Sochi | Black Sea Race Russia | Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix, Winter Olympics 2014
Sochi (Russian: Cо́чи, ZO-chee) is one of the southernmost
Bottas wins for Vettelplaces of Russia and the second-largest city of Krasnodar Krai, with a population of 415,000. Located along the Black Sea coast, it's about 1,600km (995 mi) south of Moscow.
1. Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes)
2. Sebastian Vettel (Ferrari)
3. Kimi Räikkönen (Ferrari)
4. Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes)
5. Max Verstappen (Red Bull)
6. Felipe Massa (Willams)
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Greater Sochi occupies 105km along the Black Sea coastline. Its total area is 3,500km² (2,175 sq mi) - three times larger than Moscow. However, most of the population is spread along the narrow coastline stripe, while the mountain area (1,900km²/1,180mi²) mostly belongs to Sochi National Park and partly to the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. The city alignment is from north-west to south-east, from the neighboring city of Tuapse right to the Russian border with Abkhazia.
Greater Sochi officially includes four administrative districts:
Central Sochi District
The core of the city and its most developed and populated part. Many of the city attractions, hotels and most shopping centres are located there. During the summer season Central Sochi is usually overcrowded and traffic-jammed.
Lazarevskoye District (Ashe, Dagomys, Golovinka, Lazarevskoye, Loo (LO-Oh), Makopse, Solokhaul, Uchdere, Vardane, Volkonka)
The largest (1,744 km²/1,084mi²) district and with the longest (65km/40mi) coastline, includes 34 sub-districts, most of them are spread along the sea shore. Lazarevskoe district is less urbanized than others in Greater Sochi. In fact it has many various settlements, often poorly connected with each other and lacking in basic infrastructure.
Khosta District (Khosta, Kudepsta, Matsesta)
Located to the south-east from Central Sochi, this district contains some major attractions, such as Akhun mountain.
Adler District (Adler, Imeretinskaya lowland, Krasnaya Polyana, Vesyoloe.)
The city's important transport hub, which includes Sochi International Airport, Adler train terminal (final point for most trains going to Greater Sochi) and the only open border crossing with Abkhazia. The role of Adler is rapidly increasing now because it will host all the Olympic venues for the 2014 Games (the Olympic coastal cluster at Imeretinskaya lowland and the mountain cluster at Krasnaya Polyana). The district currently looks like a single huge construction site (certainly, the works cause traffic problems). By 2014 the look of Imeretinskaya lowland and Krasnaya Polyana will change completely, as well as the local transport infrastructure.
The best developed, urbanized and monolithic part of Greater Sochi is the coastline between Dagomys (south-east of Lazarevskoe district) and Imeretinskaya lowland of Adler district.
Заметки о Черкесии №12 - Убыхи на реке Сочи (Rus, Eng subs)
Помощь в развитии блога:
Описание и история убыхского субэтноса (племени) черкесов, проживавшего в долине реки Сочи от Головинки до Хосты
Таймкод выпуска:
3:23 - Состав обществ убыхов
4:45 - Внешний вид
5:36 - Абхазские миграции раннего средневековья
6:40 - Административное устройство
8:30 - Пиратство на море и работорговля
10:37 - Религия убыхов
11:51 - Начало войны, первые европейцы
13:10 - Укрепления русских на Черноморском берегу
15:45 - Разведка Убыхии. Барон Торнау
16:55 - Высадки русских десантов
18:45 - Жизнь в русских фортах
20:40 - Декабристы в рядах русских войск
22:55 - Нападения 1840 года
24:10 - Хаджи Берзек и его деятельность
25:20 - Наибы в Убыхии. Магомед Амин
27:00 - После поражения Чечни
28:50 - Во время Крымской войны
30:40 - Первые планы по выселению горцев
31:40 - Объединительная деятельность убыхов. Иностранцы
32:34 - Парламент черкесов
36:25 - Окружение убыхов. Последние битвы
38:25 - Выселение убыхов
41:10 - Судьба переселенцев. Последний убых
42:14 - Будущее убыхских земель
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