Bad Saarow, Brandenburg, Germany
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Teupitz (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Deutschland Retrospektive - Golf Resort A-Rosa Scharmützelsee
Das gelobte Golfland ist wohl die beste Umschreibung dessen, was das A-Rosa in Bad Saarow am Scharmützelsee zu bieten hat. 3 18-Loch Plätze nebeneinander. In unterschiedlichsten Stilen und Schwierigkeitsgraden. Gedreht im Sommer 2008.
Lost Places Germany - Part 8 - Russian terrain
vorgeschobene Gefechtsfuehrungszentrale der 8. Gardearmee GSSD - advanced command centre 8. Guards Army GSSD - Bunker der GSSD
Germany Trip
We first travelled to the Eifel region and the Moselle River, and visited several towns such as Krov, Bernkastel-Kues, Traben-Trarbach, and Trier. Afterwards, we spent several days in Berlin. We spent our last week in a bungalow near Bad Saarow, not too far from Poland. We went to Frankfurt an der Oder, and to Slubice, (on the other side of the Oder, on the Polish side).
Nature is amazingly diverse. If you take a trip along the Yenisei river, Sayan mountains to the Arctic ocean, it is possible only for a few days to see the steppe and taiga, tundra and Arctic desert, to admire the flight of birds, to see a bear hunted in the river shallows with fish, take a ride on the reindeer, to simultaneously contemplate the life of the indigenous peoples of the North.
Natur Bobbahn Berlin + POV @ Keinbergpark
Natur Bobbahn + POV @ Keinbergpark, Berlin. Plus a ride on the seilbahn (cable car).
The Natur Bobbahn is a 'Roll-Bob', manufactured by Stahl-Hacksteiner-Metall GmbH, of Austria, and is the only installation of its kind. It starts at the summit of the park, where we also find the 'Wolkenhain' - a giant art installation/viewing platform. The Natur-Bobbahn then winds its way down the hillside, before a 3 and a half minute lift hill ride back to the start, full POV of this at the end of the video!
These attractions are the legacy of 'Garten Der Welt', an international garden expo, most of which seemed to have been removed at the time of filming this, in March 2018.
A-ROSA Sylt, List, Germany - 5 star hotel
Book now -
A-ROSA Sylt, List, Germany - 5 star hotel
Listlandstr. 11, 25992 List, Germany
The hotel has
Guests love:
Marriott München, Germany 4K |
Marriott München is a five star hotel, located close to the Olympic Park and the BMW World and BMW Museum in München
Music: Blazing Nights of Light by The Hole Other
Video 2015-3-80 **My JOURNEY to GERMANY** part 9 of 23 Biking in Senftenberg/5 March 17-th 2015
GERMANY TOUR - part 9 of 23 Biking through Senftenberg/5
My great journey to Germany to visit Christopher in Senftenberg nearby Cottbus in March on the 17-19th,went there by Christophers's car,we also took two bicycles and put them into the car.Our route from Poland was through Żary,Olszyna,Cottbus to Senftenberg.On the way we stopped at the viewing platform nearby Cottbus to see countryside.We reached Senftenberg in the afternoon so we could biking that day through the town centre to admire this place where Christopher lives.We also visited Christopher's High School in Senftenberg late evening.
Next day we went around the local lake,along beautiful bike trails,the route was over 20 km long!Fine sunny weather and a lot of fun biking together!I returned to Poland another way through Spremberg,Forst and Guben!Total 23 interesting clips of my German journey,very long series,23 clips(1-4 part driving to Senftenberg,5-9 part biking in Senftenberg and showing the town,10-19 part bike trip over 20km,20-23 part driving back to Zielona Góra) hope you will enjoy my foreign travel!Amnas2011
I will post all clips after EASTER Holiday subsequently the three clips every two days!
PODRÓŻ do NIEMIEC część 9 Rowerem przez Senftenberg/5
Moja wspaniała podróż do Niemiec na zaproszenie Krzysztofa do miejscowości Senftenberg w pobliżu Cottbus od 17-go do 19-go marca.Pojechaliśmy z Zielonej Góry Krzyśka samochodem i zabraliśmy ze sobą dwa rowery.Trasa z Polski wiodła przez Żary,Olszynę (granica),Cottbus.W pobliżu Cottbus zatrzymaliśmy się przy platformie widokowej,gdzie podziwialiśmy miejscowy krajobraz,następnie późnym popołudniem dotarliśmy do Seftenbergu.Zdążyliśmy jeszcze w tym samym dniu objechać rowerami całe miasto,centrum jak również udało mi się zwiedzić Krzysia uczelnię w Senftenbergu!Następnego dnia przy pięknej słonecznej pogodzie objechaliśmy rowerami całe miejscowe jezioro,trasa liczyła ponad 20 km.Wszędzie fantastyczne ścieżki rowerowe,czego u nas w Polsce brak!Moja droga powrotna do Polski inną trasą przez Spremberg,Forst i Guben,zapraszam na 23 odcinki ( odcinek 1-4 podróż do Senftenbergu samochodem,odcinek 5-9 zwiedzanie rowerem miasta,odcinek 10-19 wycieczka rowerowa wokół miejscowego jeziora ponad 20 km,odcinek 20-23 powrót do Polski samochodem). Życzę miłego odbioru,pozdrawiam!Amnas2011
Wszystkie klipy z tej podróży prześlę po Świętach Wielkanocnych po 3 odcinki co dwa dni!