VALENCIA Travel Guide, 5 best places in valencia spain !!
valencia travel guide, 5 best places in valencia spain.
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best places to visit in valencia spain.
this is 5 best places to visit in valencia spain.
5. Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe
It is a science museum, forms part of the City of Arts and Sciences, and can be found at the end of Calle Luis García Berlanga located in valencia spain.
4. Bioparc Valencia
It is a 10-hectare (25-acre) zoo park, owned by the City Council of Valencia and designed and managed by Rainforest located in valencia spain.
3. L'Oceanogràfic
It is an oceanarium situated in the east of the city of Valencia, Spain, where different marine habitats are represented.
2. Albufera
It is a freshwater lagoon and estuary on the Gulf of Valencia coast of the Valencian Community in eastern Spain.
1. Mercado Central
It is a public market located in across from the Llotja de la Seda and the church of the Juanes in central Valencia, Spain.
valencia travel guide, 5 best places in valencia spain.
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Galapagos, Ecuador | A special place on earth. HD
Your fast guide to: Galapagos, Ecuador.
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The Galápagos Islands may just inspire you to think differently about the world. The creatures that call the islands home, many found nowhere else in the world, act as if humans are nothing more than slightly annoying paparazzi.
This isolated group of volcanic islands and its fragile ecosystem has taken on almost mythological status as a showcase of biodiversity. Yet you don’t have to be an evolutionary biologist or an ornithologist to appreciate one of the few places left on the planet where the human footprint is kept to a minimum.
The Galápagos archipelago was discovered by accident in 1535, when Tomás de Berlanga, the first Bishop of Panama, drifted off course while sailing from Panama to Peru. The bishop reported his discovery to King Charles V of Spain and included in his report a description of the giant Galápagos tortoises, from which the islands received their name, and an amusing note about the island's birds that any visitor today can appreciate: …so silly that they didn’t know how to flee and many were caught by hand.
It is possible that the indigenous inhabitants of South America were aware of the islands existence before 1535, but there are no definite records of this, and the islands don't appear on a world map until 1570, when they are identified as the island of the tortoises. In 1953 Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl discovered pottery shards that he thought to be pre-Columbian, but the evidence seems inconclusive. The first rough charts of the archipelago were made by buccaneers in the late 17th century, and scientific exploration began in the late 18th century.
The Galápagos’ most famous visitor was Charles Darwin, who arrived in 1835 aboard the British naval vessel the Beagle. Darwin stayed for five weeks, 19 days of which were spent on four of the larger islands, making notes and collecting specimens that provided important evidence for his theory of evolution. It was not until decades later that he formulated and published his evidence. He spent the most time on Isla San Salvador observing and, for that matter, eating tortoises. Darwin devoted as much of his attention to geology and botany as he did to the animals and marine life of the Galápagos.
Some islands were declared wildlife sanctuaries in 1934, and 97% of the archipelago officially became a national park in 1959. Organized tourism began in the late 1960s and in 1986 the government formed the Marine Resources Reserve. For quite some time now, there has been a US$ 100 fee entering the islands, and goes to the conservation of them. A five or six day liveaboard arrangement, traveling by sea to various islands, is very popular and reservations need to be made some six months in advance at latest.
Instagram: adastra_jeandar
Music: Jean Dar - Memories
Album: Rays Of Light (2018)
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Galápagos Islands HD
Galápagos Islands, Ecuador Amazon Tourism HD
Galápagos Islands Travel HD
Galápagos Islands Vacations
The Galápagos Islands (official name: Archipiélago de Colón, other Spanish names: Islas Galápagos, Spanish pronunciation: [ɡaˈlapaɣos]) are an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed on either side of the Equator in the Pacific Ocean, 926 km (575 mi) west of continental Ecuador, of which they are a part.
The Galápagos Islands and their surrounding waters form an Ecuadorian province, a national park, and a biological marine reserve. The principal language on the islands is Spanish. The islands have a population of slightly over 25,000.
The islands are famed for their vast number of endemic species and were studied by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. His observations and collections contributed to the inception of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.
The first recorded visit to the islands happened by chance in 1535, when the Bishop of Panamá Fray Tomás de Berlanga went to Peru to arbitrate in a dispute between Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro. De Berlanga was blown off course, though he eventually returned to the Spanish Empire and described the conditions of the islands and the animals that inhabited them. The group of islands was shown and named in Abraham Ortelius's atlas published in 1570. The first crude map of the islands was made in 1684 by the buccaneer Ambrose Cowley, who named the individual islands after some of his fellow pirates or after British royalty and noblemen. These names were used in the authoritative navigation charts of the islands prepared during the Beagle survey under captain Robert Fitzroy, and in Darwin's popular book The Voyage of the Beagle. The then new Republic of Ecuador took the islands from Spanish ownership in 1832, and subsequently gave the islands official Spanish names.The older names remained in use in English language publications, including Herman Melville's The Encantadas of 1854.
History The Galápagos Islands
European discovery of the Galápagos Islands occurred when Spaniard Fray Tomás de Berlanga, the fourth Bishop of Panama, sailed to Peru to settle a dispute between Francisco Pizarro and his lieutenants. De Berlanga's vessel drifted off course when the winds diminished, and his party reached the islands on 10 March 1535. According to a 1952 study by Thor Heyerdahl and Arne Skjølsvold, remains of potsherds and other artifacts from several sites on the islands suggest visitation by South American peoples prior to the arrival of the Spanish. However, no remains of graves, ceremonial vessels and constructions have ever been found, suggesting no permanent settlement occurred at the time.
The Galápagos Islands first appeared on the maps, of Gerardus Mercator and Abraham Ortelius, in about 1570. The islands were named Insulae de los Galopegos (Islands of the Tortoises) in reference to the giant tortoises found there.
The first English captain to visit the Galápagos Islands was Richard Hawkins, in 1593. Until the early 19th century, the archipelago was often used as a hideout by mostly English pirates who pilfered Spanish galleons carrying gold and silver from South America to Spain.
In 1793, James Colnett described the flora and fauna of Galápagos, and suggested the islands could be used as base for the whalers operating in the Pacific Ocean. He drew the first accurate navigation charts of the islands. Whalers and maritime fur traders killed and captured thousands of the Galápagos tortoises to extract their fat. The tortoises could be kept on board ship as a means of providing of fresh protein, as these animals could survive for several months on board without any food or water. The hunting of the tortoises was responsible for greatly diminishing, and in some cases eliminating, certain species. Along with whalers came the fur-seal hunters, who brought the population of this animal close to extinction.
The first known permanent human resident on Galapagos was Patrick Watkins, an Irish sailor who was marooned on the Island Floreana from 1807--1809. According to later accounts,[14][15] Watkins managed to survive by hunting, growing vegetables and trading with visiting whalers, before finally stealing an open boat and navigating to Guayaquil.
Galápagos Islands Travel, Galápagos Islands Travel Guide, Galápagos Islands Tours, Galápagos Islands Tourism, Galápagos Islands Vacations, Galápagos Islands History, Galápagos Islands Nature, Quito, Amazon, Ecuador
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El yacimiento arqueológico de Tiermes (Soria) estuvo habitado desde la Edad del Bronce hasta el siglo XVI. Pertenece al municipio de Montejo de Tiermes.
Real life experiences in the Valencia Region
In december 2011 The Valencia Region launched a competition on YouTube, the mechanics were simple: Sharing a video that describes the meaning of living an Intense Experience by using the videos received, the film director Mr. García Berlanga produced the first video based on real life experiences in the Valencia Region and here is the result.
Escapada a Donostia en Moto Derbi FDS de 1h | San Sebastián Short Breaks| Motodiógenes Rider
Paseo visita de 1 hora en Donostia San Sebastián en moto Derbi FDS. Qué ver: Gros, Kursaal, Paseo nuevo, turismo, parte vieja, muelle, aquarium, Playa Concha, Ondarreta, Peine del viento, Ayuntamiento, Alderdi eder, Amara, Urumea, centro, Miraconcha, Aiete, Igeldo, Urgull , Ulía, palacio Miramar, Zurriola, surf, pintxos, olas, pisos.
El conjunto formado por las playas de Ondarreta y la Concha, con la Isla de Santa Clara que se levanta en el medio de la bahía, es una de las imágenes más identificables de la ciudad. La tercera playa de la ciudad, la Zurriola, situada junto al Palacio de Congresos Kursaal, es conocida internacionalmente por las ventajas que ofrece para la práctica del surf.
Donostia / San Sebastián es la capital administrativa de Gipuzkoa, uno de los tres territorios que conforman la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. Está situada en el noreste de la Península Ibérica, a 30 kilómetros de la frontera con Francia. De hecho, el eje transfronterizo Donostia-Bayona conforma un importante polo de desarrollo social, económico y turístico del sureste de la Unión Europea (UE).
Moneda: Euro, divisa de uso común en toda la Unión Europea.
Idiomas oficiales: El euskera y el castellano.
Clima: Tipo templado, caracterizado por la suavidad de sus temperaturas, por una elevada humedad, nubosidad frecuente y lluvias abundantes repartidas de modo regular durante todo el año. El mes más frío es siempre el de enero, con temperaturas medias de 7,9 ºC, mientras que el mes más cálido es el de agosto, con temperaturas medias de unos 20 ºC.
Donostia / San Sebastián es una urbe de tamaño medio, con 185.000 habitantes. Es una ciudad terciaria, turística, eminentemente comercial, de servicios y de congresos. Durante los últimos años, Donostia / San Sebastián se ha situado a la vanguardia de las ciudades europeas que basan su desarrollo en un apoyo integral hacia la ciencia, la tecnología, el desarrollo sostenible y la cultura. Su nombramiento como Capital Europea de la Cultura en 2016 refrenda esta decidida apuesta de la ciudad.
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San Sebastián
Nada más llegar a San Sebastián la playa de La Concha te invita a un baño o un agradable paseo por sus orillas, incluso en invierno. La elegancia de su bahía, enmarcada por el monte Igueldo y la isla de Santa Clara, es mundialmente reconocida. La ciudad cuenta con otras dos bellas playas urbanas: Si te gusta caminar, puedes comenzar tu paseo en la playa de la Zurriola, frecuentada por los amantes del surf, luego rodear el Monte Urgull por el Paseo Nuevo y cruzar después toda la bahía terminando en la playa de Ondarreta. Allí te espera el Peine del Viento, impresionante conjunto escultórico-monumental de Eduardo Chillida y Peña Gantxegi, que te hablará de la bravura del Cantábrico.
Si los escenarios naturales de San Sebastián son deliciosos, el buen gusto de sus gentes quiso que puentes, plazas, y edificios lo fueran aún más. Te sentirás inmerso en la Belle Epoque pasando delante del Teatro Victoria Eugenia, el Hotel Maria Cristina o el Balneario de La Perla en el que se alojaba lo más alto de la aristocracia a principios del siglo XX.
Ciudad de cine
San Sebastián se convierte en escenario de cine cada septiembre, las estrellas internacionales llegan a diario durante el Festival internacional de Cine. Si vienes en esas fechas, podrás fotografiarte con ellos, suelen mezclarse con turistas y foráneos. Capital europea de la Cultura 2016, San Sebastián destila cultura, al festival de cine, se suman el del Jazz, el de Música Clásica y la oferta de renovados museos como el de San Telmo.
La ciudad es además capital mundial de la gastronomía y el pintxo, en la llamada “Parte Vieja” cada barra es un tesoro. Entra en cualquiera de sus tentadores bares y prueba una “gilda” u otro de los pintxos más elaborados que son auténticas muestras de alta cocina en miniatura. Y si lo que buscas es un placer gastronómico más pausado, déjate de seducir por su amplia oferta de restaurantes con estrellas Michelín.
Ilunion Aqua 3, Valencia, Spain - UPDATED 2017 Reviews
Find Cheap Hotel Deals Ilunion Aqua 3
The design-driven Ilunion Aqua 3 is located just 300 metres from Valencia’s City of Art and Sciences and the Oceanographic Park. It offers a modern rooms, a 24-hour reception, and free WiFi.
Latitude 39.4559290346383, Longitude -0.345899015665054, zip 46001, County Spain, City Valencia, Address Luis García Berlanga, 19-21
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