San Lorenzo di Valsanzibio is a Roman Catholic parish church in the frazione of Valsanzibio of the comune of Galzignano Terme, province of Padova, region of Veneto, Italy. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Oderzo Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Oderzo. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Oderzo for You. Discover Oderzo as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Oderzo.
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List of Best Things to do in Oderzo, Italy.
Centro Storico di Oderzo Duomo San Giovanni Battista Oderzo Pinacoteca Civica Alberto Martini Villa Galvagna Giol Il Torresin Piazza Grande Rechsteiner Di Florian Von Stepski Doiwa
Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy ) Giardino Salvi
Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy ) Giardino Salvi
The Salvi gardens (or Salvi garden, also known as the Valmarana Salvi gardens ) are a public garden located in the historic center of Vicenza , adjacent to the walls of Piazza Castello, in Piazzale De Gasperi. Inaugurated in 1592 by Leonardo Valmarana , the gardens were soon closed and reopened to the public only in 1909. They are, among the green areas for public use of the city, one of the least extensive; home to statues and two lodges in the Palladian style .
The land was acquired in the sixteenth century by the Valmarana family , which also owned the old adjacent Scaliger castle which transformed into a palace. Giacomo Valmarana himself designed the arrangement of the garden as a parterre all'italiana , as shown by the eighteenth-century view of Cristoforo Dall'Acqua.
The gardens were inaugurated in 1592 by Leonardo Valmarana (date and name are shown in the Loggia Valmarana) and covered the area including the continuation of the current Corso Palladio and the course of the Roggia Seriola , a moat that from the moment of opening was equipped with a wooden bridge that would allow the crossing. Open to the public by the will of Leonardo, they were later closed for a couple of centuries.
In the nineteenth century the park was transformed into an English garden . At this time it was in the patrimony of the Salvi family whose last descendant, Count Girolamo, placed it in the legacy of the Pious Charitable Foundation he had created; on May 25, 1907, the City acquired, for the sum of 90,000 lire, the garden (12,000 square meters) which was opened to the public on June 1, 1909. The garden since 2008 has undergone a radical redevelopment, completed in February 2009 , which has provided him with a path for disabled people and a collection rose garden. Since the year two thousand it is often home to Christmas markets.
Inside the park are located two lodges in the Palladian style : the first, the seventeenth-century and three arches , known as Longhena lodge, it was built by Baldassare Longhena and stands on the western side of the park; the second, known as the Valmarana loggia, is structured as an exastyle temple of Doric order with five arches , and was intended - according to the original project of the client Gian Luigi Valmarana - as a meeting point for intellectuals and academics. It was built in 1591 probably by a pupil of Andrea Palladio. On the identification of Andrea Palladio as the author of the lodge Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi (1761) expresses strong reservations because the members who compose it are too far removed from the Palladian precepts; Pane (1961) defines it as very close to Palladio, although not his and states that The lodge is located [...] in that area of uncertainty [...] inevitably marked for us; Cevese (1980) takes up a hypothesis of Bressan and speaks of Palladian school. The Loggia Valmarana is inserted since 1994 with other Palladian monuments in the list of World Heritage Sites of ' UNESCO .
( Vicenza - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Vicenza . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Vicenza - Italy
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Treviso - Im Garten von Venedig (1 von 2)
„Die Sendereihe führt in die schönsten und kulturhistorisch wertvollsten Städte Italiens und damit auf die Spuren großer italienischer Baumeister, Maler, Dichter und Komponisten. (Senderinformation, BR) Sendung von 1988 aus dem BR-Nachtprogramm
Grandi Giardini Italiani - 100 Giardini per EXPO 2015
Grandi Giardini italiani ti guida alla scoperta ed alla visita di oltre 100 tra i più bei giardini visitabili d'Italia, Città del Vaticano e Svizzera. In occasione di EXPO 2015 Milano Nutrire il Pianeta. Energia per la vita ti accompagna tra orti, frutteti e vigneti aperti al pubblico, dove potrai ammirare vere e proprie opere d'arte viventi, paesaggi mozzafiato e coltivazioni tipiche. Mostre tematiche, fiere, degistazioni e concerti ti aspettano durante tutto l'anno nei Grandi Giardini Italiani, un patrimonio artistico e botanico unico al mondo e tutto da scoprire! Info:
Grandi Giardini italiani is a network that can hel you to discover over 100 beautiful gardens in 11 different regions of Italy, Vatican State amd Switzerland. During the Milan EXPO 2015 Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life Grandi Giardini Italiani shows you gardens, orchards and vineyards, where you can admire breathtaking landscapes and typical crops. Thematic exhibitions, food tastings and concerts are waiting for you thtoughout the year in the most beautiful gardens created in Italy: one of the most remarkable botanical and artistic heritages in the world! Info:
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Val d'Illasi cigliegi e terme di Caldiero, Soave terre di Verona.
nelle terme Veronesi
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Smania Outdoor products 2017 are inspired by the forms of nature: captivating lines and sinuous patterns create light structures.This collection is clearly elegant and comfortable, and it combines classical and modern styles. Discover more at
Il santuario della Madonna del Quintiliolo è luogo di pellegrinaggio da parte dei fedeli e dei devoti a Nostra Signora che chiedono la Sua intercessione per invocare grazie e prodigi.
La Madonna di Quintiliolo infatti è conosciuta e invocata tantissimo per i miracoli che fece e che le sono stati attribuiti. A testimonianza di ciò furono i muri della chiesa interamente ricoperti di ex voto, oggetti, preziosi spesso o di grande valore affettivo, che vengono donati alla Vergine dai fedeli che hanno ottenuto un miracolo per ringraziarLa della sua intercessione.
La Vergine infatti venne poi incoronata, e ciò sappiamo essere un gesto che viene fatto a quelle state o opere, attraverso le quali la Madonna si manifesta particolarmente. L’incoronazione avvenne l’8 giugno del 1755, successivamente alla guarigione miracolosa del canonico don Galluzzi.
Tuttora i pellegrini si recano al santuario e pregano la Madonna della Rocca che così affettuosamente si rivelò ai suoi figli anche attraverso questa sacra immagine che riporta Ella con il Bambino in braccio.
“Lo Spirito soffia dove vuole”. Tu seguilo.
Villa Gregoriana
- rinominata dal FAI dopo il restauro Parco Villa Gregoriana - è un'area naturale di grande valore storico e paesaggistico che si trova a Tivoli, nella valle scoscesa tra la sponda destra dell'Aniene e l'antica acropoli romana. Il sito è noto soprattutto per ospitare la Grande Cascata, e si può considerare un particolarissimo esempio di giardino romantico, per la sua conformazione e per la corrispondenza con il gusto dell'estetica del sublime, tanto caro ai romantici. L'intero percorso all'interno dell'area è stato recuperato dal Fondo Ambiente Italiano a partire dal 2002, ed è stato riaperto al pubblico nel 2005.
Padua Padova Italy italia Travel Clips Basilica di Sant'Antonio