Barcelona city ; Catalonia , Spain - Travel Tour Short video / original sound ברצלונה 2016
Short version of the video / original sound
גירסה קצרה קול מקורי
Barcelona city ; Catalonia , Spain - Travel Tour
ברצלונה 2016
Barcelona is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, attracting millions upon millions of visitors each year. So why is it so popular? Well, it has almost everything any holidaymaker would desire. Easy access, favorable weather conditions, attractive beaches and surrounding mountains, a buzzing nightlife, tasty local cuisine and it’s steeped in culture and history. It’s also a sight-seeing wonderland, housing many recognizable monuments. Variety’s the word with Barcelona and the city has something for everyone; families, couples and singletons alike. There are the tourist attractions in Barcelona travelers shouldn’t miss if they ever decide to visit the Catalan capital:
גירסה קצרה קול מקורי
Barcelona jewish History
According to archeological evidence there existed a sizeable Jewish community in the province of Catalonia, where Barcelona is located, from as early as the beginning of the Common Era. For centuries thereafter, the Jews of Barcelona managed their own local affairs and lived relatively well while confined to the Juderia (Jewish quarter).
In 1263, King James I of Aragon convened a religious disputation in Barcelona with the aim of convincing the Jews to convert to Christianity. Nachmanides, the great Jewish sage and bible scholar, was called upon to represent the Jews of Spain. The disputation lasted four days, during which time Nachmanides argued passionately for the validity of Judaism, and the Jewish community of Barcelona waited nervously for the King’s reaction. At the end of the disputation King James I awarded Nachmanides a large some of money for his eloquence and famously stated that he had never heard someone argue so well for such an unjust cause. Yet, despite the King’s kind words, Nachmanides was later forced to leave Spain and eventually went on to settle in the Land of Israel.
By the fourteenth century the situation of the Jews of Barcelona and all of Spain had worsened significantly. Numerous anti-Semitic decrees were enacted by the monarchy and Catholic Church, and many Jews converted to Christianity while secretly adhering to Judaism to escape persecution. On Ash Wednesday 1391, a series of Church-led riots broke out across the country. The riots reached Barcelona in early August, during which time thousands of Jews were murdered or forcibly converted. While the Jewish expulsion from Spain did not occur until the reign of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1492, all the Jews of Barcelona either fled or converted years earlier following the riots of 1391.
Barcelona remained devoid of any Jewish presence for more than five hundred years until several Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews came from North Africa and Eastern Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, an estimated 3,500 Jews reside in Barcelona, making it the largest concentration of Jews in Spain. In addition to its two functioning synagogues (one Ashkenazi and the other Sephardic), the Barcelona Jewish community also has a Jewish day school, old age home, Chabad house, and an annual Jewish film festival
Las Tetas de Liérganes
Liérganes presume de ser uno de los primeros pueblos furgo friendly de Cantabria. Su área de auto-caravanas esta situada junto a la estación de tren y muy cerca de la calle principal de uno de los pueblos mas bonitos de España.
Es un pueblo perfecto para pasar un buen fin de semana, declarado de interés histórico, un bonito balneario y una gran gastronomía.
Sus cafeterías, son conocidas por el suculento y famoso chocolate con churros junto al Río Miera.
Donde la estatua de Francisco de la Vega el conocido personaje mitológico Hombre Pez descasa junto al Puente Romano y bajo la atenta mirada de los Picos Busampiro Las Tetas de Lierganes.
Esa sera nuestra ruta de hoy; una ascensión de unos 8Km hasta los Picos Marimón y Cotillamón sin perder de vista el pueblo de Liérganes, Peña Cabarga y en dias despejados la bahia de Santander.
Al otro lado el pueblo de Rucandio junto con Pico Largo, Peña redonda o Peña Milanera.
Una ruta familiar que sera el disfrute de pequeños y mayores.
Si vuestra visita coincide con el fin de semana, cabe destacar el mercado que se monta cada domingo junto a la ribera del Río Miera uno de los mas conocidos de la comarca.
Y si tenéis tiempo podéis subir hasta el Puerto de Lunada donde encontrareis el Mirador de Covalruyo donde las vistas os dejaran sin palabras. Un lugar mágico donde el gran Gerardo Diego dedicaba un poema a su amigo Francisco Cubria poeta Cántabro de la zona.
Castillo templario de Crac des chevaliers, Siria
En la plaza central del castillo de los cruzados en Crac des chevaliers, Siria.