Ивано-Франковская область. Город Ворохта. Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. City Vorokhta.
Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
Map data : Google, DigitalGlobe
Ворохта (Украина). Город и окрестности
Vorokhta (Ukraine). City and surroundings
Видео создано из моих авторских фотографий во время поездки в Ворохту
The video was created from my author's photos during a trip to Vorokhta
Субтитры к данному видео опубликованы по материалам статьи из Википедии.
Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Воро́хта — посёлок городского типа Ивано-Франковской области Украины. Расположен в верховьях реки Прут, на северных склонах Лесистых Карпат, близ Яблоницкого перевала (850 м). На курорте Ворохты располагается центр подготовки украинских спортсменов по прыжкам с трамплина, биатлону и лыжным гонкам.
По легенде, название поселка появилось с XVII века, когда в поселке поселился беглец из царской армии — солдат Ворохта. Селяне полюбили его за мудрость, и после его смерти назвали свой посёлок в его честь.
С конца XIX века Ворохта развивается как спортивно-туристический центр. Этому поспособствовала прокладка к Ворохте летом 1884 г. железной дороги. В 1930-х годах здесь строят несколько пансионатов для богатых туристов, а в 1957 открывают горнолыжную школу. Сегодня же Ворохта является одним из основных центров туризма Ивано-Франковской области, как летом, так и зимой. Для почитателей лыжного спорта здесь есть несколько подъёмников. Возле базы «Авангард» — 300-метровый бугельный и 2-километровый кресельный. На р. Маковка — 250-метровый подъёмник-бугель. Во время зимнего сезона устанавливают ещё два 100-метровых подъёмника. Неподалеку от поселка расположена спортивно-туристическая база «Заросляк», откуда начинается маршрут восхождения на высочайшую вершину Украины — Говерлу.
В Ворохте построены две деревянные церкви. Первая - памятник деревянной гуцульской архитектуры XVII века (приблизительно 1654—1657 гг.) — церковь имени Петра и Павла (перенесена из села Яблуница в 1780 году). Вторая, построенная в 1924- 1925 гг., церковь Рождества Богородицы. Интересным объектом являются и арочные железнодорожные мосты (виадуки), возведённые тут в XIX веке. Этими каменными мостами проходила первая железная дорога.
В 1987 году здесь был построен и начал работу детский сад-ясли на 140 мест (архитектор Р. Гуцуляк)
В январе 1989 года численность населения составляла 4 465 человек, на 1 января 2013 года - 4 180 человек.
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Yaremche , Ukraine
Карпаты, санаторий Карпаты, Яремче
санаторій Карпати Яремче Закарпаття
Ukraine. Carpathians. Mount Hoverla (Vorokhta)
Українські осінні та зимові Карпати *__*
Або просто відео-розповідь про те, як ми підкорили Говерлу (2061 м.)
Ukrainian Carpathians * __ *
Just a video story about how we conquered mount Hoverla (2061 m.)
Трек: Fakear - Song For Jo
Ukraine Train Ride (1st Class) from Kiev to Lviv travel vlog
Join us for train ride in Ukraine as we travel in first class from Kiev to Lviv in this travel vlog. After leaving our apartment in Kiev we took the metro to the main train station and then had quite a bit of time to kill. When we boarded the train we were really happy we bought a first class ticket as it gave us lots of room to stretch out, sleep, get caught up on work and just overall feel comfortable as we enjoyed the complimentary tea service. Upon arriving in Lviv our AirBNB host picked us up and after dropping off our bags in the apartment we went out for a dinner that included Ukrainian dumplings.
Olympus OM-D E-M5 II:
Canon G7X:
Olympus 14-150mm II Lens:
Rode Video Mic GO:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:
Ukraine Train Ride (1st Class) from Kiev to Lviv travel vlog transcript:
Hello. It is almost time to check out of our apartment here in Kiev (Киев). Our host is going to be coming any minute. Any minute. We have to finish packing up. Like what happened to the what we had 9 nights just boom. We had over a week here. That is one of the fastest stays we've ever had anywhere. The time just flew by. We were tired, we also had a lot of work to do and we also just really enjoyed being here.
Two stops to the train station. Let's go. But there is going to be a nice long escalator ride to get to the platform. Yeah. These escalators here in Kyiv (Київ) are epic.
So we've made it to the train station. Tickets in hand. And we've just looked at the departure board. I would like to point out that is the worst departure board I've ever seen in my life. First of all the letters are like bright red and neon green. And you stare at it for like 3 seconds and it starts blinding you.
Our train is leaving in about a half hour so we're back in the station. We are platform 2. Now we just have to find that. It is quite a grand station I must say. It is beautiful.
We've got our seats and what is really cool is we upgraded to 1st class. It wasn't that much more. We'll let you know the price of the ticket a little bit later on. If you take a look over here you can see how it has different classes. If it was second class there would be 6 people but because it is only first there is 4 of us and that gives us lots of rooms for our baggage. We'll show you as we go in. That is where we are sitting. We have basically those 3 seats on the bottom.
Alright, so now would be a good time to talk about the tickets. And it is noisy. The train is just taking off. Anyways, we paid just over 500 which is about roughly $20 US dollars and this is for the fastest train possible to Lviv (Львів). And it takes about five hours and forty minutes so we're going to be on here for a little while. But it is quite comfortable. I'm glad that we paid for 1st class because we're going to be able to get some work done. Apparently, there is tea service so hopefully we get that too.
And just like that we've been teleported to our apartment here in Lviv (Львів). Um, so yeah we arrived right on time. Our AirBNB host was waiting for us at the train station. We hopped in his car and he drove us here which is so rare. No one has ever picked us up. Which was super awesome.
Um but yeah we're really really hungry so we are going to save the apartment tour for another day. Another video. Right now we need dinner. Let's go. We'll take you along for food though.
So we are staying in a super residential neighborhood so there are not a whole lot of restaurants around but we found a hotel and they have a restaurant. So we're in here. Right now we are the only guests. The last couple just left but they have like all of these animals. Looking at me everywhere. Look. There is a cow looking at you.
Food is here. Food is here. I'm so hungry. Like I said I was water fasting earlier on. 24 hours without food so I'm ready to eat. This is varenyky. The Ukrainian dumplings. They are delicious.
And this is it. We're ending off the video. We're tired. We are really excited to be in this city (Lviv) and we look forward to sharing some videos with you guys soon. But for now goodnight.
This is part of our Travel in Ukraine video series showcasing Ukrainian food, Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian cuisine.
Music in this video courtesy of BenSound:
Carpathians, Bukovel, Hoverla | Trailer (iPhone 8 Plus DJI OSMO Mobile 2) Буковель, Говерла, Карпаты
Enjoy a trailer for my new video. Carpathian National Nature Park | Bukovel, Hoverla, Carpathians, Yaremche, Polyanytsya, Vorokhta - those are the reasons why I travel in my own country. Traveling to Ukraine is the best during any season. I wanted to show our nature as it is. Peak of Hoverla and Bukovel Resort. Those are one of the best places to visit in Ukraine.
Shot and edited on iPhone 8 Plus both handheld and with DJI OSMO Mobile 2.
Editing: LumaFusion, Quik.
Personal site:
Трейлер нового видео из Карпатского национального природного парка!
Буковель, Говерла, Карпаты, Яремче, Поляница, Ворохта - те причины, почему я отдыхаю в своей стране! Отдых в Украине может быть незабываемым.
Carpați, Karpaty, Карпати, Karpaten, Kárpátok, Karpati, Карпаты
Bukovel, Carpathian Mts, Carpathian Mountains, Eastern Carpathians, Carpathian National Nature Park, Ukraine
Снято и смонтировано на iPhone 8 Plus со стабилизатором DJI OSMO Mobile 2.
Монтаж: LumaFusion, Quik.
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Pomnik w Hodowie
Pomnik w Hodowie
Okres budowy: 1695
Fundator: Król Polski i Wielki Książę Litewski Jan III Sobieski
Informacja o obiekcie
(opracowanie: Narodowy Instytut Polskiego Dziedzictwa Kulturowego za Granicą POLONIKA)
Do bitwy we wsi Hodów doszło 11 czerwca 1694 roku, kiedy to 400 husarzy i pancernych przybyłych z garnizonów: w Okopach Świętej Trójcy (pod wodzą Konstantego Zahorowskiego), oraz w Szańcu Panny Marii (pod zwierzchnością Mikołaja Tyszowskiego) przez kilka godzin skutecznie broniło się przed oddziałem około 40 tys. Tatarów. Na pamiątkę tego wydarzenia król Jan III Sobieski w r. 1695 ufundował pomnik w formie stojącego na wysokim kamiennym cokole obelisku zwieńczonego kulą z krzyżem. Pamięć o militarnym sukcesie wojsk Rzeczypospolitej była w Hodowie żywa jeszcze w okresie międzywojennym. W roku 2014 z okazji 320 rocznicy bitwy staraniem polskiej Fundacji MOSTY zrealizowano projekt renowacji obelisku. Prace sfinansowało Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego RP oraz Ambasada RP w Kijowie.
Film zrealizowany w ramach projektu Polska i Ukraina. Śladami historycznego dziedzictwa współfinansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych RP w ramach konkursu Współpraca w dziedzinie dyplomacji publicznej - 2018.
W ramach projektu powstało ponad 100 krótkich produkcji filmowych poświęconych wybranym obiektom dziedzictwa architektonicznego, które znajdują się na terenie Ukrainy i powstały w okresie dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Na liście ponad setki miejsc, które zostały sfilmowane znalazły się twierdze, pałace, kościoły i in. W pracę przy tworzeniu filmów zaangażowano polsko-ukraiński zespół, w skład którego weszli historycy, publicyści, dziennikarze, organizacje pozarządowe oraz młodzież.
Realizatorzy projektu:
- Stowarzyszenie Integracja Europa-Wschód (
- Instytut Polski w Kijowie (
- Ukrainian Communication Group (
Wsparcie projektu:
- Narodowy Instytut Polskiego Dziedzictwa Kulturowego za Granicą POLONIKA (
- Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe (
Partnerem medialnym projektu jest portal historyczny historykon.pl (
Strona www projektu:
Profil Facebook projektu:
7 Days in Lviv, Ukraine: Where am I off to? (Vlog)
Lviv, Ukraine (July 2018) - Vlog
Turkish Blog Lviv’de 7 Günü Nasıl Geçirdim?:
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Biking in Eastern Europe Mainly Ukraine Carpathian Mountains
Had a pretty amazing time bike riding through much of Ukraine's Carpathian mountains this past summer.
The second related video which is focused on the Romania parts is here:
Also, I have a website which has full details on the individual routes and maps of each day, that is here:
I actually went on two separate rides, the first was with my friend David who is from the country Georgia. It was great riding with him on his first bike tour, especially because he speaks Russian which allowed us to communicate better with some of the Ukrainian folks who did not understand my english or my Czech. But even if I could not always communicate, it was an AWESOME trip. I would very highly recommend bike riding through the carpathian mountains to anybody.
We rode from the border crossing in north western Romania over the river and then went to Jasna, and up around Vrhotka and then down towards Chernicvi. I am for sure not spelling the names of the towns properly, but you can find your way though the mountains on several different routes. We ended up in Odessa for a week of partying and soaking up the sun in Mid August. Had our fair share of good food and relax there after about a month of cruising.
We started the trip in Kosice, Slovakia, then went through North EASTERN Hungary, where they speak almost zero english. Then had 4 days in Romania. I LOVED ROMANIA!!!!!!!
Breb, Romania is a must visit if you are in North West romania. Breb is a traditional village and lots of good stuff there for tourists.
Actually, I wish we stayed in Breb longer, it would have for sure been great.
On the second bike trip, I was by Myself and I rode from Ostrava, Czech Republic north to poland.
First day I rode to Rybnik, Poland.
After that I rode from Rybnik to Bielsko Bialla, Poland
After that from Bielsko to Sucha Bezkidska, Poland
After that from Sucha Bezkidska to Nowy Sacz (was 121 km that day...)
After that from Nowy Sacz to Foulaz, Poland
After that from Foulaz, to Sanok, Poland
After that from Sanok to Przemysl, Poland
After that I crossed the border into Ukraine..so it was
Przemysl to Lviv, Ukraine (over 100 km that day...but very flat and border crossing into Ukraine was uneventful.)
After that(spent a week in Lviv...was great and I would highly recommend anybody to check out that city if you are on bike)
so Lviv to Truskavets
Truskavets to Skole
Skole to Volokovets
Volokovets to Mukachevo, Ukraine
Mukachevo to Kosice
Sadyba Bliznuky, Vorokhta, Ukraine, HD Review
Book it now! Save up to 20% -
Showcasing a barbecue facilities and a ski school, Sadyba Bliznuky is located in Vorokhta in the region of Ivano-Frankivsk, just 9 miles from Bukovel. The property features a sauna. Yaremcha is 12 miles away. Free private parking is available on site.
All units include a satellite flat-screen TV. Some units feature a terrace and/or balcony with mountains views. There is also a dining area and a kitchen fitted with a microwave, a refrigerator, and a stovetop. Each unit is equipped with a shared or private bathroom equipped with a bathtub or shower. Towels are provided.
Sadyba Bliznuki also includes a sauna and offers massage treatments. The property also has packed lunches.
The property has ski storage and bike rental and car rental are available. You can play darts at the property, and the area is popular for skiing. Guests can enjoy various activities in the area, including horseback riding, biking and fishing. Verkhovyna is 13 miles from Sadyba Bliznuky, and Yasinya is 10 miles from the property. The nearest airport is Ivano-Frankovsk Airport, 42 miles from Sadyba Bliznuky.
Mykulychyn - Views
The first records of Mykulychyn were found in the historical sources dated the 15th century. The data on the village have been existing since the ancient times, when the Prince Danylo Halytsky granted the neighbouring lands to the voivode Mykula. The village was named after him. Moreover, the settlement is rather old. The archeologists found in Mykulychyn the tackle, made of copper, and the stone ball from the Stone Age. In accordance with the data of 1912, Tatariv and Vorokhta, which used to be the adjacent villages then, belonged to Mykulychyn.
Перші письмові згадки про Микуличин знаходимо в історичних джерелах XV століття. Про село існують матеріали ще з давніх часів, коли князь Данило Галицький подарував довколишні землі воєводі Микулі. Звідси і назва села. Та й поселення тут давнє. Під час археологічних розкопок у Микуличині знайдено знаряддя з міді, а з кам'яної доби - кам'яне ядро. За даними 1912 року, до Микуличина належали Татарів і Ворохта, які тоді були прилеглими селами.