Beach or White Sand Beach, Ambon, Maluku (0:35,1:24)
• Duurstede Fort, Saparua, Maluku (1:33)
• Haria Markets, Saparua, Maluku (1:45)
Filmed on a Panasonic Lumix GH3 with a 20mm f1.7 prime lens.
Thanks for watching!
Kei Kecil, a Hidden Paradise in a Virgin Island
Have you ever wondering that Indonesia has more jawbreaking beach besides of Bali? Try this hidden paradise in East Indonesia.
All of these vids were taken in Langgur, Tual. People usually called it Kei Kecil. Located in South East Maluku, this island has so many places you have to visit. One of them is Pantai Ngurbloat or known as Pantai Pasir Panjang that has been nominated as The Finest White Sand in Asia. You could see lots of Pelican Bird flew from Australia in a place called Ngurtafur. Sadly, it was closed due to the customs regulation when i was there.
But my heartbreak was mend when my friend brought me to a beautiful place called Hawang Cave. and then we do Island Hopping in Baeer Island. In the middle of this vacation, i was very surprised that there is a private island that we can go to and stayed over. it's like having a private beach in a steps away!
well after all, me and my friends are very satisfied due to the local kindness. I hope i could go back there in the future. if you interested to go here, you could drop an email on they're the person who helps me arrange my itinerary and you won't be sorry to have them.
For more pictures, you can swap to my instagram at @amandapurba or the travel's instagram @PariPariTour because they can give you the cheapest price! :D
Soundtrack : Jack Johnson - I Got You
Urlaub im Paradies. Trauminsel Hatta! Genussreise Indonesien Vlog #15
Nach den vielen Besuchen auf den Pfefferfeldern, in den Kokoszuckerwäldern und den ersten Tagen auf Banda haben wir zwei Tage die Seele baumeln lassen. Und zwar im Traumurlaub Modus. Auf der einsamen Insel Hatta hatten wir unser Guesthouse direkt am Strand und konnten richtig entspannen. Schaut selbst, wie schön es dort ist.
Wonderful Indonesia, Beautifuly Gili Kedis Lombok, dji Mavic Pro, 4K
Maluku Islands
Maluku Islands, Indonesia
Amazing Place to Visit Maluku Islands
Maluku Islands I Will Go For Sure
The Maluku Islands or the Moluccas are an archipelago within Indonesia. Tectonically they are located on the Halmahera Plate within the Molucca Sea Collision Zone. Geographically they are located east of Sulawesi, west of New Guinea, and north and east of Timor.
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Pulau Pombo, Surga Tersembunyi di Maluku
Pulau Pombo, Surga Tersembunyi di Maluku
Sebuah pulau kecil tersembunyi nan indah terletak di Salahhutu Maluku Tengah. Dari kota Ambon sekitar 30-45 menit perjalanan menggunakan kendaraan menuju pantai Tulehu, dari sini menggunakan Speedboad sekitar 20 menit, biaya Rp 500rb/speedboat.
Pulau Pombo masih natural, dan indah. Gradasi air laut dan hamparan pasir putih membuat pulau ini menjadi sangat eksotis. Apalagi ketika air laut sedang surut, muncul dataran baru berupa pasir yang membelah laut seperti sebuah jembatan alam.
Disini kamu bisa berenang, snorkling atau hanya sekedar jalan-jalan. Jangan lupa bawa perlengkapan makan siang, bakar ikan sehabis beraktifitas sungguh sangat menyenangkan.
Yuk liburan main kesini, jangan hanya ke Bali atau Luar Negeri, di Indonesia pun banyak sekali surga liburang yang bisa kamu nikmati...
#IndonesiaSatuMenit #PulauPombo #MalukuTengah #Ambon #WonderfulIndonesia
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Veel van de eilanden hebben prachtige stranden, gevarieerde koraalriffen en een rijk onderwaterleven. Maar ook landinwaarts kun je genieten van prachtige natuur. En aangezien het toerisme op de Molukken nauwelijks ontwikkeld is, heb je een grote kans dat de paradijsjes voor jou alleen zijn.