Listasavn Føroya is an art museum in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands for mostly permanent exhibits of Faroese arts. Tórshavn is the capital of Faroe Islands. Established in 1989, it consists of a gallery called Listaskáli and another for historic arts with an area of 1,600 m2. The museum is located at the northern end of the Park of Tórshavn nearby the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands. Architect of the building was J.P. Gregoriussen. The building hosts the Faroe Islands Artist's Association Listafelag Føroya. The museum is independently managed by a board of four, representing a person of the state government, the artist's association named above, the artist's union and the city council of Tórshavn . Listasavn Føroya is open year round. From May 1st to 31st of August the museum is open all days of the week from 11 to 17. From 1st of September to 30th of April the museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from 13 to 16. The building hosts a coffee shop and a book and art store.
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