Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Aggius
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Aggius
Aggius is a comune in the Province of Sassari in the Italian region Sardinia, located about 190 kilometres north of Cagliari and about 35 kilometres west of Olbia. Aggius borders the following municipalities: Aglientu, Bortigiadas, Tempio Pausania, Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola, Viddalba.
In the heart of the Gallura is a characteristic village that will strike you for the great care they take of their granite houses, considered among the most beautiful in all the region. One of the main activities of those who live in Aggius is the extraction and processing of granite, but the town is also known for its beautiful carpets and, more generally speaking, for its fine textiles. The Touring Club Italiano has awarded the town with a Bandiera Arancione (Orange Flag) in recognition of the characteristics of the historical centre, the beauty of its setting and the efficiency of its services for visitors.
Among the attractions is the town’s choir, famous for its remarkable sound and nicknamed “Choir of the Galluran Roosters” by the famous poet Gabriele D’Annunzio. Another highlight is the atmosphere created during Holy Week, when the small town becomes something of a Jerusalem and the streets fill with the faithful as members of the local lay brotherhoods clad in traditional garments walk in solemn procession. Aggius is one of the few towns in Gallura to have maintained this centuries-old tradition and the entire week from Palm Sunday through Easter celebrations are held in spectacular Spanish tradition.
Do not miss a visit to the museo etnografico named after Oliva Carta Cannas, home to original items and machinery that tell of the history, culture and traditions of the Gallura region. Another unique museum focuses attention on the phenomenon of Bandits and is housed at the palazzo of the ‘vecchia Pretura.’ The vast area surrounding Aggius is ideal for hiking among the characteristic stazzi (characteristic rural settlements) and archaeological sites. The Izzana nuraghe, Gallura’s largest, is especially interesting.
( Sardinia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sardinia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sardinia - Italy
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Cycling Sardinia, Italy, with Alberto Elli, March 3-10, 2019
Join ComoLagoBike's Alberto Elli for a week of cycling under the warm blue skies of Sardinia. Full details at:
Top 10 Siti Nuragici di tutta la Sardegna
Una lista personale dei siti nuragici più affascinanti, che mi hanno più colpito ed entusiasmato. Da considerare che questo è solo il 3% di quello che gli antichi sardi hanno prodotto e costruito!
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Badesi
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Badesi
Badesi is a comune in the Province of Sassari in the Italian region Sardinia, located about 200 kilometres north of Cagliari and about 50 kilometres west of Olbia. Badesi borders the following municipalities Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola, Valledoria, Viddalba. Peaceful and akin to paradise, the little fishing village of Badesi lies at the border of the Anglona and Gallura areas of Northern Sardinia. Characterised by pristine white sand beaches that spread for kilometers, Badesi is a picturesque hamlet that seems to have leaped out of a watercolor painting entitled “Mediterranean Bliss”.
The virgin beaches are covered with juniper, and the Mistral wind playfully caresses its idly rolling sands. Somewhere in the distance, you can even spot the beautiful island of Asinara and Parco Nazionale dell’Asinara. What it lacks in size, Badesi makes up for regarding natural beauty and rich biodiversity. In recent years, the place has seen an upwards surge in tourist influx. People from all over the world travel to Badesi every year for several reasons, some want to surf on the sea waves, some want to sample the local cuisine and wines, and some want to gaze at the numerous migratory birds that head over to the region every winter. Some want to just laze around on the white sands while others want to immerse themselves in the tranquil beauty of the mesmerizing village.
Whatever may the purpose of your visit be, Badesi will gift you with memories that you cherish forever. The province of Badesi gained independence from Aggius only in 1969. Thus, the evolution of the picture-perfect village began very recently. The first settlers in the region adopted sheep-farming as their main occupation, and gradually four hamlets came to being around the Badesi highlands. The region is drained by the estuary of River Coghinas with its species of rare reeds and a breed of fluvial islands. Thus, Badesi is blessed with a rich and diverse flora and fauna that has added on to its charm enabling it to attract a large number of tourists from all over the world.
( Sardinia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sardinia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sardinia - Italy
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Sardegna isola senza fine
Qualità della vita, identità, sostenibilità, innovazione, eccellenze culturali, artigianali, enogastronomiche e sportive, tutte combinate in un percorso alla scoperta dell’‘Isola senza fine
La Sardegna protagonista all’Esposizione universale negli spazi di Palazzo Italia destinato alle Regioni e in altri aree, dentro e fuori Expo.
Sardinien 2016 Schneckenbande Vlog
Ein Film zur Reise der Schneckenbande nach Sardinien September 2016.
Hier geht zum Reisebericht mit Tipps:
Reiseverlauf: Olbia, Provinz Sassari - Hotel Stelle Marine - Cannigione, Arzachena - Cala lo Stintino, Palau - Porto Rafael - Spiaggia di Cala Martinella - Porto Cervo - Spiaggia del Principe - Cala Liccia - Cala Granu - Leuchtturm am Capo Ferro - Roccia del Fungo, Arzachena - Nuraghe la Prisgiona - Aggius, Provinz Sassari -Olivastri Millenari di Santo Baltolu, Luras - Lago Liscia - Spiaggia di Punta Cardinalino, Capo d'Orso - Insel Maddalena - Spiaggia di Cala Garibaldi, Insel Caprera - Spiaggia Cala Brigantina - Spiaggia del Relitto - Spiaggia I due Mari - Isola Giardinelli - Palau - Porto Pozzo - Cala Sambuco, Santa Teresa di Gallura, Paradise Resort Sardegna, San Teodoro - Lu Impostu - Cala Brandinchi - Cala Suaraccia – Le Farfalle - Isola Molara - Stagno di San Teodoro - La Cinta Strand - Spiaggia Isuledda - Porto Ottiolu - Cala Gonone - Nationalpark Golfo di Orosei und Gennargentu: Cala Fuili, Cala Luna, Cala Sisini, Cala Biriola, Cala Mariolu, Cala dei Gabbiani und Cala Goloritzé - Porto San Paolo - Isola Cavalli - Isola Piana - Isola Tavolara - Isola die Porri - Budoni - Spiaggia di Porto Ainu - Spiaggia di Porto Istana - Spiaggia Sas Enas Appara - Spiaggia del Dottore
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iFILMATI: Il folclore della Val d'aosta
Visita il nostro sito:, che contiene 1.000 pagine, 15.000 foto e oltre 1.200 filmati.
Regia: Gigi Oliviero
Produzione: Luma Film
Durata: 2'45
Cosa vedere in Sardegna: 10 attrazioni da non perdere
In questo articolo trovate la guida a cosa vedere in Sardegna con le attrazioni più belle, le spiagge e le città da non perdere.
Sardinie (italsky: Sardegna, sardsky Sardigna, Sardinna nebo Sardinnia) je autonomní oblast na jihozápadě Itálie o rozloze 24 090 km², ležící na stejnojmenném ostrově a okolních menších ostrovech ve Středozemním moři. Její břehy omývá Středozemní moře. Samotný ostrov Sardinie je druhým největším ostrovem Středozemního moře, ležícím mezi Apeninským poloostrovem, Španělskem, Korsikou a Tuniskem. Region má rozlohu 24 090 km², 1,6 miliónu obyvatel a dělí se na 8 provincií. Hlavním městem je Cagliari. Na ostrově se mluví kromě italštiny také sardštinou.
Oblast zahrnuje hlavní ostrov Sardinie a okolní ostrovy.
Druhý největší Italský ostrov je značně hornatý s členitým pobřežím. Podmínky pro turistiku v horách jsou velmi omezené především pro neprostupné porosty. Reliéf se vyznačuje oblými tvary. Členitější je východní část ostrova, zvlášť pobřeží. Nejvyšším vrcholem je La Marmora (1 834 m) v masivu Gennargent.
Za zhlédnutí jistě stojí horo-skalnatá oblast Aggius (5 km SZ od Tempia) se zajímavými stometrovými oblými monolity. Hodnotné možnosti tu mají horolezci. Na severním pobřeží u Capo Testa se nalézá pás 60--90 m vysokých, oblých balvanových kup, přístupných z moře i pobřeží. Lezecké stěny se zvedají z moře a pláží v Golfo di Orosei u Cala Gonone a jižněji u Cala Fuili a Cala Luna. Efektní červené skalní stěny vystupující přímo z vody u Arbatax (poblíž Tortoli) se pro svou zvětralost využívají méně. Sardinie láká tajemnými prehistorickými stavbami - nuraghy z let 1500--300 př. n. l. V provincii Oristano je archeologické naleziště starobylého města Tharros. Přístup je nejčastější lodí z Itálie anebo Korsiky přes Bonifacký průliv.
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