So Many Lost Opportunities! Ukraine Continues to Bleed Billions Over No Trade With Russia!
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The trade breakdown between Ukraine and Russia has recently been estimated at $11.5 billion. Over the past six years, Ukraine has lost 13 times as much as Moscow due to the mutual trade fall-off, said the head of the economic policy department of the Ukrainian Federation of Employers.
Lysychansk bears scars of fighting after govt troops expel rebels from town +GRAPHIC+
Residents of the south-eastern Ukrainian town of Lysychansk were recovering on Saturday from a battle between pro-Russia separatists and the Ukrainian Army that resulted in a victory for Kiev.
Volunteers from the Donbas Battalion - a volunteer militia for a united Ukraine - told The Associated Press their units, along with the Ukrainian army, regained control of the town on Friday.
Residents reported heavy fighting between rebels and government forces, including airstrikes and artillery fire over the past few days.
Associated Press reporters said rebel checkpoints in the southwestern entrance to the town were unmanned.
Rebels on Friday morning admitted in comments carried by Interfax that they had to flee Lysychansk, which is 70 kilometres (45 miles) north-west of the regional capital Luhansk.
The move comes as Ukrainian forces appear to have gained some momentum recently by retaking control of territory from the pro-Russia separatists.
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Surviving on the East Ukraine Frontline: Residents of Stanitsa Luhanska try to return to normal life
Stanitsa Luhanska in east Ukraine is slowly coming back to life. The village is on the frontline of the conflict in the region between Russian-backed insurgents and Ukrainian forces and had been almost completely destroyed. Since a ceasefire was announced last month relative quiet has reigned meaning residents can slowly return to their homes.
Communications and essential infrastructure are being largely rebuilt from scratch, meanwhile locals are living on humanitarian aid provided by the government. Ukrainian soldiers stationed here say Russian-backed militants want to seize the village because an important railway interchange runs through it.
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Ukraine Shaky Ceasefire: Donetsk residents rescue belongings from ruins during fragile ceasefire
Militants continue to launch attacks on Ukrainian positions, violating Minsk accords.
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Mariyinsky Palace Repairs Underway: Ukrainian ceremonial residence under renovation
Mariyinsky Palace in Ukrainian capital is going to be repaired.
Officials in Ukrainian capital Kyiv say they are hoping to raise funds from the public in order to continue restoration work on the city's Mariyinsky Palace which began two years ago. The government initially put up USD 700 000 for repairs.
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'Ukraine cannot continue to live with corrupt judges' - Halabala
Viewpoint on Ukraine Today was joined by Mr. Markiyan Halabala to discuss the cases of the corrupt judges responsible for human rights violations during Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity.
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ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №12. Роботи-сапери. БПЛА Фурія [ENG SUB]
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Часть 1. Город Хмельницкий Part 1. City Khmelnitsky
Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
Map data : Google, DigitalGlobe
Видео создано на основе дорожных панорам и Карт Google
Videos created on the basis of road panoramas and Google Maps
Субтитры к данному видео опубликованы по материалам статьи из Википедии.
Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Часть 1. Город Хмельницкий (Украина)
Part 1. City Khmelnitsky (Ukraine)
Это бы Вы увидели, находясь за рулём своего автомобиля, проезжая через город Хмельницкий
Хмельни́цкий (укр. Хмельни́цький; изначально — Плоскиривцы, до 1795 года — Плоскиров (укр. Плоскирів), до 1954 года — Проскуров) — город на Украине, административный центр Хмельницкой области . Промышленный, торговый и культурный центр Подолья. Расположен на реке Южный Буг.
Численность населения города по данным на 1 ноября 2015 года — 266 040 постоянных жителей
Территория, на которой располагается Хмельницкий, была заселена ещё с давних времён. На востоке от микрорайона Лезнево были обнаружены предметы добычи бронзы 2000 года до н. э., а также скифского периода VII—III века до н. э., в микрорайоне Озёрная — крупное поселение с материалами I века до н. э., в микрорайоне Дубово — поселение скифского периода VII—III веке до н. э., в микрорайоне Гречаны и Озёрная — поселение черняховской культуры III—IV в. н. э.
Хмельницкий имеет почти 600-летнюю историю и ведёт своё начало от небольшого поселения Плоскиров или Плоскиривцы, расположенного в месте впадения речки Плоской в Южный Буг.
В то время территории Подолья становятся причиной спора между литовскими князьями и польским королевством. Большая часть Подолья, включая Побужье, отошла под власть польской короны. Польский король Владислав ІІ Ягайло в 1431 году раздаёт верной шляхте привилегии на владение подольской землей. Среди населённых пунктов, которые упоминаются в документах королевской канцелярии, есть поселение Плоскиривцы.
Во время Освободительной Войны 1648—1654 годов под предводительством Богдана Хмельницкого, Плоскиров и его окрестности неоднократно оказывались в центре сражений казаков и польских войск.
В 1672 году Плоскиров, перещёл под власть Османской империи. В 1699 году турки ушли из Подолья, Плоскиров опять переходит к Польше и возвращается во владение Замойских. Плоскировское население истреблено турками, поэтому Замойские начинают переселять сюда людей из польской Мазовии и мазурского поозёрья. Так в Плоскирове и ближайших селах появляются «мазуры»: переселенцы, которые и образовали основу католического населения этих поселений.
5 июля 1795 года была образована Подольская губерния, входящая в состав Российской империи. Один из её уездов стал называться Проскуровским с центром в городе Проскурове. Именно в этом императорском указе впервые появляется название Проскуров.
В 1806 году в Проскурове насчитывалось 2022 жителя.
В 1870 году запущена железнодорожная линия Жмеринка — Проскуров — Волочиск. На восточной окраине города построена железнодорожная станция.
В 1917—1920 годах — в составе Украинской Народной Республики, а также Украинской державы (апрель—декабрь 1918 года). В городе несколько раз находились правительство УНР и Директория (6—21 марта и 16—21 ноября 1919 года, 7—30 июня 1920 года). В феврале 1919 года здесь произошёл Проскуровский погром.
18 ноября 1920 года окончательно установлена советская власть.
8 июля 1941 года советские органы и войска оставили город, оккупирован германскими войсками.
25 марта 1944 года освобождён от гитлеровских войск советскими войсками 1-го Украинского фронта в ходе Проскуровско-Черновицкой операции
С начала 1990-х годов город Хмельницкий является крупным центром рыночной торговли. Здесь расположен оптовый рынок «Толкучка» или «Туча», который является третьим в Европе по объёмам продаж.
Ссылка: Википедия
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Economy Of Ukraine
The '''economy of Ukraine''' is an emerging free market. Like other post-Soviet states, its gross domestic product fell sharply for 10 years following the collapse the Soviet Union in 1991. However, it grew rapidly from 2000 until 2008 when the Great Recession began worldwide and reached Ukraine as the 2008-2009 Ukrainian financial crisis. The economy recovered in 2010, but since 2013 the Ukrainian economy has been suffering from a severe downturn.
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(Economics: Modern State Economies)
Хмельницкий. Архитектура. Khmelnitsky. Architekture
Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
Map data : Google, DigitalGlobe
Хмельницкий (Украина). Архитектура.
Khmelnitsky (Ukraine) . Architekture
Видео создано из моих авторских фотографий моего родного города Хмельницкий
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Video created from my author's photographs of my hometown Khmelnitsky
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Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Хмельни́цкий (укр. Хмельни́цький; изначально — Плоскиривцы, до 1795 года — Плоскиров (укр. Плоскирів), до 1954 года — Проскуров) — город на Украине, административный центр Хмельницкой области . Промышленный, торговый и культурный центр Подолья. Расположен на реке Южный Буг.
Численность населения города по данным на 1 ноября 2015 года — 266 040 постоянных жителей
Территория, на которой располагается Хмельницкий, была заселена ещё с давних времён. На востоке от микрорайона Лезнево были обнаружены предметы добычи бронзы 2000 года до н. э., а также скифского периода VII—III века до н. э., в микрорайоне Озёрная — крупное поселение с материалами I века до н. э., в микрорайоне Дубово — поселение скифского периода VII—III веке до н. э., в микрорайоне Гречаны и Озёрная — поселение черняховской культуры III—IV в. н. э.
Хмельницкий имеет почти 600-летнюю историю и ведёт своё начало от небольшого поселения Плоскиров или Плоскиривцы, расположенного в месте впадения речки Плоской в Южный Буг.
В то время территории Подолья становятся причиной спора между литовскими князьями и польским королевством. Большая часть Подолья, включая Побужье, отошла под власть польской короны. Польский король Владислав ІІ Ягайло в 1431 году раздаёт верной шляхте привилегии на владение подольской землей. Среди населённых пунктов, которые упоминаются в документах королевской канцелярии, есть поселение Плоскиривцы.
Во время Освободительной Войны 1648—1654 годов под предводительством Богдана Хмельницкого, Плоскиров и его окрестности неоднократно оказывались в центре сражений казаков и польских войск.
В 1672 году Плоскиров, перещёл под власть Османской империи. В 1699 году турки ушли из Подолья, Плоскиров опять переходит к Польше и возвращается во владение Замойских. Плоскировское население истреблено турками, поэтому Замойские начинают переселять сюда людей из польской Мазовии и мазурского поозёрья. Так в Плоскирове и ближайших селах появляются «мазуры»: переселенцы, которые и образовали основу католического населения этих поселений.
5 июля 1795 года была образована Подольская губерния, входящая в состав Российской империи. Один из её уездов стал называться Проскуровским с центром в городе Проскурове. Именно в этом императорском указе впервые появляется название Проскуров.
В 1806 году в Проскурове насчитывалось 2022 жителя.
В 1870 году запущена железнодорожная линия Жмеринка — Проскуров — Волочиск. На восточной окраине города построена железнодорожная станция.
В 1917—1920 годах — в составе Украинской Народной Республики, а также Украинской державы (апрель—декабрь 1918 года). В городе несколько раз находились правительство УНР и Директория (6—21 марта и 16—21 ноября 1919 года, 7—30 июня 1920 года). В феврале 1919 года здесь произошёл Проскуровский погром.
18 ноября 1920 года окончательно установлена советская власть.
8 июля 1941 года советские органы и войска оставили город, оккупирован германскими войсками.
25 марта 1944 года освобождён от гитлеровских войск советскими войсками 1-го Украинского фронта в ходе Проскуровско-Черновицкой операции
С начала 1990-х годов город Хмельницкий является крупным центром рыночной торговли. Здесь расположен оптовый рынок «Толкучка» или «Туча», который является третьим в Европе по объёмам продаж.
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Routes to Disappearance with Anna Abakunova | Howard Community College
Community members joined Howard Community College (HCC) faculty, staff and students in the college’s Smith Theatre for a special one-day exhibit , presentation, and round table exploring the lives of Jews and Roma survivors during the Holocaust in Transnistria (territory of occupied Ukraine controlled by Romania during World War II).
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Часть 1. Город Хмельницкий Part 1. City Khmelnitsky
Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
Map data : Google, DigitalGlobe
Видео создано на основе дорожных панорам и Карт Google
Videos created on the basis of road panoramas and Google Maps
Субтитры к данному видео опубликованы по материалам статьи из Википедии.
Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Часть 1. Город Хмельницкий (Украина)
Part 1. City Khmelnitsky (Ukraine)
Это бы Вы увидели, находясь за рулём своего автомобиля, проезжая через город Хмельницкий
Хмельни́цкий (укр. Хмельни́цький; изначально — Плоскиривцы, до 1795 года — Плоскиров (укр. Плоскирів), до 1954 года — Проскуров) — город на Украине, административный центр Хмельницкой области . Промышленный, торговый и культурный центр Подолья. Расположен на реке Южный Буг.
Численность населения города по данным на 1 ноября 2015 года — 266 040 постоянных жителей
Территория, на которой располагается Хмельницкий, была заселена ещё с давних времён. На востоке от микрорайона Лезнево были обнаружены предметы добычи бронзы 2000 года до н. э., а также скифского периода VII—III века до н. э., в микрорайоне Озёрная — крупное поселение с материалами I века до н. э., в микрорайоне Дубово — поселение скифского периода VII—III веке до н. э., в микрорайоне Гречаны и Озёрная — поселение черняховской культуры III—IV в. н. э.
Хмельницкий имеет почти 600-летнюю историю и ведёт своё начало от небольшого поселения Плоскиров или Плоскиривцы, расположенного в месте впадения речки Плоской в Южный Буг.
В то время территории Подолья становятся причиной спора между литовскими князьями и польским королевством. Большая часть Подолья, включая Побужье, отошла под власть польской короны. Польский король Владислав ІІ Ягайло в 1431 году раздаёт верной шляхте привилегии на владение подольской землей. Среди населённых пунктов, которые упоминаются в документах королевской канцелярии, есть поселение Плоскиривцы.
Во время Освободительной Войны 1648—1654 годов под предводительством Богдана Хмельницкого, Плоскиров и его окрестности неоднократно оказывались в центре сражений казаков и польских войск.
В 1672 году Плоскиров, перещёл под власть Османской империи. В 1699 году турки ушли из Подолья, Плоскиров опять переходит к Польше и возвращается во владение Замойских. Плоскировское население истреблено турками, поэтому Замойские начинают переселять сюда людей из польской Мазовии и мазурского поозёрья. Так в Плоскирове и ближайших селах появляются «мазуры»: переселенцы, которые и образовали основу католического населения этих поселений.
5 июля 1795 года была образована Подольская губерния, входящая в состав Российской империи. Один из её уездов стал называться Проскуровским с центром в городе Проскурове. Именно в этом императорском указе впервые появляется название Проскуров.
В 1806 году в Проскурове насчитывалось 2022 жителя.
В 1870 году запущена железнодорожная линия Жмеринка — Проскуров — Волочиск. На восточной окраине города построена железнодорожная станция.
В 1917—1920 годах — в составе Украинской Народной Республики, а также Украинской державы (апрель—декабрь 1918 года). В городе несколько раз находились правительство УНР и Директория (6—21 марта и 16—21 ноября 1919 года, 7—30 июня 1920 года). В феврале 1919 года здесь произошёл Проскуровский погром.
18 ноября 1920 года окончательно установлена советская власть.
8 июля 1941 года советские органы и войска оставили город, оккупирован германскими войсками.
25 марта 1944 года освобождён от гитлеровских войск советскими войсками 1-го Украинского фронта в ходе Проскуровско-Черновицкой операции
С начала 1990-х годов город Хмельницкий является крупным центром рыночной торговли. Здесь расположен оптовый рынок «Толкучка» или «Туча», который является третьим в Европе по объёмам продаж.
Ссылка: Википедия
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A Light in the Darkness: A survivor's story of the holocaust
Holocaust survivor Magda Brown, 89, spoke about her survival to a crowd of more than 600 people in the Kirkhof Center during a Women's History Month event.
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Ukraine (Ukrainian: Україна, translit. Ukrayina; Ukrainian pronunciation: [ukrɑˈjinɑ]), sometimes called the Ukraine, is a country in Eastern Europe. Excluding Crimea, Ukraine has a population of about 42.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world. Its capital and largest city is Kiev. Ukrainian is the official language and its alphabet is Cyrillic. The dominant religions in the country are Eastern Orthodoxy and Greek Catholicism. Ukraine is currently in a territorial dispute with Russia over the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. Including Crimea, Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi), making it the largest country entirely within Europe and the 46th largest country in the world.
The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BC. During the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture, with the powerful state of Kievan Rus' forming the basis of Ukrainian identity. Following its fragmentation in the 13th century, the territory was contested, ruled and divided by a variety of powers, including Lithuania, Poland, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Russia. A Cossack republic emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire, and finally merged fully into the Russian-dominated Soviet Union in the late 1940s as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1991 Ukraine gained its independence from the Soviet Union in the aftermath of its dissolution at the end of the Cold War. Before its independence, Ukraine was typically referred to in English as The Ukraine, but most sources have since moved to drop the from the name of Ukraine in all uses.Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a partnership with NATO in 1994. In 2013, after the government of President Viktor Yanukovych had decided to suspend the Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement and seek closer economic ties with Russia, a several-months-long wave of demonstrations and protests known as the Euromaidan began, which later escalated into the 2014 Ukrainian revolution that led to the overthrow of Yanukovych and the establishment of a new government. These events formed the background for the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, and the War in Donbass in April 2014. On 1 January 2016, Ukraine applied the economic component of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the European Union.Ukraine is a developing country and ranks 84th on the Human Development Index. As of 2018, Ukraine has the lowest personal income and the second lowest GDP per capita in Europe. It also suffers from a very high poverty rate and severe corruption. However, because of its extensive fertile farmlands, Ukraine is one of the world's largest grain exporters. Ukraine also maintains the second-largest military in Europe after that of Russia. The country is home to a multi-ethnic population, 77.8 percent of whom are Ukrainians, followed by a very large Russian minority, as well as Georgians, Romanians, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Jews, Bulgarians and Hungarians. Ukraine is a unitary republic under a semi-presidential system with separate powers: legislative, executive and judicial branches. The country is a member of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the GUAM organization, and one of the founding states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
Ukraine | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Ukraine (Ukrainian: Україна, translit. Ukrayina; Ukrainian pronunciation: [ukrɑˈjinɑ]), sometimes called the Ukraine, is a country in Eastern Europe. Excluding Crimea, Ukraine has a population of about 42.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world. Its capital and largest city is Kiev. Ukrainian is the official language and its alphabet is Cyrillic. The dominant religions in the country are Eastern Orthodoxy and Greek Catholicism. Ukraine is currently in a territorial dispute with Russia over the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. Including Crimea, Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi), making it the largest country entirely within Europe and the 46th largest country in the world.
The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BC. During the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture, with the powerful state of Kievan Rus' forming the basis of Ukrainian identity. Following its fragmentation in the 13th century, the territory was contested, ruled and divided by a variety of powers, including Lithuania, Poland, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Russia. A Cossack republic emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire, and finally merged fully into the Russian-dominated Soviet Union in the late 1940s as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1991 Ukraine gained its independence from the Soviet Union in the aftermath of its dissolution at the end of the Cold War. Before its independence, Ukraine was typically referred to in English as The Ukraine, but most sources have since moved to drop the from the name of Ukraine in all uses.Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a partnership with NATO in 1994. In 2013, after the government of President Viktor Yanukovych had decided to suspend the Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement and seek closer economic ties with Russia, a several-months-long wave of demonstrations and protests known as the Euromaidan began, which later escalated into the 2014 Ukrainian revolution that led to the overthrow of Yanukovych and the establishment of a new government. These events formed the background for the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, and the War in Donbass in April 2014. On 1 January 2016, Ukraine applied the economic component of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the European Union.Ukraine is a developing country and ranks 84th on the Human Development Index. As of 2018, Ukraine has the lowest personal income and the second lowest GDP per capita in Europe. It also suffers from a very high poverty rate and severe corruption. However, because of its extensive fertile farmlands, Ukraine is one of the world's largest grain exporters. Ukraine also maintains the second-largest military in Europe after that of Russia. The country is home to a multi-ethnic population, 77.8 percent of whom are Ukrainians, followed by a very large Russian minority, as well as Georgians, Romanians, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Jews, Bulgarians and Hungarians. Ukraine is a unitary republic under a semi-presidential system with separate powers: legislative, executive and judicial branches. The country is a member of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the GUAM organization, and one of the founding states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
Ukraine | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:04:26 1 Etymology
00:05:25 2 History
00:05:34 2.1 Early history
00:07:13 2.2 Antes people
00:08:06 2.3 Golden Age of Kiev
00:10:46 2.4 Foreign domination
00:14:58 2.5 Cossack Hetmanate
00:20:32 2.6 19th century, World War I and revolution
00:25:29 2.7 Western Ukraine, Carpathian Ruthenia and Bukovina
00:27:01 2.8 Inter-war Soviet Ukraine
00:30:21 2.9 World War II
00:35:13 2.10 Post-World War II
00:39:10 2.11 Independence
00:42:36 2.12 Orange Revolution
00:45:20 2.13 Euromaidan and 2014 revolution
00:48:02 2.14 Civil unrest and Russian intervention
00:52:35 3 Historical maps of states
00:53:12 4 Geography
00:55:59 4.1 Soil
00:57:49 4.2 Biodiversity
00:58:05 4.2.1 Animals
00:59:07 4.2.2 Fungi
00:59:57 4.3 Climate
01:01:04 5 Politics
01:01:24 5.1 Constitution of Ukraine
01:03:59 5.2 President, parliament and government
01:06:11 5.3 Courts and law enforcement
01:09:51 5.4 Foreign relations
01:13:11 5.5 Administrative divisions
01:15:05 5.6 Armed forces
01:18:13 6 Economy
01:26:30 6.1 Corporations
01:28:12 6.2 Transport
01:31:41 6.3 Energy
01:32:08 6.3.1 Fuel resources
01:33:59 6.3.2 Power generation
01:35:26 6.3.3 Renewable energy use
01:37:10 6.4 Internet
01:37:53 6.5 IT
01:39:22 6.6 Tourism
01:40:33 7 Demographics
01:41:46 7.1 Population decline
01:43:30 7.2 Fertility and natalist policies
01:46:09 7.3 Urbanisation
01:46:41 7.4 Language
01:50:48 7.5 Religion
01:54:36 7.6 Famines and migration
01:56:29 7.7 Health
02:01:26 7.8 Education
02:07:21 7.9 Regional differences
02:09:47 8 Culture
02:11:33 8.1 Weaving and embroidery
02:12:52 8.2 Literature
02:16:25 8.3 Architecture
02:22:22 8.4 Music
02:25:27 8.5 Cinema
02:27:46 8.6 Media
02:29:53 8.7 Sport
02:32:25 8.8 Cuisine
02:33:39 9 See also
02:33:51 10 Notes
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8183676641468551
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Ukraine (Ukrainian: Україна, translit. Ukrayina; Ukrainian pronunciation: [ukrɑˈjinɑ]), sometimes called the Ukraine, is a country in Eastern Europe. Excluding Crimea, Ukraine has a population of about 42.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world. Its capital and largest city is Kiev. Ukrainian is the official language and its alphabet is Cyrillic. The dominant religions in the country are Eastern Orthodoxy and Greek Catholicism. Ukraine is currently in a territorial dispute with Russia over the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. Including Crimea, Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi), making it the largest country entirely within Europe and the 46th largest country in the world.
The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BC. During the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture, with the powerful state of Kievan Rus' forming the basis of Ukrainian identity. Following its fragmentation in the 13th century, the territory was contested, ruled and divided by a variety of powers, including Lithuania, Poland, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Russia. A Cossack republic emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire, and finally merged fully into the Russian-dominated Soviet Union in the late 1940s as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1991 Ukraine gained its independence from the Soviet Union in the aftermath of its dissolution at the end of the Cold War. Before its independence, Ukraine was typically referred to in English as The Ukraine, but most sources have since moved to drop the from the name of Ukraine in all uses.Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a partnership with NATO in 1994. In 2013, after the government of President Viktor Yanukovych ...
Ukraine | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:49 1 Etymology
00:04:42 2 History
00:04:51 2.1 Early history
00:06:19 2.2 Antes people
00:07:07 2.3 Golden Age of Kiev
00:09:29 2.4 Foreign domination
00:13:13 2.5 Cossack Hetmanate
00:18:08 2.6 19th century, World War I and revolution
00:22:32 2.7 Western Ukraine, Carpathian Ruthenia and Bukovina
00:23:53 2.8 Inter-war Soviet Ukraine
00:26:51 2.9 World War II
00:31:07 2.10 Post-World War II
00:34:37 2.11 Independence
00:37:41 2.12 Orange Revolution
00:40:06 2.13 Euromaidan and 2014 revolution
00:42:30 2.14 Civil unrest and Russian intervention
00:46:31 3 Historical maps of states
00:47:04 4 Geography
00:49:31 4.1 Soil
00:51:09 4.2 Biodiversity
00:51:25 4.2.1 Animals
00:52:20 4.2.2 Fungi
00:53:05 4.3 Climate
00:54:06 5 Politics
00:54:24 5.1 Constitution of Ukraine
00:56:42 5.2 President, parliament and government
00:58:39 5.3 Courts and law enforcement
01:01:54 5.4 Foreign relations
01:04:51 5.5 Administrative divisions
01:06:33 5.6 Armed forces
01:09:18 6 Economy
01:16:37 6.1 Corporations
01:18:08 6.2 Transport
01:21:13 6.3 Energy
01:21:38 6.3.1 Fuel resources
01:23:17 6.3.2 Power generation
01:24:34 6.3.3 Renewable energy use
01:26:08 6.4 Internet
01:26:46 6.5 IT
01:28:06 6.6 Tourism
01:29:10 7 Demographics
01:30:15 7.1 Population decline
01:31:47 7.2 Fertility and natalist policies
01:34:07 7.3 Urbanisation
01:34:36 7.4 Language
01:38:13 7.5 Religion
01:41:37 7.6 Famines and migration
01:43:17 7.7 Health
01:47:40 7.8 Education
01:52:52 7.9 Regional differences
01:55:02 8 Culture
01:56:36 8.1 Weaving and embroidery
01:57:47 8.2 Literature
02:00:55 8.3 Architecture
02:06:10 8.4 Music
02:08:55 8.5 Cinema
02:10:57 8.6 Media
02:12:50 8.7 Sport
02:15:03 8.8 Cuisine
02:16:11 9 See also
02:16:22 10 Notes
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.
- Socrates
Ukraine (Ukrainian: Україна, translit. Ukrayina; Ukrainian pronunciation: [ukrɑˈjinɑ]), sometimes called the Ukraine, is a country in Eastern Europe. Excluding Crimea, Ukraine has a population of about 42.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world. Its capital and largest city is Kiev. Ukrainian is the official language and its alphabet is Cyrillic. The dominant religions in the country are Eastern Orthodoxy and Greek Catholicism. Ukraine is currently in a territorial dispute with Russia over the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. Including Crimea, Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi), making it the largest country entirely within Europe and the 46th largest country in the world.
The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BC. During the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture, with the powerful state of Kievan Rus' forming the basis of Ukrainian identity. Following its fragmentation in the 13th century, the territory was contested, ruled and divided by a variety of powers, including Lithuania, Poland, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Russia. A Cossack republic emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire, and finally merged fully into the Russian-dominated Soviet Union in the late 1940s as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1991 Ukraine gained its independence from the Soviet Union in the aftermath of its dissolution at the end of the Cold War. Before its independence, Ukraine was typically referred to in English as The Ukraine, but most sources have since moved to drop the from the name of Ukraine in all uses.Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a partnership with NATO in 1994. In 2013, after the government of President Viktor Yanukovych had decided to suspend the Ukraine-European Union Association ...
Crimean–Nogai raids into East Slavic lands | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Crimean–Nogai raids into East Slavic lands
00:02:38 1 Causes
00:02:47 1.1 Economic factors
00:03:55 1.2 Political factors
00:04:41 2 Military
00:04:49 2.1 The theater of war
00:08:12 2.2 Tactics
00:10:08 3 The fate of the captives
00:10:17 3.1 On the steppe
00:12:06 3.2 In Crimea and Turkey
00:15:41 4 Resistance to the raids
00:15:51 4.1 Russia
00:16:18 4.2 Poland–Lithuania
00:17:06 5 In folk culture
00:17:49 6 Historians on the Tatar raids
00:18:34 7 List of raids
00:18:43 7.1 Outline
00:20:37 7.2 1480–1506
00:34:18 7.3 1507–1570
00:59:11 7.4 1571–1599
01:15:51 7.5 1600–1648
01:48:24 7.6 Wars 1648-1709
01:50:13 7.7 1648-1655: Khmelnitsky Uprising
02:03:20 8 1657-1663 Vyhovsky and the Poles
02:10:13 8.1 1665–1678
02:48:46 8.2 1677–1699
03:03:13 8.3 1700–1769
03:13:00 9 See also
03:13:17 10 Sources
03:13:57 11 Notes
03:14:05 12 External links
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Crimean-Nogai raids were slave raids carried out by the Khanate of Crimea and by the Nogai Horde into the region of Rus' then controlled by the Grand Duchy of Moscow (until 1547), by the Tsardom of Russia (1547-1721), by the Russian Empire (1721 onwards) and by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1569). These raids began after Crimea became independent about 1441 and lasted until the peninsula came under Russian control in 1774.Their main purpose was the capture of slaves, most of whom were exported to the Ottoman slave markets in Constantinople or elsewhere in the Middle East. The raids were an important drain of the human and economic resources of eastern Europe. They largely inhabited the settlement of the Wild Fields – the steppe and forest-steppe land which extends from a hundred or so miles south of Moscow to the Black Sea and which now contains most of the Russian and Ukrainian population. The raids also played an important role in the development of the Cossacks.Estimates of the number of people involved vary: according to Alan W. Fisher the number of people deported from the Slavic lands on both sides of the border during the 14th to 17th centuries was about 3 million. Michael Khodarkhovsky estimates that 150,000 to 200,000 people were abducted from Russia in the first 50 years of the 17th century.The first major Tatar raid for slaves occurred in 1468 and was directed into Galicia. Crimean Khan Devlet I Giray even managed to burn down Moscow during the 1571 campaign. The last raid into Hungary by the Crimean Tatars took place in 1717. In 1769 a last major Tatar raid, which took place during the Russo-Turkish War, saw the capture of 20,000 slaves.
What made the wild field so forbidding were the Tatars. Year after year, their swift raiding parties swept down on the towns and villages to pillage, kill the old and frail, and drive away thousands of captives to be sold as slaves in the Crimean port of Kaffa, a city often referred to by Russians as the vampire that drinks the blood of Rus'...For example, from 1450 to 1586, eighty-six raids were recorded, and from 1600 to 1647, seventy. Although estimates of the number of captives taken in a single raid reached as high as 30,000, the average figure was closer to 3000...In Podilia alone, about one-third of all the villages were devastated or abandoned between 1578 and 1583.
Jews and Ukrainians: A Millennium of Coexistence, Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern
Full remarks by Prof. Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern at the book launch of Jews and Ukrainians: A Millenium of Coexistence by Paul Robert Magocsi, Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 26 October 2016.
- 33,771 Jews of Kyivan origins shot dead by the Nazis in September 1941 during World War Two. Their bodies thrown into the Babyn Yar ravine
- 0:30 Ukrainian literary figures including Ivan Dziuba
- 1:58 Ivan Franko
- 2:15 Ukrainian Jewish animosity
- 3:40 What Jews need to know about Ukrainians and what Ukrainians need to know about the Jews are the same set of ideas
- 4:30 Representatives of Jewish and Ukrainians communities know as little about themselves as they know about one another. Ignorance is astounding
- 4:45 Jews do no know that Ukraine was the home of great Rabbinic scholars, Hebrew and Yiddish writers and major Jewish thinkers and politicians. Ukrainians do not know that Jews transformed Ukrainian villages into towns, towns into cities, and developed the Ukrainian market economy
- 5:12 Jews in Odesa are cosmopolitan, in Kryviy Rih and Dnipropetrovsk business oriented, in Donetsk and Luhansk Russia oriented, in Central and Western Ukraine celebrate Ukrainian oriented cultural identities
- 6:13 Person who says that Ukrainians killed Jews during World War Two is as ignorant as the person who says Jews brought communism to Ukraine. One cannot take several individuals for an entire people
- 9:04 Jews worked for the Polish landowners, were subservant agents for the Bolsheviks, staunch Ukrainophobes, some Jews masterminded the Holodomor. Ukraine was one long pogrom for Ukraine, etc. - and to question these stereotypes undermines self-identity. Historians questions generalizations
- 12:00 Yaroslav Dashkevych, Myroslav Marynovych, Yevshen Sverstiuk, Zinovy Antoniuk (Ярослав Дашкевич, Мирослав Маринович, Євген Сверстюк, Зіновій Антонюк)
- 12:40 Lazar Kaganovych helped implement the Holodomor in Ukraine
- 14:10 Symon Petliura blamed for 1919 pogroms, yet Petliura did not have the power to implement pogroms. Petliura defended Jews against Russian anti-semites and had taken in Jews into the Ukrainian government
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This title is available at Amazon:
Jews and Ukrainians: A Millennium of Co-Existence (2016)
by Paul Robert Magocsi, Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern
Video by UkeTube Ukrainian Video
Nemtsov’s Murder Witness Returns to Ukraine: Ukrainian model Anna Durytska comes to Kyiv
The witness to the murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, 23-year-old Ukrainian model Anna Durytska, has returned to Kyiv from Moscow. Durytska’s release followed three days of interrogations by Russian investigators. Friends and associates of Nemtsov helped Anna to keep in touch with the outside world after her mobile phone was seized by Russian police and she was effectively kept under house arrest, reports Ukraine’s TSN news agency.
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